In Character

Dru listened and used sand to shield the boys ears. "I say we travel the forest because we can sense them and you all can shift to half dragon forms and sprint through the forest. As for hunters and defending I've killed my fair share of hunters and am competent in fighting. Also I don't know about you but I know how to avoid hunters. Lastly I don't care if we are comrades or not you will not speak to my mate that way." (No hard feelings I've met plenty of people like you) @Inheritance @Shirochankun 

{Was dru talking to Malekith or Keres? I'm going to Assume Malekith, but I want to make sure }
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Alas grew silent, he didn't know how to respond. 

"Blake, look, I didn't really mean to offend you. It's just this whole dragon thing is just..." He didn't want to say anything, he was tired, his mental state was heavily harmed in there, he just wants all of this to be over. 

"Let's just keep on going..." the few words Alas gave.


Evergleem Glades: Not far from Whitemoon

[SIZE= 22px]1 day later[/SIZE]


The dragons once in Galleon were now reunited with the the rest of their group had to make haste and set out again. Of course, with tempers already high, and energy low, arguments were sure to happen. Dru and Malekith was a safe bet, Asura and Suo one, and everyone is pretty sure Dimitri and Baldur in their sleep deprived states had and argument on the correct way to say "egg." Of course, those were over looked, or completely made up; to ease the sting of argument that Kage and Malekith had. Surprisingly over Kage being worried about him, and Malekith basically telling her to fuck off. 

When the moon was at its highest point, and the dragons completely drained, they found themselves in the Evergleem Glades, miles from  where they were, and quickly decided to set up camp. Skipping out on dinner so they could fall onto their bedrolls, it's no surprise that at ab early ten am the following morning, Kage was up among breakfast. For a former slave, she was an excellent hunter, and had woken up around 4 to set traps, and nd then again at eight to get the rabbits from them. So the smell would probably be enough to rouse the other dragons.

@Shirochankun @Emperor Of Embers @Drumonkey @Safety Hammer @Inheritance @AllTheFangirlThings @Baku 

(I just wanna be clear, the arguments before Kage and Malekith's can be cannon if you want them too. They don't have to be, hense my little "or completely made up" thing.)

Drift Hollows: River Camp

1 day later


After a night on an old boat that smelled funny, Blake was happy to at last see where the old dragon lived. Drift Hollows, a river camp inhabited by  any differnt species other than human, though humans were a common sight here too. "Hey Alas, we're here," Blake said, looking over at her companion.

12 minutes ago, FireMaiden said:

 to ease the sting of argument that Kage and Malekith had. Surprisingly over Kage being worried about him, and Malekith basically telling her to fuck off. 


(Asura instantly hates Malekith. for two reasons. xD )  
Alas looks around, it's a new view for him. They're forests and woods, but this is a different sight. Something he doesn't know how to describe, a positive feeling about it, yet he does know one thing about it. Dragons... his feelings about the place becomes mixed as that fact is known to him. Dragons...

"Let's get this over with." Alas said to Blake

Alas looked around him, making sure everything he has on him is attached, 

"I got it all." Alas said as he observes the area, bad days, but odd ones as well. Most of the things he saw in a couple days are different than what everyone at his village was talking about. It's odd... 

"Good," Blake said, steeping out of the boat o to the creeky dock. ""That is Ke'Kaya, if you want to sat anything to him, tell me, he can't understand our tongue," She explained, handing the cat man a few packages.

"I thought those people are mythical creatures that lie and steal?" Alas asked, basically anything that wasn't human and was humanoid was considered evil. He never thought about that until he asked the question. 

Blake sighed, "Yes, the cat like folk are known for their sneaking and lockpicking / pickpocketing skills, but they are actually a very kind race. Well, to be honest, any race is kinder than humans."

Dru was still heated about his fight with Malekith and since then had been closer to Suö  and when they settled down to camp Dru scooped up Suö and brought him into a tent where Dru proceeded to hold Suö and keep him close growling any time Suö moved to go further than outside to use the restroom. 

In the morning Dru grudgingly let Suö go but made sure to whisper  "I'm sorry I won't let you go again."  @Shirochankun

He was heated now, arguing with everyone. He had just turned and taken it from Keres and Suo, and just stormed off when he had enough about Kage. He was almost done with this group, bragging about how great they were at being dragons, while completely neglecting their HUMAN side of him. Their human side, as far as he was concerned, kept them sane and kept them from being beasts. Not to mention they weren't 100% involved in Godly least that's what he thought. He simply stormed off now into the forest, and began swinging his sword around in skillful sets and postures...however, as he did this, letting his rage out a bit, he felt..something...near him...he looked around, feeling it's massive essence, but unable to sense or detect anything. However, while his rage began with slowly leaking it just swirled around him almost, not leaving, but basking him within it, increasing his rage even more. He wasn't sure why, but it felt....GREAT! @FireMaiden @Shirochankun


He was busy now...he now slept often and lightly, about 6 hours with 4 hour breaks. was fading away. Some days he would only sleep 4 hours with 8 hour breaks, and sometimes he would sleep for 5 hours for the whole day! He busied himself training his new servant his dark arts, how to use his new form, and told Sandro about what he truly was. He told Sandro the truth, how he was the true god because he connected with humanity the most, and stopping this would be cruel. he told Sandro about how the other Gods had stopped him, and that this was cruel and horrid to ally against him. He also warned him of the OTHER Old Gods, and how he felt the returns of Chaos, though he could not locate where he was in the world. "Sandro" He echoed, "I now chose you to go after the are ready, you have had training, you have shown your true form, and the best way to further your training would be to test them on the road. Go, you know I shall be watching, for I grow stronger every day, and I shall call you to return if you are needed. Now behold the true power of the God of Death!" With a surge of power, dark energy pulsed around the Dark Tower of Deathold, and shot into the shallow graves around....when...suddenly...arms, shot out of the ground...but...they were skeletons! Skeleton and zombie arms, ripped themselves from the ground, and began to rise and stumble towards the dark tower...Yogig then commanded them to begin work on rearming his city...and he began a search of his own for easily corruptable magic users, and any knights or foolish humans willing to accept his rule. He found all he wanted and more, including a small town too close to his city. That would be fine, they would soon be...taken care of.
Kage, feeling like it was ok to leave the rabbit be for a few minutes, and who hadn't formally apologized to Malekith and walked after him. She hoped the others would get up soon, but for right now, she was really worried about Malekith. "Ummm," her small voice broke through the trees. "M-Malekith? Are you around here?" @Inheritance

@AllTheFangirlThings @Shirochankun @Drumonkey @Safety Hammer 

The smell of cooking food floated through their makeshift camp, possibly making a few rise, and certainly grabbing the attention of one individual.
"Alright..." Alas said, he can't even tell if he should trust her or not. A lot of things he thought was right was actually wrong when he left his home. But he can't just go back on everything he was training for, he looks up and down at the cat humanoid, trying to read him. Futile for Alas, he just shrugs and looks at Blake.

"So where are we off to in here?" Alas asked 

She turned to the cat man again, and saI'd sow thing in the same foreign language as before, home replying in the same language and bits of broken english. Blake nodded and thanked him. "near the edge of Drift Hollows."

"What is the Drift Hollows?" Alas asked, the title of whatever this place is doesn't sound good. Maybe it is? Good or Bad, Alas still doesn't like it, not one bit. 

Keres and Lucian were now up in a tree. This was for her son, as it relaxed him. Lucian was asleep, with Keres holding him, stroking his hair gently. She was singing to him softly, a lullaby her parents before her had sang to her and her family. 
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A large place full of non-humans? Alas has heard this one before... Yes, it's the Danzer Camps, a word his teacher would preach about when talking about anything not considered "human." Alas never thought he would see one, no wonder why it's strange.

"So it's a Danzer Camp?" Alas asked Blake as he looks around to confirm the descriptions his teachers would give about the place.


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