In Character

Tears streamed down her face, mixing with the blood and pain of a broken nose and large gash. "W-Why?" She choked out weakly, trying to get up from the slouched over position she was in. But she failed. 

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Violet was snapped out of her thoughts by some feeling. And it wasn't a good one at that. But she saw nothing in the immediate area. So she just assumed that it was her imagination.

He could barley hear what she was saying, all he did was lift her up with one arm, and proceed to fire multiple bullet punches. "YoU wIlL pAy FoR yOuR iNsOlEnCe!" He roared, until...he stiffened, dropping the girl and collapsing. All of his senses ignited-he tasted bitter metal, he felt true agony, he heard screeching of sorts, he saw only red, and he smelt sulfur....all he could do was writhe in pain and pray to whatever Gods there were that the pain would stop...


He almost fell out of the chair laughing, but he quickly realized that Malekith would kill her, then his fun would be spoiled. He dropped down, then casually drove his claws into Malekith's spine. "CoMe GiRl" He hissed, hardly noticing Malekith. "YoU aNd I hAvE a DaTe." He grabbed her by her hair, then dragged her across the ground into a portal...then sealed it behind him, throwing her into a floating cage. "I wIlL bE bAcK." He growled, then stalked off.

The world she was in...was abyss. Scattered bits of land and animals and people floated about, it was as if someone dumped a bunch of legos of the world and they were floating in some kind of antigravity. Everything else was red, orange, and gray, with flashes of lightning...or some kind of energy...

@FireMaiden @Drumonkey @Shirochankun @AllTheFangirlThings @Emperor Of Embers @Dutchmann @Baku
( @Drumonkey was just tryin to help, he had no clue, so good on him for the fast reaction. However ye it is a planned event, we probably should have said that. You can come after they have left however, and could have seen the last part of it or somethin.

@FireMaiden no need to molest Dru. He is my comrade.)

(I am goin to bed y'all. Respond tommorow)
(Comrade read Zeroes and swarm so we can start a rp @Inheritance)

Dru had finally made his way out his tent and took a morning jog to work out the tension he had felt. His jog turned into something a little less human when he took it to the trees jumping and swinging from branch to branch. He stopped when he heard rage and smelled blood. Dru stopped as he saw Malekith who had seemed to be bea tingle on Kage Dru was about to step in when Kage was dragged into a portal by something that smeled foul. Dru shifted into his half dragon from dropped down from the trees landing on his hands then kicked at Malekith sending him flying into a hand made of sand that held him suspended in the air only leaving his head and feet free so he couldn't leverage himself out. "What happened here?" 
Kage was weak, covered in her own blood (so was much of the small area they were in), and her body broken. She was in so much pain, the only reason she was still conscious was because she was an ice dragon. And when she screamed, loudly, as she was dragged away. Stick, rocks, and other things rubbing into her wounds, and being pulled by her hair put extra strain in her broken form. Thrown into a cage, she moved herself into a the back corner, curling up in a ball, still crying as she waited for what was to come. @Inheritance
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Asura awoke with a start. He jumped up at hearing Kage's cries that sounded pained. Quite literally, he knocked down trees on his warpath to Kage's voice.Upon arrival. His first sight was Kage. beaten and bloodied, being thrown into a portal by Malekith. The portal closed as soon as Kage was through, preventing him from following. Then before he could do anything to the male, Dru was there already. Asura looked at Malekith with eyes no sane person could ever hope to manage. He said nothing. Just walked over and rounded on Malekith with a sharp kick to the head. Dru's safety was of no concern to Asura. For right now, everyone could just die. Kage was gone. So everyone else should too.

Suo had chased after Asura and had seen the same scene as he had. And up until Asura lashed out at Dru who was holding Malekith, Suo had tried to console his friend. "what the fuck! i understand kicking Malekith but why do so and nearly kick Dru?!" Suo looked like he had more to say. But whatever it was had died in his throat when Asura turned to look at him with soulless, empty. saneless look. Suo for the first time in his life felt a bit of fear towards Asura.

Angelina meanwhile had watched everything from behind a tree. Well it was more she hid the whole time and the tree had given her a play by play on what was happening.

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Within the temple Blake and Alas had attempted to plunder, a dragon in her stone prison is fully awake, and stirring within the statue, and a black viral smoke infecting every animal within it. Aggression rising, mothers mauling their young, and a frenzy is soon to start. Raven roars as she struggled to break free, to no avail. @Inheritance

Darmani was about make a kill on a deer, then he had heard a commotion and ran to the source, then saw Asura bringing harm to Malekith. "No.... I cannot allow this." he ran over, and with all his remaining strength, he pulled the two apart, straining himself. "Stop.... What is going on here?" he said as he struggled to keep them at bay. @Shirochankun 

Alistair watched with angelina as everything unfolded. He did not know what to do, and decided to wait, so he knew what was happening, and how to handle it. 
During the conversation with Alas and Blake, Alas suddenly stopped, he felt a chill run up his spine, but this feeling wasn't normal... It was that same, dead, dark, chaotic feeling he felt back in that cave. He wanted to speak to Blake, but now he was dead silent. He wanted to call for help, but something dark is holding him back. It takes him a few minutes before his mental state is brought back to reality and he now looks at Blake, not knowing what to saw. 

An old woman was wandering through the forest, when she caught sent of two familiar people. Baldur, who's sister married her son Atlas, and her grandaughter. But...something was wrong. There was a heavy scent of blood on the air. Mei soon found herself upon a camp, which held Baldur and Kage's secnt, though Baldur was more present. @Safety Hammer @AllTheFangirlThings @Baku

Continue walking, she was soon upon a group of dragons, and the area covered in blood. Kage had been there, but these others were new, but she wasn't worried about who these dragons were, she was worried about the blood. About the evil aura she felt. Mei took a few steps forward and cleared her throat. "Would one of you please explain what the hell is going on?" @Shirochankun @Emperor Of Embers @Inheritance

Blake stopped walking, and turned to look at Alas. She cocked her eyebrow, "What happened?" She had only felt a small am,out of the evil energy, but knew that Alas had been targeted y something. @Dutchmann
Keres had come running as soon as she heard and the first signs of conflict. Seeing Malekith currently losing his shit, she ran forward, going clear, and went to hold him back. Then she saw him collapse and begin to writhe in pain.

"Malekith!" She gasped. Reappearing to the others, she knelt by the form of the male dragon.

She then whirled around on everyone assembled. She then said something she hadn't said in a long, long time. "What the FUCK happened here?" she demanded, her eyes full of fury. If Malekith had done anything, he would get his payment. But right now, she needed answers. And dear lord was she going to get them. 

@Inheritance @FireMaiden @Shirochankun @Emperor Of Embers
Mei decided to answer, "I believe your friend here has done something rather unpleasant. Seeing as how there is blood around him and on his hands." For an old lady who half the time couldn't remeber where she's left her book, she's rather good a figuring stuff out.  @Shirochankun @AllTheFangirlThings @Inheritance @Emperor Of Embers

Blake nodded and started walking. "We should find it soon."

"Blake.. This feeling, it's maddening, It gives me some of the worst ideas to do. I never knew how dark I can be..." Alas' facial expression full of fear. The worst thing he has gnaws at the back of his head.

"So please, hurry." 

Dru was waiting for Malekith to respond when the rest of the camp it would seem came to life. Asura moved to hit Malekith and last second sand and wind stopped him from making contact. Dru then turned around and held his hands up beine loud to get everyone's attention "everyone back up. I have Malekith secured so he won't hurt anyone and so no one can hurt him. Asura if youre going to be an issue take a step away and cool off which will happen by force if necessary. Keres back up... I only ask once but I can smell your rage and we don't need it. Lastly for the new person you seem neutral party please keep them away if you can and please introduce yourself." Dru now stood firmly planted between everyone and Malekith and just to back his claims up sand arms appeared that gently pushed people back into a loose semicircle around Malekith. @AllTheFangirlThings @FireMaiden @Shirochankun 
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Dru was waiting for Malekith to respond when the rest of the camp it would seem came to life. Asura moved to hit Malekith and last second sand and wind stopped him from making contact. Dru then turned around and held his hands up beine loud to get everyone's attention "everyone back up. I have Malekith secured so he won't hurt anyone and so no one can hurt him. Asura if youre going to be an issue take a step away and cool off which will happen by force if necessary. Keres back up... I only ask once but I can smell your rage and we don't need it. Lastly for the new person you seem neutral party please keep them away if you can and please introduce yourself." Dru now stood firmly planted between everyone and Malekith and just to back his claims up sand arms appeared that gently pushed people back into a loose semicircle around Malekith. @AllTheFangirlThings @FireMaiden @Shirochankun 

"Oh, right. Dreadfully sorry. I'm Mei Kori. I'm sure two of my kin are traveling with you, and my granddaughters secnt is all around this area." @Inheritance @AllTheFangirlThings @Shirochankun
"Oh, right. Dreadfully sorry. I'm Mei Kori. I'm sure two of my kin are traveling with you, and my granddaughters secnt is all around this area." @Inheritance @AllTheFangirlThings @ShirochankunShirochankun

Darmani saw Mei, then walked forward. "I am Darmani Alandair, and am pleased to meet you. But if your Granddaughter is Kage, then she is gone. Something took her." he said, then kneeled to her. Though she is older than he, he showed Mei as much respect as anyone. "Forgive me for being blunt, but i have sensed a force stronger than even Asura when he is at his peak." he added as he looked up at her. 
Darmani saw Mei, then walked forward. "I am Darmani Alandair, and am pleased to meet you. But if your Granddaughter is Kage, then she is gone. Something took her." he said, then kneeled to her. Though she is older than he, he showed Mei as much respect as anyone. "Forgive me for being blunt, but i have sensed a force stronger than even Asura when he is at his peak." he added as he looked up at her. 

"Something took her you say...this is quite troublesome," The old woman pondered. "Which one is Asura? If he is the one with her blood on his hands, I have some very choice words to say to him." Though it didn't seem like it, Mei was indeed very worried, and slightly angry at the moment after hearing what Dimitri had to say. "And why are there childern here? They don't need to be seeing a mess like this." @Drumonkey @Shirochankun @Inheritance @AllTheFangirlThings

Things had...been a blur sense the pain started. He kept feeling it, and was vaguely aware of him getting lifted, then being forced back. If there was supposed to be pain involved, it didn't effect him, as whatever Chaos had done to him kept pulsing through his stopped. As quickly as it ignited, it was out. He started to shake as he got to a knee, looking around, eyes wild yet more full of fear then of anger. "W-where am I?" He managed to sputter. His mind was a bit blurred...what had happened? He looked slowly around at the scene, and though he couldn't remember, he knew he had done this. "What have I done..." He whispered, hoping none could hear it...

@Shirochankun @AllTheFangirlThings @Drumonkey @Emperor Of Embers


Good. He had one captured. Now all he needed to do was force her to swear fealty to him, and of course for her to give him every last ounce of info on Midnight. Eventually he returned, materializing right in front of the cage he held...Kage. He laughed at that, so when he appeared he was almost cracking up. Oh he killed himself. "HeLlO gIrL!" He growled, as he started to circle the cage. "HoW aRe YoU?" He suddenly slammed his fists against the bars, swinging the cage wildly, and making an extremely loud noise. "I aM gOnNa PlAy A gAmE wItH yOu, AnD iF yOu DoN't PlAy LiKe I wAnT, yOu WiLl bE pUnIsHeD. dO yOu UnDeRsTaNd?" @FireMaiden

Chaos did however sense something...the arrival of a new servant perhaps? He would go check it out after this... @Emperor Of Embers
Kage had yelped, then covered her ears. She had only gotten a little bit of sleep in the brief while he was gone, waking up in tears or screaming from nightmares. She curled up in a smaller ball, wimpered, then said "W-Why am I h-here?" Though she didn't expect the kindest of answers. @Inheritance

"WhY aRe YoU hErE?!" He smashed the cage again, sending his aura of fear more wild. "YoU aRe HeRe BeCaUsE yOuR fRiEnDs FiNd YoU tO bE a SpOiLeD bRaTtY pIeCe Of ShIt ThAt NoBoDy NeEdS nOr CaReS fOr. YoU aRe HeRe BeCaUsE yOuR fRiEnDs AbAnDoNeD yOu AnD fInD yOu A bOtHeR tO tHe GrOuP. tHaT aSuRa FeLlOw AsKeD mE tO tAkE yOu As FaR aWaY fRoM hIm As PoSsIbLe" he snarled, laughing along the way. "LeT's GeT rIgHt To It, WhAt Do YoU kNoW aBoUt MiDnIgHt?" @FireMaiden
Kage wimpered again, a heart crushing feeling taking over. Did they really think that? Sure, she wants to helpful in battle, and got in the was easily. And she was sure that she and noyes everyone. But, it was the part and noyes bout Asura which really hurt, that, and the aura of fear made her began to shake, more tears welling. But, she had a feline that she couldn't tell him anything about Midnight. "I-I-I don't k-know who tha-that is," she stammered. @Inheritance

"DoN't LiE tO mE!" He roared,  almost growing bigger. "WhErE wErE yOu JuSt GoInG? aNd WhY?!" He loomed over her from outside the cage. "TeLl Me..." @FireMaiden
Tears starred to roll down her cheeks, somewhat cleaning trails in the dried blood on her face. "W-We're just traveling!" She replied, scooting away from the side of the cage he was on. "Pl-Please don't hurt me." She was already terrified and in enough pain, she didn't want to be in anymore. @Inheritance

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