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im married.. to a vampire king!! by kiri and count

"Great!" Toma exclaimed. Ioan explained his plans. "Good... as soon as we're there, we'll let her pack her things if she hasn't already done so. Then, we'll go to the 'surprise place'. It won't be a long trip; only a day or two. After that, we'll take her to the castle."
"Great..." Dominix agreed. "I'll need to buy some supplies for her as well." He said as he gathered his magic. "I'll teleport whenever you guys are ready."
( xD I feel ya) "Alright.." Dominix nodded before releasing the pent up magic he had concentrated. "Immediaum!" The world turned black..before they appeared in a small house.

"This is the place..it's not much. I don't want to buy a bigger house...one because it's only me and her...and two, people are more likely to notice."
"Nice house you have," Ioan said. "Mine isn't that much bigger either." He looked up and saw a clear, dark sky that was full of stars. "A wonderful place to live..." he commented. "It'd be perfect for me. I'm an astronomer."
"Your a man with many skills.." Dominix sighed, "Viktoria should be opening the door any minute."


True to his words a minute later, a blonde hair girl that resembled Dominix opened up. "Hey dad...I see you brought your friends?"
Ioan smiled at the little girl. "Hello," he said. "I'm Ioan. And you must be Viktoria?" The others also introduced themselves to her. "Your dad asked me to train you..." He held up his physical mark.
"Train me!" Viktoria exclaimed. "I'm trained enough than you very much." Viktoria 'hmped' as she glared at Ioan.
"I never doubted that you are good," Ioan said. "But in the 595 years that I've spent on this planet, I've learned that you can never be trained enough. And I'm sure that there are also things that I can learn from you."
Viktoria was dumbfounded. She had no way to respond to that. "I'm guessing your the sorcerer that dad was talking about?" She scowled.
Ioan smiled at her again. "I am," he said. "Did you already pack your stuff? There's a really cool place we'd like to show you. I won't tell you where we are going yet, but I promise you that it's a place where you can get everything a witche's heart desires."
"I've already packed...I was hoping one of you guys could shrink it. I really don't know how to form spells yet." She admitted.
"That's nothing to be ashamed of," Ioan reassured her. "None of the great people in history were born smart. They all started at zero. Usain Bolt had to learn to walk. Shakespeare had to learn his ABC like anyone else has to. Einstein had to learn to count to ten. And I had to learn magic, like you do. But you'll see: It won't be long until you use a spell correctly for the first time."
Viktoria nodded she was starting to like the old man. "So...are you going to come inside or what?" She rolled her eyes, as she hung open the door and went inside.
"If you want us to, we'll come inside." Ioan and all the others entered the door. "Hi, I'm Toma," Toma introduced himself. "Dominix told me that you are my age. Maybe we can play together!"
"Your such a kid.." Viktoria rolled her eyes, before grabbing his hand and wheeling him away.


Dominix grinned before sheepishly rubbing his head, "She certainly is my daughter."
"Children are wonderful," Dracula said as they were away. Just in that moment, something fell out of Dracula's pocket. It was a photo. The Count looked at it and then showed it to the others. "... especially when they turn out to be Toilet Picassos."

"He fell off of a cliff," Dracula told, his eyes filling with tears. "We tried to bring him back, but-" The Count gulped. "This was nine years ago, but I sometimes still hear him scream at night..."
(Same here, kind of.) "He was too young," Dracula answered. "If we had turned him, he would have stayed four forever, and we didn't want that." He sighed. "I wish we would have turned him..."
"You did the right thing." Dominix stated. "If you turned him, he would never age...he would always be four."

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