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im married.. to a vampire king!! by kiri and count

Dominix grinned even wider than ever before yelling out. "Dat a boy, ya old goat." He teased before giving him a thumbs up.

She smiled seeing he won and clapped and was tempted to cheer at the top of her lungs but acted like a lady but inside she was exploding like a cheerleader she did get quiet though when she felt a pressure of 'calm down Enzer' because she knew places like this people give speeches and thank god it was ioan because if it was her up there she would be nervous, shaking, and might cry.
"Thank you," Ioan said as the guy handed him a golden medal. Then, he held a speech about why he won: He had discovered Nemesis, a second star within the solar system that was orbiting the sun in a distance of one light-year.
She blinked for a moment remembering that. It was in one of his star charts and he was extremely proud of it that he hawked that star studying it to where he didn't sleep. She didn't know when he discovered it till now but she knew when she saw him sleeping near the telescope she would give him a blanket. she smiled seeing him happy.
Ioan took a quick look at the audience and saw some of his colleagues from the observatory. "I'd like some people to share this moment with me," he said. "Prince Vlad, who has been my best friend for a long time by now and who has always supported me, Princess Enzer, my student, who has always helped me, Prince Toma, who discovered Nemesis with me, and all my colleagues from the observatory. All of you who are here today, please come on stage."

Dracula stood up and encouraged Enzer to go with him. The Nobel Commitee had agreed with this, and everyone who had been called came on stage. "Without them, the discovery wouldn't have been possible. Please, applaud for them," Ioan requested, and the audience began to applaud. "There are some people whom I'd like to give special thanks to," he continued. "My wife, Fiona, and my two little girls, Felicia and Leana. Unfortunately, they can't be here today, but I'm sure they're watching us from their places in Heaven."
She smiled walking over and hugging Ioan gently "You are so awesome Ioan. " She whispered and she decided to make a small joke because award moments kinda do that to show even if their serious about winning the award they still have a sense of humor. "Oh and i would like to thank the people who gave this to my teacher because now he will be up all night like a really hyper child that won the tickets to an awesome concert." she mentally giggled knowing it might be true.

(Im here and she is right. people at the award shows do show senses of humor and they cant contain how happy they are at times.)
Ioan smiled. "She's right," he said. Then, they left the stage, since the next person was waiting to be awarded. Ioan went to the other three winners of the Nobel Prize - the Nobel Peace Prize would be given out in Oslo - while his friends sat down in the audience.
Enzer was so proud of her teacher. She looked at everyone smiling. "Um if its okay can i treat everyone somewhere? you see ive been thinking about it. think its the only food you guys can eat without any allergies." She was saying that part because people she doesn't know and the word 'vampire' might make people nervous.
she pouted. "so much for blood soup.." enzer said upset. it was one of the foods she missed and she thought she can eat it since it has blood in it. Then she remembered the wedding was coming up soon and she had a few more things to check off. they weren't much just detailed things. One of them was the rehearsal. "Okay before i get scatterbrained during the rehearsal i have to make extra sure things are perfect because one of my friends has 2 boys and i dont want a cake fight.Dont give me wrong i trust toma and i believe hes an angel like my sweetie bat but her boys are little minions." She took a calm breath counting to 4. "Okay im good. Ioans breathing exercises are working."
"Oh, don't worry, I can handle that..." Dracula took out a photo. "This is Vlad, or, as we should have named him, Toilet Picasso."

She bursted out in laughter a little "Ok i would have had a mental breakdown if i babysat him." She is a good babysitter. however on her papers were various letters of apologies from parents about their child treating her badly. but fan lets from kids asking her back of to remember her if she got famous as a photographer. She went over the checklist "Ok almost everyone of my friends accepted which are 20 and i dont remember how many of yours is coming dear you asked for a lot of invitations. and all of my bridesmaids were on board with the mini steampunk movie and photo shoot before the wedding. its gonna match one of the songs i picked." she poked through her I phone and pulled out a song from the band Quartet night.
"We're royals," Mihnea pointed. "Half of the country will watch... so, don't be afraid if you see a huge group of people before the castle on our wedding day. The press will also be there, and all of Europe's royals. The Queen, the King of Sweden, Felipe IV. of Spain,... plus some other important people. Even Angela Merkel announced her visit, and there will be live broadcasts all over the world."
Then she got a text from Sabrina.. "Hey i got a better plan for your reception wedding dance..do you remember these guys if so im booking them." She pressed play and her eyes sparkled and she made the loudest fangirling scream ever. "OH MY GOD SHE FOUND QUARTET! These guys were a band in my highschool!" She showed them the video.


All: Hello Princess Enzer!

Koto: You know me from math class as Kotobuki Reiji.Or as you called me the Magician that aced every test and made you look bad on accident. *he bows taking his hat off*

Kurosaki Ranmaru: *The white haired one waves* And you know me as Kuro from music class.

Ai: *teal haired one points to his eye* Enzer knows me as Android because she knows i had to have a robotic eye transplant and i like technology just as much as singing.

Camus: *Blonde looked seductive* And one of the few friends she assumed a vampire and was hit on many times by, Camus. Sabrina invited us as your music in case of her dj system breaking and we are highly honored if you let us come. We even prepared a song just for you and Prince Mihnea.

All: We cant wait to come.

Enzer squealed and took a breath. "Ok ill let them come but camus is not hitting on me again. I liked him then but im a married woman and im staying loyal."
Mihnea smiled as he saw how happy Enzer was. "That's a true best friend," Dracula said. "Doing everything to make you happy."

After the ceremony, Ioan came down to the others, looking a bit sad. He had to think of his family all the time. Dracula looked at him. "This is your big day and you look as if Christmas had been cancelled." "I know..." Ioan said and told him what made him sad. "They wouldn't want to see you like that..." Dracula said. "And now smile. Your face is ugly enough when you're happy. You don't have to make it uglier." Ioan smiled. "You're despicable."
She hugged ioan. "Come on smile for us pretty please. Were your family too and you treat me like an adopted daughter in a way. You might scold me after many..many.. accidents potion wise and yes i may have deserved that groundment then for trying to grow a vine..in your study. In my defense it was grey and boring and it needs color. But you do have a caring daddy side and I know you always wanted what i asked you to do." She was referring to ioan walking her down the aisle. "So smile please? Ill add in you and the guys dancing to whatever music you want and you can try to embarrass us."
Ioan smiled. "Don't worry about the vine," he said. "It's harmless compared to what children sometimes do... Leana thought it was a good idea to put an ice cream cone in the glove compartment and only let me discover it when it was already molten, and Felicia stabbed the wheels of her wheelchair on purpose. - And by the way, thanks for reminding me... I still have to learn how to wheelchair dance."
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She giggled as they were going home

(And now we change this fluffy programming for some fluff gore.This fluff gore will properly educate people why you dont try to steal things that belong to a vampire.)

Everyone for the rehearsal was there all 12 of her bridesmaids and their boyfriends and or kids. Sabrina was prepping the dj spot ahead of time and 4 guys walked in. One of them running over and glomping Enzer. "Enzy-chan!" "Koto your here!" She said smiling hugging him and they began talking in Japanese.

"How are you and the band?"

"Were fine. Thank you so much for letting us attend. were still nervous i mean look." Koto showed his shaky hand to her and enzer giggled.

"Its fine. Just relax Kota. "

She hugged the other friends then the major awkward level came. Camus kissed her hair ribbons. the band knew Camus still had feelings for her and Enzer didn't so they pulled Camus away.

"He just joking!" Kuro said nervously.
When trying to dance in his wheelchair, Ioan accidentally ran over Koto's foot. "I'm sorry!" he apologized. "Are you okay? I didn't see you were behind me..."
Koto smiled "its okay i was trying to get my friend from not kissing the princess." He leans in and whispers "Camus still has a crush on her and claims Mihnea stole her."

Enzer Checked on everything and everything for the rehearsal was set. and the Romanian priest that was hired was getting ready for it and asked people to get in the places. And Sabrina began playing the wedding music and enzer slowly walked down. It was just practice to make sure of no mess ups but enzer was still nervous.
Ioan went next to Enzer. Suddenly, he fell. "Whoa!" he exclaimed. "Who the heck thought it was a good idea to build stairs right in the middle of a church?!"
The minister apologized and ordered a board strong enough to be a temporary ramp and they started over so that their wasn't any more complaints. Obviously it was steampunk Romanian but as Enzers request added one small Japanese twist with a ritual The Japanese ritual of "san-san-kudo", the three by three exchange is rich with meaning. It is performed by the bride and groom and both sets of parents; each person takes 3 sips of sake,or in this case blood, from each of 3 cups. The first 3 represent three couples, the bride and groom, and their parents. The second 3 represent three human flaws: hatred, passion, and ignorance. "Ku", or 9 is a lucky number in Japanese culture. And "do" means deliverance from the three flaws.
Ioan looked up from the ground. He looked annoyed, his head rested on his left hand, and with his right hand, he was beating the devil's tattoo on the ground.

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