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im married.. to a vampire king!! by kiri and count

(Just a tip: If things you didn't expect happen, it can be very interesting if you just act with them. Like when you thought that he was picked up, but he wasn't...)
hehe) the minister picked up ioan apologizing left and right and enzer hoped ioan wasn't angry when they were finished. Camus butted in afer it and began trying to recourt her. "Enzer are these people burdening you?" "No camus im fine. I love Mihnea and if you keep bugging me hes going to know and he doesn't like it when guys he doesn't trust get to clo-" he leaned in closer and enzer got really nervous.
Dominix smirked as he entered the Chapel. Seeing Mihnea's wife getting violated by a blonde male, he immediately stepped in and pushed the guy away. "Dude..this is a wedding. This is not the right place to do this. Moreso, her husband is right there." He pointed out, before tilting his head towards Mihnea.
Ioan thanked the minister for helping him and then went to the others. "Calm down, you two brawlers... I know that it can be annoying when someone has a crush on you and takes it a bit too seriously, but what is it of use if we beat up each other here?"
Camus nodded going to the guest bedroom but showing hes not going to give up Enzer sighed knowing Camus needs a strong reality check. she walked over to her family and it was a bit noticeable that she was still shaking from her nerves.
Dominix nodded at Ioan's words before exiting the mainroom to chomp on a blood-bag. After he finished the blood-bag he exerted a small teleportation charm to transport the discarded blood-bag into a trashcan.

A small portal opened before swallowing the blood-bag and disappearing, With a sigh, he sat down on the cold tiled floor and brought out the book against dark magic that Ioan had gave him. He checked out the cover before flipping the pages. The first couple pages were blank, but were marked with scorch marks. The pages were yellowing and smelled of dust and sulfur.

As he finally got to the pages with words on them he read it aloud, after putting a silence charm of course.

"Like human, magic has a good side and a bad side." He started. "Magic however, is not a hypocrite, wether you use the good side or not, your magic will effect the environment. Those who are of pure of heart have magic that is lighter, purer. This guide will help you protect yourselves from the evil of this world."
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Ioan came in and saw Dominix reading the book. "It's quite useful," he commented. "But I don't like some of its formulations. When you read it, you might get the idea that there's a clear border between good and bad. Between white and black magic. To most of us, this seems to be so; white magic is all good and helping while black magic is the opposite. Bad and harmful. But what if I use a torture spell, for example, against my enemies? Then I help myself, but I harm my enemies. Now, is this white or black magic?"
Later this evening, Ioan offered them to take them all to his observatory. "There's a total eclipse of the moon happening tonight," he explained. "We could watch it through a telescope, and I could show you the observatory, Dominix." Toma loved this idea. "You'll see views that you've never seen before," he promised.
Enzer was on the biggest hyper level. "Ioan dont forget its a special event because the meteor Apocalypse is crossing too!" She prepped her camera stand and smirked. "I bet your all wondering why im not having my telescope. Well being the student of the best scholar ever i have to prove im on his level some how." She showed her new camera she got from one of the bridesmaids for her batchlorette party. "Behold! Nikon's Coolpix 83x zoom camera! It is so powerful it can see the moon 'moving'. And im going to take photos of everything!"
@Adrian Johaanson (May we please take over the characters? I liked them, and I think @kirisuto12804 also did)

Ioan smiled as he saw them both happy. "I wonder which number of apocalypses has been predicted before this one. But the Mayan apocalypse was definitely my favourite one!"

Something came to Ioan's mind. "Ah, by the way, Enzer - I took a look at your book. It's Malleus maleficarum. A first edition, from 1486, hand-written. Pretty valuable, I'd say. And this guy really gave it to you for nothing?"
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Enzer nodded and began taking pictures of the moon happily when it starts. With her super zoomy like lens she was taking advantage of her camera and was smiling happily with the shots. when finished she puts the data of the moon shots into her laptop her best one was at max view. she smiled and then got a beep from her phone. She was part of ioans science club...well as a student and all due to that she can work the photography science equipment. "Wow so many people are having fun Ioan. even your friends are studying the moon."
Ioan smiled as he saw her with his little telescope. "Oh, when I said 'big telescope', I didn't mean that one. That's my big private telescope. It's fun to use for private stuff, but that's not what professionals work with." He pointed at something that towered above the trees...


"That is my big telescope."
she squeaked seeing it and huffed 'show off' under her breath. and being the little photo nerd she was she was on the photo section of the lab making sure the images were clear. She even began secretly shopping for stuff when Ioan wasn't looking because she saw it might get cold and she was worried about toma getting sick. Then she got a email for him from japan. Being a expert in Japanese she poked in it and Tapped Ioan for his attention.

'Dear professor Ioan,

It has come to our surprise and amazement that we have just discovered officially water on mars. We need your personal opinion on our data. I know this might be on personal time but we think with your professional experience you can also confirm this. ~Professor Inori of the Nasa Japan'
"I can take you there if you want," Ioan offered.

At the observatory, Ioan went directly to his office. On his wall, there was this poster...


He took a look at the email. "I'm sceptical," he said. "The North American Space Agency does have a representative in Japan, but I've never heard of an organization called NASA Japan before."
"Its kinda that the translator must had goofed." She said smiling. "You know not all computers are smart in translations." Then the image of an item she was looking at was on the screen and she quickly mimimised it. making a nervous giggle. "Umm was just preparing for winter." She whimpered thinking she was gonna get lectured again but she was only hoping they would probably use it if it got cold.

(Btw i lolled at the poster)
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Ioan grinned and shook his head. "Computers, eh? I thought you were an expert in Japanese... and you don't need to worry that any of us will get sick from cold weather. That's a myth. People tend to get sick when weather is changing quickly, like in autumn or spring, since that is a challenge for the body."
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She huffed "I am! im saying some people can say certain Japanese things wrong." She silently hid her sadness. She didn't wish to admit it but she did miss some things. like eating some of her favorite foods or wishing she can snuggle up to Mihnea when it gets cold. She did choose this out of free will though she had to shake the negative out of her head. She silently got up. "Ill be a moment." She silently walked out of the room.

(yes i know vampies cant get sick unless they eat normal food and stuff but you cant blame her for being 'human' sick and wanting to do normal like couple things. Yes she did choose to be a vampire out of free will to be with her soulmate and like you said drama is good for the plot. and her feeling..well mentaly lonely is drama enough because she misses things she did before she was a vampire.)
"You should learn to live in the here and now," Dracula's father advised via telepathy. "I used to have parents, a wife, siblings, three more children,... but does it really matter what was back then, maybe years or even centuries ago? Are we really sad because we don't have these things any more? Or are we sad because we keep caring so much about it that we don't have them any more? I say that the latter is true, and I say that it doesn't have to be like this." "Yeah," Ioan added. "Just look at me: I can't walk any more, and I'll probably never walk again. This has only been the case for about three weeks by now, and I could be sitting and crying because there's something that I once used to be able to do and which I'll never be able to do again. But how is that of use for any of us? How is it of use for you, your friends, your family,... that you'll destroy yourself piece by piece by piece?"
She sighed realizing that they were right but being stubborn refused to come back because she knew she had to get more training to get used to her vampire life. Let alone princess training. 'Im a vampire now..and a princess..i can do this..i..im just scared..ya that's it! I know its been a few months and i should be used to it by now. but there are times that i wish i had the dang practice besides small flight lessons!' she took a calm breath and counted to 4.. '1..2...3..4.. Okay. Think..Ioan would want me to think calmly like i do in magic lessons.. think like a princess..'then she got a little upset and very nervous. She was only there for appearances as a witness. never to ask for her opinion or anything else. so she had to make something up. "Okay A princess is strong and passionate about what they love in and out of their country.." She began pacing. This was her 'normal' because when shes nervous she paces. A lot. "Romania i love for its culture and landscapes..and animals!" She smiled big like a lightbulb and she felt something in her. to her it felt like a combo of inspiration and a small spark of a vampire princess like aura slowly awakening. "Right! Miniopterus schreibersii!" She smiled big realizing her biggest opportunity was the fact 1. she can turn into a bat and 2 as a vampire she can 'blend in'. But her 'problem' is a family that might be worried about her so she decided to make a plan. "Ioan Dracula your right SO right ill forget about them emo thoughts and think positive. Um are their any caves nearby by any chance?Ya know..large caves or mines or tunnels or ruins or other man made sites." She made a really REALLY cute innocent smile. 'please dont get on to me that im gonna risk my hide to study bats.In my opinion Ioan would do the same dang thing if it meant seeing a extra rare comet.'
"You can start at my castle," Dracula answered. "I've got a whole zoo gathered together there... cats... horses... rats... mice... spiders... and bats. Tons of bats. That's just some of the dirt they leave every day..."


"But when you study them, be sure never to enter their roost when they're in. They're very suspectible to stress, and that might scare them away or even kill them. You can enter their roost when they're out - that's when we're cleaning it -, and you can watch them while they're leaving or entering the roost. In fact, counting them while they're flying out is one of the most important tasks of a bat roost keeper. If you note down the data and compare them, you can see how 'your' bat family is developing, and whether they're fine or not. Also, you can watch them while hunting, since their hunting grounds are near the castle. Did you know that one single bat can eat up to 3,000-4,000 insects each night?"
she nodded and pouted when he said she cant enter the roost. "But that was my plan! I was gonna see how long i can be a bat and then join them for a bit. and you can use that 'dirt' you know. Bat poop maybe acidic but its great for plants that need it. But if you wont let me go i guess i can do a plan b..putting one of my cameras in a spot somewhere..."Then it clicked that he had a zoo..in his attic..and she never EVER noticed.."EHHH!"
"It's not a literal zoo," Dracula explained. "Despite the horses and the cats, I didn't bring the animals there. They just... came. Rats, spiders, mice and bats are ordinary guests in old buildings, and I doubt that you can find a castle without them. And it'd be almost a miracle if there weren't even more animals... birds and martens, for example, are also quite often to be found in old buildings."

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