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im married.. to a vampire king!! by kiri and count

"And we won't endanger yours," Dracula said. "If you don't tell us, we'll keep you here, and if it be by force. - You're a couple hundred years old. You can't be that stupid."
This was no big problem for Ioan. He said a little charm, located Dominix with it and then captured him with a strong spell. "Why don't you see how much you're hurting us?" Dracula asked. "You'll go on that trip and never return, like all the others that I knew who went... I'm tired of this. I'm so damn tired of this. If I lose more people, I'll kill myself... I can't do this any more."
Dominix sighed. "Why must you be so powerful, Ioan." Dominix looked back at Dracula, "I can't tell you. You have a family. You have a three sons, and a daughter-in-law my stupid journey shouldn't involve you. Please." He said as he tried to break the charm.

"Leporem Remissionis." The charm shuddered, but still held still. Pushing more magic into, the charm gave in, and he was free. He muttered a spell, which masked his presence, and burst into a flock of crows and disappeared.
"Your spell is useless," Ioan said and made sure that Dominix landed in the feared magic prison that no one could escape. "I doubt that you are the real Dominix. You aren't nearly as wise as someone with more than 500 years of experience is."
Dracula cried. "Please... normally, I'm the strong man everyone wants me to be, but... sometimes the traumatized little boy that's inside of me comes out, and... he doesn't want to lose more people... he just can't!" Ioan hugged Dracula. "We've known so many people who went on this journey... so many friends... and they all never returned... so, if you have to go... please... be wise... do some preparations... inform others... if we don't know where you are or what you are doing... how can we help you?"

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"I'd wish that you'd let me out." Dominix snarled. "I cannot tell you, or else it'll bring harm to your family." Dominix charged up all his mana and snarled a spell. "Minuat Praesentia." (Presence Diminisher).

"Lanuae Magicae Immediate!" And then with a explosion, he teleported in another part of the prison. With his presence sealed, he smirked. "You have forgotten, that though I have not the gene, I still am a lethal sorceror."
(Gosh. That sucks. So you can only be a good sorcerer with the gene. Whats the point of being a sorcerer...it's a bit unfair really. xD . You could train all your life with magic, but because you don't have the gene, you won't be half as good as people who do. My guy is not the 'best' sorcerer, but his pretty good. His been training with magic even when he was still human. Heck, he comes from a family of wizards, that's how his Daughter has the gene.)

PS: (Besides..he never said that he was more powerful than someone with the gene, he said that he was still a lethal sorcerer, even without having the gene.)

PPS: (I'm sorry, if I am sounding a little rude..but I really like this RP, and your an extremely good RP'er, I just want to voice my thoughts and opinions. Dominix is not the strongest Vampire, but he is close. I'll give you his stats. His is about average in Vampire strength. Not really the 'strongest.' His extremely fast, and versatile with speed and teleportation magic. He is an 'okay.' Telepath. And that's about it. His main strengths lie in his Speed, and Intelligence. He is a natural genius, but he is hardworking and works for his skills.)
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(Nah, you can be good without it. I invented the gene to make you think ;) a wizard without the gene cannot use direct killing spells or magic that affects more than 100 people at the same time, but there are ways... there are ways.

Then, I misunderstood it.

Sounds like an interesting role :) I think that Dracula and him... well... here in Germany, we've got a word for this... Hassliebe. That's when you kind of like someone, but you also hate him at the same time...)
Ioan shook his head. "I never doubted that you are good." Meanwhile, Dracula, who had calmed down a bit, had thought of a compromise. "Well, if you don't want to tell us what the purpose of your journey will be... at least give us your position, so that I can send you help in case you need it. Maybe a GPS sensor could help us with that, or a tracking spell. And please, take someone with you. I know some really great soldiers that I could give you as guards... they're awesome fighters, they know about magic, and they've sworn not to give away any information they're not supposed to give away." "And take some of my books on so-called 'black magic' and how to repel it," Ioan added. "Just in case of emergency. Then, we'll let you go. - And you can send your daughter here right away. We can also pick her up if you want to. The sooner we start, the better the results will be."
Dominix sighed. He snapped his fingers and he appeared next to the two vampires. "I'm spent...I'm too exhausted to play this game of cat and mouse. I'll tell you what I found out, in one condition. The condition is to not come after me. Can we come to a deal?"
Ioan was confused by his appearance. "How was... I mean, how did you escape?" Dracula thought of Dominix's suggestion for a second. "Deal," he then said. "But promise to tell us when you need help." "And..." Ioan snapped his fingers and made a few books and magic potions appear. It was copies of old books on 'black magic', to be precise, but no one could notice they were copies. "These are for you. You can have them. And please, take them with you. Do it for us... and for your little girl."
"Thanks old friend." Dominix grinned before grabbing the books. "And..I didn't. I used logic. The place is unbreakable when you want to leave it. But it's not..when you want to escape a cell."
"But you left it," Toma said. "You're here, next to us, at the hospital in Brunswick..." Ioan made the potions and the books turn incredibly small and packed them into a bagpack. "You just need to unpack them, and they'll regain their regular sizes."
"What's your daughter's name?" Toma wanted to know. He wanted to know everything about that new girl. How old she was, where she came from, when Dominix would bring her,... Toma was excited to meet her. He did have friends, but they all lived far away, and he barely ever saw them.
Dominix grinned. "Her name is Viktoria...right now she's in Italy. I can bring her tomorrow...right now I've no strength to teleport half way across the country."
Ioan reached him another magic potion, one that was to regain enough strenghth to do such things. "That should help. - The sooner we start, the better, and I think that Toma can't wait either... for the beginning, I thought of a little trip with Enzer and her. The destination will be a surprise, but don't worry - it won't be a dangerous place. Rather a place that every sorcerer should have seen, even though it's... strange."
"Haha...you think of everything, eh Ioan?" Dominix laughed before downing the contents of the potion. "Well we should get going...Toma you coming?"
"Yes!" Toma answered. He really wanted to meet Viktoria. Ioan smiled. "Old masters alway should be," he said. "You never know what comes next." "Please, Ioan - may I join you with your trip?" the little boy begged, and Ioan said yes. "You may all join us if you want to."
"Great...this'll be like a trip." Dominix chuckled. "Toma...just so you know..Viktoria is a bit blunt. She will beat you..if you annoy her enough. Feminine fury."
"I'll teach her to control herself" Ioan promised. "That's one of the most important things when it comes to magic, you know... but I'm sure she'll learn it. Everyone can learn it."
"Your a good teacher...I believe in you." Dominix stated. "Well off we go. I sent Viktoria a telepathic message. She's expecting us, and knowing how impatient she is, she'll want us to come right away!"

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