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im married.. to a vampire king!! by kiri and count

Dominix ignored the naive bride of Mihnea, and took a seat next to Toma. "Hey buddy."

Dominix gave Dracula a genuine smile. "Glad to have ya back old friend. I'd love to go hunting."
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"Call her naive again and you'll wish you'd never been born," Mihnea grumbled as he heard this. "She isn't naive. She just likes cute stuff, like many women I know do." "Hey," Toma said. Dracula kept feeding him.

"Great," Dracula said. "Any of you like to join us?" he asked the others. "Oh, I'd love to," Ioan answered.
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Dominix appeared next to Mihnea with a flock of crows. "I'd like to see you try. I was stating the obvious. I was not trying to be rude. I personally like her, and who'd said that being naive is a bad trait."
"Where I come from, 'naive' means 'stupid'," Mihnea said. "If I were you, I'd be really careful with calling my fiancée stupid. They don't call me Mihnea the Evil for no reason... I'm as sadistic as my father."
"Naive means unaware in my book. I personally believe naive means unaware to evil's. So, what I was saying was your wife is...pure. She's not affected by the evil of this world. And I don't give a rat's ass about your name." Dominix growled.
Enzer blinked in worry and remembered a thing from her dreams that calms him down. she instantly hugged him.She felt his anger rising "Mihnea this isn't the time or the place. If he goes to far your father will ask him to leave just calm down." She looked at Domininx "Forgive him hes very protective of me."
Dominix glared at Mihnea one last time before, showing his fangs and sitting back down. "I apologize for my behavior, but if your 'Husband' insult's or threatens me one last time, then I will have no choice but to respond." He thought about this for a second, before standing up and glancing at Mihnea. "I apologize...you are the better man for protecting your wife."
"I'm not threatening you, dear," Mihnea said. "I'm just stating the obvious. My father loves his family, and Enzer is a part of it. Who goes too far with offending this family ends up in his garden. - Apology accepted."
Dominix growled once more. "Do not think I am like those other weak Vampires, I will not be disrespected, take my warning to heed."
Dracula walked in, and he really did not look like someone to mess up with. "I'd watch my tongue if I were you! We've got one of the most powerful sorcerers in history on our side. Ioan can kill you with one word! I want you to remember that!"
Enzer being still weak and still in training to get her vampire aura up was very nervous about being around powerful auras. Her family was one thing she just had to play 'guess the mood' this guy was making her uncomfterble So she want into Passive enzer. "Toma im gonna go find the bathroom before we go okay?"She gives Mihnea her tumbler. "Drink your juice mister i know your blood sugar is low." She acted around the kids and went to the bathroom.
"Where do we go?" Toma asked. "I'm not allowed to leave yet. And I need help with my juice..." "I'll be there in a minute," Dracula said via telepathy. "Then, I'll help you."

"Neither am I," Dracula said to Dominix. "So, hurt my family one more time and God be merciful with you."
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(she gave her juice to Mihnea hehe) Enzer sat outside trying to calm down 'he scares me just a little' she thought to Mihnea. 'i know toma wants me in there but he's scaring me.' She walked to the bathroom trying to think positive.
"Have I hurt your family...have I physically touched them. I was stating my opinion and he reacted. And he threatened, and I responded." Dominix started. "I have livied a long life, I have watched my family die...I've watched the love of my life die. I've watched my kids die. I am no longer scared of death. I am used to it. I will not be disrespected."
"He won't hurt you," Mihnea said. "You're a part of his family... and it's his aim to scare people. You know... if they're scared of him, they'll take him more seriously, and his enemies won't attack him that easily. It's all strategy, also his garden decor."

"No," Dracula answered. "But you can also psychologically hurt someone. And I'm sorry, but that doesn't convince me. The same thing happened to Ioan, to Mihnea, to my father and to me, if you forgot that."
"I have no care for that." Dominix disappeared in a flock of crows and appeared next to Dracula. "I am not scared of you, and I don't want to hurt your family. I just don't liked to be looked over. I've had nothing most of my life, and I take pleasure on the little I have...I have no bad intentions on your family."
"And that's no wonder," Dracula said. "You call yourself a friend of mine, but you say that you don't care about me. - Well, true friends do care about each other. That's why Ioan's my best friend. But like this... I cared about you all the time. I just didn't have time to meet you, since you live far away, and you know that. Now, I expect the same of you. - I see that this was a misunderstanding, and that you didn't mean to hurt us. But still, be warned not to hurt my family..."
"I will take my leave, I know when I am not wanted. The next times our path's cross, I will treat you like a stranger, not as a friend. Farewell, Count Dracula." Dominix said coldly before he exploded in a flock of crows. After a few seconds later a voice whispered through the room and the lights flickered and eventually turned off. "You have made an enemy, Dracula."
When coming out of the bathroom it began to show her very VERY obvious clingy attachment To Mihnea. Due to all the events thathappened since she was turned she was never alone without Mihnea close by so the fact she had to walk to the other side to go to the bathroom because the janitor was cleaning the bathrooms just made her very anxious when walking back.

(Ya i know separation anxisity is odd but i think count agrees that it would make sense with all the crap she went through and is taking it like a champ more then it looks. Shes brave but also a chicken without him.)
"A good enemy is better than a bad friend," Dracula said.

Mihnea hugged her. "You're safe..." he said. "He won't be able to hurt you." "You're much stronger than him..." Ioan added. "Even if he's more experienced... you've got something he doesn't. You've got the gene. Don't forget that. You can kill him in the blink of an eye..."
(The gene is something that allows a wizard to use certain kinds of spells... like direct killing spells and spells that affect more than 100 people at the same time. But it is very rare. Only one person per century has it, and Ioan and Enzer are both carriers of the gene.)

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