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im married.. to a vampire king!! by kiri and count

Dominix chuckled before smiling at Dracula. "You've grown wise, old friend. Anyway we've much to talk about. Do you any place to stay for the night. I spent most of my energy getting here, and I need to reset, and go hunting for the night."
Dracula handed him some blood-bags. "I know fresh blood is better, but you shouldn't go hunting in that state. - And you can rent a room for cheap here at the hospital." Dracula's father stood up from his seat. "I don't think we've met each other before," he said. "I'm Vladislaus."
"Ah, Dracula's told me so much about you." Dominix started. "I'm Dominix." He finished as he brought out a hand. "It's nice to finally meet you, sir."
Enzer giggled and tried to remember her nail polish names. "Ok since everyone is getting nails done..Hello kitty pink For Mihnea,Toma gets Rock the boat blue which is a French baby blue, Scarlet red and licorice for Dracula and forest green for Ioan."
"Nice to meet you, too," the father said. "You remember Ioan, don't you?" Dracula asked as the door opened and Ioan came in. The sorcerer smiled and said, "Still the old guy Ioan. Just the wheelchair is new."

Toma laughed. "Sounds great!"
Enzer smiled looking at the person that she assumed is an ally."And im um Enzer..Like you said before,new blood and highly loyal to my snugglebat" She snuggled into Mihneas arms and giggles hearing tomas 'im gonna barf at this love stuff' gag
A nurse came in. "Now that you're awake, Prince Toma," she began. "The doctor allowed you to leave your room. You may go and eat with the other kids if you want to." Toma smiled. "Sounds great!" So Dracula laid him down, and the nurse freed him from his cables. Then, Dracula helped him with putting on his clothes and with getting in his wheelchair. Mihnea smiled. "Do you notice anything?" he asked his brother. "Yes!" Toma said. "My wheelchair is speeding up faster!" "Exactly," Mihnea said, still smiling. "I've pimped it a bit. Now, it doesn't just accelerate faster, its battery also has a longer lifetime."
Dominix grinned at Draculei before glancing back at Enzer. "Ah, you are more beautiful in person. Enzer, is it?"
"We're going to the dining hall," Dracula said. "Wouldn't you like to join us? I bet it's better than staying up here alone."

Toma went first, and the rest followed. Lots of children of all ages were at the dining hall. There was a great buffet: With noodles, pancakes, drinks, fruit, salads,... "What would you like to eat?" Dracula asked. Toma looked at all the food and said, "Hm... some pancakes with sugar, some apple slice and some apple juice." "Okay," Dracula said, putting all the food on a tray.
"Ah, thanks, Dracula. I'd love to join you, but I'd rather prefer blood. It's been a while since I drank." Dominix said as he shook his head. "But I'd love if we could hunt together, it's been a while since we've hunted. And by the looks of it, you look like you haven't drank fresh blood for a while. Knowing you, you wouldn't want to feast on human blood, but we can come to a understanding and drink animal blood, if you wish."
Toma laughed and said via telepathy, "Who said that you shall eat? It's me who shall! You shall just join us at the dining table." Dracula laughed as well. "I don't like drinking human blood?" he asked. "My name is Count Dracula and not Edward Cullen, my dear..."
Dominix shrugged and glanced at Dracula. "Well you've grown soft, old man." Dominix smirked and teased, "I bet I'm stronger and faster than you now, old man."
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Dracula turned into a bat, flew to Dominix and grabbed his arm. "You'd better not forget that this is my backyard."

Dominix smirked before he moved backwards. He might be reckless, but he knew that this wasn't a fight he could win. "Yeesh, old man, chill." He said before transforming into a bat himself and appear a few feet away from him. "Just saying though."
"Do you still think I'm soft, just because I love my family?" Dracula asked. "The love which you get from your own children is the greatest love that one can imagine... how can someone be able to not to love them back?"
Dominix shook his head, "I mean't it as a joke, Dracu, lighten up. I know family is the greatest thing a man can have. I should now, because I had family too." He said as his smile twitched into a frown. "Anyway, I know I caused alot of problems. I shall take my leave." He said before running out of the Hospital with a blur.
Enzer nodded following andsmiled seeing toma with the other kids and sat next to toma just to try to make Mihnea a little jealous but to her she was being shared with toma for now. She looked at her breakfast and looked at tomas. "Toma ill trade you 1 of my pancakes for one apple."
'Kill all of them, and feast on their blood.' Dominix sighed, ever since he drank that crazy human wizards blood he heard weird voices in his head. "Kill them....bathe in their blood."

"Will you shut up." Dominix sighed before realizing he said it aloud. If it weren't for the lack of blood in his system, he would've blushed, but for once he thanked his Vampire-Hood.

"I am but you...." The voice said again. Dominix grunted as he put a mental barrier over his brain. He felt a slight pang of hunger in his stomach. When was the last time he feeded, to him, it felt like it was since forever.

"Dracula....where is that blood bag you've told me about?"
(But vampires can't eat pancakes... or apples.)

Toma smiled as Enzer and Dominix joined him. Dracula sat down to Toma's right side and helped him with eating his lunch. "I gave it to you," he answered Dominix's question. "I don't know where you put it..." He handed him a new one. "Take this one."
Dominix groaned at his forgetfulness, "I must have misplaced it, curse my forgetfulness." He then grabbed the blood bag. "Ah, B+, my favorite." He said before sinking his fangs into the plastic bag filled with blood. "Ah that hit the spot, though it didn't fill me as well, as sinking my fangs into a live humans neck."
(hehe i knew that she was acting that to not scare the kids)

She drinks her bloodbag which was in her tumbler. she wanted her and Mihnea to have matching ones but she thought Mihnea would say no. She smiled seeing the girls like the design on it.

(Ah... clever!)

Ioan had appeared behind Dominix and said something in Latin. "That should help against your forgetfulness," he said to Dominix. "We really need to go hunting together. How about tonight? 7pm?" Dracula suggested.

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