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im married.. to a vampire king!! by kiri and count

enzer sighed seeing Dracula break down she hoped Toma would get better. The nurse kindly asked some of them to leave but one can stay the night. Enzer knew what she was going to say was the right thing. "I think Dracula should stay.."
(Thanks for the flashback, by the way. Hospitals broke me, and if they can't find a cure for the condition they caused before I'm 25, I'm gonna kill myself. No one will be able to keep me from doing so. They broke me. Now, they shall deal with it.)

Dracula decided to make use of his voice of thunder again. His eyes narrowed, and he knitted his brows until they almost met. "As long as this is my son, I decide when his guests will leave! And don't tell me that he needs rest! He's traumatized, goddammit! He needs his family at night! Otherwise, he's going to break!"
(im sorry! i didn't mean to im sorry!))Enzer shivered at the power of Dracula and the woman cowered and went to get blankets for everyone. Enzer sighs. "Point number 2 for how many times Dracula has scared me" Enzer thought. as the woman slowly came up with the extra blankets.
(1x1s sometimes work with groups of three. But I can't decide this on my own.)

(@kirisuto12804 Still, hospitals are nuts. You know why they invest so much in healthcare? To make sure that we are able to work. At least, that's what our laws say here in Germany.)

Dracula calmed down a bit. "Good..." the Count said as he saw the blankets, and when the nurse left, he said, "He's already traumatized enough. There's no need to make it all worse..." Dracula looked at Toma pityingly. "His mother was murdered before his eyes... this was in March last year. Since then, he's been getting nightmares over and over again... and they come especially when his family isn't around..."
Enzer also looked at him with some pity and begain humming a Japanese lullaby about a weak koi fish that became the strongest dragon for toma. she looked up at them when she finished. "Mama used to sing that to me when i was sad. she told me just because im weak that doesn't mean i have a strong point in me somewhere. I just have to fight and prove it. I just started to hum it thinking it can encourage toma to fight a little bit more and find the dragon inside him.
"That's a wonderful song... it's playing with our family name" the father explained. "'Draculesti' comes from 'Dracul', which is a mix between Latin and Romanian and means 'the Dragon'. 'Draculesti' itself means 'you are the Dragon'." "Sadness doesn't mean that you are weak," Dracula said. "It means that you had to stay strong for too lo..." As he said that, he tripped, fell - and landed on his right arm. It swell and turned dark blue within a minute...
She gasped and looked at him in worry. "Dracula you okay Oh my god his arm is bluer then a blueberry!" she worried for a moment but remembered she had to be calm.
"Would you like some morphine?" the father asked, knowing how much a broken arm could hurt. But Dracula did not want anything. "I'm used to pain," he said. He examined his arm and saw something whiteish... a bit of a bone that had broken through the skin. "Wait..." he began as he grabbed his broken arm and moved it to the right position. "...a minute... we've got this... within... no time... at all." Then, Dracula held up his arm and said, "Better."
Enzers creeped out meter hit 100 and she shivered. "Gross gross gross." she said covering her eyes. this was possibly a typical reaction since she is new vampire blood wise and the chosen wife to Mihnea. "Knowing Toma he would laugh and gently tease me because i might be grossing out over something normal. Oh my god that was gross!"
The father looked at his son astonished. "I've got 200 years of experience as a doctor" he began. "But I must say that I've never seen someone doing that by himself before..." "Argh," Dracula commented as he saw the shocked faces, blood pouring over his arm. "I'm used to pain worse than this..."
Enzer was shivering fron the grossness and gave Dracula a begging look "Please dont do that in front of me again that was mega gross." and for a split second she thought she heard toma laughing at her. 'heh guess hes dragon like spirit is strong as i thought' she thought smiling and made a cute dramatic huff. "Okay toma i know i heard you. i can tell your laugh is more squeaky then mine. If you can creep me out more then what your father did say it now." she said to him calmly.
"I had to... otherwise, the bone would have healed in a wrong way." Dracula thought of Ioan. "We all know what injuries can do when they don't heal up correctly..." His arm hurt like hell, but Dracula did not let anyone notice in what kind of pain he was. The father sighed and looked at Toma. "He's still in critical condition... they put him in an artificial coma... he won't be able to speak until they reduce the narcotics."
Enzer blinked confused "I heard him though. He was..oh god.." she paled realizing an old magic lesson.. 'when a spirit is in limbo but the body is still able to live they will haunt their family till their fate' she grunted. "Curse me being sensitive" she grumbled and looked around. 'His spirit.. why didn't i realize it.' She looked at Dracula. "Dracula were toma and Mihnea prankster kids? Ya know they caused pranks in the family and tried to blame the other for it?"
she nodded in relief. and thought all she needed was sleep she layed down next to Mihnea and closed her eyes. slowly going into a quiet REM sleep. or was at least trying with the small noise..
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Dominix stood in front of Dracula's mansion, his eyes were closed as if he was in deep concentration. "Dracula...." He sighed as he absently ran his fingers through his silky hair. He slowly opened his glowing blue eyes, and took a step toward the mansion. He stood their for a second, before going up the stairs and ringing the doorbell.

"Open up, Dracie!"
Dracula had noticed Dominix's appearance. "Ah," he said via telepathy. "We're in Brunswick at the moment. That's in Germany in case you don't know it, but I'm sure Mariah will open the door for you. Oh, and would you please stop calling me Dracie? That makes me look like a child, and... you know how important it is to be taken serious when you're the head of a state."

Suddenly, the door flew open. "I've found a spell that is strong enough to heal an endocarditis!" It was Ioan, with a big, old book on his lap. "Morbo periculosiore laborantibus sanábitur ánima tua!" he spoke, and Toma's condition instantly became better. Dracula hugged Ioan as he noticed this. "Mi-ai salvat viața băiețelul meu de!" Mihnea translated it for Enzer via telepathy. "You saved my little boy's life!" Ioan smiled and said, "Nu este faptul că ceea ce fac cei mai buni prieteni?" "Isn't that what best friends do?"

It became so good that the next day, the doctors decided to let him wake up. "You'll have to be patient. The anesthetic recovery can take up to a month," one of them explained.

Dracula sighed as the doctor left the room. "I hope he didn't suffer brain damage," he said, looking at Toma. "His heart has been standing still for more than an hour."

@kirisuto12804 (Vampires are undead... they aren't breathing, and their hearts aren't beating...)
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(@CountDracula fixed it and you have to agree im making a point even though shes undead now being a new princess she has to be a beauty like role model besides being a adventurous girl) Enzer cried happily hearing it and looks at toma. "ya hear that Toma. your gonna be fine.." When she heard about the brain damage she said "Dracula hes okay just be happy for that. She gets a message on her phone about a package arriving at the mansion "Oh that's here already?" She sighed. "Okay i know this isn't that important but being a princess and all i knew women and girls would look up to me for beauty stuff so i may have bought a few things to experiment on and i also thought someone who loves me a lot would help with some and his father would have funny pictures for toma when he wakes up." Looks at Mihnea and Dracula. "Its only a few things i promise!"
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Dominix grinned as he felt a link enter his mind. "Y'know I like calling you that Darcie. Anyway, when are you getting back from that honeymoon. And please tell your beautiful bride I said hi.'
Enzer blushed and deiced to correct him "U-um mr um Dominix..Um i think your Invatation was messed up.Im marring Mihnea, his son and the wedding isn't until Halloween..I kinda requested that..and also if your a guest I hope you dont mind steampunk attire.. "She said in his mind trying to explain it while at the same time being sleepy and nervous.
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Dominix smirked as he saw his charm taking effect on the girl. "Ah, I apologize....you must be a new blood by the fresh scent of human in you?" Dominix mouthed a few words under his breath. Imperius Teleporicus Immediam! In an instant, Dominix's form blurred before it dispersed in a flock of black crows. And a second later, Dominix appeared in a small bar close to Dracula's location.

In perfect German he ordered a drink. "Ein beir bitte."
she nodded, "Yes im Mihneas fiancée after all and i allowed him to bite me.. Im his soulmate. hes my Sweetie bat..." She calmed down a little before she recited the list of nicknames she calls Mihnea. "So may i ask if Dracula invited you Sir? He would had told me so i can save you a seat."
"Actually, me and Dracie, or old buddies. And I haven't seen him for a while, just wanted to check up on him." Dominix grinned as he winked at the girl.

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