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im married.. to a vampire king!! by kiri and count

Mihnea laughed at the nickname Enzer gave to him and turned to Kurama. "Why, she's just stating the obvious... Feather Brain." Toma smiled. "Take it as a compliment," he said. "I mean, how many manlike birds are out there?"

"About 500... we rarely go down to the human world for things however their are yokai like me that adapted. And if the mistress is right...One knows were coming.." Kurama said looking out the window. Enzer sighs. "Overprotective bird.." she mumbled and kurama gently bonked her.
Toma smiled again. "500 isn't that much, compared to the rest of the world. There are seven billion people out there, and you..." He calculated for a moment. "... you make up 0.0000000714 percent of that. - And I bet there are even more birds than people."
"So kurama what made you so dang nervous about me going back?" Enzer looked up with a serious look as kurama responded. "An alp noticed you.." Enzers eyes widened. "Kurama Alps are german vampires..How are they dangerous?" Kurama growled. "They are!but its behavior is more akin to that of the incubus. It is distinct from both of these creatures in that it wears a magic hat called a Tarnkappe, from which it draws its powers. Its victims are often females,whom it attacks during the night, controlling their dreams and creating horrible nightmares. An alp attack is called an Alpdruck, or often Alpdrücke, which means "elf pressure". Alpdruck is when an alp sits astride a sleeper's chest and becomes heavier until the crushing weight awakens the terrified and breathless dreamer. The victim awakes unable to move under the alp's weight. This may have been an early explanation for sleep apnea and sleep paralysis, as well as night terrors." Enzers eyes widen remembering her nightmares and how she couldn't breathe.
Dracula shook his head. "You really fall for these legends? - The German word for 'vampire' is 'Vampir', not 'Alp'. This Alpdruck is a completely natural phenomenon that happens to all of us at some point. It's sleep paralysis. That's when you're awake, but you can't move. It comes from the fact that there's a special mechanism in your brain that prevents you from actually doing the movements you are doing in your dreams, and it sometimes happens that you wake up while this mechanism is still on. - The Alps are also called Nachtmare. The English word 'nightmare' comes from this. 'Nacht' - 'night' and 'Mar' - 'mare'. These legends have been disproven like decades ago, and no German believes in them any more..."
(mood killer i even researched it too..lol) Enzer nodded and kurama growled. "but still i can tell something has her scent!"
"I won't let anyone or anything hurt her..." Mihnea said via telepathy. "She'll be safe with us," Dracula ensured. "Although you don't notice them, there are always some bodyguards around us when we're on travel. They're wearing civil clothes in order not to rise too much public attention. Attention can be dangerous when you're a vampire... but I don't think I have to tell you."
(Ill be a bit slow today were expecting company) Kurama nodded and for safety turned into a raven to stay close when they landed. Enzer stayed close to Mihneas side and hums a cute tune she even heard women get a bit envious of her because shes with 'the most popular dancer in the world.' "Mihnea dear why are they staring at me like im the enemy?" Enzer whispered
(Okay) "They're jealous," Mihnea whispered back. "Everyone wants to be like us. Children dream of being princes or princesses. But don't worry - if they're jealous, you're doing it right."
Enzer nods and when she saw Angela Merkel she froze instantly. She had a really scary aura even though she had a nice smile. One of the guards next to her spoke up knowing Japanese. "P-princess Enzer you dont have to be so nervous. I know doing politic stuff is hard however you can learn by watching right?" Enzer calmed down a little and nods.
Angela Merkel greeted them all and led them to the chancellery. "Sie wollten mit mir sprechen?," Dracula asked. Merkel nodded. "Es ist wichtig..." As soon as they arrived, she led Dracula to a room. "Top secret," Dracula informed the others.
Enzer nodded thinking it must be very important.

Meanwhile Kurama was flying about the building looking for any trouble.
"Kurama, you can get down," Ioan said via telepathy. "This house is protected by a strong protection spell. Nobody should be able to attack us as long as we're in here."
Kurama nodded as he did as told. Enzer was still nervous and tried her hardest to act professional wondering if she would be needed for anything.
Mihnea spotted Enzer's nervousness and took her hand. "Relax..." he said. "We aren't needed very often. Most of the time, all we do is waiting for my father and the other politicians to finish..."
(In therephy I'll be slow. I also have a group rp if interested and know someone who can help with baby steps to be comfy in them) enzer nodded and looked around. She was a bit bored and when bored she begins to hum a song.
(Okay... and what is it all about?)

Mihnea sighed as he spotted some paparazzi. "Oh, can't they leave us alone..." The Crown Prince told Enzer to get up, to smile and to wave. "We can just hope that they'll leave quickly..."
(Twin princes falling for the same commoner but its kinda forbidden so they try to teach her how to be royal and eventually she has to make a decision. I have another interested if I get another to be the twin) Enzer nodded doing as told and doing a wave and shyly smiling.her nerves were kicking in however she was calm with Mihnea and the others close.
(Hhhh, I don't know... I actually only play RPs where I can play my chars) After a few hours, Dracula came out together with Merkel. He shook the chancellor's hand as they said good-bye to each other. "We're finished," Dracula then said to his family.
Enzer nodded and walked out. Kurama as a raven landed on kiris shoulder. Enzer wonders a bit as she daydream a bit about a few things.
"I feel dizzy..." Toma suddenly said. "Are you okay?" Dracula asked, but Toma did not notice this any more. He tried to feel his son's pulse, but - it was not there. There was nothing. "Stay with us!" Dracula exclaimed as he began giving him CPR.

Enzer on instinct called 911 and explained the situation calmy as she could. she knew if she wanted to came toma she had to be calm . but on the inside she was freaking out. she knew toma was special to both Mihnea and their father
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The ambulance arrived ten minutes later. "Der Patient ist acht Jahre alt und wiegt 24kg," the father explained to the paramedics while Dracula continued with the CPR. "Er hat einen schweren Herzfehler, der den Herzstillstand verursacht hat. - Das EKG zeigt eine Asystolie, und ich habe ihm zur Therapie alle zwei Minuten 0,5mg Adrenalin intravenös verabreicht." As the paramedics took over, the father repeated his words in English for Enzer. "I've said that Toma is eight years old and that he weighs 24kg. He's got a severe cardiac defect that caused the cardiac arrest. His ECG shows an asystolia, and for treatment, I gave him 0.5mg of adrenaline intravenously every two minutes."
Enzer nodded feeling a bit proud just a little that she was fast on the phone and that her german didn't suck that much. she did pray for tomas health though. she was really worried. she looked over at Dracula. "um Dracula I know its unsafe for me to go alone however is it okay...and this might sound werid.. that i go somewhere..I kinda have this habit of making a prayer charm and i wanted to make one for toma for sometime for his health and i really want to make him one. "
"I know that you want to help him with it, and I really appreciate that, but..." Dracula began. "Toma doesn't believe in God, and I don't know whether he'd appreciate it..."

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