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im married.. to a vampire king!! by kiri and count

She smiled and then was dragged by the tailors they hired to put her dress on. the gentlemen gently escorted Mihnea for his fitting they only wanted to do this quickly to make sure everything was in order and they were to scared to see Enzers inner vampire. Dont get her wrong this classified as Mihnea time to Enzer however, it was also torture because the corset was to tight. She loosened it and she took a breath. "Princess your gorgeous! My you might even make Ioan smile" The other tailor looked shocked. "You kidding? that guy never smiles hes always serious."
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(Which butler? They've only got Mariah, Dracula's secretary...)

Mihnea was at the hotel, sitting next to his father. Dracula woke up and cried. His whole body was shaking. He grabbed his father's arm in fear. "Daddy..." he whimpered, and his father pet his long, curly hair.
(Opss hehe i thought you were gonna do the love rival thing ill edit that) When finished and kiri was able to breathe she looked in the mirror. She liked it however, she felt like something was missing. she tried to think of it and it clicked when her Tengu Kurama walked in. "Yo Enzer..um i know this might make you angry and lets be honest i looked everywhere but, your mothers locket is..missing..." Enzers eyes widen in shock.Kurama realized he broke the rule and got nervous. "E-enzer san please dotn do what i think you are going to do...last thing i need is an angry vamp-" She began crying. Out of all the precious things she brought to live with Mihnea her mothers locket was the most precious. and now its missing. Kuramas pales and tries his hardest to calm her down. along with the tailors.
Dracula woke up. He was laying there with his blanket pulled over his head, crying and shaking. The father carefully pulled the blanket away and pet Dracula's long, curly hair. The Count noticed Enzer's voice via telepathy. "Who are you?!" he asked in fear. "Please don't hurt me!"
She heard the voice and looked around 'I-im Enzer..i wont hurt anyone im going to be family here..but i will hurt my stupid familiar for losing my mothers locket.' she took calm breathes as they undressed her and she got back in normal clothes. she gently pulled Kurama to her level. "Listen feather brain. If you dont find my locket i WILL cry again and so help you if Mihnea hears me your gonna be a deep fried tengu." Kurama nodded shifting into raven form and began searching. Enzer began taking calm breaths.
His father hugged Dracula deeply. "Daddy..." he cried in fear, noticeable for everyone. The person who had just introduced herself as Enzer scared him even more. Could she not be one of them?
Enzer tried to look around for the voice even though the knew it was in her head. 'Listen sir..you dont have to be afraid of me. Im Mihneas wife. Well wife to be. Dont tell him but im really nervous and i want him to be proud of me when i dance with him. I freeze up when dancing in public.'
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(He can't eat flan... vampires can only drink blood.)

The father kept petting Dracula's hair. "Please don't be angry with him. Vladi's having a flashback..." he explained to Enzer via telepathy. "He doesn't recognize anyone despite me, his children and Ioan..."
Enzer nodded wondering what to do. "How can i help him realize im a friend" She asked as kurama found it and she gently took it. "I want to help calm him down Mihnea."
Mihnea looked at his father pityingly. "I'm afraid that we can't help him..." he answered her question. "We'll have to wait until his flashback is over..." Dracula's flashback seemed to cease, and after a few minutes, he said, "I've been getting these since the day that they released me from the Sultan's court in 1447... it's chronic PTSD and depression. I've seen 17 different doctors. Psychiatrists, psychotherapists,... I even studied psychiatry myself. Nothing helped, not even the strongest medication... I'm like a ticking time bomb. Triggers can appear everywhere, at any time... Rihanna compared this to a Russian roulette: You never know when you are hit. 'As my life flashes before my eyes... I'm wondering will I ever see another sunrise... so many won't get the chance to say goodbye... but it's too late to think of the value of my life... and you can see my heart beating... you can see it through my chest... that I'm terrified... but I'm not leaving... know that I must pass this test... so just pull the trigger.' The video shows coldness, pain, loneliness and being left alone. That's exactly how I feel..."

He told Enzer that he even had to fear for his life because of his disability. From 1940 to 1945, the Nazis in Europe followed 'ethic cleansening'. This was most well-known for the holocaust or shoa - the capturing and killing of Jews -, but it also had other faces. "The disabled and those with severe psychological disorders were called 'unworthy life'. People who fulfilled certain criteria - for example those who had been in mental hospitals for more than five years, those who could not work or those with severe psychological disorders - had to be reported from... 1938 or 1939 on. Those reports were checked by a central commitee, and if they found that you were 'unworthy' - that means if you really fulfilled the criteria - you were taken to a killing center and..." He made a gesture that should imitate beheading. "That wasn't made public, but the high death rates coming from those centers spoke for themselves... and acquaintances of mine had told me of the reports a short time after their beginning. Nazis weren't all German... even if people often tell you that. Romania was an ally of Germany, and when I heard that they had to report me, I knew that I had to leave immediately. So I fled together with Ioan and my family... in the refugee camps in which we had to spend four years, the conditions were a catastrophe... they were totally overcrowded, and we had to literally walk over dead bodies... I can be glad that I'm still alive."

She nodded understanding and thought of a way to cheer Dracula up. from her thought it sounded like she was thinking random colors and what she was doing was making a painting for him by using one of her pictures. she even asked Kurama to guard her studio room and make sure nobody ruined the surprise.
"They were right," Ioan said sarcastically. "What are the disabled useful for? We're just living fom everyone else's money!" Dracula had to smile a bit. "You're mean," he encountered, sarcastically as well.
"Dracula im making you something so can you be nice and not peak till its done? this includes sending your family. I heard how big families work. They send the cutest in or the one they trust to got in to see what it is then its ruined when told. I want this to be special so when you look at it your calm...So no solid snake cheating!" 'I hope this works..' she thought.
Dracula listened to her. "We aren't like those families. We won't sneak," he promised. Then, Dracula got a phone call.

"Yes, Count Dracula here?"

"Hier ist die Bundeskanzlerin. Ich habe gehört, dass Ihr gerade in Deutschland seid, und wollte Euch und Eure Familie ins Kanzleramt einladen. Es gibt etwas zu besprechen..."

"Gerne. Wann wäre es Ihnen denn recht?"

"Morgen um 14:00 Uhr?"


Then, Dracula hung up. "This was Angela Merkel," he told Enzer. "The chancellor of Germany. We'll have to go to Berlin tomorrow. She said it's important."
Enzer nods understanding and wondered if she needs to go to.. She gets nervous but with everyone she might calm down.
Dracula spotted Enzer's nervosity. "Berlin's a wonderful place," he tried to calm her down a bit. "It's the capital of Germany. You should see it." The Count showed her some photos.

"The Reichstag, the German parliament..."


"The chancellery..."


"The Brandenburg gate..."


"The TV tower..."


"And it also has some pretty interesting stories to tell," Dracula told her. "Berlin has been the capital of Germany for a long time. In the 1930s and 1940s, Hitler lived there. During World War Two, it contained the bunker were all German government was in - the so-called Führerbunker or, after Hitler's love for wolves, the 'wolf cave'. That name was a secret code name. Today, there's nothing that gives you a clue where that 'wolf cave' was, but I know the place. I can show you if you want to.

After the Second World War, Berlin was the only place in Germany that had all three occupation zones in it: The French, the British and the American in the west and the Russian in the east. In 1949, two new states were founded: The FRG - Federal Republic of Germany - in the west and the GDR - German Democratic Republic - in the east. The GDR had grown out of the Russian zone, but it was rather dictatoric than democratic. Citizens of the GDR weren't allowed to leave. They were only allowed to travel to certain countries, like Poland. If someone tried to flee and got caught, he was most likely to be killed, or at least, he'd face several years in one of the infamous GDR prisons, like Hohenschönhausen in Berlin. We can also go there if you want. There was a very dangerous border with everything you can imagine: Mines, towers,... and Berlin itself was separated by a long wall, known as the Berlin wall. The infamous words 'No one has got the intention to build a wall' by Walter Ulbricht, the head of state of the GDR, were said a short time before they started building the wall in the 1960s. Rests of it can still be seen, and they contain famous paintings like the 'Bruderkuss', the fraternal kiss. During the time of the separation, East Berlin was the capital of the GDR, while the capital of the FRG was Bonn. In 1989, they were celebrating that the GDR had consisted for 40 years, and more well-known words were said: 'The wall will stand for the next 50 and 100 years.' Yeah. Seems like those GDR quotes weren't very reliable... a few weeks before they built the wall, they said that they'd never build one, and when they said that the wall will continue to exist for centuries, guess what happened. - A few weeks later, on the night of the 9th November 1989, it fell. This was a surprise for all Germany - FRG and GDR -, and it actually wasn't planned by the GDR government. They said that they would 'open the borders', but what they actually meant was more freedom for the people. Not to actually open the borders. But thousands of people got this wrong. They would assemble in front of the Brandenburg gate and wanted to go to the west. The customs officers, of course, did not know what to do, since that was a misconception. They were even planning to shoot. And the government didn't know what to do either. - I guess that the hero of this night was Harald Jäger, one of the customs officers. He shouted, 'Lift the turnpike!' although he had never received any official order to do so. This could have killed him, but I'm sure it saved lives that night.

The official reunification of the FRG and the GDR to the country that we now know as Germany was on the 3rd of October 1990, which is now the German national holiday. That was when Berlin became the capital of all Germany again."
she smiled "That's not why im nervous.. this person sounds very important and me talking to important people makes me nervous. and Dracula have you considered being a teacher?" she asked calming a little. "A-and if its okay can i go with Mihnea somewhere when we go to berlin? I kind of read that the stronger the bond between a vampire and their lover the more special it is.. and i heard the most romantic spot to the point many people proposed there was viktoria park."
"Angela Merkel," Dracula began, "is probably the most powerful woman in the world. I can understand that you are nervous when you're supposed to meet important people, and you know what? So am I. Every single time. That's normal. But the best way to deal with fears is to face them and then overcome them. - I've never considered to be a teacher. There's other stuff that interests me more than teaching children. Besides, who wants to have one of the biggest sadists in history as a teacher for his child? - I'm sure we'll have some time. We can stay a day or two if you want."

The next morning, they had to get up early. The plane would take off at 10am, and Dracula's pilots did not like waiting. That meant that they had to be at the airport at 9, to get all of Ioan's and Toma's stuff in the plane.
Enzer was awake slightly. she was drinking blood in high annoyance at the pilot.The guy was Very lucky she was being distracted by watching a show with toma or she would kill that guy. She perked up a little when she saw something funny in the show.
Dracula looked at Enzer. "Why so annoyed?" he asked. "The pilot didn't do anything wrong..." Toma looked out of the window as the plane took off. "I love this sight!" he said.
"I know Dracula but im not used to people with attitude problems." she mumbled as she looked at the window with toma. smiling at the scene.
"Oh, he doesn't have an attitude problem," Dracula said. "It's just that the pilots also want to end their working days at some time. They've also got families whom they want to see. - Despites, who likes waiting? 'Time goes by so slowly for those who wait'... that's what Madonna sung."
(Curse you for putting an earworm in me i love that song!) Enzer nodded agreeing and noticed some blood on Mihneas cheek and tried to clean it off hearing a gag tease from Kurama who had to come because Enzer didn't trust Kurama in the house. "Kurama chill out and get used to it. Mihnea is now your master too the moment i got engaged to him so you have to listen to him too." Kurama hissed lightly remembering that rule.
"Why didn't you let him stay with Mariah?" Mihnea asked Enzer. He would never have been alone. "Yeah," Ioan said. "I also left Lara with her. She's great at caring for others."
"I know but something told me to bring him.." She said remembering that dream about the Yokai hunting her. "lets just say to track a spy you need a spy.. Kurama wont cause trouble. she smiled looking at kurama. "right feather brain." Kurama growled. "I told you not to call me feather brain!"

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