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im married.. to a vampire king!! by kiri and count

She clung to Mihnea showing her loyalty "Sir your charm wont work. Im loyal to Mihnea and his family.they were witch me from the day we met.Sure it was a rocky start but who said the red string was nice to people at the beginning. I got this far with him and im not letting go."
Dominix laughed, "I assure you, I'm not trying to woo you in anyway, I was just trying to be pleasant, as humans say it." Dominix cut the telepathic link, and chugged down his drink, and in one swift motion, he jumped off his seat, and exited the small bar.
Mihnea had to smile a bit. "Women and their beauty stuff," he said sarcastically. "He might not be okay..." Dracula said. "In fact, he might never wake up again if the brain damage is too severe... and to you, Dominix: We won't stay friends for long if you don't stop calling me Dracie. Am I clear?"

@Adrian Johaanson (Vampires can't eat or drink anything despite blood.)
Enzer giggled at him and began her cute torture. "Oh you say that now but i know you were curious about it. So being the lady i am..You Ioan and Dracula are all getting the manly face masks i ordered." She smiled sweetly thinking it was a cute idea. then realize two of them had 'not amused faces so she had to explain. "Ok okay one of the german press people pestered me for shots of the wedding progress and i said they were at home and she asked if they will be published and i said only the ones that have happy memories and i thought it would be fun to do a small spa treatment with everyone. Dracula can back out if he wants but i got him the best kind..Their was this all black mask that cleans very clogged pores, then i swear this is more for a horror movie, a V line facemask and Whoever wears it WILL be in my nightmares! Its like a Jason spa mask." Shivers. "And the less creepy but creepy adorable. Animal facemasks. So im just asking for backup because i got bit in the bum by the press out of some fear. Dracula getting a spa treatment wouldn't kill his dominate aura. In my opinion it might help them..."she bit her tounge trying to find the right words.. "Um.."

(She almost called them old ALMOST lol)
Mihnea had figured it out. "Old, eh? Let's see..." He pointed at himself. "Physically 49." Dracula. "Physically 45." The father. "Physically 52." Ioan. "Physically 62." Mihnea laughed. "And since to you young people, everything beyond 30 is old..." "About the photos..." Dracula said. "I think we'd perfectly fit in with embarrassing shots..."






"Hell, I look like a maniac..." Dracula commented the last one.
Enzer began laughing and was happy they would,she hoped, try it. "Yay we get to try it but the stuff is at home so i have to be patient for those pictures. and about your sarcastic remark honey." She looked at Mihnea a bit evily. "If i wanted to and if your father lets me i can put you in your fathers shoes and dress you up as a woman. High heels,makeup and all. And im sure your father wouldn't mind that."
Dracula and Mihnea laughed. Mihnea poked his father. "It couldn't be worse than his photo, anyway!" Then, he leaned out of the window and shouted, "Did everyone hear that? My father's a maniac!"
"Mihnea um..."she sighed thinking her cute plan was flopping and she went to sit in a corner. 'okay its not ruined Mihnea is just hyper on laughing. So think positive. Like your plan to convince Mihnea to try something new.." she thought and began thinking. "Foot warmer? Nah he might take my hello kitty one..um.. Maybe my toothpaste?"
Dominix shortly puked up the beer, as soon as he exited the small bar. "Shit...forgot I couldn't digest human food." He mumbled to himself as he wiped the puke out of his mouth, and used a teleportation spell to appear where the Draculei's were staying. "Hey Drakie..miss me." He grinned as he saluted at the the Vampire prince. "By the way nice place, you got their."
Mihnea smiled. "Ah, come on, Enzer... I was just kidding. I'm in for your plan."

Dracula sighed. "Everything's better than this pediatric intensive care unit..."
Enzer smiled happily at Mihnea "Great we can start now if you want because i brought some of it i was just waiting on the facemasks." She goes in her bag and pulled out toothbrush and toothpaste with bamboo flavor. "First try this"
Mihnea took the toothpaste and looked at it. He had never seen toothpaste with bamboo taste before. 'Strange things they invent,' he thought to himself before trying it out. "Tastes... strange," he said via telepathy. "I've never tried anything that tastes like bamboo before..."
"its for sensitive teeth like mine" She said back via telepathy. "i know it feels strange but you might like it if not ill buy the Aloe minty flavor. and if you want i know where to get manly bacon flavor." she sighed at that one 'out of all the things..why bacon flavor?' she thought
Mihnea smiled a bit. "Why bamboo flavour?" he asked via telepathy. "And I'd like to try the bacon-flavoured one... I'm not even sure whether I've ever eaten bacon before. At least, I don't remember how it tastes."

A few days later, Toma opened his eyes. As Dracula saw this, he took his little boy in his arms and cried tears of joy...
Dominix appeared right next to Dracula, after a few seconds of reversing the telepathic link to make it send him straight to Dracula's location. "Yo Dracula." "Miss me."
Dracula did not notice Dominix. In that moment, he only had eyes and ears for his son. "Daddy?" Toma asked.


"I love you."

Dracula smiled and gave him a kiss. "I love you, too."
i is here i was cleaning house) Kiri smiled looking at toma. "Toma you made all of us worried sick you silly head" She leaned in and whispered. "Toma..you know my bamboo toothpaste?" She showed a picture of Mihnea's funny face when he was trying it. "I got Mihnea to try it and when we go home you can take all the pictures you want because i got him to agree to my spa treatments. Optional is if you want his manly nails painted."
Toma had to laugh. "Yes! Paint his nails!" Mihnea looked at Toma and grinned. "Only if we paint yours, too!" "Mine are painted with invisible nail polish," Dracula said and explained, "normally, nails are... nails. But with nail polish, they're weapons."
"Okay its settled Kiris cutsy makeover will begin when we bring toma home. And Toma gets rights to who gets what nailpolish because i say so." she sticks her tounge out at Mihnea. "And besides Ioan and Toma would look cute in either Space blue or black hole black. (Seriously real nailpolish colors)
"But space isn't blue..." Toma said. "It's the black thing that we see in between the stars at night. And black holes are neither black nor holes... they look black because light can't escape from them, but when absorbing light or material, they look like they're glowing..." He thought for a moment. "Daddy gets black and red and Ioan gets dark green and grandpa gets purple and I get blue... oh, and Mihnea gets pink!"
kiri nodded but when he said pink for Mihnea she began laughing. "And i only own hello kitty pink! Oh my god this is gonna be amazing!. Okay I think i can manage your order Toma ill just have to dig in my makeup cubby." She wondered if he would be allowed to leave soon so Enzer can prepare the fun spa stuff
Dominix stood their arms crossed, his face had an amused smirk. "Ah..this is what it's like to have a family." He said fondly as he glanced at Dracula. "Heh..the great Dracula wearing nail polish. I'd pay money to see that."
Toma laughed as he heard 'Hello Kitty pink'. "And Hello Kitty nail stickers for my brother!" Mihnea had to laugh as well. "Okay, then, Toma gets his nails painted in baby blue!"

Dracula winced as he heard Dominix's voice. "I didn't notice you... and yeah, that's what it's like to have a family... to me, my family is the most precious thing in all the world."

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