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im married.. to a vampire king!! by kiri and count

Dominix was furious. He paced back and forth from the hotel room he had rented. One part of him wanted to go back and beg Dracula for forgiveness, the other wanted to beat him to near death. Dominix was a lethal vampire, he was extremely powerful. He could probably take on Dracula and win..but his whole family, that'd be a death wish.
"Why does everyone have to be so... unforgiving because of nothing?" Ioan asked. He made sure that Dominix would hear it. "That's not wise at all... it causes so many wars and fights that wouldn't have to take place. So much blood has been shed because of nothing... would you two really want to jump on that train?" "No," Dracula answered. "I'm a sadist, but... we all want a bit of peace from time to time."
Dominix, was a somewhat peaceful vampire, but sometimes for peace to commence, blood had to be spilled. Dominix loved Dracula too much, to spill Dracula or anyone of his kin's blood. So, he surrendered. "I apologize for my actions, I wish you nor your family no harm."
"I think that we both have to apologize," Dracula said. "A fight is never the fault of one person alone... and we both overreacted a bit, I guess. You know my temper... so, I also apologize."
Dominix smiled genuinely, as he let go of all his previous anger. "You are a great man, Dracula, I have a question for you? Do you have a daughter?"
"Thanks," Dracula said. "No, I don't have a daughter. I've just got three sons. Mihnea, Toma and Vlad..." Dracula sighed, thinking of Vlad. "God bless him... he was only four..."
"Ah sorry about that.." Dominix said as he remained quiet. 'He was so young.' He thought. After thinking about it, he felt like a complete idiot, for being apart of the fight, "I am completely sorry about..everything. You really are a great man."

"I have a daughter...she's about Toma's age. Her name is Scarlette...she's newly turned. And I'm wondering if you could take care of her..while I'm away on a trip."
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"I accept your apology," Dracula repeated. Then, he went back to Toma and helped him with finishing his meal.

"You shouldn't let people provoke you that easily," Ioan advised. "With the ability to use magic, you've got great power, and with great power comes great responsibility..."
"I believe I've heard that....SpiderMan?" Dominix grinned. "Taking quotes from a movie..eh Ioan?"

"I've a daughter...who I believe is Toma's age, I was wondering if you could care for her while I'm away."
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"No." Ioan laughed. "Spiderman took that quote from me!" Dracula grinned. "You old liar," he commented. "I'm sure I can," Dracula answered. "Where'd you want to go?"
"It might be true, Dracula? Besides his like four hundred years older than the creators of SpiderMan." Dominix smirked. "Anyway, I've actually said this multiple times, but I believe you haven't heard. I've a daughter who is around Toma's age..I was wondering if you'd care for her, while I'm away on a trip."
"I think it's rather that you didn't hear my answer..." Dracula said. "I'm sure I can care for her. But where'd you want to go? I mean, I'm just curious." "It's not true," Ioan said. "'With great power comes great responsibility' is a life widsom that is much older than me, and generations of witches and wizards before me have used it. - I personally learned it from my father. He's taught me everything that I know about magic..."
"Ah, I've found some clues...and I just wanted to know where they led. I can't tell you, or else it would endanger your family." Dominix then turned towards Ioan. "You truly are wise."
"I don't think the sutiation would become much worse than it is now..." Dracula said. "Princes have got the most dangerous job. - At home, we've got the Ukraine and her crisis on one side and the Turks, who plan to conquer us, on the other. When you are a politician, half of the world wants to see you dead, and every member of my family is engaged with politics in a way..." "Besides," Ioan added. "Enzer and me are probably the most powerful sorcerers that exist. You don't want to know how many people want to see us dead..."
"This is beyond politics are sorcery..this is no joke. This can lead to the end of the world." Dominix started. "I've discovered somethings, and if I found out what it truly is, you'll be the first to know."

"My daughter has the gene as well..." Dominix stated. "That is why, I can't take her with me. She barely can control her abilities." "That is why I need you to train her with it."
"Okay," Dracula said. "It's not that we can help you with it anyway... or that if you die, we'll never know what happened to you..." "That can't be true," Ioan explained. "Magic isn't an uncontrollable force from the outside. It is something that lies within you, and you can only do magic if you want to. Spontaneous magic, like it happens in 'Harry Potter', is an invention to create good stories."
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"I know, Ioan...she wants to use her abilities but can't." "Anyway I only have at most a week before I leave..and it's 6:55...shall we go forward with the hunt. I shall bring my daughter tomorrow."
"I won't let you leave," Dracula said. "You won't be able to save the world alone, and to be sure that we'll do everything correctly, we need to know everything from the beginning. If you go on that trip without informing us, we'll have nothing but second-hand information, and second-hand information is never really good. It's always distorted by the witnessess's own perception."
"I can't let you do that." Dominix said. "This is beyond any of us..you have a family you have something to lose." He buttoned his coat, and adjusted his gloves. "I, however don't. If you try and stop me.. I'll leave and you'll never find me again."

"Please don't do it." He said, with an afterthought he added. "If I'm in trouble, I'll ask for your help...but right now lets forget this and go on a hunt."
"And your daughter?" Ioan asked. "What about her? Wouldn't she miss her daddy? Wouldn't it be terrible if you died and she wouldn't even have the chance to say good-bye? She probably wouldn't even know what happened..."

Dracula insisted on what he had said. "That's the point. If you are in trouble, we won't be able to help you without background information. That's why I won't let you go. It's for your own good."
"That is why, I wish for her to stay with you guys..I know that if I die, you'll take good care of her. You can't persuade me from this. I've thought long and hard." Dominix smiled, "I wish for us to forget this and go on the hunt, you offered me." "I want no more talk of this, please."
"No," Dracula said. "We won't forget this, and we won't go hunting. You're my friend. I care about you, and I won't let you go unless you tell me what you're searching for. - Maybe we can even help you find the answer. We've seen more than you might think..."

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