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Fantasy I Was Fine Until You

It seemed it was time to get ready to go, And Lance was soon going to help Galahad get properly dressed. As Gavin did the same with Gabriel. Gabriel was quick to speak up at the question. Announcing happily. "I did! " She informed them. While Galahad hesitated for a moment before giving Lance a nod. He had seemed to enjoy himself. Though had certainly seemed a bit nervous throughout everything. He then was reaching up, hoping to hug Lance. By then, Gavin was finishing helping Gabriel get dressed properly. Walking closer and saying softly. "Thank you again for giving Gabriel the lesson. " Gabriel had certainly seemed to enjoy the little adventure!

Gavin then reached down and scooped up the girl. Murmuring fondly. "Now, Lets get back home. We don't want to be out when it gets too dark! " The king might send someone after them. Though she doubted the man would get too worried. Gavin wouldn't do anything that would put her daughter at risk after all. Gavin then moved towards the horses. Placing Gabriel on the back of the animal before climbing up into the saddle herself. She then hummed. "Maybe next time we could do a riding lesson. I imagine Sir, Lance is very good at riding horses. " She suggested. Both Gabriel and Galahad seemed to like animals after all! It would be good for them to learn such things anyway!

(Should we go ahead and skip maybe to Arthur and Caroline maybe or something like that? )
(Yeah, I’ll skip to them arriving at lady’s house)

Lance was glad the children had liked it, Galahad was a bit hesitant but he did nod and that made Lance smile brightly, leaning in for the hug his son insisted upon, scooping him up at the same time so he could get him settled on the horse. That had gone well, everyone seemed to be coming away with it pleased and smiling, another date like this would be nice and he wasn’t even the one to suggest it. Gavin was talking about riding lessons and it warmed his heart that she was happy for him to spend time around her daughter. They really had come far from their relationship upon his return.


Once Arthur and Caroline had packed they’d met up with Percival and the other knight he’d chosen, Jon, plus the guide that Rayner had promised them then they were back on the road. They’d spent so long on the journey here that the rocking of the horses was intensely familiar although the cold settled in his bones still felt foreign and he figured it always would. He was wrapped up as warm as possible whilst still able to move and he’d seen Percival give him an amused eye over but hadn’t said anything, the knights were liekly used to Arthur’s disagreement with the cold and it’s not like most the knights were much better anyway, they were all used to the heat back home.

”have you ever met this Mavis before?” Arthur asked Caroline as they drew closer, guessing the answer was no based on their earlier conversation with Silas and it was a shame he’d been unable to accompany them but at least it meant him and Caroline would get some time together which is what he’d been aiming for. They’d spent quite a few nights together by now, although only cuddling at most, obviously with the exception of last night when he’d been in town but still for the most part he tended to spend the majority of his time with Silas, even if not alone with Silas. This break would be good for them althiugh he wasn’t sure how amorous she was going To feel tonight even if they’d scheduled some intimate time in, might feel awkward in this unknown relative‘s house, although how could they tell that awkwardness apart from their usual awkwardness? He expected They’d see her home any moment now and then hopefully they could come in from the cold rather than be turned away immediately. Arthur had made sure to tuck the letter from Rayner safely inside his inner pocket, under all those layers of fur and he was ever so curious about what was in the letter but he wasn’t sure they’d ever find out.
While the journey towards Mavis's home was certainly a cold one. It was also nice to be away from the castle. To not have to worry about Rayner. To Caroline, The cold also was not so horrible. Though she was sure if she had asked Arthur what he thought of the weather, Well... He might voice more complaints. Still, He seemed curious about Mavis and Caroline blinked at the question. Before Saying. "I might have met her when I was small. But I don't really remember her. " She explained. She had heard about her of course, That she lived outside of the city. But other then that? Caroline's knowledge was limited.

They would not have to wonder about the woman for long. As eventually, A house was coming into view. A old manor it looked to be. A strange sight, As glancing around. There wasn't much else in view. No other homes lingered nearby. Just snow and some old trees. Yet, It seemed to be the destination as the guide was leading them towards it.
It just all felt rather quiet. Though there was some movement around. Caroline took note of a few cats that lingered outside of the house. The animals appeared well fed, So Caroline guessed they must have belonged to Mavis.

The guide then was speaking up. Gesturing towards the home and climbing off his horse. "I can take you're horse's, So that you can go get warm inside. " He offered. Which well, Caroline wasn't going to argue. But it was entirely possible Mavis might turn them away. Caroline didn't know exactly what to expect from this. Still, She nodded. And handed the reigns to the man. Watching as he left before saying to Arthur. "I.. Expected more people to be around. " Sure, She knew there wasn't really any towns around here. But she had still expected a few more homes. Or well, More people at least! Even just some servants tending to things. So far it was just cats.
The sight of a home was encouraging, some warmth at last! But it seemed almost deserted. “Really? This doesn't surprise me too much,“ Arthur admitted. ” if your father has basically outlawed her to the edges of the city then I imagine he’d discourage people in keeping her company too” Rayner was cruel like that, then again maybe it was Mavis’ choice but yes he had thought That there might be more servant at least. He dismounted and made a beeline to the door, glancing around curiously but not stopping to investigate. He wondered if the cats were friendly but the real question was whether Mavis was friendly.

Would she turn them away? If she lived all on her own she might not want visitors, even if Caroline was family. She might hate this marriage they had which would be a little awkward but certainly not unprecedented. Would she invite Caroline in and leave Arthur to freeze outside? He’d like to think Caroline might advocate for him but he wouldn’t really blame her if she didn’t. He looked to Caroline and gave her an encouraging quirk of his lips. “Here goes nothing” and he knocked on the door. What if Mavis was out? Where could she even go? Still, Arthur felt the wait would be tense even if it wasn’t very long.

He stepped back slightly to be more in line with his wife, hand patting his pocket to double check the letter was there and doing his best to look presentable despite having ridden in the freezing cold and wind for the better part of the day. He probably looked like a bit of mess, hair wind whipped and a little while, cheeks flushed, teeth just short of chattering and body tense from the cold and the situation. He imagine some people would think he looked like the barbarian they already thought he was especially covered in all those furs, the only thing that might cement it would be some blood to paint his body with or great degree of exposed skin but that wasn’t going to happen out in this weather.
Arthur seemed less surprised then Caroline. But... Caroline guessed she couldn't blame him. Glancing away at his words. It did raise the question of why Mavis was out here on her own. Even if her father had outlawed her here. She had to have done something, Right? Surely there was a reason. But Caroline bit her tongue on that. Instead following Arthur towards the door. Giving a little nod of encouragement as he knocked on the door. And well, The door didn't open right away. Instead, Caroline saw a nearby curtain be drawn. Though it was only for a moment. Then, After a minute. The door finally opened. There stood a woman, Who seemed to be in her mid 30's. And well, She was a pretty woman. With blond hair much like Caroline's, Her eyes a dark blue. Though she seemed friendly judging by the wide smile on her face. Caroline also was a bit surprised to see more cats. Specifically a rather pudgy tabby the woman held. And with a brief glance inside she could see a few more felines inside. But... Other then that, The woman seemed rather, Normal.

The woman then spoke up. Voice excited. "Caroline? Is that you? It has to be! You look just like you're mother. Oh- I haven't seen you since you were a babe! " She was beginning. Stepping closer as if to give Caroline a hug. When she realized such might be a bit awkward with the cat in her arms. So, She suddenly just handed it towards Arthur. Not bothering to ask him to take it. And well, The feline did meow in complaint a bit at being moved. But Mavis was soon focused on Caroline. Pulling her into a tight hug. Caroline barely had any chance to say anything as Mavis was soon continuing to talk. "Oh- Come in! You must be freezing. That journey is always miserable. I'll make some tea and o- " She then paused, Seeming to suddenly notice Arthur for the first time. Despite having already given him a cat.

Mavis then was saying. "Oh- This must be your man? Yes? I heard you were getting married. Well, Aren't you a pretty one! You come in too sir! Oh, You have others. They can come in as well! " She was encouraging. Attempting to shoo the couple inside and out of the cold. Which certainly was preferred over her kicking them out. But Caroline was still a bit startled by all this. Mavis just seemed... Friendly so far. What had she possibly done that would have gotten her banished to out here?
Caroline seemed convinced that Mavis must have done something in order to have been banished. Silas had mentioned rumours but Arthur believed Rayner to be cruel and decorated enough to sentence her to live out her for little reason other than his own amusement or ire with the woman. Maybe he’d wanted no reminders of his wife and her family? Maybe he didn’t want someone to question what he was doing to Silas? Or he wanted to hurt them by not letting them see the prince and princess. Maybe Mavis would give them some answers. Well, she seemed mostly preoccupied with Caroline, not that he could blame her, but he looked down at the cat a little dumbfounded as it was foisted upon him with a pitiful meow. Yeah, him too buddy.

Arthur blinked at being called pretty but he supposed that was nice of her and he followed Mavis and Caroline in. Percival exchanged A look with Jon before following them as well. Frankly Percival didn’t imagine there was much for them to guard against out here but Caroline and Arthur were good at finding trouble. “I really wanted to meet some of Caroline’s family” Arthur told Mavis, grateful to be inside and out of the wind, and The cat in his arms was quite nice and warm too. “So when King Rayner said there was a letter he needed delivering to you we jumped at the chance” Arthur explained, she might be wondering why they were here after all, plus he was curious as to how she might react at the mention of Rayner and his letter. Dread? Anger? He didn’t want to sour the mood but he knew the mention of Rayner would tend to do that.

”Silas must get his love of cats from your side of the family” Arthur commented, keeping his voice pleasant and a warm smile on his face. He didn’t want her think he was mocking her for all her felines, even if she did seem to have an excessive amount. At least she had something to keep her company he guessed. He switched his gaze to Caroline though, wondering if she was okay. Mavis seemed to have swept her up really, Caroline might be feeling a little overwhelmed but she was a princess, she must be used to intense social situations. “He mentioned that he’s visited you a few times” he added. “He would’ve joined us but was unfortunately unable to this time” Silas wasn’t being rude, Rayner had forbid him but he wasn’t sure if that was wise to say.
Soon enough the little group was inside, Mavis closing the door behind them and Caroline took a moment to glance around while Arthur talked. She expected to see more people inside. Maybe guards or something. But no. It seemed like it was just Mavis and her cats. A strange thing for such a large home. Mavis seemed cheerful though. Smiling at Arthur. Her nose did wrinkle a bit though at the mention of Rayner. She though soon happily then said. "Well, I'm glad you did come! It is a pleasure to meet you dear! " She seemed amused at his mention of cats and then looked down. Reaching down to scoop up a nearby cat. Saying softly. "I'm not surprised, Silas and Caroline's mother loved kitties! As you can see, I'm rather fond as well. " She mused. Giving the kitty a little chin scratch before setting it back down.

Mavis then mused. "Perhaps next time he'll be able to come and stay! Speaking of, Will you both be staying? Surely you will! You'd be traveling for ages if you tried to return today! " At that, Caroline spoke up. Saying softly. "We'd love to stay the night if you'll have us. " She told, And Mavis was quickly nodding. Saying. "Of course! Of course! Stay as long as you'd like! You can stay the whole week if you'd like! " She was encouraging them. Seeming rather delighted to have them company. It made Caroline wonder just how long the woman had been alone out here. With no one besides the cats. She didn't seem to live with anyone.

So, Carefully Caroline began. "We'd love to stay the night. " Glancing towards Arthur for a moment, She then continued. "Do you live alone out here? " Tone curious. And that made Mavis frown. Before shrugging and saying. "Yes. It is just me, You're father has supplies sent to me every month though. " Distaste clear in her words. But it wasn't directed towards them. She then was moving away. Saying. "You all settle down! I'm going to get some tea made! " She told, Soon moving away from the group as to leave the room.
Mavis didn’t stick on Rayner, seemed to gloss over him with merely a brief show of distaste which was honestly quite telling; other nobles might be more eager to linger on conversation of the king but the fact that Mavis was quite happy to move on did imply to him that she didn’t like Rayner much more than he did. Mavis seemed quite perky for someone who lived on their own and Arthur could help but feel welcomed into her home. She so far appeared to be a warm person and was even offering them a place to stay for the whole week but they’d take just a night so far and see how things went.

The distaste was back as she mentioned Rayner again Arthur noted and that made him like her more to be honest. Arthur went to take a seat, setting the cat down on the floor so it could scamper away if it wanted and smile at Caroline, patting the seat next to his encouragingly. “She seems nice” Arthur murmured, maybe it was a lot at once but she lived on her own, probably didn’t get a lot of visitors so that could be excused. Percival glanced around the room, scanning the place curiously as Jon took a seat himself further away from the couple. “She seems to dislike your father” Arthur added which earned a glance from Percival and whilst they hadn’t been present at Silas’ punishments nor been privy to the conversations that Arthur had with Rayner but Some had picked up the tension between Arthur and the king. Percival hadn’t asked him about it but it wasn’t often that Arthur disliked someone and he did find Arthur to be a fairly reliable source on who to steer clear of. Occasionally he found Arthur could dislike someone for petty reasons or had judged someone wrong but that was far and few between, plus Arthur liked to give people the benefit of the doubt, sometimes to his own detriment so those that Arthur disliked must have done something bad.

”I wonder why she lives out here all by herself? I know it was quite a ride from the castle but people make rides like that all the time, i would've thought she’d get more visitors. It’s not like she’s a scary old witch” he pointed out. Plus she was quite pretty and not even that old, Arthur would’ve expected her to have a husband although he supposed she could be widowed. It seemed that either she wanted to be alone or something - more like someone - was preventing her from having company. That was of course assuming that she was as friendly as she seemed but Arthur was willing to accept her at face value.
Soon the little group was left alone and Caroline moved to Arthur's side. Sitting next to him. He was soon enough pointing out that Mavis seemed not to like the king. And Caroline frowned. Saying. "I... Most would try to hide that, She's kind of odd. " Many nobles were far more careful with there expressions. Sure, They might not like Rayner. But they wouldn't show it on there face so easily. Mavis seemed to wear her emotions a bit more on her sleeve. Caroline shrugged at his next words. Murmuring more quietly. "I... Don't know, Silas mention a lot of rumors. So maybe there was some sort of scandal? But if that was the case, I'd expect she'd still be able to get servants. "If it had been a scandal, The nobles might have kept there distance. But she probably would have been able to still find staff. Maybe she chose to be alone? Except if that was the case Caroline wasn't so sure she'd be as eager to let them stay.

Caroline was still curious about the letter. It might have answers and Mavis had yet to take it. But... Such could be a private thing and Caroline didn't want to risk getting kicked out. So she bit her tongue. Instead glancing up as Mavis was returning to the room. Carrying with her a few cups. Which she of course offered to everyone. Including Percival and Jon. Caroline couldn't help but be happy to take it. As the cup was warm and she figured Arthur would be even more delighted about such! Thus she was soon thanking the woman.

Caroline then waited until Mavis settled down on a seat nearby before asking. "So... How long have you lived here? " It must have been a while. Luckily Mavis seemed happy too answer. Saying. "Oh... Probably about twelve or thirteen years now. " Which nearly made Caroline cough on her tea. That was a long time. Though Caroline supposed she shouldn't be too surprised. She could not remember the woman being around. So it had to have been a while.
Mavis was a little odd, he’d grant her that but Arthur liked her so far, maybe it was because they had the whole being honest about their emotions thing in common. Maybe the other nobles had found her similarly odd though and exiled her but Caroline was right that it wouldn’t stop her from having servants and staff was certainly expected in a household like this, especially since she was a relative of the late queen. It really was a mystery but Arthur was betting that Rayner had a hand in whatever was going on.

Arthur took the cup with a bright smile and a thank you. He took a sip as he listened to the ladies. 12 or 13 years? That was a long time. Caroline would have been just a child like Mavis had said, Mavis herself would’ve been only Young, probably not much older than they were at the moment. What had changed to make Mavis move out here on her own? Hang on….when had Caroline’s mother died? Surely sound about the same time? Silas always said that Caroline had been young at the time.

Arthur was curious, oh so curious about it all and he didn’t want to be kicked out either but he also seemed to like asking awkward questions sometimes. He sipped his tea before setting it down and fishing the envelope out of his pocket and went to hand it to Mavis. “For you” He took a moment to let the situation settle before he spoke again “So you’ve been here a long time then? I can’t imagine what possesses a person to move all the way out here on their own” Arthur commented, not so much a question but still hoping she might answer and shed some light on it all. He made sure to keep his voice breezy and light though, not Wanting to offend her for trying to pry. “Not that you’re really on your own I guess, nothing like the Good companionship of an animal” he added. “I’ve actually Got a rabbit back home, not something Id ever thought about owning but Silas bought him as a gift and Caroline recently got a pet, didn’t you honey?” And Caroline had a pet lizard, loved reptiles, maybe she should reconsider calling Mavis odd as she was hardly that normal herself.
Mavis couldn't help but frown when Arthur handed her the letter. Though she was polite and soon murmured a soft. "Thank you. " Though, She didn't go to read the letter. Simply tossed it aside on the nearby desk, Pausing at Arthur's words before musing. "Trust me dear, It was not by choice. " But she seemed to grow happier at the talk of her cats. Grinning as she said. "A rabbit! Huh, You don't look the type to have a rabbit. But they certainly are cute so I can hardly blame you. " Her gaze then flickered towards Caroline. As the other was explaining. "I've a uh.. A lizard. He's very pretty! " She informed. Such earning a bit of a surprised look from Mavis. But it soon turned to a curious expression. "A lizard? Huh, I haven't heard of someone having those as a pet before. " She then reached down to pet one of her nearby cats. Expression turning softer. "I've always had cats, Though I never had so many until I moved out here. But I'm not complaining. They keep me company. " She murmured.

Caroline listened. Glancing towards Arthur for a moment. She couldn't help but be curious and so far, Mavis did not seem offended by there questions. So.. Biting her lip, She carefully asked. "May I ask, Why do you live out here? " What had she done? She said it wasn't by choice. So she had to have been forced out here. That cause Mavis to blink. Tilting her head to the side and seeming to debate what to say. In the end she shrugged and said. "After your mother passed, Your father proposed to me. I said no. So, He sent me out here until I changed my mind. It has not changed. " Mavis explained. And that certainly had Caroline surprised.

She had never heard of her father being interested in anyone. Had assumed he had never wanted to remarry. But also... Why had Mavis said no? Rayner was a king. She could be queen. Which speaking of, Could she even refuse a king? That seemed dangerous. But... Caroline guessed this isolation was her punishment for that. Caroline didn't know what to say about it all. "What?" Was all she managed.
Mavis didn’t quite take the bait, only admitting that she was not out here by choice, more intrigued by their pets than their line of questioning. But Caroline was choosing to be more direct and ask her straight what she was doing out here alone. Arthur had gone back to drinking his tea and now it was Arthur‘s turn to cough on his drink. He’d expected all manor of things But none of them broached the subject of marriage to Rayner at all. Well, it was intriguing. It seemed that Rayner didn’t take rejection well. Arthur had questioned him about why he’d not remarried and he‘d said something along the lines of it being hard to move on but it clearly wasn’t too hard for him since he’d tried to marry Mavis! Unless he’d been talking about Mavis in the first place. Still, it was a little strange to propose to a relative of your recently late wife. Mavis was beautiful but still…

”So you’ve been out here for more than a decade because you refuse to marry Rayner?” Arthur clarified, he imagined a lot of people might have given in by now but this isolation, it probably strengthened her resolve, the more time that passed, the more her dislike of Rayner likely grew. But it was unusual to reject a king. What had made her say no? Was it the death of her cousin? Or did she know what a true piece of work Rayner was? Well, she probably at least got the idea that he wasn’t a romantic when he sent her away and isolated her from refusing to marry him.

”if you don’t mind me asking but why did he propose to you? And why did you say no?” Arthur asked. Had there been history between the two? Had Rayner had his eye on her all along even when his wife had been alive? Perhaps he just had a very specific type. “It’s clearly….disadvantageous to deny a king“ Arthur murmured with a gesture around them but he couldn’t say he blamed her at all. No, he liked Mavis, he just knew this had all been Rayner’s fault. “Most people would jump at the chance anyway, let alone if threatened with over a decade of isolation, but if he had proper feelings for you then he would not have isolated you in the first place” no, who did that to a person? Let alone someone they loved!
Arthur seemed rather startled as well by the news. Mavis tilted her head at Arthur as the other spoke. Saying easily. "I'd be lying if I said we hadn't had a bit of a relationship at one point. But it was brief and I do not think it was love for me that made him propose. " That had Caroline confused. She'd had a relationship with her father? When? Was it before her mother and father married? But Mavis didn't give further details. Instead she shook her head. "I think it was merely that I looked like my cousin that caught his interest. As for why I said no. Why would I ever say yes? " Mavis's nose wrinkled at the idea. As if she found the thought disgusting.

Mavis then told Arthur. "He was cruel to my cousin, I had seen her crying plenty of times. I was not so naive as well not to notice the bruises on Silas. I already knew how he spoke down to me many a day. If I had married him, I knew he would have hurt me. Because he had done the same to the one before me. If I did not marry him, I knew he would still find a way to harm me. But atleast I wouldn't have to be his wife. " Mavis explained simply. And well, It was uncomfortable for Caroline to hear. Shifting. She soon found herself looking down. Much of her life had been spent ignoring the abuse Silas had gone threw. But it seemed it hadn't truly been limited to him.

She spoke of seeing her cousin cried. Had he hurt her mother as well? Why had he never harmed her then? Caroline wasn't sure she wanted to know the answer. Still, Caroline did ask. "If he... If he was so willing to marry you after mother. Why didn't he marry someone else when you said no? " That had Mavis blinking. Suddenly seeming amused. "Because me and him are both very stubborn. if he remarries. It means I won. That he was rejected. While, If I eventually agree. Then he'll feel like he bested me. " Huh, Caroline thought such reasoning was rather childish. Would her father really not remarry, Just because he didn't want to say a woman rejected him? Okay, Maybe he was that petty.
Arthur was shocked to learn that Mavis had at one point been romantically entangled with Rayner and she wasn’t quite specifying when. She was young, must have been not much older than 20 when forced to live out here, Caroline herself would’ve been a young child at the time, probably little more than a toddler and Silas was a little bit older than her. Assuming Silas had been at least five and that Rayner and Mavis had been together whilst she was close to adulthood then it was very possible that Mavis and Rayner’s relationship timeline had overlapped with the time of his marriage. Arthur wouldn't Put it past Rayner even if he’d like to think that Mavis would do that to her own family but he didn’t really know her and it was easy to get caught in the thrall of a king. Besides, Arthur really should not be one to judge although technically his ’affair’ with Morgan had taken place before they’d gotten married. Although since then he’d spent time with Galehaut and a courtesan.

So Rayner had not been a loving husband. Oddly that surprised Arthur. He thought that perhaps maybe Rayner had loved his wife, truly, had been kind and loving and until her death, that maybe that tragedy had soured him but no, Rayner seemed to have always been a piece of work and his heart went out to the Kate queen for having to suffer him. She’d even seen the bruises on Silas and he wanted to ask if she’d interred, if she’d stood up for him, why hadn’t she rescued Silas from the man? But he also knew there was little she could do, even he himself was rather helpless against the power that Rayner held. Why did, or rather why had, Rayner not hurt Caroline then? It clearly wasn’t because he was just a misandrist, and it Could be remorse for treating the Queen the way he had but that seemed unlikely. Maybe she had been safely because she fell in line, too cowed by him to bother arguing before, maybe he’d wanted a child to be his rather than his wife’s.

Arthur put a reassuring hand on Caroline’s leg, just above her knee at her clear discomfort, or at least he hoped it was reassuring. He couldn’t help but smile though and he tilted his teacup to Mavis in kudos before taking a sip and setting it down. “fighting the good fight” Arthur commended. Oh he did like Mavis, how she was irritating Rayner with her simple refusal to marry him, how she wouldn’t give in to his demands and held such contempt for him like he himself did. “So what are the letters then?” Arthur asked, for he was assuming it wasn’t just one, Mavis had tossed it aside like old nes, Rayner sent her supplies, he probably sent a letter along with them. ”is it just him asking you to reconsider?” He questioned, and wasn’t that a bit….weak for a king? ”How many other people has he treated like this?” Arthur wondered aloud, they’d only learned about Mavis because he’d asked about Caroline’s family, who else had annoyed the king and been unduly punished. Honestly, Rayner was like a petulant child. “I’ll be honest with you Mavis, my father-in-law is not my favourite person” He admitted which earned a warning Look from Percival but Arthur pushed on anyway. “But from what I’d heard him say, I would have thought he’d treated his wife better. Were they in love at all?” He asked and maybe that was a horrible thing to ask, something that Caroline didn’t want to hear. Obviously not all marriages were for love but what benefit had Caroline’s mother been to the throne? Just noble blood and a rich family? Surely he could’ve found another that he actually liked. But he’d wanted to marry Mavis because she looked like her cousin so Arthur was confused. How could someone hurt someone they loved? Once or twice perhaps, accidentally okay, but consistently and cruelly? Why would one want to!
Arthur seemed to have taken a liking to Mavis. But maybe that wasn't surprising. She was someone that was annoying Rayner. How could he not like her? She did blink at the mention of letters. Glancing towards the paper on the table. She then shrugged and said. "Nothing I want to read. They tend to mostly be filled with insults. " Mavis wasn't going to bother opening the thing. She had a good idea of what would be written inside. Arthur seemed curious about who else Rayner had mistreated in his life. Mavis wasn't going to have any answers to that. Shaking her head. She then told Arthur. "I'm afraid If there are others, I do not know of them. " It was entirely possible and Mavis would not be surprised to hear there was more. But if they were around, Mavis had never heard of them.

The next question had Caroline tensing up. But she had her mouth shut and Mavis was wrinkling her nose. Telling Arthur. "If he loved her, He would not have hurt there son. As for her? No. She did not love him. And I think he hated her for that. " Mavis then leaned back. Expression turning more thoughtful. Taking a moment before continuing. "There was times he was sweet to her, When they first were wed he clearly adored her. Also right after Silas was born. but then there was times he was hateful, Mocking. For my cousins part... She never seemed interested in him. She always seemed very... I guess disinterested? " Mavis seemed to have a bit of trouble find the right words.

Mavis then confessed. "I personally think he wanted her to love him. When she didn't, He became angry. " She couldn't say much more other then that. She'd been close to her cousin. But there had also been words likely said behind closed doors. So she doubted she'd ever have all the details. Mavis then muttered. "But he has always changed quickly. Could tell you one day how he adores you. Dote on you, Then the next day. He'd treat you like you were nothing. When little Silas came around, He acted so thrilled for the first week. Then it changed, He got quiet. Then just angry at everything. " Mavis then glanced towards Caroline. Suddenly seeming to realize the girl's expression seemed a bit... Upset. So, After a brief pause. She then rose to her feet and said. "Well, Enough about that man. How about I see about fixing something nice for dinner? Yes? "
Insults? That was rather petty but he’d take her word for it. She was giving them an insight into the King’s marriage and he was a little sad to hear they hadn’t been in love but Rayner didn’t really deserve his sympathy. He didn’t blame the Queen for her disinterest, who would want to be with a man who bullied her? The queen had at least seemed to love her children from what he’d gleaned of Silas’ stories but it was upsetting that Rayner would mistreat his family so. What had broken the man? What had made him so cruel? Surely he could not have been born so spiteful. Rayner appeared To be a man of differing taste, quick to change his mind, much like he had been as soon as Caroline questioned him about the mistreatment of Silas. It felt almost impossible that Rayner once had been happy about Silas but that had clearly been short lived.

Mavis lived on her own so obviously she’d had to learn to look after herself but it still made Arthur blink in surprise as he realised she’d be cooking them a meal. He figured the best he’d be able to do was roast something over a fire. Princes didn’t usually tend to cook for themselves and even his mother hadn’t had much experience Herself, sometimes if they went to see his grandfather on his mother’s side then he got a little involved but they gave him the easy jobs, stirring a pot or mixing something.

”that sounds lovely” Arthur agreed, “I don’t suppose you could tell us where we’ll be staying the night? It might be good for us to get our things settled” Arthur suggested with a pleasant smile. He’d like to know where they’d be sleeping and Caroline might want some time more privately to recoup her thoughts and feelings. Things weren't exactly in the public eye here but it was still people she didn’t really know. He wanted to make sure she was feeling okay. He knew her thoughts on her father were Rocky at the moment, a bit torn after how he’d turned on her so she might be feeling a bit of an inner crisis.
It seemed to surprise Arthur when Mavis said she'd cook. But well, There was hardly any servants around to do it. Thus it was a task she had no choice but to learn to do. Arthur still was glad for the meal and soon was asking about a room. Causing Mavis to pause. Thinking for a moment before saying. "Theres a room down the hall. Three doors down which should do. Of course your companions can take either room next to it. " She said, Glancing towards Percival and Jon. Giving them a small nod before she finally turned and was leaving the group be. Frankly Caroline was a bit glad when she left. The news she'd shared had been difficult and Caroline was feeling a bit rattled.

Caroline then was stumbling. "He... He's not- I... " But she was soon trailing off. Her father had been cruel to others. Not just Silas, Yet why was he kind to her? How could she just ignore everything for so long? He'd even been cruel to her mother. Why did she still feel some desire to defend his actions. To excuse them. Caroline wasn't sure why, And it was frustrating. Closing her eyes, She let out a heavy breath. Arthur wasn't the only one in the room though. So was Percival and Jon, And that just made things even more uncomfortable. Mavis had been happy to share everything. But Caroline wished she had been a bit quieter with the knights in the room. Though... Caroline figured she had no right to ask Mavis to be quieter. Her father had basically imprisoned her out here.

Still, Caroline then was moving to her feet. Telling Arthur. "I.. I think I'm going ahead to our room. " At least try and sit down and wrap her mind around everything. She felt like she had a lot to think about. A part of Caroline wished Silas had been there too. He'd been older when Mavis had been sent away. Would have been able to confirm things. And isn't wasn't that Caroline didn't believe Mavis. But... She wished she'd had a second voice there.
Arthur murmured his thanks as did the knights. Percival could tell Caroline was taking it hard and understood she wished to be out of the view of prying eyes so he kept his gaze scanning the room or looking at Arthur but Jon was less discrete and was looking at her curiously. Knight did tend to talk, that was true, but Percival wasn’t going to gossip and he might be able to convince Jon similarly, especially if he pointed out that Rayner wouldn’t take well to it and might be less hospitable if he found out about the chat.

It couldn’t be easy to hear those things about your father. Caroline knew that Rayner did bad things but had not yet condemned him as a bad man and to be honest Arthur was sort of in awe of that, the capability of her to believe her father could be good when he was not as convinced and Arthur did his best to think well of everyone. He nodded, letting her go ahead and Percival gave him a look. “You knew she wasn’t going to like talking about that” Percival said to Arthur, not a question but a statement. “I didn’t know what Mavis was going to say” Arthur defended. “Maybe not but you knew she was uncomfortable with that line of questioning” Percival countered. “I thought it might be helpful for her to know, to come to term with things” Arthur said, voice smaller now. “Not everything that is painful is cleansing” Percival intoned and gestured for Arthur to follow after his wife.

Arthur stayed for only a moment more before he went after Caroline, knocking softly and then pushing gently on the door so she had plenty of time to prepare for him coming in. “Sorry” Arthur murmured. “I feel like that’s all I say to you anymore but I should stop prying. It’s not my business, he’s not my father” he would’ve said that Rayner wasn’t his family except he sort of was now, huh…that was a strange thought. “Are you okay?” It was one thing to think that your father hated your brother, but another to think that he was cruel to his whole family…except her, barring recent events. Really, what did make Caroline so special in Rayner’s eyes?
Caroline was soon enough leaving Arthur and the knights side, Instead choosing to retreat into the couples room. Closing the door behind her and letting out a heavy sigh. Except she wasn't given long by herself before she heard the sound of knocking. Causing her to jump and turn. Soon enough, Arthur was pushing open the door a apology already at his lips. Though Caroline was quick to look down at her feet. Shifting. She then began. "Its fine.. I-I guess we all are curious. " She mumbled. But so far, Caroline hated learning more of her father. None of it was ever good.

Was she okay? Caroline wasn't sure. Shifting. She then murmured. "Yeah, I'm okay. " She said, Keeping her gaze low. Though she knew those words weren't really true. Everything lately had felt like a disaster. She'd wanted to come here to see her dad. But well... Swallowing. Caroline then murmured quietly. "I... Home doesn't feel like home anymore. " Had it always been this bad? Likely. Just Caroline had been able to ignore it. To avoid everything. But now she couldn't do that anymore and she felt sick.

Caroline then glanced towards the nearby bed. Walking over to it and sitting down. Still keeping her gaze low. She then murmured. "I'm sorry for making you come here. I shouldn't have. I-I should never have asked to come back here. " Arthur surely had not wanted to come, Why would he? Morgan would likely be due with his child soon. Had he missed the birth? Oh... Caroline felt guilty at the thought. There would be no way he'd be able to make it home in time to be there for that.
Caroline was always so deferential when they were on their own, if he’d upset her then she was quick to brush off his apologies and pretend that things were fine even if they weren’t. She’d snapped back when he’d been drunk but well….they were still feeling the effects of that night and by morning she had decided to try and please him by agreeing. Getting her to say what she truly meant was going to be such a battle but Arthur did not want a wife who mumbled half hearted yeses, not when he knew she thought differently, when she had Her own strong will and opinions.

He looked at her sympathetically as she lamented The loss of comfort in her feeling of home. He didn’t know what he could do to help that, just felt bad he’d contributed to it. But she was the one apologising again and Arthur sighed, moving to sit next to her on the bed and squeeze her hand. “You didn’t make me do anything” Arthur insisted. “My father would’ve sent us somewhere, regardless” Alexander had been eager for them to get away from the castle, away from Morgan. “I’m just glad that he sent us somewhere that you wanted to go, that made you happy….should have made you happy” he corrected and squeezed her hand again. “I don’t hate it here either, I’m glad that I got to see Silas again and the time away from my parents has been odd but not unenjoyable. I think it’s nice that we get to spend some time together without them watching over us” he admitted, of course they now had Rayner, but The time spent travelling, when they’d just been a couple without higher supervision. The knights were always about but it wasn’t the same as the expectations from his parents, it felt freer.

”I’m sorry that this trip hasn’t been what you’d wished though. I….you may have noticed that I’m close to my mother” Arthur murmured with a small wry smile, of course she’d noticed that Malia was protective of him, that he did not tend to argue with her. It wasn’t exactly a secret that he was a bit of a mommy’s boy. “She’s not always openly affectionate, sometimes she’s harsh or distant, I know she can be standoffish but sometimes she smiles at me across the table when my father is annoyed, she’ll stroke My hair if I don’t feel well or she’ll use a special tone when she’s telling me off which I know just means she cares” There were some parallels to Rayner there, the way that they were both a bit cold, especially in public, how sometimes it was small things and secret gestures which conveyed love and affection. “But if I learned horrible things about her, things I didn’t disagree with or that she wasn’t who I thought she was then I don’t know how I’d react. It’d be difficult for me not to love her. All that bad wouldn’t necessarily wipe out all the good she’s shown me. People don’t always fit in the boxes we want them to, it’s not as simple as people are either good or bad and even if it were, you’re allowed to love bad people” He sighed again, softer this time. “I’m sorry for ever making You feel bad for loving your father“ he apologised. He understood if she was torn and unsure how to feel. Hopefully she got his point, if she wanted to run to Rayner and have him wrap her up in his arms then he wasn’t going to argue, after whatever Rayner had done, he was still Caroline’s father and if anything he was just glad that she’d been treated well by him, even if no one else had.
Soon enough Arthur was stepping closer. Sitting beside her and Caroline found herself leaning against him. Him holding her hand was nice. She wasn't sure if she was convinced the king would have sent them elsewhere with out her meddling. Couldn't help but feel at blame. Arthur actually was somewhat enjoying things? That was... Difficult to believe. Sure he got on well with Silas. But he had to hate things here. He looked miserable in the cold. Things with her father were a mess. And he had to be wishing to be with his child. How could he not hate things here? Still, Caroline did not argue. Simply quietly listened.

Arthur was then talking about Malia, And his point was sweet. Rayner was a bad man, But he seemed able to understand it wasn't so easy for Caroline to just hate him. He was comforting her. But Caroline still felt a twisting in her chest. Everything just felt so wrong these days. Arthur seemed to be trying to help her a bit. Was sweet, And Caroline found her mind going to Lance. Feelings of regret. Arthur was a good man, Was sweet and tried to comfort her. Had forgiven her affair. Let it continued.

Some days, His lack of interest was clear. But lately, He'd seemed a bit more involved. And well, Caroline didn't want to be like her mother. She didn't want to not love her husband. She wanted a happy romantic marriage. For things to be good. Caroline then shook her head. "Arthur... You aren't doing it. I... You've been nothing but sweet. I... I'm thankful that you are here. " She expressed. Before looking up at him. And well, She hesitated for a second before moving her hand to his cheek. And gently kissing him. She wasn't sure how keen he would be about such. Suddenly realizing the two did not kiss that often. But truthfully they hardly behaved like newly weds many a day. Maybe things could change? Maybe they could be good together?
It was entirely possible for Arthur to wish he was back home but still enjoy being in her kingdom. He hadn’t really travelled much so it was interesting to be somewhere new and see a different culture. Besides, even with excitement towards his child, he wasn’t sure he was yet ready to go back and be a father, to even just go back and face Morgan. He didn’t know what he was going to say to her, what he was going to do. She’d drugged him, betrayed his trust, he understood now his father’s fury and distrust, even if he himself didn’t have that intense anger for her. He couldn’t let her manipulate him again but he didn’t hate her. There was a lot to sort through there and he didn’t know where to start.

Arthur wasn’t sure he believed Caroline when she reassured him. How could she be thankful for him when all he’d brought her was misery? She got upset so often around him, he created problems everywhere. Arthur didn’t get much time to think about it though because Caroline was making a move. They did not do this a lot. A kiss between them, a proper kiss, normally only happened if they were being intimate and that was awkward. A kiss required some sort of passion which is why it was easier to stick to polite pecks on the cheek or comforting kisses to the forehead. Rarely did their lips meet. Arthur froze in surprise, not having expected it and it wasn’t instinctual for him to kiss back, not with Caroline.

Her hand was warm on his face and he was reminded of his kiss with Silas, of the other prince’s burning cheeks he’d been so eager to feel. There had been no hesitation there, only afterwards when they’d spoken of what they were to each other. And Arthur felt guilt twang inside him as he thought of Caroline’s brother whilst she had her lips on him but they’d remained apart, just friends because of Caroline, because he couldn’t betray her like that and because he should be a better a husband. Good husbands kissed their wives back he was pretty sure. Arthur moved a hand to Caroline’s wrist of the hand on his cheek, gripping it gently and he started to kiss back. They should practice this more really. Arthur did have a bit more experience since Morgan and Silas and Galehaut but it wasn’t exactly his forte. It wasn’t horrible, it was just a kiss, the physical sensation was nice enough but there was definitely something missing, the awkwardness lingered a little but Arthur tried to put that aside and inject a little passion into it. He figured that Caroline would like him to kiss her more like Lance did and found that if he thought of others, if he thought of Silas, forgive him, then he could muster up some of that enthusiasm. Caroline was not so different from her brother, if he squinted then it made the differences harder to tell, although It worked less well as he felt he knew them both rather intimately by now. They really were such a mess, so many unsaid worries snd thoughts between them that really twisted The situation into something hard to untangle. At least Caroline’s kiss was gentle, that was how he liked them, soft and tender, maybe they’d have that in common?
It took a few moments for Arthur to kiss back. Something that certainly had Caroline on edge. Briefly she feared he might push her away, Or maybe just not respond at all. But eventually he was returning the kiss. And it was something that had Caroline feeling a bit more hopeful. Except her mind couldn't help but go to Lance. A part of her certainly wished it had been him here that she was kissing. But he wasn't, She needed to just be content with Arthur. He was her husband. He was sweet, She should be happy with him. Eventually she pulled away. Cheeks a bit red as she looked away.

She and Arthur would be happy together. They'd fall in love and it would be good. She just had to put in the effort! So Caroline hesitated for a moment. Thinking for a moment before saying. "Hey Arthur... Since.. Since we're in a bit more of a private place. Maybe we could ask if Percival, Or Jon might want to join us. " She found herself saying. Though the idea did not exactly appeal to her. It all felt uncomfortable and awkward. But... Atleast here they wouldn't have to worry about any servants seeing the knight slip into the room. So that was a good thing.

There was also the chance neither would accept. Would they gossip about things? Caroline didn't want to think about that. Hoped they wouldn't. But if she had to deal with such gossip to make Arthur happy. Well, She'd do her best not to get upset about it. Oh, She couldn't help the redness in her cheeks. It was hard to look directly at Arthur.
Caroline looked away as soon as they pulled apart. Maybe had they been real lovers then they would’ve stared into each other’s eyes, chasing the attraction but as it was they were both left a bit awkward and unsure, still not used to all this and the private moment still not coming naturally. A physical effort was being made which was better than nothing but her words lead him somewhere uncomfortable. It seemed that she still planned to stick their earlier agreement about tonight but she was upping the ante and suggesting they bring a knight into it sooner rather than later. Was this what she wanted? Was she so desperate For it that she’d take the first opportunity she got? Who was he to judge how she got her kicks but it made him shrivel a little inside, worried and hesitant of how they might react, absolutely mortified at the thought of approaching them.

Arthur cleared his throat and tried to control the panic inside him at her suggestion. “Who would you prefer me to approach?” He asked, trying to keep his voice even but his cheeks were flushed. He knew Percival better than Jon, and He did think Percival was a beautiful man but he did not think Percival would accept. He and Percival were very alike, or had been very alike at least, in the way that crude things did not come easily to them. Percival was a bit more prim and proper, he was graceful and pure, whilst he didn’t necessarily judge anyone for their escapades he knew at least that Percival had mentioned about saving himself for marriage. Jon on the other hand was more of an unknown, he wasn’t sure that the knight would turn down a request from the prince and princess but he might also talk, he seemed a bit more likely to say yes but he’d been quiet so far, but then again there were few people to gossip with out here. Frankly he was hoping she’d say Percival so that they could get rejected and not have to face the embarrassment of being watched, again.

“When you say join us…” Arthur did need some clarification by what exactly she meant. “Join us in the room? Or the bed?” He had to know what her full intentions were. Lance had just watched but they had at one point suggested it go further but Lance had not agreed to it, hadn’t seems to like the idea. Arthur had been attracted to Lance but even the thought of that was a bit embarrassing, let alone with someone else. It just felt overwhelming to even consider. To bring someone else into their bed when they weren’t even comfortable with each other? It was madness but he wanted Caroline to be happy and if this would do it….then he’d suck it up for her. He didn’t know if it was worse than two women or better though, he eliodnr know how to act, what was fully expected of him. Oh it hurt to think about, was stressing him out. ”we don’t have to rush into this” Arthur reassured her. “It has been a while since it’s been just us” It had been a while since they’d done anything of the sort really.
Arthur was asking who to approach. And Caroline really did not know who to direct him to. Shifted. She didn't really know Jon, Knew Percival a bit better. Though the two had hardly got on that well. She didn't like making the choice. So, After a moment hesitantly said. "We.. We could try Percival first I suppose. " Cheeks a bright shade of red. And then he was asking about more then them just being in the room. About them being in the actual bed! Caroline did not want that. Another watching them was bad enough, But joining them? Caroline hated the idea. But... Did Arthur want them in the bed? Why would he ask if he didn't? If this helped there marriage. Then she'd do it. So hesitantly she began. "I-I don't mind them joining us in the bed. " She said. Hating the words coming out of her mouth.

His next words had her worried. Had he detected the hesitance in her tone? Did he think she wasn't really interested? Caroline couldn't help but feel worried. She needed to act more excited. Be seductive or something, Caroline wasn't exactly sure how to do that but she soon turned to Arthur. Saying. "I... I just want us both to have a good time. " She urged. Though found herself jumping as she heard the sound of a knock on the door. Mavis's voice on the other side of the door. "Sweethearts, Its time to eat! C'mon out whenever you are ready. " And with that her footsteps were retreating.

Well, They probably shouldn't be rude and spend too much time away. So Caroline then was moving to her feet. Murmuring softly. "We uh... We shouldn't keep her waiting. " Do her best to try and get rid of the redness from her cheeks. Such was a bit difficult though and Caroline was finding it hard to look directly at Arthur. The entire thing was embarrassing frankly. Maybe it would be best to try and just not to think about it until the time came? Caroline wasn't sure if that would make things easier or not.

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