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Fantasy I Was Fine Until You

Gavin liked the set up which made Lance feel warm inside and he smiled. He was right about the cupcakes, they tempted Gabriel over and Lance passed her some food, making sure to include one cupcake for her before doing the same for Galahad. His son was being a bit…subdued and he didn’t want it to stay that way, if Galahad was quiet the whole time and didn’t enjoy this trip then it meant he might not bond with Gavin and Gabriel which would not mean great things for his relationship with Gavin. Galahad was important to him, he wanted him to get on with whoever he was dating and he wasn’t sure Gavin fully realised that was what they were doing or the implications of that - they weren’t just sneaking around together, they were courting.

He looked at her in surprise as she talked about the signs. So that meant she’d want to spend more time around him and Galahad, that she was thinking of the future, that they might have one. That was encouraging and he nodded. Galahad did seem to like animals and Gavin made a good suggestion which Gabriel was quick to jump into. “We have nothing to take a fish home in” Lance pointed out to the young girl before looking back at Gavin “yeah he likes animals, or dogs and cats at least, I've never seen him around a duck so it’s worth a try” he agreed. He wanted Galahad to relax, come out of his shell and enjoy himself but that might take a little while and maybe he was feeling a bit more reluctant due to Gabriel’s boisterous nature? But hopefully she’d rub off on him a bit, not too much though, Lance was quite happy with how well behaved and calm Galahad was, he didn’t need to deal with all that energy like Gabriel had. The girl was sweet and amusing though but he figured looking after her all the time must be a handful for Gavin although she’d no doubt grown used to it by now.

“How are things at the castle?” Lance asked Gavin as they ate. “How’s Morgan and the child?” And he wasn’t trying to bring the mood down but if she needed to talk then Lance was happy to help out since she couldn’t really go to her brothers and best to say all the bad stuff first so then they could cover it up with a good time. Plus, Lance loved a bit of gossip and Gavin was a good source for this really, she had access to Mordred and the ear of the king so might know of any plans in place. Had Gabriel met her new uncle yet? Lance himself hadn’t actually seen the baby boy yet but he had his own problems concerning babies and heirs. And wow, what a mess they really had made, Arthur’s first born was out of wedlock with his conniving manipulative malicious aunt and the child meant to be the true heir to the throne was from an affair and held none of the kingdom’s blood, absolutely fantastic! God he hoped Alexander never found out. “You might be a bit more on your own with him now” Lance pointed out, she was the main one stationed at the castle and: “now Agravain has a kid he might not be able to get involved as much” he’d have a lot going on back home and he wouldn't want his mother to put his new baby at risk, although Lance worried that Gavin would say she was used to not being able to rely on Agravain anymore. He really wished the two would patch up their relationship but he also knew that of this got out to her family then it’d break it back down again.
Gabriel squinted up at Lance as he pointed out there inability to transport a fish. Not seeming the most pleased by that. But she didn't argue. Nose wrinkled in thought as she looked down at her cupcake. Lance seemed to think Galahad might enjoy feeding the ducks. Maybe it would make him open up a bit more? Gavin wasn't sure, But they could try. Surely the boy just needed time. The conversation soon was becoming one a bit more serious. Causing Gavin to frown. A heavy sigh coming from her. "Difficult, Mother has certainly been smug since Mordred was born. " She hadn't been threatening. Was likely still too exhausted from having the baby to cause too much trouble. But she had certainly been boasting and acting proud of her new son.

Gavin then confessed. "I... Worry about Mordred's future. " Gavin imagined the boys life would certainly be a difficult one. He was nothing but a pawn to too many people and Morgan would try to dig her claws in deep. Gavin then shook her head and told him. "Agravain has to harsh a hand for such things anyway. He would only argue with mother, Which does no good. " Morgan seemed to love getting under others skin. No, right now, Patience was best. Mordred was only little, And as soon as Gawain returned. They could have him speak up about Morgan's abuse. Then they'd have plenty of cause to separate her and Mordred. She would not be able to use Mordred. But... Gavin did not think that would solve the problem. He was a illegitimate heir. Would be a constant threat to any kids Caroline had. His presence alone would give Morgan some amount of power.

Gavin then told Lance. "I had wished he'd be born a girl. It would have made everything easier. " He would not have been so much a threat. No, He'd likely have just been pushed aside. Something to be hidden and then forgotten. But him being a boy? It ment such was not so easy. Gavin then expressed further. "He is only a baby, There is no malice in him yet. I hope those around him will be able to realize mother is the one at fault. Not him. " Gavin did not think such would end up being the case though. No. He'd constantly carry the judgement from there mothers crime.
Morgan and smug were likely two things that went together a lot. Still, smug was a lot better than how Morgan could be acting. Mordred was still young So wasn’t super useful right now, she had to get her grips into him and then try and groom him for the throne. There was still a lot of work to be done. He’d not seen Mordred yet but he was sure he would in time and once Arthur came back then the baby boy would likely be out and about more with his father which would be both good and Bad for Morgan. She’d want Arthur to bond with the child so that he’d protect Mordred, Maybe even support his claim to the throne but she‘d also want to be the main parent in charge, she wouldn’t want Mordred Having more loyalty to Arthur than to herself.

He could understand her worry, Mordred had A tumultuous future ahead of him through no fault of his own. His family would be warring over him and his position and Lance admittedly was also worried about what that might mean for how they’d treat him which in turn might allow Morgan to better control him. If Mordred figured that his grandparents rejected him, or his father although Lance thought that was extremely unlikely, then he’d be more likely to rely on Morgan.

Lance didn’t quite have the same worry about Agravain as Gavin. She figured that Agravain would argue with Morgan, Lance was concerned they might get on too well. Chris had warned him that Agravain had seemed to be taking advice from his mother, that had been a while ago but had it continued? The siblings claimed to hate her but then why had Agravain been listening to her? He didn’t mention it to Gavin though, not yet, he didn’t want her to feel anymore distance between herself and Agravain but if it appeared that something dodgy was going on between Morgan and Agravain then he might have ti bring it to her attention, she’d have a better insight than him.

”mmm you and Alexander both” he pointed out, and many more would’ve wished that Mordred had been a girl, or never been born but they had to play with the hand they’d been dealt. “I think we both know that’s unlikely” Lance murmured. “As upsetting as it is, people will shun him for his parents, blame him for things he has no control over, maybe people will be nice to his face, not everyone can afford to annoy a prince but he will not be accepted and he will definitely feel the distance between him and his peers” There was bound to be some isolation going on for Mordred, even if he turned out to be super nice, people would still hold him at arms length, especially as first, but just the fact that he would not be accepted meant he was already at risk of turning sour, even without Morgan’s influence. “But he’ll have you” Lance pointed out. “And your siblings“ he wouldn’t be alone. “Arthur is not going to abandon his child either, it’ll be good for you to speak to him once he returns. Morgan may be a walking bag of poison but Arthur at least is a genuinely sweet person, he’ll do his best to look out for Mordred, even if Alexander wishes he wouldn't” Arthur was rainbows where Morgan was snakes. Mordred might’ve been handed a tough deal in life but at least he Would have Arthur to support him, his father who cared so much about everything.
Lance was right, People would shun and judge him. But that only ment Morgan would be able to have more control. If Mordred became isolated, Then well... Morgan would be able to whisper whatever she wanted in his ear. He'd have his siblings to rely on, And Gavin hoped that would help. But... Would it be enough? Gavin then let out a sigh. Saying. "Arthur is sweet, But he's naive. I fear he will want Morgan to be apart of Mordred's life. " He might know the truth now. But he might think that Mordred should still have his mother in his life. That could make things more of a headache to deal with. They needed to completely cut Morgan off if possible.

Gavin then told Lance. "Despite everything. I'm glad that Mordred so far seems healthy. I had worried considering everything that he might be born sickly. " Gavin did not wish harm on her brother. Did not want him to suffer. So far he seemed to be a healthy child, Hopefully would be a happy one too. Sure, Some might have been hoping other wise. But Gavin hoped no problems would show themselves in the future.

Gavin then looked to little Gabriel, The girl didn't much seem to be paying attention to them. Had begun scooting a bit away as to stare closer at the pond. No doubt wanting to hurry and finish her food so she could go play. But Gavin guessed it was best that she wasn't paying attention. It allowed them to talk more seriously. So, Gavin bit her lip. Before saying. "Theres a lot of people that will need to keep quiet about us now. " The kids, The king, Ruth. One was going to let things spill if things continued, Gavin was certain. Her brothers would be hurt, She should stop this. But that was difficult. Gavin then said softly. "We aren't going to be able to do this forever." Things would eventually come out. Or they'd have to end it. Neither were appealing options.
Gavin was right, Arthur would do his best to protect Mordred and give him a good life and part of that meant that he wouldn’t keep Him for his mother completely. Arthur in particular was close to his own mother so might see an extra need for that bond but he’d be wary of Morgan at least, hopefully wouldn’t ever leave the two alone, would see that Morgan wouldn’t change or the chance of her changing did not outweigh The risks she posed to Mordred. Someone was going to have to have a serious chat with him but Lance wasn’t sure how much would go in, Arthur could be stubborn and he just hoped it wasn’t to the detriment of his own child but you know what they said: the road to hell is paved with good intentions.

Alexander may have been one of the people hoping Mordred was born ill or stillborn but no he was healthy and for the moment happy, that would please Arthur at least even if it made them some problems. But Mordred was just a baby, he wasn’t too much of a problem for the moment and it was sad really that people wished the poor boy unwell, that Lance himself had mentioned it was best if they hadn’t survived the pregnancy and labour. He didn’t wish for Mordred to die, didn’t want him hurt, but he did know it’d be better for the kingdom if that were to happen. But Lance didn’t always do what the kingdom needed anyway, hence Caroline.

Gavin turned more inwards though, focused on them. This couldn’t stay a secret forever, they both knew that, or maybe Gavin didn’t know, she assumed she could cut things off before they got out, that she could put the lid on the bottle and safely store it away for the rest of time when things got risky but Lance didn’t think that’d be the case. He looked down at his hand for a moment, tracing a pattern on the blanket before he looked back at her. “Why can’t we?” He replied, why couldn‘t they do this forever? She was happy with him, he was happy with her, yes her brothers would be upset and furious but they could still see each other! So what if it got out? Lance quite liked the idea really, he’d loved being in public with her the other night, the only thing in the way was their own fears. “I don’t want to end things” he told her. “You’re going To have to break up with me if that’s what you want because I won’t do it” he warned, he wouldn’t be the one to put the nail in the coffin. “But I don’t think you want to do that either. Why don't we just come clean?” He suggested, he knew it was a lot and it was scary but if their other option was breaking up then he’d face the storm of them telling the truth And going public.

”Ruth threatened me you know. She told me that if I brought Galahad anywhere near you then she’d tell my father. Now I hate the idea of him finding out that way, I know he’s going To react badly and I don't like upsetting my friend either but you are worth that risk to me Gavin” he admitted. He lay His hand palm up on the blanket, Hoping she’d take it. “You might not fully realise it or understand it but you must see a future for us. We decided to bring our kids along!” He pointed out, that wasn’t the sort of thing you did with a fling. “And it was lovely being out in the open with you the other night, I wish I could hold you like that in public anytime” To wrap her in his arms and kiss her and not care about who was watching. “Of course our families will be upset but if they really love us then they’ll learn to get over it, or at least live with it” and that was the real test wasn’t it, maybe Gavin was scared to find out if her brothers really loved her or not.
Gavin found herself averting her gaze. Lance seemed to believe things between them could last. That this spark between them was real. He was willing to take the risk of his father finding out if it ment them being together. Gavin wasn't sure if she shared the same sentiment. But... What was she holding out for? Things with her and Agravain were broken, It wasn't like things between them could get much worse! Her feelings about Gawain were mixed. But Gaheris? Could she betray him like that? Except... Was this really a betrayal? Gareth loved Lance still, Did not blame him. And well... Gavin was beginning to accept that things had just been a mistake. That Lance wasn't to blame. Perhaps eventually Gaheris would reach those same feelings?

Gavin bit her lip in thought, Before reaching forward and taking his hand. Seeming hesitant. Her cheeks turning a shade of red. "I... I like this between us. I want to see where it goes. " She finally confessed. Though the words felt a bit embarrassing to say. Gavin then told Lance softly. "... But, If we want to be more public.. Are we going to tell them? " Gavin had a feeling it would be worse if there families found out on the own. Confronting them felt just as awkward. But... Gavin had a feeling their family members would confront them eventually anyway. Still, It was a task easier said then done.

Gavin supposed if she did tell her brothers. She'd need to do it on her own. They'd try to have Lance's hide if he was in the room. Maybe Antonio would be the best person to tell first? For some reason Gavin had a feeling he'd be less likely to resort to violence then her siblings. Gavin then confessed to Lance. "The only one I fear telling is Gaheris. He's going to be hurt, I... He's gone threw so much lately. He doesn't feel like he has anyone to rely on. I don't want him to think he can't even trust me. " She knew her brother was dealing with a lot of troubles. He'd gone threw a lot. Maybe she should wait until Gawain returned? Gawain would be able to help patch things up certainly! But... No, Gawain had enough on his plate. Gavin didn't want to add to his troubles.
Gavin took his hand, the warmth of it travelling up and blossoming in his chest. She could’ve turned him down, broken up with him right then, told him that she didn’t see a future for them, been scared off by his words and his conviction but instead she was jumping in with him and he couldn’t be happier at her decision. Saying it was one thing though, actually doing it and telling their families was going to be a battle in itself. Should they tell their families? Yes, it was better they spoke to them than it going around by word of mouth, it might hurt them but they should at least muster up the courage to defend their decisions. At least Lance only had his father to worry about though rather than a whole host of siblings, although he guessed they would also be his problem as well, plus Caleb.

Gaheris was in a bit of a fragile state at the moment, he’d been much better as of late But they didn’t want his regressing him so he understood her worry but: “Gaheris would react badly if you told him you were cutting you hair” Lance said, making the point that Gaheris was easily irritated and anything could set him off. “But we don’t have to tell them right away, we can figure out how to break it to them later, making the decision to tell them is enough for now” he reassured her. It was best to think through their options on the best way to let their families know. He lifted her hand up and pressed a kiss to her knuckles. “we can enjoy a few more clandestine meetings before going public“ he promised and even when they did go public maybe they’d still sneak around a bit for old times sake.

It wasn’t just their families though that would be judging them, Alexander’s court and the rest of the knights would have some words to say, they knew she was under house arrest, knew they two should have each other, there’d be a lot of gossip about whether it was real, what the true intentions were, and of course Lance had a reputation, like Ruth had a lot of people would automatically assume they were sleeping together which really would not be a rumour they could fight and he wasn’t sure how Gavin would feel about that given her reluctance for certain types of intimacy.

Lance squeezed her hand before letting it go. “Now, let’s keep the kids entertained before they starting asking for more cupcakes” he suggested with a grin. Lance made some signs for Galahad, telling him that he was going to go paddling in the pond and he could join him or stay here with Gavin. He had made sure to bring some paper at least so he made sure that was on the blanket in case Galahad wanted to draw or Gavin wanted to speak to the boy. Gabriel needed someone to keep an eye on her though and make sure she didn’t go too deep since she apparently couldn’t swim. Lance made sure to remove his shoes as he made his way towards the pond. “Would you like to go paddling?” Lance asked her although he was sure Gavin wouldn’t let the girl do so properly in a pretty dress, they could go in their underclothes though and Lance would keep Gabriel from sinking. Who knows, maybe Gavin would even be tempted to join if she saw them having a good time!

(you know we said about them getting caught making out before telling anyone, I was thinking they could put off telling people until they have a plan on how to but they’re a bit more free about it so one of their discussions turns into a make out session and some servant Or something walks in, and also the same could happen for Antonio. Lance tells his dad that he wants to talk to him so he’s waiting in his room with Gavin but they end up getting all caught up in each other and Antonio just walks in and sees them, or something similar for how Agravain finds out if not?)
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(I really like the idea of Antonio walking in! He'd be so disappointed! Agravain walking in would also be fun. I could see him misunderstanding the situation and trying to throw Lance away from Gavin. Meanwhile Gavin trying to explain the situation and keep Agravain from killing her boyfriend.
Gosh, Really any character walking in on them could be fun. I could imagine Gaheris finding out, And then threatening Lance with revealing his secret of being with Caroline if he keeps seeing his sister. )

Lance was right, Gaheris wasn't often happy. He'd probably disapprove of any man Gavin was with. But Lance was especially hated. Lance was good at getting her to forget such worries though with the way he kissed her hand. Causing her cheeks to flush. He always had a way of getting her flustered it seemed. The topic soon was turning to the kids. Gabriel had not been paying much attention to the grown up talk. Rather bored of it. Her focus on the pond, But she perked up when she heard the word cupcake said again. Soon focusing on Lance. And grinning brightly when he brought up swimming.

Soon hopping up onto her feet. She then squealed. "Yes! I want to go into the deep water! " She announced. Galahad seemed less excited. But... In the end he wanted to stay close to his father. So he stuck near the man. Seeming willing to atleast give swimming a try. Gavin though tsked at her daughter. Saying gently. "C'mon, Lets take off your dress before you swim. And promise me, You'll listen to everything Sir. Lance says? You stay right with him. " She stressed. Staring down at her daughter. Who soon announced. "Yup yup! I will Mommy! " Seeming barely able to keep herself from dashing right towards the pond.

Gavin then helped the young girl get into just her underclothes. Seeming hesitant for a moment to let her go. But in the end she gave a nod and Gabriel raced off towards the water. Lance might need to hurry to keep up. Gavin then told Lance gently. "I trust you've got her. I'll be right here on the shore. So just say if you need any help. " She encouraged. Going and giving the man a small kiss on the cheek.
(Agravain is going to be disappointed too once Gavin explains the situation. He thought he raised her Better than that! Gaheris at first might think this is all to trick Lance but once he realises it’s real he’s going to be furious and I’m not really sure how Lance will be able to fight that threat, Gavin will probably need to convince Gaheris that this is what she wants and that hurting Lance would hurt her.)

Gabriel was certainly excitable which was a contrast to Galahad‘s reluctance. Lance set about getting himself and Galahad into just their underclothes so they would at least have some dry clothes for later. Galahad didn’t really seem Like he wanted to go swimming, just that he was too shy to stay with Gavin by himself. Had it been Caleb or Antonio about then Galahad might‘ve refused to join him and stayed to draw on dry land.

Lance smiled gently, pleased that she trusted him so with her daughter. “And you feel free to join us at any time” he offered, knowing she likely wouldn’t take him up on it but thought it was worth encouraging her anyway and the. He was taking Galahad’s little hand and leading him into the water after Gabriel. He didn’t actually know if Galahad could swim or not, had never taken him into deep water but he did know the boy liked splashing in the bath so maybe he’d enjoy this! The water was not the warmest though, even with the sun out but Lance figured they’d get used to it soon, still he wouldn’t be surprised if there was some squealing from the children.

”not too deep Gabriel, wait for me and Galahad” he warned, he didn’t want to have to dive in and rescue her. “It’s probably easier to look at fish in the shallows” he added, where they could stand and watch without disturbing the fish with all their splashing but maybe Gabriel just wanted to swim, to paddle and cool off. Maybe they could have a water fight in a little bit, although he wasn’t sure how much Galahad would like that. “Do you want me to teach you how to swim?” He asked her, maybe she wasn’t that interested though and wanted to Chase fish but it’d be useful for her to know how to swim and he’d loved it as a child. Might mean they’d need to meet up with their children again though, so he could continue to teach her.
(I don't think anyone in there family is gonna be happy! Like, I figure Gavin is gonna end up having some harsh arguments with Agravain and Gaheris. Gawain will certainly be stressing. I could see him being convinced that Gavin isn't in the right frame of mind after the loss of her husband. Seeing Lance as taking advantage of her being lonely and grieving. And it just not going well at all when he returns.
When do you think they should have someone walk in on them? Soon, Or do you think it should be a while? )

Gabriel had got a decent bit into the water, About up to her waist. When she realized, Huh, The waters cold! Soon squeaking and turning to dash back towards Lance. Eager to inform him. "Its cold! " She told, That didn't seem to deter her though. As she soon excitably told Lance. "I want to swim! I want to swim and be as fast as the fish! " Yeah, Lance probably couldn't teach her to be that fast. Galahad meanwhile stuck closer to his father. Holding onto the others hand. Though his expression was far more curious now about the water. Seeming to have caught sight now of the minnows swimming around nearby.

He did pause though when he caught sight of a turtle nearby. Sitting basking on a nearby log. He tugged at Lance's hand, Pointing towards it. Eyes wide. Gabriel of course followed his hand. A bright grin grew on her face as she then was saying excitably- Not that Galahad could understand. "Do you like turtles too? I like them! I like there shells! Its like they have armor! " She said. And well, Galahad of course didn't understand. But he could see she was happy and gesturing towards the turtle as well, So he did give her a smile.
(Oh Agravain is going to be so disappointed in her and annoyed, she’s upset with him, had a go at him for Lance staying in the same house as Gareth and now she’s dating him! She’s a hypocrite but Gaheris will be more hurt I imagine, she was the last member of his family that he thought he could trust but even she has betrayed him in the end.
I figure they could be caught relatively soon? I mean I don’t mind but they could maybe have a few servants walk in on them, maybe a few whispers go around about them but if Agravain and Gaheris and Antonio hear it then they might just brush it off as being stupid or maybe people are very careful not to mention it around them? I think Caleb finding out is going to be interesting because obviously she knows about Caroline and she’ll be caught between Agravain and Lance, playing middle man.)

Lance laughed a little at her exclamation and undying enthusiasm. Galahad was even getting into it a bit and Lance followed his pointing to look at the turtle. Galahad was even smiling at Gabriel but Lance didn’t translate, not really sure what half those symbols might be or how they conversation might go, plus he didn’t want to have to let go of Galahad’s hand. Lance led them a bit deeper, far enough in that the two kids would start to struggle to reach the floor but that he was alright. He kept a firm grip on Galahad and pulled his son close enough that he could grip onto him better if needed.

”try keeping afloat first” Lance suggested. “Stay upright and just kick your feet” he explained hoping that he could teach her to tread water which would be the first step. Lance tried to settle Galahad on his knee and convey the same message to him before he offered his arm to Gabriel in case especially wanted to hold onto him and try, it would help keep her balance. If this went well then it’d be nice to go again, or take the kids pony riding, Galahad liked animals, he’d probably quite like being in charge of a little pony, just Lance leading it along for him.
(Lol, Yeah! I imagine Antonio will have a similar conversation with Lance! Like him trying to say how sweet she is, And Antonio pointing out that she ate people, And ya know, Kidnapped him!
Oh, I like the idea of them getting caught soon! Just everyone brushing aside the rumors as just gossip! Caleb's going to have a tough time keeping things tame between Agravain and Lance. Though Lance will certainly get a good scolding for getting with Gavin! )

It didn't take long before the water was a bit deep for the kids. Giving a good chance for them to practice swimming. Though such interested Gabriel more then it did Galahad. But that might have just been due to Gabriel being a more excitable child. But, she was decent at listening to instructions atleast. Was soon beginning to get the hang of it. Though when Lance offered his arm. She certainly took it. Squeaking. "I- I'm doing it! " She soon was announcing proudly.

Gavin of course kept a eye on things from the side lines. Sitting on the blanket and expression thoughtful. Perhaps she should have been more on alert. Not that long ago she would never have let Gabriel so near Lance. But... Frankly, Gavin trusted the man. It felt a foolish thing to think. But this thing between them had suddenly felt like it was becoming more real. Maybe they had a proper future ahead of them, Gavin wasn't sure.

Lance was no longer a threat, And Gavin's thoughts moved to other things. To the conversation about Mordred. Morgan was a danger, She had hurt her siblings. Would use Mordred. Who knows the future of the kingdom. Alexander had been trying to deal with her for a long time. But... Gavin thought he was held back a bit by some old feelings. Morgan was his little sister after all. Once, Gavin had thought if Morgan had another child. She might have quietly dealt with her. To avoid another sibling suffering. Maybe that didn't have to be completely off the table?
The king would be forced to act if she was discovered. Gavin knew she was already on thin ice. But... If Morgan continued her plan, If Mordred became a king... What future would there be for the kingdom? What future would her daughter have? Gavin would need to think on things further.
(I don’t think Lance will really be able to convince Antonio that he’s made a good decision.
Yeah things are going to be very tense and hostile, poor Caleb having to scold Lance and stop Agravain from killing him and have to deal with a newborn baby! She’s got a lot on her plate)

Lance grinned at Gabriel’s success “well done” he praised. He thought maybe that her mother might give her some encouragement too and glanced over at Gavin but she seemed in thought and he frowned a little, wondering what was on her mind. He would not be thrilled to know that she thinking of murder whilst he looked after the children, whilst they tried to have a good time. Lance may agree that Morgan was better off the board and that Alexander did have a weak spot for her but he would not condone murder and he would not support her in this endeavour. He’d said before that he didn’t want her kills, even if they’d been in an attempt to protect people, to swallow her up and consume her. That sort of like of thinking was unhealthy and Lance would encourage her to speak to someone, even if it was just himself.

Lance didn’t know what she was thinking though so he focused back on the children, going to pull Galahad closer so the boy could cling on better whilst he taught Gabriel How to swim. Teaching them both at the same time might be troublesome so he’d prefer to keep one safe with him first snd Galahad didn’t seem that enthusiastic so maybe he’d just be content to cling on to his father and just watch.

(I was thinking and you know Arthur suggested they go on a double date with someone, they could go on a double date or a few With Silas and Galehaut and I can imagine Arthur finding Silas irresistible, like asking him for a quick chat and pulling him away and being unable to keep his hands off him, or the two flirting whilst around the others but trying to do so subtly, although I imagine Galehaut would catch on. But I’m trying to figure out if this would be when they become friends with benefits or if this date happens before, Arthur kisses him or something and that helps him decide that they can’t be just friends. Although I guess it could be both? Like if they go on more than one double date. Thoughts? I guess maybe Silas might not go with it possibly because of his sister and it being too near her)
(Hey, Atleast Caleb has Ruth to help her out a bit!
Ooh, I like that idea. I don't think Silas would really flirt with Arthur in front of Caroline. Not until Arthur actually confesses things to Caroline. But I could totally see them going on that double date, And Silas and Galehaut acting lovey dovey and Arthur just getting really jealous. Then pulls Silas aside and kisses him. And that sparking them becoming friends with benefits. Though I think Silas is going to struggle with some mixed feelings over the whole thing. )

No one would approve of Gavin's thought process. But Gavin could not help but think maybe it was needed. She had hurt people in the past, All people she deemed to have deserved it and had shown little to no remorse. To Gavin, Morgan was just another hateful person that needed to be dealt with. But she did not plan to voice her thoughts. She'd need to figure out how to deal with Morgan anyway before she could even proceed. But she certainly had plenty of ideas.

Eventually some time had passed, And Gavin focused more on Lance and the kids. Forcing herself more into the present. Gavin soon rose to her feet. Calling. "Alright kiddos. C'mon, Lets get dried off. " She was encouraging. She could tell Gabriel wasn't the most eager to leave the water. But she was not going to argue with her mother. Instead. Soon hurrying towards the shore. Squeaking. "Mommy! Mommy! Did you see how I swam! " Causing Gavin to grin. Musing. "Of course I did! You did wonderful! You'll need to thank Sir. Lance for being such a good teacher. " She encouraged. Causing Gabriel to pause for a moment. Before spinning around towards Lance. Saying. "Thank you Mr. Lance! "

Gavin smiled, Before looking at Lance. Saying softly. "Thank you for giving her the lesson. " She murmured. It was sweet of him. Galahad also seemed to have enjoyed the water a bit. Though he had stayed most the time near his father. Occasionally splashing the water. Or focusing on the nearby turtles and fish. Though he hadn't really played with Gabriel. Hopefully eventually they'd warm up to each other!
(Arthur is just going to be a mess. He told Silas that it was a bad idea but he can’t keep him out of his thoughts and he’ll kiss him but regret it afterwards, feel bad but then decide that no, he can’t help himself and that he needs to do something to stop himself from going crazy so friends with benefits it is! And Galehaut is so going to be judging him because I feel like they’ll come back and Galehaut can just tell they were up to something and gives them such a look)

Gabriel was a good student and Galahad whilst not as engaged didn’t seem to be hating the experience but it was soon time for them to climb out and dry off and Lance followed after Gabriel, carrying Galahad with him before setting him on the ground so he could get dry. He smiled at the pair. “My pleasure” he insisted And he had enjoyed it. He wished that Gavin had joined Them but he knew that had been unlikely. Maybe one day he’d convince her in but it was just nice being around her.

“we should do this again” Lance suggested “take the kids out, maybe a walk in the woods, or a pony ride” maybe he’d have to ask Galahad what he wanted to do. Lance smiled at her “did you have fun sunbathing?” He asked. “You seemed like you were deep in thought” she hadn’t exactly been saying much, he would have thought she’d say more to her daughter but she must have had a lot on her mind. “I’d like to imagine You were thinking about me” he said with a cheeky grin and moved closer and leaned in to kiss her on the cheek. He wasn’t sure how comfortable She was kissing around her daughter, Gabriel might question their closeness after the passing of her father, or maybe Gavin was okay with it. But Lance made sure to keep the wet half of his body away from her.

”I wonder, do you think about me as much as I think about you when you're not around?” Lance asked, dropping his voice lower to keep it a bit more private. “I’m glad you agreed to tell people, I can’t wait to show you off” to talk about her in public would be nice, to tell people how happy he was, what a great time he was having with Gavin. He’d have to survive Agravain strangling him first but it’d be worth it to have her publicly in his court, to be able to walk around the castle with her on his arm and whispering sweet nothings in her ear, to kiss without looking over his shoulder first and to actually Imagine a real future for them. He figured there must be one but he’d not allowed himself too much to actually envision it, not sure where to start since they were still sneaking about.
(Oh, Galehaut will definitely be judging them. And I can imagine him definitely pointing out to Silas how he'd planned to keep some distance. And being friends with benefits isn't exactly keeping distant! )

Lance seemed interested in doing such things again. Which Gavin didn't think she'd mind. Maybe Lance could help give Gabriel lessons on how to ride a pony! He seemed to be a good teacher for the girl. Or they could try to encourage Gabriel and Galahad to play more. Maybe they could think up a game for them to play together? Lance was soon asking about her thoughts and Gavin then began to explain. "I just have a lot on my mind. " Which was true enough. But Lance kept talking and he soon enough once more had Gavin feeling flustered. Even more when Lance moved closer to give her a cheek. Sure, It was only the kids around. But Gavin certainly felt a bit embarrassed.

It seemed he entirely planned to do such things often when eventually they told others. Gavin was hardly used to public displays of affection, Sure it was sweet. But also a bit embarrassing! "Lance. " She began to quietly complain. Except, Then Gabriel was speaking up. The little girl staring at Lance with wide eyes. "Are you trying to marry mommy? " She had seen men flirt with her mother before. Had some idea of what was going on. Her nose wrinkled a bit as she stared up at Lance.

Well, This might be a bit awkward. Gavin sent a glance towards Lance before saying softly. "Sweetheart, Why don't we wait until we get back home. Then we'll talk about that. " She could already tell Gabriel didn't much like that answer. Looked like she might argue. Pouted for a moment before nodding her head. Which, Gavin was relieved about. She couldn't put off the conversation for forever. But Gavin didn't want to explain to Gabriel what was going on right now. Worried a bit how the girl might take her mother seeing someone. It had not been that long since her father had passed after all.
(Yeah, but I think he’ll also be a bit smug about them getting together, he told Silas that he knew they would, he might be a bit annoyed that they’re still lying to themselves though and not in an actual relationship and he definitely thinks that Caroline needs to know)

It was always fun getting Gavin to blush, it didn’t seem like something she was used to and he loved the obvious expression of her being flustered, of him surprising her and getting behind her defences. She was going To have to get at least a little used to public displays of affection, Lance might try to rein it in because she wasn’t entirely comfortable with them but he wouldn’t be able to completely keep his hands off of her. Maybe he wouldn’t be making out with her in the middle of the training courtyard but he might steal a kiss and hold her hand.

It was Lance’s turn to be caught off guard though as Gabriel’s words and he looked at the little girl, his brain catching on the word. Marry. Marry Gavin? They really weren’t that far into their relationship considering They weren't even public about it but he did feel a strong connection to her, loved being around her, thought about her when he wasn’t. If they were going to tell people then that meant they’d have a future. Was marriage to be their future? He guess that was the goal of most courting attempts but it hadn’t actually ever been anything he’d chased. Marriage. Wow, what a big word and he didn’t know how to feel about that.

Gavin was recovering better than he was, redirecting her daughter. She was going to talk to Gabriel about it; should her and Lance talk about it? What would they say? Yes, no. If she said no then what was the point of them dating? Well no, Lance just enjoyed her company but surely they couldn't participate in a doomed relationship, what would be the point? Lance didn’t really want to ask that question, surely they weren’t far enough along to know. But would she ever be open to the idea in the future? And wow, was he really thinking about marriage to Gavin? His father was going to be upset enough that they were dating, if he proposed? Well he wasn’t sure his father would even attend the wedding to be honest. Lance had been perhaps quiet for a bit too long, thinking on the idea of marriage so he pushed a gentle smile onto his face, he didn't want to alarm Gavin. She was the less experienced in relationships but she was also the only one out of the two of them to have been married. “Kids just say the funniest things” he murmured, not that the idea of marriage was funny but Gabriel had done a good job of saying something a bit awkward. “You know when I was little, and my father had annoyed me, I used to say things that would embarrass him whenever we were in public, just put on a sweet face and say something awkward” Antonio had cottoned on and had not enjoyed Lance’s tactics.
(I feel like Arthur and Silas are going to get scolded a lot by Galehaut lmao. Oh gosh, I'm just imagining him somehow finding out about Arthur and Caroline's plan to invite another into the bedroom. And can just tell Caroline really isn't into the idea. And just Pull Arthur aside to tell him he's an idiot. )

While Gavin had quickly recovered from the surprise of the question. Lance seemed more. Taken aback by it. Was quiet. Seemed to be thinking and Gavin somewhat feared where his thoughts might be. But eventually he spoke up, Attempting to ease the awkwardness. His words caused Gavin expression to soften and she mused. "Gabriel has never had much of a filter. " She did seem a bit amused by his words. And Gavin shook her head. Grinning. "I cannot say I'm surprised. I certainly feel sympathy for poor Antonio. " That man was probably getting so many grey hairs from Lance's antics. It was actually a bit amusing. Lance was somewhat wild. But in Gavin's experience, Antonio seemed a very well mannered man. Had he always been that way?

Gavin then focused on Gabriel. The girl had moved a bit away as to watch some nearby ducks. Which Gavin was glad for, It ment they didn't need to worry so much about her listening. Gavin then confessed. "I'm not sure how she's going to take us being together. " It had not been that long since she'd lost her father. Often she seemed not to fully grasp that he wasn't coming back. If Gavin started seeing a new man... How would she react? Gavin hoped she wouldn't be upset. But it was hard to say.

Gavin then looked towards Lance. Murmuring softly. "I think she likes you though. " That was a bit encouraging. Maybe she should let Gabriel get to know Lance a bit better before she explained things? If she already liked him. It might make things easier to explain. Gavin then murmured. "I just hope this all won't be to much to soon for her. "
(Haha maybe, he’d save them a lot of awkwardness although I’m not sure how he’d find out, I guess he’d have to hear it from Caroline. He had offered to be an ear for her to talk to if she needed it)

Why did everyone feel back for his father? He hadn’t been that bad a child! Okay maybe he had been a bit troublesome And Antonio hadn't had a partner to give him a break or share the load with. Plus even now Lance was a bit stressful for his father so the concern was justified. He’d not been too bad when it came,e to respect though, he’d never really overly challenged Antonio’s authority, sure they‘dargued when he’d been a teenager but Lance hadn’t hated his father, had been more troublesome in the way that he’d been going on adventures and sneaking out.

Lance glanced towards Gabriel as Gavin worried about how the girl might take it. He was less worried about Galahad, his son didn’t know what Gavin had done nor had he ever known Lance and Elaine to be together, he wasn’t entirely sure if Galahad would understand the concept of them dating, he just wanted his son to warm up to Gavin a bit more but that might take a little bit of time. He smiled gently as she suggested Gabriel might like him. “Kids are pretty resilient” he pointed out. “And she’ll probably take her cues from you and those around her.” If Gavin was happy and calm about it then she might be alright, but then Agravain and the rest of the family would be angry so she might catch onto that.

”try not to worry about it too much. We’ll come up with a plan on how to tell people and once it’s out in the open it’ll be better, things might be hectic at first but it'll die down and things will be okay” he reassured her. He hoped that her family loved her enough to forgive her for what they saw as a slight, that soon they’d be seen as normal and not something to gossip about too much. Lance would have her back. “Are you going to visit Agravain and Caleb and the baby?” Lance asked, switching topics in the hopes she didn’t overthink things. Was she going to visit her nephew or was she worried she wouldn’t be allowed to see him? did she even want to after how things had been lately!
(I feel like he's gonna be judging Caroline and Arthur's lack of communication skills so much. )

Gavin tilted her head as Lance spoke, He seemed to be hopeful that Gabriel would take things okay. And Gavin hoped he was right. But it was nice that he was ready to help come up with a plan. That they'd be a team in this. Hopefully they'd be able to handle whatever came. But then Lance was asking about Agravain and Gavin sighed. She then said. "I... Will perhaps in a few days. But I'm hesitant. My presence there might just cause more stress. " Things were rocky between her and Agravain. But also, Gavin and Caleb weren't exactly close. Gavin stopping by would just stress the both of them out. Would Agravain even want her there anyway? Gavin doubted it. But, She still wanted to check on her brother, To meet her new nephew.

Gavin then mused. "Gawain's going to be thrilled when he returns home and gets to meet his new nephew. " Agravain might struggle to get the man to let go of the baby! atleast they'd have a free babysitter. Gavin then mused. "I swear that man is practically a mother hen. " He loved children. But, Gavin doubted he'd ever have any of his own. Unless he adopted. She could not recall Gawain ever dating or anything like that. Didn't think such things would change.

Gavin then mused. "When Gabriel was born, It took months before he left to go on missions again. " But Gavin knew that wasn't just to spend time with Gabriel. He'd wanted to be there for his sister. For the best really. Gavin had certainly needed him. And perhaps she had been too harsh with her judgements of her brothers. They had done there best. But it... It hadn't been enough. Gavin tried to rid herself of such thoughts. Instead focusing on the happier aspects of things. Musing. "It'll be nice when he finally returns. "
(Oh definitely)

She was probably Right, with the way her relationship was with Agravain at the moment then she might sour the situation and Caleb probably mainly put up with her for Agravain’s sake in the first place, after what it’s been revealed she’d done, well Caleb might not be too keen to be her friend. But Gavin was perhaps underestimating Agravain’s love and familiar bond for her. Sure he wasn’t happy with her but she’d been the one who started this rift, she was the one who claimed she hated him. He was annoyed with her but she was still his sister and he clearly had more loyalty that her! He didn’t hate Gavin, wished she’d get over herself and admit she was wrong and make up for being rude about him and Gawain.

Lance nodded, he figured That Caleb and Gawain might clash again if he came back and didn’t give them any space. He knew that Gawain loved fussing over his family, especially children, could recall him bragging about Gabriel when she’d just been born. Honestly? He’d been insufferable, and now he’d have two babies to shout about which was sure to wind up the men but it gave Lance a pang of sadness at the thought of Gawain not talking to him about them as much as it had been too much, he did miss Gawain’s friendship but he wasn’t sure they bridge would ever be rebuilt now that it was burned.

He was a little surprised that Gavin thought it’d be nice when Gawain came back. Was she not dreading having another brother around that she now seemed to dislike? Or was this a sign that she was getting over her quarrel with them? “You know, I’m more worried about Gawain knowing than Agravain” Lance admitted, out of all her siblings he was dreading Gawain’s reaction the most to the news of them dating. Agravain was brutish, an angry bull, would probably try to kill him but they’d never gotten along, Gawain had been his friend though and it’d hurt to see his reaction, to see the anger and disappointment in his eyes, and he knew that even before the incident with Gareth that Gawain liekly wouldn’t want him dating Gavin anyway and that also hurt but Gawain would probably say something nastier this side of the incident. “Don’t get me wrong, Agravain will want to kill me, will try to I imagine but I can handle him, it’s not any different than his normal state of being but Gawain and I used to be close and I don’t really want to fight him“ he wasn’t sure if Gawain would challenge him or try to hurt him. “I’m not worried about losing” he clarified. “Gawain is a good knight but I’m not worried about losing, I just wish I could’ve got a happy response from him” even if that had never been possible, at least if they’d still been friends then Gawain might’ve come around to the idea. And if they did fight….he knew Gawain was in bad shape now and that worried him, hopefully Gawain’s time in Caroline’s kingdom would plumpen him up a bit and give him a chance to recover.
Gavin frowned for a moment at Lance's words, But she wasn't surprised by them. Lance and Gawain had always been good friends. Up until recently of course. Gavin supposed she feared his reaction as well. Letting out a sigh. Gavin then told Lance. "He's... Going to be furious. But... He might be too distracted with mother to focus on us too much. " She said, Tone a bit hopeful. And yeah. That probably wasn't comforting. But, Gawain would have a lot on his plate when he returned. Still, Gavin would not be surprised if he challenged Lance. Gavin of course would try and talk him out of it. But it might be difficult.

Gavin then shook her head. Murmuring. "You... You need to understand. Gareth is more of a son to Gawain then a brother. It's... Not easy to look past what happened. If Galahad had been hurt like that while under Gawain's care.... " She trailed off. It might have been a accident, But it still wasn't easy to forgive. Gavin herself was only beginning to accept it had not been Lance's fault. Gavin then confessed. "I... I still feel like I should hate you. It feels wrong not to blame you. But in the end, It wasn't your fault. Gareth had been protecting you. " Gareth seemed to hold no anger towards Lance. Still loved him.

Still, It was difficult, Gavin felt like often they were just sitting, Waiting for Gareth to die. Him holding on this long had been a miracle. Such was a difficult thought. Gavin then found herself leaning against Lance. Looking towards the pond before she murmured. "I wish he'd be able to become a knight. I know he hardly went threw training and.. He isn't exactly able to do much. But he did good protecting you, I don't know how long he'll live. But.. I think it would be nice for him to be able to be knighted. " Gavin wasn't sure how feasible that was. And Gareth might see it as pitying. But... Gavin still thought he might atleast be happy to be a knight like his siblings. Even if only in name.
Oh well wasn’t that A happy thought! Gawain might be too stressed out and distrusting of his mother to offer Lance his full disapproval. Couldn’t he spare the time for an old friend? Give him his full attention To hate him properly like he deserved? He understood that Gawain had a strong bond with his siblings, that he felt responsible for them, had raised them, and as his former friend He knew that Gawain didn’t always accept help easily so likely felt that he had to have it all on his plate without sharing any of the load.

Gavin had really made progress with her feelings. The hate had faded enough for her to listen to Gareth, he imagined their encounters had confused her enough to reach a moment of clarity and the almost forgiveness followed as she realised that Gareth was still his friend and still cared for Lance. Agravain nor Gaheris seemed to care about their little brother’s wishes which was exactly the reason in the first place that he hadn’t wanted to be Agravain’s squire. He didn’t trust Agravain to behave, to not go too far, to listen to him when he said this was bad.

Lance slipped a warm hand around Gavin’s waist as she leaned against him, palm resting against her stomach and arm holding her close. “I’m not sure how much he wanted to be a knight in the end.“ Lance admitted, not that Gareth‘s life was yet over but his prospects were not fortunate. “I heard him talking about helping out the medic. Regardless, he seemed to want to help people, he’s a good kid, I’ll always be grateful for him, I’m just sorry it came at such a price” Lance admitted to her softly, speaking into her ear as he rested his head against her intimately. “You should visit soon” Lance said. “Maybe we can tell Gareth first. I think he’ll be pleased we’re not at each other’s throats” he might be embarrassed to think about his sister’s love life or call Lance old like he often did but he imagined Gareth would like to see the rift mending, to know he wasn’t going unheeded. “Plus, we can have some more time together” Lance suggested, again always eager to arrange some time with her. Maybe it’d feel Weird to essentially sneak around Caleb and Agravain’s house but maybe it'd prepare them to tell Agravain and Caleb? “The kids can meet up again but we can also get a servant to babysit them and have some alone time too” he pointed out, it’d be good, it sounded nice. Caleb might think he was acting weird but hopefully she put it down to being wary of Gavin rather then enticed by her.
Gavin couldn't help but feel her cheeks heat up a bit at Lance's arm around her. Though she tried to ignore such things. Lance didn't seem to think Gareth wanted to be a knight. Gavin supposed she wasn't surprised. He hadn't exactly jumped at the chance to train with Agravain after all. Though that had mostly been due to his fears. Telling Gareth first wasn't a bad idea. He would probably be the most accepting of such. Thus Gavin then murmured softly. "I think thats a good idea. I... Yeah, We can tell him first. " They could tell him when Gavin was visiting Agravain! She wasn't sure how welcoming her brother would be. If he'd want her near his son. But, If not. She could settle for just visiting Gareth.

Then Lance's words were getting a bit more flirty. Something that always had a way of making Gavin feel a bit embarrassed. Alone time was nice, But spending it near Agravain was risky! What if he walked in? Gavin shouldn't encourage such ideas. But then she said. "I-I suppose it would be nice to spend some more time together, And the kids would get a chance to get to know each other better. " Hey, Ruth liked kids! Maybe she'd babysit. Except she hadn't been the most pleased by Lance and Gavin being together. Might not be the most eager to encourage it.

Gavin then murmured. "But we need to be extra careful. " Sure, They had agreed to tell there families. But Gavin figured that needed to be done with some tact! If Agravain or Gaheris just walked in on them. Well, Things might not end too well. Thus caution was for the best. Gavin then looked towards Gabriel and Galahad. Noting. "I think they are almost dry and... Its starting to get a bit late. " They'd need to return home soon. As much as staying here was nice.
Gavin liked the idea of telling Gareth first, Lance figured it’d be a good test run and he trusted Gareth Enough that he wouldn’t spill it to his siblings before they worked out the right way to tell them. He really thought it might be good for the boy to see them getting along, to know that Gavin was doing okay. He wasn’t sure how much Gareth knew about her crimes or her rift with Agravain, Gavin hadn’t seemed eager to tell him but that didn’t mean he hadn’t heard somehow so if Gareth did know then it would be nice for him to see her being supported by Lance.

He smiled as she agreed to their next meeting. He wouldn't be exactly eager for Ruth to look after the kids though. On the one hand she might like it because it meant Gavin herself wasn’t around Galahad, meant that Lance was following Her imposed rule but Gabriel was also chatty and might mention how they’d hung out before and that would annoy Ruth and he did not want her tattling to his Father just yet. Would he be able to stop her if he promised that he’d tell Antonio, just that he was working on the right way to say it? She might not care, might rather that he learned in a harsh way so that Lance got properly reprimanded. It’d work out though, it’d be nice to be under the same roof as her, especially if she stayed a few days and Agravain could be prickly but he figured the man might be secretly pleased to see his sister and to see her support the birth of his child.

Lance glanced to the kids and nodded. He pressed a quick kiss to her cheek before moving away towards Galahad to help him get the rest of his clothes on as well as properly redress himself. “Did you have fun?” He asked the kids, crouching next to Galahad so he could read the hand signals better. He glanced at Gavin too though, had she had fun? She’d not been as involved but it was just nice to be out here in the woods, the sun shining and surrounded by good company. It was a stark difference to their late night rendezvous but it was nice, made him feel warm and buttery inside to be honest, the idea Of them goijg out together like a little family.

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