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"It'd be helpful if you could" Rose says "We need to keep the fire going, I don't think dragons will have a problem breaking down the door if we're left in the dark" she adds standing up "If we explore we should do so by daylight" she says "Some dragons are nocturnal and it's best to take advantage of that fact, a warning system would be useful as well, but I don't know where we'd find the resources for it". She wanted to check out plenty of places on the island, she had some stuff in her bag, but it wouldn't be enough for a warning system, at least, not one she had desgined "We should keep the benches that are in the best state, same with a table, but I think everything pretty much in the same state as this bench" she says lightly kicking the object "We're leaving grandpa's chair as it is though" she says.

SerenityAngel SerenityAngel Yuu Vee Rays Yuu Vee Rays Yahhah Yahhah
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She watched Rose set up and sit in Stoic's old chair. She almost didn't look comfortable in it before she springs up and jumps and goes to finding more foreword out of the broken down tables and benches. It was a good idea to use the ones that were completely unusable for the fire. She nodded to the suggestion of waiting till sunrise to go exploring. "Right. Okay. So, we'll wait till daybreak before sending out the first team. Rose, since you and Ragnar seem the most anxious and eager to explore, you can be the first team out. Take the little one with you. I'm sure she'll at least make a good flare and warning beacon if you run into trouble. Hey wait....." she then thought up a simple but easy warning system. She looked into her pack at her hip and saw some canisters of Zippleback gas and pulled them out to show to the group. "Hey, Rose, think we can make an early warning system using some Zippleback gas to go off in a loud but small explosion so we know if something is coming? You and I are pretty good crafters and if we put our heads together, I'm sure we can come up with something. We might need more supplies than we have here. If I remember right and the layout of this village is as Chief Hiccup described it, then the forge shouldn't be too far from here and some of the metal and supplies he made and used should still be there. I know I said we should wait for daybreak, but we need supplies and that can't wait till morning. We'll make a quick trip to the forge and come right back. Ragnar, do you think you and your Terror could come with us and watch our backs? If we're quiet and stealthy enough, we won't be discovered."
She was trying to come up with solutions and make sure that they had everything they needed and she knew that these two would probably jump at the chance to explore, even in the dead of night. She doubted that they would be noticed by too many dragons if they were careful and if nothing else, the small dragon could at least warn them if there was one nearby and they could hide since dragons eyes are generally better than a human. "What do you guys say? You in?" She asked with an almost hopeful or knowing smirk.

Flame Demon Flame Demon Yahhah Yahhah Yuu Vee Rays Yuu Vee Rays
Gabriella halted when they mentioned a warning system. Oh good, she didn’t have to say anything. That was a huge boulder off her shoulders. She was about to go and explore a darkened corner of the hall when she heard that they weren’t going to wait until morning to go out to look for supplies....going out....where there might be resources that she could read about Old Berk. The teenager hesitated for a good while before she slowly made her way over to the group. She then stood there with a nervous, almost terrified look as she tried to work up the courage to speak up.
”Uh....um.....” She mumbled out, her hands gripping the hem of her dress. Her head was also turned down to the floor, the only thing keeping her hair from cascading down into her face the cloth she used to keep her hair in place. She then froze up again, her mouth opening and closing multiple times before she swallowed a breath and quickly and quietly rambled out: “Couldyouseeifthereareanybooksorpapersthatarereadable?” She flinched as she bit her tongue, inwardly groaning at the pain that talking aloud had caused. Gods she hoped she wouldn’t have to repeat. If she had to repeat, she would just instead go crawl in a corner and hope they forgot about the whole interaction.

Flame Demon Flame Demon SerenityAngel SerenityAngel Yahhah Yahhah
"Gabriella I don't anything to do with paper survived this long" Rose says "But we could go and look, but I doubt there's anything left that's readeable, also... we're not your so called group of friends, alright? We won't laugh at you or force you to be someone you're not, that'd be very hypocricital of me if I did" she says and she quickly goes through her notebook, frowning when she realizes she had no Zippleback gas design "And before you deny anything I'm not blind and I certainly learn something from my dad, but don't tell him I said that" she adds looking at the girl "If anything I know what's it's like to not be liked by kids my age" she says before realizing which sentence left her mouth "Well shit, I hadn't meant to say that in front of Serenity, she's gonna have a word with those guys now" she thinks trying to find a way out of this situation "I should go and check if those dragons are gone so we can go" she says, grabbing her horn before running out of the old great hall, hiding next to grand staircase, maybe her sister already knew, I mean, it's her older sister, they're supposed to see those things.
Yuu Vee Rays Yuu Vee Rays SerenityAngel SerenityAngel Yahhah Yahhah
Ragnar unsheathed his axe and stepped over to the bench Rosemarie had pulled out of the way. "Alright then, I'll get to chopping them up" Ragnar agreed. He got right down to it, lifting his weapon high and swinging it downwards hacking the bench in two with a pair of swings to which he went on to chopping it into smaller planks for firewood. Ragnar was going to keep on doing that job, being quite happy to have something productive to do with his time. He heard Serenity give off some sort of plan about zippleback gas. "I can accompany you, Nibbler are you up to it"? Ragnar cocked his head at the little dragon who lifted her head. There was a skinny rat tail sticking out of her mouth showing Nibbler had caught something. The terror swallowed her snack and padded over to the humans apparently to wait for what was going to happen. "I think she's on with it, we're ready whenever you are, or whenever there are no vicious dragons outside" Ragnar said with a nod. He looked over to Gabriella when she spoke up, that may very well have been the first word he'd heard out of her. She wanted them to try and find books, Ragnar didn't think there'd be any books or paper out there but he didn't want to immediately shoot down the girl's first attempt to speak. "I'll keep an eye out for some, when I'm not watching for dragons" Ragnar said. As he was getting ready to leave he noted Rosemarie call out that she was not well liked by people her age, Ragnar wondered why. He had never been very popular but Ragnar had always chocked that down to his own fault for his solitary nature and unfortunate parentage.

Flame Demon Flame Demon SerenityAngel SerenityAngel Yuu Vee Rays Yuu Vee Rays
While discussing with the two adventurers a third member decide to pluck up some courage to make a small request. Serenity had seen this girl around the village and noticed a lot of things. Then again, she noticed a lot of things about everyone in the village. At least she knew enough about them to take care of them and aid Rose one day when she became the village chief. She had decided to become Rose's aid one day just like Gobber was to Stoic, if not better. This girl had caught her attention because her habits and interests were very different to most people her age. She also noticed that she didn't have a very loud voice or very much courage to even speak her mind. She would often find the girl reading or writing alone somewhere. When she had to ask for something she had to strain her ears to listen but she could see the fear in the girl's eyes from just opening her mouth around other people. This made allowed her to react to the girl with a bit more ease. She smiled gently to the girl and touched her head comfortingly, "Sure. I'll do what I can and I'll try to find something for you. I can't promise I'll find anything, but I'll do my best. Thank you for making your request. You're quite brave, aren't you?" she said and softly pulled her hand away so that the girl didn't get freaked out or anything, "I can already tell, your dragon partner is going to be amazing. With your courage, you'll have one of the strongest and you'll become one of the greatest dragon riders ever."

Then her little sister chimed in and what she heard did make her eye twitch a moment as she did know about it and did get revenge on them usually, but to hear it didn't stop and that Rose was bothered by it, made te protective older girl want to hunt them down and give them a good punishment but she also knew that Rose had to fight her own battles once in a while. When she ran out of the door Serenity sighed and shook her head. "Oh boy. I guess we'll get going. Ragnar, you and, Nibbler, was it? You two go ahead with Rose and I'll be right behind you." She took a deep breath before following the two humans and small dragon out.

Flame Demon Flame Demon Yahhah Yahhah Yuu Vee Rays Yuu Vee Rays
Rose sighs softly sitting in the grass, most kids thought that she got everything because she's the next chieftess, other pretended to be nice only to insult her behind her back, it wasn't that she hadn't tried to stop them, but that only worked for so long until they continued several weeks later, she didn't want to lead people who would only listen because they have to, she wanted to be someone they can trust with their problems, like they did with her father. "Pretty impossible to live up to him though" she mumbles to herself as she puts her horn in her pouch, he shot down a night fury, nursed said dragon's wing back to health, befriended it, made peace with the dragons by killing the Red Death and getting away with it without losing any limbs, stopped Drago and found the Hidden World saving all the dragons. She wondered if this is how he felt compared to Stoick the Vast sometimes, she didn't have any grand achievements besides bonding with a baby night fury at a young age "Serenity is a much better leader than I am, maybe I'll ask grandpa for advise when we get back home, he'll know what to do" she thinks. They needed to get moving before some wild dragons found them, so she stands up again, shaking her head, she would prove she's a great leader someday, just not now, maybe after they went to Dragon's Edge and finished their training, maybe she could even find a way to impress everyone like her father and grandfather had done, even her mother and grandmother were respected, she was just the chief's daughter.

SerenityAngel SerenityAngel Yuu Vee Rays Yuu Vee Rays Yahhah Yahhah
Victoria is scribbling everything down she can see, her father refused to tell her the history so she would document it herself, sure she was also there to become a dragon rider, but that's only part of the reason, she doesn't bother to hide the fact she's inspecting everything either, when she has everything her notebook disappears back into a pouch along with her pencil, she was itching to try to huge chair, but that would be extremely disrespectful for the chief and his family "Alright... then" she mumbles and she starts drawing in the dust on the ground, after crouching down "I think it looked a bit like this" she says when she finishes, trying to figure out if she got the layout right from when it was still in one piece, the hall seemed the only building that actually survived the test of time, not counting a lot of the furniture since Ragnar had already cut one of the benches in pieces for firewood, which reminds her that she should throw some wood into the fire pit.

Nearby: Yuu Vee Rays Yuu Vee Rays FROSTBITE4395 FROSTBITE4395
others: SerenityAngel SerenityAngel Yahhah Yahhah
Ragnar nodded and moved to head outside. Nibbler chittered and hurried out the door before Ragnar could head out, he wondered for a little bit on what had the little dragon in such a hurry but then realized she probably just didn't like all the dust. Ragnar took a few steps outside into the village, he took out Ironclaw still in good shape after being used to chop wood. He scanned the sky which was slowly gaining light for any dark shadowy shapes that would mean dragons. He saw none but Nibbler was hissing and her tail was twitching like an angry cat's so he figured that meant they weren't completely alone, the dragons were just out of sight. Ragnar spotted Rose a bit away. "Keep a head on your shoulders, I'm not convinced we're alone out here. Nothing seems to be attacking right now so we may be fine, for the moment at least. The less lingering we do the better though" Ragnar warned, it probably went without saying but from what he'd learned from exploring the wilds was that predatory animals usually stalked you before attacking, at least that was how wolves were, he had a hard time imagining dragons were all that different in their hunting tactics. He played with the weight of Ironclaw in his hand to get used to the weight of the weapon just in case he needed to use it. He'd also probably need to be prepared to grab Nibbler if a big dragon showed up. The Terror had a habit of jumping at anything she thought was dangerous to Ragnar which was sometimes oxen, or sheep but right now it would be dragons that'd eat her in one bite so that wouldn't be good.

Interactions: Flame Demon Flame Demon SerenityAngel SerenityAngel
Others: Yuu Vee Rays Yuu Vee Rays FROSTBITE4395 FROSTBITE4395
Yuki sat down in the great hall looking at every thing and comparing it to the berk they have now "well if we do rebuild this place were going to need a lot of supplies, hmmm" Yuki mumbles to himself, some vines catch his eye, "hey gabbi, you mind helping me" he says as he pulls out a dagger his father gave to him. "lets just get some vines and set a trap" he said like he was a leader, he kind of was it was in his mind set right now, i mean he's in a giant room with nobody but two girls, so he's taking the lead, "any way once were done with setting the traps I can go and scavenge for food or make a fish hook"

interaction: Yuu Vee Rays Yuu Vee Rays
nearby: Flame Demon Flame Demon
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Gabriella's eyes had widened larger than she thought should be possible for a person from the somewhat positive feedback from everyone. She hadn't met anyone who would be nice to her, so this was a definite change in pace for the girl. She could only move again once they had left, taking a hand to touch where Serenity had...it felt...weird. She was surprised about what Rosemarie had said, but she guessed it couldn't be for everybody. But Gabriella figured that if the next Chieftess was anything like her father, she would turn out great. She just hasn't had the chance to prove herself to the people of New Berk. Once she had recovered from the shock, she went back to exploring the remaining sections of the Main Hall. She couldn't remember if there were extra rooms in the hall or if it was just one room. She'd find out as she explored, but it bugged her that she couldn't remember what she had heard about the place. Or, well, she was going to...until someone else spoke toward her.
She had jumped in surprise when Yuki had asked her to help with cutting vines. She didn't have anything sharp on her that could cut through vines except her arrows, and that wasn't their intended purpose. It would dull the edges and make them less effective. "Sh-shouldn't we wait....until....the others get....back?" She asked, her speech slow and quiet now that she wasn't in a rush to get her words out. "Th-they might...get s-stuck in...your trap when they...come...back..." She finished, fiddling with the hem of her dress again. She knew this was the only sort of resistance she could muster, so she really hoped he would understand and not ask for her help again. "And...didn't we decide....to wait until the sun...c-came back up before...we start...ed to go exploring? With partners and....everything..." She added, her eyes never leaving the floor that she was seemingly now glued to.

Interactions: FROSTBITE4395 FROSTBITE4395
Nearby: Flame Demon Flame Demon
Others: SerenityAngel SerenityAngel Yahhah Yahhah
Victoria looks at Yuki and she sighs "Look Yuki" she says "We can't rebuild this place, we live on New Berk, this island is for the training" she says going through the bag she put nearby "And in case you forgot, the dragons won't let us fish or forage" she adds before pulling some fruit from her bag "I got food, but we should wait until the others come back so Serenity can see what has to be done next" she says, she wasn't going to risk the others getting stuck outside with dragons that aggressive "If we make a trap we could end up putting your sisters in more danger than needed, like Gabriella just mentioned, thanks for that by the way, not just that Yuki, but if we go outside now we have the same risks as them, being plucked off by dragons one by one, instead, help me get the furniture to the side so we can make sleeping places" she adds.
FROSTBITE4395 FROSTBITE4395 Yuu Vee Rays Yuu Vee Rays

SerenityAngel SerenityAngel Yahhah Yahhah
Yuki jumps down from the ceiling "I dont want to rebuild Berk, I want to stay safe, look even though i'm probably the youngest but I still want to protect all of you" he says with a nice tone
"now what do you think we should do, and don't tell me sit tight because thats the last thing I want to do I mean we'er in berk, not new berk but berk, were our parent and grandparents were born, all I want to do is see the whole inside of this place, maybe they have a weapon I can take home" he says with a smile
Flame Demon Flame Demon

Yuu Vee Rays Yuu Vee Rays
The two girls seemed to completely forget and miss that Alva was there with them. Then again, he was always so quiet that it was easy to miss him or mistake him for a statue. It's happened many times and he didn't mind. He just smiled through it all and spoke when he needed to. This seemed to be one of those times. "I kind of agree with the girls that traps aren't a good idea, but making something to catch fish and such is a very prudent suggestion," he suggested with a gentle smile that honestly should have belonged to a girl with how pretty he looked. He then looked to Yuki and smiled as well, he was trying his very best to be diplomatic and calm in this situation they were all in. He really didn't look or act like any Jorgenson and this really often through a lot of people off their balance when they were around him. "How about cleaning up the hall a little? That way we can go through what can and can't be used and if we do things well enough, we might be able to explore and discover some things about this island that our parents won't tell us about?"

Meanwhile, the three hurried together toward the fridge where Hiccup once took up his apprenticeship as a boy. The shadows that moved and rustled in the darkness was very unsettling. Causing hearts to pound and blood to rush through veins and adrenalin to course through that very blood. These dragons didn't seem to be at all friendly and this just made the situation that much more difficult. They should not be on this island. There were too many spirits and bad blood spilled on these grounds. It made the hair on the back of Serenity's neck stand on end. She kept her head on a swivel to try and make sure that those dragons that hid in those shadows didn't outright attack them. She couldn't help the cold shiver run up her spin as they neared the forge. "Guys.... maybe we should turn back.... I've got a very bad feeling..." she whispered but just loud enough for the two behind her to hear, "Nibbler seems really agitated as well so that can't be too good." She couldn't help but feel like they were in one of the horror tales that she would hear around the fire pits at home. Ones where people were devoured and torn to pieces one by one. She didn't care really what happened to her, but she had to keep Rose and Yuki safe. They were both her younger siblings and she had to keep them safe, no matter what. This island was not a good place for that.
"You certainly act like the youngest" Victoria says as she continues moving stuff to the side "Did you not hear me. Help me move this so we can have at least a safe sleeping place out of sight and well out of the possible wind because we're not closing those doors again with the risk of getting everyone stuck inside". When Alva speaks up she nods "I think I got everything noted down though" she says "But I think..." she trails off spotting the portraits, about the only thing that survived all these years, which made sense she supposed, she walks over to the last one and chuckles "Alva look at this. You sure you're not a Haddock, look at our chief in this portrait" she says, Rose and Hiccup had no portrait, she wondered if this is why "We need to take these back to new Berk, I think the chief will be happy to see they survived and maybe we should try to convince Rose to leave the giant chair here". SerenityAngel SerenityAngel FROSTBITE4395 FROSTBITE4395 Yuu Vee Rays Yuu Vee Rays

Rose is holding the shield she had grabbed earlier close "We just need to take a little peak inside right?" she asks "See if something useful survived", the forge is dark, eerily so, which almost makes her want follow her sister's advise and she slowly moves closer, seeing no strange shadows so she moves in quietly, feeling around for a torch which she lights up "Almost everything is rusted" she says quietly as she digs through the old weapons and things, trying not to make too much noise as she does so "Gronckle iron?" she mumbles seeing an object glimmer in the light so she carefully pulls it out "Hey, how long does Gronckle iron last?" she asks turning to the other two "It looks like there might be some useful things"
Yahhah Yahhah
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Ragnar followed the Haddock sisters as they moved through the village to the forge. His eyes scanned both the sky and the alleys around them. Once he thought he saw a shadow slither through the buildings but after stopping and waiting nothing ever appeared. He kept his weapon out and he kept an eye on Nibbler to spot any tells about other dragons being around from her. The little Terror seemed to be in a permanent state of agitation, most likely from all the smells of other dragons which had to be coming from just about everywhere on this dragon infested island. He heard Serenity talk about turning back and shook his head. "We've come this far, there's not really much point in turning around" Ragnar said. Rose was the first to enter the building and he took a few steps forward to follow, who knew if some smaller dragon had made a den in the forge. Which to be fair wasn't likely as Nibbler didn't seem focused on the forge at all. The Terror looked upwards at Serenity who with the other two heading into the forge was the only one outside. The dragon made a hooting noise before scurrying after Ragnar into the building. "Gronckle Iron? Wish I knew" Ragnar said taking a look at the thing she'd pulled out. Ragnar had spent most of his time in the village helping Gothi to collect herbs, he had worked for Gobber on occasion, he wouldn't have Ironclaw otherwise but he'd never known a lot about metals. Ragnar threw a look out the window trying to see if any dragons were lurking outside. "I'm going to head back out to the entrance" he said. It wouldn't make sense to leave no one at the door in case a dragon decided to wait for them to come out and with Ragnar not knowing about how metals worked he was probably pretty useless to be inside so he'd just be lookout.

SerenityAngel SerenityAngel Flame Demon Flame Demon
Gabriella heaved a sigh of relief. The other two had this. She wouldn't have to speak up anymore. Her breathing had become slightly uneven, but the person herself didn't seem all that affected by the change in breath intake. She just started picking up and rightening toppled tables, benches, chairs, and anything else that needed picked up. She also made sure that the furniture was away from whatever spot Victoria had decided to make their temporary sleeping spot. She had forgotten about the others, putting them at the back of her mind as she just focused on reclaiming control of her breathing and her nerves which had been shot. And once she had calmed her nerves, her breathing had evened out and returned to normal. She felt calmer after focusing on something that she could do by herself, even if Victoria and maybe Alva had been doing as such as well. She needed that feeling of aloneness right now, so it's what she focused on more than anything. There was a worry in the back of her mind, however, that Yuki might start trying to get them on his side as he had when she had brought up the need to be patient. Or maybe it was just because she had brought up? Because Gabriella knew that she wasn't one who inspired confidence or trustfulness in those around her, and Yuki probably picked up on that. She wouldn't blame him either way since she knew she wasn't worth anyone's time. She felt herself let out a quiet laugh as she thought about it, leaning against a bench.

Nearby: Flame Demon Flame Demon SerenityAngel SerenityAngel FROSTBITE4395 FROSTBITE4395
After getting everything in order the group decides to get some sleep so they can get up early to explore, the warning system hasn't been tested yet, but who doesn't wake up from an explosion?

Early the next morning Rose wakes up thanks to two things, the cold and the fact someone or something relit the fire pit and she let's her eyes adjust to the morning light before moving to a better sitting position, somehow she had ended up falling asleep on Stoick's old chair "Probably a wild Terror" she mumbles standing up to stretch her limbs, nothing else could get through the doors, she takes some fruit from her bag and looks around for something to use as cutting board, which she can't find, so she cuts some vines after pyttung the fruit back and fills a small cauldron with water before hanging it above the firepit to let it boil so she can try to make stew, although cooking isn't favorite thing to do she might as well start making breakfast, the sooner they eat, the sooner they can explore. As soon as the water's cooking she starts cutting fruit into piece and putting it in the boiling water, maybe the smell of food would wake some people up.

Victoria is more asleep than awake, but she couldn't rest properly with all the dragons outside, si when she hears someone moving around she rubs her eyes, sighing as she sits up "Morning" she mumbles standing up and she puts her stuff in her bag again before walking over to the no doymunt tired Haddock currently making them breakfast "Make the pieves smaller" she says before hiding a yawn and she goes back to her bag to get some more food to add to it "I took some vegestables and salt from the ship" she says putting in some salt before cutting the vegestables in small enough pieces so she can add them to the stew as well "Is that a foldable cauldron?" she asks, but she knows the answer is yes, apparently she should've asked advise when preparing for this journey.

SerenityAngel SerenityAngel Yahhah Yahhah Yuu Vee Rays Yuu Vee Rays FROSTBITE4395 FROSTBITE4395
Gabriella had slept a lot better than she had thought she would. Maybe the day before had been more exhausting than she had originally thought? Yeah, that seemed about right. She stood up from her place by the wall, choosing to have slept away from the others. She was completely out of it, not noticing anything in her surroundings until she was hit with the smell coming from the cauldron that two of the girls were standing around. That must what they were planning for breakfast. But the teenager figured she would be fine with the dried herbs she had brought along. She took one of these bundles of herbs that mainly consisted of chamomile and lavender and began chewing on them as she sat back and watched the two. They had certainly been better prepared for this than she was. She hadn't even thought about food when packing for this journey. She was mainly focused on having what she needed to make more arrows if she needed them, the herbs that would help with fatigue, upset stomach's, and something for her overactive anxiety, and bandages for any injuries she or anyone else acquires while here. Food should probably have been higher on the list, but whatever. She's survived on less before. So she just watched, waiting to see if there would be anyone else going out besides the two that Serenity had mentioned the day before when they had come up with a plan. Almost everyone else had been eager to explore, so she wouldn't be surprised if there were more venturing out than what was originally planned. Though Gabriella knew she would be staying here unless she herself wanted to go out and say she wanted to go out. And she knew she wouldn't be doing that after yesterday, so she would just stay here, where it was safe and see what happens whenever they return. That was the best course of action for the timid girl.

Nearby: Flame Demon Flame Demon SerenityAngel SerenityAngel Yahhah Yahhah FROSTBITE4395 FROSTBITE4395
Ragnar had not slept well after the others had gone to bed, that didn't really get the young man down though. Ragnar made the decision to keep watch near the door, and so there he'd sat for most of the night, keeping the fire lit so that he could see in the ever growing darkness. He hadn't gotten some sleep the previous night taking thirty minute rests every hour or so, but only when he made sure to set up Nibbler nearby. The little dragon had made sure to wake him, how the Terror managed to tell time was a mystery to Ragnar, but it ended up working out. When the sun began to come up and the sounds of night from outside began to quiet Ragnar was aware of a few of the others beginning to wake up. Rose was awake first, followed by Victoria. Rose began to cook something in a stew it looked like. Followed by Gabriella who was decidedly silent for the time being. "Morning. Working on stew"? Ragnar greeted and guessed while getting to his feet. He stretched a bit to wake up, considering how he'd stayed awake for a good bit of the night last night the tiredness didn't seem to be affecting him much. Nibbler was curled up on an old dusty chair nearby, the little dragon yawned widely before throwing a hoot at the girls as if to say goodmorning.

Nearby: Flame Demon Flame Demon Yuu Vee Rays Yuu Vee Rays SerenityAngel SerenityAngel FROSTBITE4395 FROSTBITE4395
"Morning Ragnar, yeah I figured I could make a good breakfast, fun fact, that chair is actually quite comfortable for sleeping" Rose says "Also I noticed Nibbler fast asleep, did she light the fire again right before I woke up?" she asks before taking a spoon from Victoria and tasting the stew "It's missing something, but I can't tell what it is" she mumbles "Also Ragnar, you look exhausted, more than Victoria" she adds going through her bag again, but she can't find anything to add without ruining it "I give up, I remember how mom makes it, but I have to improvise with what we have" she mumbles while she stirs the stew so it doesn't burn "Anyone have a potato for whatever reason?" she asks, trying no to wake the ones who are still asleep.

Victoria sighs "You're right it is missing something" she says, upon returning to her bag she spots Gabriella eating something, but as more light enters the hall she can make out what it is and the moment she does she walks over "Gabriella do you hsve herbs against exhaustion? We have a busy day ahead of us and we could use the extra energy" she says, hoping she didn't startle the girl who seemed to do everything to avoid being noticed "Oh do you have something that will give the stew a better taste? It's missing something, but we're not sure what it is, maybe you can check. Rose is about to give up and it was her idea" she says and she thinks for a momemt "Of course, if you don't want to you don't have to" she adds quickly.
SerenityAngel SerenityAngel Yahhah Yahhah Yuu Vee Rays Yuu Vee Rays FROSTBITE4395 FROSTBITE4395

Alva continued to smile softly while the two conversed. When Victoria calls to him and shows him the portraits of the past chiefs and their heirs he felt a bit taken aback and almost ashamed. She may not have meant to but she hit a very tender spot when pointing out his difference from the rest of his family. Sure, it wasn't uncommon for there to be some kind of break in a family chain but, did she have to point it out hat he looked more like a hiccup than a Jorgenson. "Y-yeah... I'm sure... much to my father's displeasure," he replied quietly and gathered up the remaining portraits with Victoria and helped her to pack them away so they could return them to the village. "I would give almost anything to be a Haddock instead. At least then I wouldn't be seen as too different to inherit the name," he mumbled to himself and went to help in cleaning up and lifting what he could and block the cold air from entering the hall with what they had on hand.

After finishing the setup and preparations he made sure that the fires were well-stocked and lit so that the warmth would stay trapped within he hall mostly and the others would have something to come back to. He had brought plenty of dried meats and herbs and spices that would be useful to add into stews and such. He also carried some necessary cooking utensils for when they were able to forage and hunt. He made sure that by the time the venturing trio returned they would have a warm meal waiting for them.

Once everyone was back safe and sound, Alva made sure that everyone had a decent meal to warm them up inside. Shortly thereafter, everyone settled down to rest. He slept quite near the fire and huddled up. He wasn't afraid to make himself comfortable and nor was he afraid to make others comfortable when he could. He would take a shift to guard just like any of the others but he knew that no one is good t anyone if they're too tired to even move to defend themselves. He trusted that the others would guard him while he slept just as he would do for them. He would take his shift when he was asked or even when he couldn't sleep. Either way, it would be fine, right?

Just getting to the forge was heart-pounding enough and upon entering, it was even more creepy. The walls and tables were ladened with unfished works and the smen of decaying leather was heavy in the air. Finding some Gronkle iron was a miraculous find and not only that but there was something under the table that seemed a bit smaller than the others. Perhaps it had been Hiccup's when he was their age? What she found were the plans for Hiccup's flight suits. They had been stored under the table and in a box away from the cold air that could have severely damaged them as time went slowly on. This was a treasure worth far more than any amount of gold they could ever find or earn. She thought about showing the others but decided against it for now. It might be a great present for Rose, Hiccup, and Yuki later. So she hid it discretely in her pouch and continued to look around for some supplies and equipment they could use and utilize. After more searching and scrounging the trio made their way back where a surprisingly hot and delicious meal was waiting for them in the hall. Shortly after dinner, everyone was dead tired and needed much rest. While Rose took up rest in Stoic's old chair, Serenity sat behind and to the side of it as if to guard her while she rested. She kept a very close and watchful eye on both Rose and Yuki. She was the eldest of the three and had to watch over them as was her responsibility and duty. While the two younger siblings rested through the rest of the night, Serenityremained wide awake and watchful. She even watched as Ragnar and Nibbler took turns getting sleep.

Once daylight broke she was relieved and could let her breathe out calmly instead of keeping her heart rate pumping to stay both awake and alert. Rose was the first to wake up and even start cooking even though she knew her younger sister wasn't too fond of the activity. She knew that the girl would be itching to get out there and explore the moment she was allowed to. After a little bit, Victoria awoke then Gabriella. Then it was Alva's and Yuki's turns as Ragnar was already awake and had been most of the night but he seemed rested enough as he was for now. Once everyone was awake Serenity got up from her place and went to take a look out the doorway but not leave yet. She just wanted to see what the weather was like and see if there were any dragons out during the day or flying around this old village yet. After confirming what it was like she came to the fire with everyone else and started to think of a decent plan and time frame for everyone to get their chance at exploring. Rose and Ragnar would still be the first two out since they were the most eager to explore. "After breakfast, we'll get to gearing you two up for exploration, okay?" She said looking to the two in tern.

Flame Demon Flame Demon Yahhah Yahhah Yuu Vee Rays Yuu Vee Rays FROSTBITE4395 FROSTBITE4395
Gabriella jumped when Victoria came over and talked to her. How did she knew she had herbs? Because she was nibbling on a few? But to most, they just looked like grass, right? So why didn't she just think the other girl was weird? Oh well, she was right, and who was Gabriella to judge another person's intellect? So she just nodded before looking through her bag for the herbs she had for fatigue and exhaustion. "I have...a few..." She started, taking out her selection and laying them out on her bag once it was placed neatly across her lap to act as a temporary table. "I have...goldenroot...if you want...to fi-fight off...fatigue from stress...and there's also these...adaptogenic herbs that...help reduce stress...and can also...give a boost of...energy after it has...had a chance to...wo-work through your sys-system. And there's damiana that also improves energy...but it also it also lifts someone's mood in case something goes wrong or if they have a sense of dread...And then, if you want to boil a couple of them in water, they can also make a very calming and energizing drink to get everyone more energized! You would be using-" Gabriella had paled. What was she doing? She was talking way too much and was even getting louder! What if she was scolded for talking too much? She just handed the herbs over to Victoria with an embarrassed blush that highly contrasted against the pure white of the rest of her face. "...s-s-s-sorry....f-f-for...ram-rambling...." she muttered, eyes looking straight at the ground in sheer fear of being hit.

Mentions: Flame Demon Flame Demon
Nearby: Yahhah Yahhah FROSTBITE4395 FROSTBITE4395 SerenityAngel SerenityAngel
Victoria starts smiling brightly when Gabriella started talking, only to replace it with a sad look when the other girl starts apologizing "If I didn't want you to talk I wouldn't have asked" she says "But which herb do you suggest we put in the stew for breakfast?" she asks, she mostly gathered the herbs for healing brew that her mother made and sold for some extra money to Gothi "I think everyone should be alert, but I think that not having a feeling of dread will get you killed out here" she mumbles "But we are boiling them in water, so that would be good", she looks over the herbs and puts most back in the girls bag "With how today could go I'll add the adatpogenic herbs, thank Garbiella" she says giving her a smile "Right, I saw you snooping around last night looking at the markings and what not" she says handing the obviously scared girl her notebook "Here, I think I got everything, but do you think you can see if I missed something?", she walks back to the firepit where she starts cutting the herbs in small pieces above the stew, making up her mind to apologize to Alva later today for last night, she hadn't exactly thought about how he felt about being so different "We're not bringing the chair" she says seeing Rose look at the wall, probably trying to find the portraits.

Rose looks at the wall and she sighs, it was empty, maybe the others already packed them up "But why not?" she asks "I could put it at home grandpa's back is getting worse and-" she stops before sighing "Fine we're not bringing the chair, I'll just make him a new one" she says, since she hadn't fallen asleep right away she had decided to draw the chair, maybe Gobber could make it for her, or help her out, Stoick had done plenty for her when she was younger if she was sick he would take care of her, if she got injured he would carry her to Gothi and she had never seen him move so fast the day she got something stuck on the roof and was determined to get it back herself, she did, but fell down afterwards, the scolding that came afterwards from her parents was worth the proud look that Stoick had given her for being so annoyingly stubborn "Hey sis, can you taste the stew? I think we got it right with the herbs, but mom usually doesn't let me get anywhere near the kitchen in fear I'll eat it all before dinner".

SerenityAngel SerenityAngel Yahhah Yahhah Yuu Vee Rays Yuu Vee Rays FROSTBITE4395 FROSTBITE4395
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Yuki wakes up and yawns, he smells something in the air, he slowly rubs his eye's and see's a big pot of stew, "hey sis watcha cookin'" he says in a very tired voice, "other than that does anybody know when I fell asleep because the last thing I remember seeing is a persons face saying goodnight to me" he then looks around and see's every body wide awake "also when are we going to see a dragon, isn't that the whole reason were here" although Yuki does not like to talk much in his sisters are around he feels like he's safe, he then gets up and stretch's his arms, "well what are we gonna do"
Flame Demon Flame Demon SerenityAngel SerenityAngel Yahhah Yahhah Yuu Vee Rays Yuu Vee Rays

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