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Fantasy Howl's Flying Castle (Finished! ---Whoo! (*^▽^)/)

Her gaze had been drifting between the ground and to the sounds beside her but now they drifted to Chenglei as he began urging her to eat. Her brow furrowed slightly. It really wasn't like she hadn't gone without eating before, she used to do it all the time at home, she sometimes still did it, usually because she was hard at work and just forgot that she needed to eat. She supposed that Chenglei was right though and she thought it was sweet that he was worrying and James probably would actually appreciate that he was looking out for her.

Eventually she relented and took the offered meat and just tried not to think about it as she, coincidentally, wolfed it down hoping that eating quickly wouldn't make it come back up but she just wanted to get it down and past her gag reflex.

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- Lagoon -
" Night TIme, Northern Lowland Tundra, Baffin "

"My birth name is, 'Ho Nehe', Echo." James' voice added that Johnny had a warm expression on his face like someone telling somebody a nice secret. "It means, 'never tired'. When I was a wee baby, I was so hyperactive, crawling under tables, and pulling cloths down, that my family always needed two of my aunts or uncles to watch over me so that the other can sleep. We get our names when we are four years old and if our pack leader deems we are strong enough to survive in the tundra, I was one of the strongest!"

The bee hiding in the collar of Echo's clothes peeked out a little and then flew in front of her face as though getting a good look at her before buzzing back in. "I miss you. There's so much I want to show you when you come here. I want to introduce you to my family, they haven't stopped asking me about everybody I travelled with. Butters is so happy, he's sleeping in his old bed that's too big for him --- he sort of destroyed it a little because he's heavy, but I'm planning to make him a new bed tomorrow. Him, me and James are in my old bedroom! We had to clean it when we arrived, but everything was just as I left it last summer." James said that Johny laughed.

"Oh, Echo, you should have seen James' face when he came out of the bathroom. He hasn't taken a bath at all because the water is too cold and even his will-o-wisps are refusing to stay out to warm the water because of the chilliness."

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Garthuk appreciated the meat and ate his fill. Chitawee rolled right up after licking his paws clean and barked something at the goblin.

"He wants you to entertain him." Garthuk said to Lydia.

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Echo blushed, happy and feeling warm on the inside as she hears about Johnny's day and his name, even about his family. Their traditions are so interesting to her, even the naming process is important as it means the four year old survived and deserves a name: an identity to who they are. So...to know that Johnny, Ho Nehe as Echo thought fondly, doesn't tires easily then it comforted her to know that he'll be okay.

She just hopes that Johnny doesn't kill the dark wolf for being...possessive of..his...possession...

Echo shuddered at that thought, frowning angrily. Well that ruined her happy mood...She only wants to be with Johnny and she will tell him that once she sees him again. Actually, she wants to tell him now. "...Ho Nehe, when we see each other and Lu Tarin is there, I hope you set him straight. I can't do it now because of this task, but you have no idea on how many times I wanted to punch him and his brother." There was an accent when she spoke his name quietly. The fawn huffed before smiling at the bee.

"I miss you too, my solid marshmallow."

Chenglei sighed, glad that he convinced the little witch before serving himself a huge meal of the meat. He nodded at Garthuk with a princely smile, the flower aura came blooming out with glitter everywhere. "It is my pleasure, Sir Garthuk. After all you are helping us, I would like to show my appreciation to you as much as I can by helping you too."

When he heard the translated task towards Lydia, Chenglei frowned at the winged wolf, his eyes steeled over. What is with these wolves? They are out in the middle of a shore and this silly furry creature wants to be entertained? Does it want other creatures to come by and attack them too?

"...Lydia I don't blame you if you set his tail on fire." The soldier commented quietly, not caring much about this task as he rather run away now, taking Echo, Lydia and their little goblin companion too.

If Lydia does sing, Echo would join in after hearing what she is singing for a couple of seconds.

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Lydia was busy trying to keep her meal down, perhaps some of her nausea was brought on by the fact that she was hungry because it had somewhat subsided, the smell of the blood not bothering her so much anymore. Maybe it was just the fact that her scarf was keeping out the smell for the most part.

She Looked up to Garthuk as he said that Chitawee wanted entertainment, her brow furrowing, 'what kind of...' she huffed indignantly, her cheeks fluffing up beneath her scarf, though they deflated to Chenglei's words in the form of a laugh. Truly that would save them some trouble, but they had given the villagers hope and the only thing that should stop them from going back on their word is the wolves not moving forward with theirs.

Lydia shook her head at Chenglei, still smiling beneath her scarf. After a sigh, she slipped the scarf from in front of her mouth and after a little bit of thought, which was done primarily to keep from singing anything that may sound offensive, she began her song in a soft hum at first before building into it.

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- Lagoon -
" Night TIme, Northern Lowland Tundra, Baffin "

"Johnny's chuckling." said James' voice. "Solid marshmallow who doesn't tire easily. I want to punch them too, love! If Lu Tarin puts his paw on your back or rubs his scent on you, sock him in the nose and tell him not to do that or he will anger the reindeer gods --- then Terra Nivis him if he doesn't listen!"

As Lydia sung, Tachit liked it so much she transformed into her woman form and began to dance, leaping and kicking the snow. There was a chilling macabre way to her as her chin, hands and the front of her clothes shone with blood in the orange light of the fire; she didn't seem to mind, though, and her face was friendly as she hummed to the song.

Chitawee told Lydia to sing the song again and again until the wolves memorized it and they began to sing, blending their voices like a choir; only Garthuk did not sing as he picked his teeth with a bone and washed his hands with some snow. He looked bored and struck a conversation with Chenglei, telling him he knew who they were from the newspapers and asked why they allowed themselves to be taken when they could have just defeated the wolves easily.

Lu Tarin, after finishing his meal, went over to Echo dragging the bones of the legs of the oxen with him and lay beside her, nibbling and cracking them open with his dagger-like teeth to suck the marrow; Chitawee asked Lydia her name and started to teach her to call him, "Amo", which means "master".

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Lydia's singing faltered a moment when Tachit transformed, primarily because of the blood, but she quickly picked up again and sang a little more cheerfully, it was nice to see that the female enjoyed her singing.. even though she looked like a blood crazed fiend dancing in the moonlight. She nodded as she was instructed to sing again. There was nothing wrong with that and she kept singing the song for them as they memorized it, actually enjoying herself somewhat, in a way it reminded her a little of when they had been travelling to Dalaran and the girls would entertain everyone. Her heart warmed to the memory and she wanted to have that again as soon as they were all together once more. Maybe Seifer would even join in now that he wasn't such a toad... even with the dragon soul in him.

It took a reptile soul to make him be less of an amphibian. Lydia smiled slightly to her own thoughts, laughing a bit once they finished the song and the wolves finally let her stop singing. She had to stop herself from glaring at Chitawee. He needed to get himself straightened out and she began to wonder if it was all a ruse and if they weren't actually going to do as they had said and let herself and her friends go. She cast a glance at Echo and Chenglei, her eyes narrowing, wondering if they had heard the wolf and what he wanted her to call him. She had a mind to light his tail on fire while he was sleeping because he didn't seem to understand that she wasn't his and that as soon as they cured the elder, she'd be gone.

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Echo chuckled quietly as she listened to James talking for Johnny. "I will, Love. No worries. I'll make sure to let James see it too just so he can describe it to you." She really is thankful that Johnny told her about the paw and scent thing or she would've been really confused as to why he would do that. Though...she's a bit curious as to why the wolf would put a paw on her back, so she asked him.

When said dark wolf laid next to her, dragging oxen leg bones to eat the marrow, the fawn changed into a green color, not picking up what the winged wolf said to her witch friend. Then she looked away, trying to calm her stomach and not throw up.

She gets it; Some beings love meat like her best friend Renee who's obsessed with bacon, but...to see raw flesh and bone be eaten like that...well it upsets her stomach as she couldn't help think that he might eat her like how he ate the oxen and shuddered.

Chenglei responded to the goblin, telling him the reason why they let themselves be caught. "It's just a better idea. Faster to fix our ships and have supplies to survive in the ocean. I rather split up and plan to escape then to waste more time." When the soldier heard what the winged wolf wanted Lydia to call him however, his eyes steeled over again.

"...I'm serious Lydia, you should burn his tail...just for kicks." It seems Chenglei doesn't like the mistreatment of women in general, especially when they are obviously uncomfortable. "Maybe when he's sleeping and no one will know about it."

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- Lagoon -
" Night TIme, Northern Lowland Tundra, Baffin "

"When we're in our wolf forms, putting the paw on the back or standing on our hind legs and mounting another is a display of dominance. Rubbing his scent on you with his forehead is a way to mark that you are his --- which you aren't. You are mine --- James, stop making a weird face --- hahaha! --- Ow! Johnny punched me; I'm serious here!; yeah, but you were looking at me so intensely that I felt your love and I just --- hahaha! Okay, okay, ahem, go on."

There was a short pause after which Johnny asked Echo how her day was and if she had any mushrooms or tubers with her for food. Black carrots, wintermelons, and binka which was a root crop, can be found in the wild in places where herbivores graze and he taught her how to identify them when they're half-buried in the snow. There were edible mushrooms too that grow on the bark of dead trees or on moss and lichen covered roots that she can dig up. When he heard they were going to Wendigo territory he told Echo that these were the creatures he talked about whose fur he wanted to give to her father.

"They're better fought from afar with throwing spears or flaming arrows, and then led into traps. My people usually avoid them and they avoid us too as long as we're just passing more than a bow-shot distance away. Their earth spells can stun so our battle formation is always loose and we never crowd around them. You better be ready to run a lot if you encounter one in the open snow, though I'm sure you won't have any problems with that. James told me how you're the only one not being carried like a bone. Stay safe out there, love, sleep well, and eat a hearty breakfast --- wait, I'm not going to do that. Because it's awkward --- sigh. Johnny says: mwa, mwa --- I am doing it properly! Okay," James voice inhaled deeply and very uncharacteristically made affectionate "~Mwa, mwa, ~mwa" kissy sounds, and in a doting wuvy-dovey voice said, " ~Good night, my snuggly wuggly fluffy Echo Mellow-kins."

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The fawn blushed bright red as she hears Johnny's explanation, smiling her silly smile despite feeling sick. It's good to hear him say that she's his, though she feels bad and sort of sad that she couldn't see the face he made as James laughed about it. "...James, tell Johnny that I'll always be his, just like how he's mine." The fawn muttered as her face turn redder.

Echo told him of her day, being freaked out from the wolves believing that she's a demi-goddess and that she would rather chew on her leg then to rely on the wolves. She didn't want them to have a reason to believe that she's weak in any form even if she is 'meek'. She laughed when she heard James trying his best with Johnny's usual gushing goodnight and she gushed her own version as well.

"~Good night, my sweet, pillow, solid marshmallow, pumpkin pie Johnny Ho Nehe Love~! Hehe! Sorry James!"

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- Wendigo Territory -

" Northern Lowland Tundra "

Early in the morning the next day, they paddled canoes across the lagoon, and upon reaching the other side, began looking for the mysterious stranger.

They split up in pairs with a wolf each, but at the end of the day found no trace of her. They did see some wendigos, but the giants ignored them as long as they kept their distance and the wolves did the same thing. Wendigos were like ogres except even more dim-witted, had horns and heads similar to a stag, don't mind eating carcasses, and were as tall as a four-story tower. They eat man flesh, but don't actively hunt the nomads and settlers, only going after lone travelers or folk that look like they can't defend themselves when food becomes very scarce.

The same thing happened on the second day, but on the third, Tachit came bounding to the group and breathlessly told them that she and the goblin found her travelling through the mammoth grazing lands with six wendigos. It seemed that they had recently come from a battle as they smelled of blood and smoke. Trailing them were a ragged group of nervous slaves branded with the mark of the Cuan clan. Tachit left the goblin hidden in the hills to keep track of them.

The mysterious stranger made her home in the hills in the mammoth grazing lands. There was a hole at the side of a hill near a forest that was blocked by a heavy boulder. A wendigo pushed it open for her and she welcomed the slaves inside. She hasn't come out since. Surrounding the hills were herds of the giant wooly beasts, and the six wendigos idled around pulling nests down the tops of trees to eat the eggs.

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Echo (1-2) = 8
Lydia (1-4) = 6
Garthuk (1-4) = 4
Wolves (1-7) = 1

It was a bit frustrating that they hadn't immediately found the stranger. If it would take days, it would be just as bad as having sought around for the ingredients they would need to cure the elder. Plus it meant spending more time around the wolves who still had Lydia on her guard because the apparent lack of intent to actually hold up to their end of the deal. Lydia's nerves were bristling and every minute prepared her more so to light fires and run.

She would have been happy to hear about sighting the stranger, but at the same time she had a sense of apprehension. It just sounded, off to her. Like the stranger had been demanding the freeing of slaves but only to her own benefit. Like she wanted them. They weren't exactly free if they were being taken from one place and stuffed in a hole with a boulder being placed over it. How was that being freed?

Lydia kept her thoughts to herself and instead began pondering how they would actually approach the stranger with all of the Wendigo wandering around, her brow furrowing and her finger curving over the front of her lip. The stranger had used shadow magic to curse the elder and she was evidently hoarding slaves in her home. Something just didn't feel right.

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Wendingos are terrifying looking! 'That's what Johnny wanted to hunt down for my dad?! Holy Merlin!' She thought as she watched the tall bone-head giant pass them by from a far view on the first day. Those past two days the fawn had looked for the roots Johnny mentioned before and gladly ate them whenever the group stopped to eat. On those moments, she made sure to snuggle with Chenglei and Lydia so they can stay warm.

On the third day however, she is caught off guard when Tachit came running back and telling them that her and the goblin found the strange woman's house. So the strange woman really can control the wendingos....it's really weird that she took in the slaves too...maybe she wants to fix them up first?

"Alright...so Johnny mentioned on how to fight against Wendingos...." Echo told Lydia, Chenglei and the goblin of the warnings her boyfriend told her, including of tactics his village members did to catch one.

"So..what do we do?" Chenglei asked, frowning a bit with a furrowed brow.

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- Mammoth Hills -
" Wendigo Territory, Northern Lowland Tundra "

After some discussion, the group agreed that Echo, Lydia, Chenglei, and Garthuk try to approach the wendigos and talk to the mysterious lady inside while the wolves stood by on the hill ready to grab them all and run away. The goblin was greatly nervous and fidgety. He hated this plan, he was sure as day that they were going to die and was starting to wonder if perhaps coming with the group had been a bad idea after all.

As the four approached, one of the idling wendigos looked up and hollered something at the hole. The entrance was covered by embroidered cloth; it was drawn back and the mysterious lady stepped out to look at the approaching group. She glanced back inside and a couple of slaves who were now wearing better clothes came out to see who it was. They shook their heads; the other five wendigos stood up all alert now, sniffing the air.

The woman was hooded and she stepped forth arms open wide, yelling a greeting, "Mayo Hon, ma go!". Garthuk said she was saying 'Good afternoon, my friends!' and translated everything she said after that in a scared high-pitched voice. "You have come upon forbidden lands, you may come no further. Please leave, I've had my fill of death today. These people are not things, you cannot own them, and they do not wish to live their lives as slaves. They only wish to return home. Leave now in peace or death will come for you."

Then the wendigo who had called her suddenly shape-shifted . . . into a white dragon. It unfurled its wings and crouched ready to pounce, hissing menacingly at the three.

"What the? . . ." muttered James voice behind Lydia's ear.

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Echo's eyes widened at what just happened. A wendingo just turned into a...a....

"A dragon....?" Then she quickly cleared her throat as she only took one step further than the other three. "Wait! Miss, we're only here to talk with you, not cause any trouble with the people inside. We don't like the idea of slavery either and we wish to speak to you about something that you have caused on others."

The fawn continued, her green eyes pleaded. "Please...this might even change a village ideas of slavery too if you listen. Only listen and discuss with us about a cure. That's all we want, miss."

Chenglei couldn't believe he just saw one creature turn into another, his eyes blinked. "What a unique experience we just witness.." He muttered as he couldn't take his eyes off the white dragon, curious.

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Lydia had to keep reminding herself of previous feats to keep from trembling in her boots. These wendigo were not pleasant looking creatures and she was unnerved by how the woman was so comfortable with them. She stopped as they were bid to do so and would have spoken had it not been for the fact that one of the wendigo turned into a dragon. Her jaw dropped slightly and she turned her head slightly as she glanced to the side when she heard James voice. Then her mind turned to whether the wendigo was actually a wendigo and turning into a dragon by magic or if the dragon had been disguised.

She didn't dwell on her thoughts, though she was quite curious as to the situation of a dragon being on this side of the Storm Wall. She looked to Echo as she began to speak and stayed silent a moment before adding simply, "we were unwittingly enslaved ourselves and you hold the key to our freedom as well as the freedom of the other slaves back in Skree," she spoke to the woman, but her eyes remained fixed on the dragon as she marveled at the creature.

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- Mammoth Hills -
" Wendigo Territory, Northern Lowland Tundra "


The white dragon leapt into the air and soared straight at them; terrified mammoths stampeded out of the way. "Ayuku kana, ayuku kana!" squealed Garthuk, stumbling backwards before the great creature whooshed a powerful gust of wind at them with its mighty wings that sent the goblin rolling into a mound of snow, then landed with a heavy thud looming over the three.

They were all under its shadow.

"Wait, Levitas! They are foreigners!" said the lady fluently in the common tongue. She rushed to them but the dragon's fierce eyes never left the three, especially Echo. "Who are you four? Are you one of those who came from the airships, you are dressed like them." she added to Chenglei.

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Echo (1-6) = 10
Garthuk (1-5) = 5
Lydia (1-2) = 2

The young witch was quite possibly an odd sort. She didn't cry when she was sad and she didn't scream when she was scared. Right now, she was very scared but all she did was cringe into her scarf. Even if she had the nerve, it would be unlikely that she could face down a dragon and perhaps cowering would get it to show mercy rather than just gobbling her up.

However, it looked like she wouldn't be eaten that day as the lady stranger spoke up for them. She looked to the woman and breathed out the breath she had inhaled and held when the dragon leaped into action, "my name is Lydia Dubois and these are my friends, Echo Muses and Chenglei Zhou and we are from the airships," she gestured over to the pile of snow where the goblin had landed, "that is Garthuk and he is one of the slaves of the tribe of Skree that we are trying to help free."

Lydia felt that was a good enough introduction and looked to Echo to fill in the rest.

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Echo froze when the dragon landed in front of them, staring back at the dragon who seems to be paying attention to her more than the others. She wondered why. Chenglei reacted and stood in front of the two girls with his sword out, ready to strike the beast down if it ever tried to harm them. However he wouldn't start the attack. As long the dragon didn't attack, he wouldn't either.

When Lydia introduced each one of them, the fawn stuttered at first, not taking her eyes off of the white dragon in front of her. "...Y-Yea...We were looking for you. See over there?" Echo gestured to the wolves that were behind them but far away and possibly hidden she didn't know nor does she care. Right now, she wants to gain this woman's trust and to do that, she has to be honest.

"Those wolves came from a village you entered a few days ago and let your...Wendingos attack, even cursing their medicine wolf. We understand why, we're doing our best to at least have their slaves turn into servants instead, be payed for their services. Our goblin friend is even willing to help the wolves by being their sole trader for items so the people in Scree can have more food and water, even have a warm place to sleep in. So please." Echo continued, now looking over at the woman.

"Can you tell us what the cure is? All of us want to be free too and we can only do that once we have the cure and give it to the Scree wolves. We noticed that the curse goes away temporarily when I start singing but..we need it to be cured fully."

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- Mammoth Hills -
" Wendigo Territory, Northern Lowland Tundra "

The lady pursed her lips which was the only thing that could be seen under the shadow of her hood. She seemed to be thinking. "Wait here." she walked back into her home under the snowy hill where the freed slaves were peering at the strangers.

"Who are they?" asked one.

"Slaves from Scree." said the woman who strode pass the smooth earthen circular hall and into a room that looked like an alchemist's atelier.

"Did they escape too?"

"No, they seemed to have been able to bargain for their freedom. I'll be back, where's Aodh? --- Aodh!" called the woman down the hallway, it seems you will be going back home first after all. I'm flying to the village of Scree with the three foreigners outside, your home was along the way wasn't it?"

She got ready to pack slipped a purple vial inside her pouch and some milky white potions, then picked up a spear from the wall. "Levitas!" she yelled at the dragon outside, "let them stand outside the door!" yelled the lady.

The white dragon tucked its wings. "Leave your weapons here." he said in a deep gravelly voice at Echo, Lydia and Chenglei, then smelled them suspiciously all over for anything hidden before letting them approach the lady's home.

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Chenglei narrowed his eyes for a moment before relaxing his stance and drops the sword on the snow. He walked with the girls and goblin to stand by the door, looking at the freed people inside. Then he smiled his princely smile as he wanted to appear friendly to them. "Hello there!" He greeted them, waving a hand for a second. The red flowery aura bloomed around them as the glitter shined.

Echo sighed, happy that the stranger was able to trust them despite the wolves behind them. So the fawn walked along with Lydia and Chenglei, wondering if all dragons are intelligent like the two dragons she knows of: The dragon at Paroosia and now...this white one.

"Thank you..." She told the Levitas as she passed by him and approached the door, nodding at the people inside the hut. The fawn smiled gently at them. "Hello...it's good that you guys will go back home soon." Who's Aodh, she wondered, blinking her green eyes curiously.

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Lydia nodded and pulled her gaze away from the dragon, Levitas, glancing to Chenglei and Echo before whispering subtly to James' bee, "is it possible this is a real dragon?"

She stayed put until the woman's voice called from inside to let them stand outside the door and she set her mace down totally willingly, cringing as the dragon sniffed her. She wondered if dragon's could smell a person's ability to manipulate manna and watched him warily. Once he was satisfied, she stepped towards the door with the others and offered a reassuring smile, "we really aren't here for you all... we are glad you have your freedom now. We are just sorry that the people of these parts don't seem to have a lot of empathy."

Her arms crossed over her chest and she rocked on her heels slightly. Casting a glimpse back over her shoulder every now and then, still thinking over the concept of a dragon being here. It was pretty surreal. The fact that this one was evidently good was also something she was questioning. She wondered if there were any books back on the warship that covered the topic of dragons.

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Standing up as fast as he physically could, Aodh quickly grabbed his back pack, thankful that he had been able to be reunited with it when he was freed. Fishing through his bag before putting it on, Aodh made sure that all his belongings were still there, and pulled out his shrink ray when he found it, holstering it at his belt. He was excited to finally get back to his home town, as his mother was probably worried, for he hadn't been able to send her letters of his endeavours.

Putting his backpack on his back, Aodh waddled hastily to the door, standing next to the group of people to wait for the lady who saved him. He looked into each of their faces, noticing worry on some of them, and that one was glancing behind her. Confused, Aodh looked past the group to see what was so worrying. If penguins could pale, he would have, for outside stood a giant white dragon. Squealing, Aodh dive onto the snow, sliding towards the dragon to study it. At a relatively safe distance, he stood up and examined the great beast. Squealing once again, Aodh jumped up and down, clapping in delight, and began to waddle quickly around the dragon, taking in everything he could. pulling out his catalog, Aodh began sketching the dragon from all angles, taking laps around to make sure he didn't miss a detail.

After a few laps around the dragon, he was satisfied with his representations, and waddle back towards the house. Sticking out a flipper to the group of people, Aodh introduced himself.

"Hello, my name is Aodh Ó Murchadha, I'm an archaeologist, interested in anything ancient."

Echo noticed the very excited penguin, raising an amused eyebrow as she continued to watch him. 'He sort of reminds me of Renee...'She thought as she knows her friend tends to draw out her discoveries as well and just as excitedly as the penguin. When he introduced himself to her little group of friends, the fawn sat down so she can be on the same level as the smart penguin, smiling shyly.

"Hello. My name is Echo Muses and I'm a herbalogy student. I'm interested in anything about plants including any rare ones." The red headed satyr greeted, her reindeer ears twitched. The penguin archaeologist can see that she is a sub race of satyrs; the reindeer variety instead of the regular goat or horse one. She has short wavy pixie cut hair and four inches of antlers growing at the sides of her head where her ears are, indication that she cut them a few weeks ago. She's taller than the black clothed witch beside her by a few inches and her hooves look pretty strong. Her green doe-like eyes were gentle and somewhat motherly despite her young age of seventeen.

The Oriental soldier went down to one knee and grabbed on his flipper, shaking it in a firm handshake. He grinned as his eyes shined in mirth.

"Greetings good fellow! My name is Chenglei Zhou and I am a soldier to Prince Kenren' army from the Orient country. It's nice to meet you, ol' chap! It's wonderful and brilliant that you love to study the ancient history of everyone's culture. Truly you must seen the marvelous moments of their history!" He continued on to complimenting the aquatic bird, the red Camille flower aura surrounded the pair as the glitter shined as brightly as the sun. There's even a spotlight on them as Echo once again wondered where that spotlight comes from since they are outside and no one is shining a light on them at all. The soldier is blond and has his country's uniform with a white cloak over it. By the way he grips his flipper, the bird can recognize that he handles a sword very well. He's taller than the two girls in the group by the door and has ash purple eyes with a bit of a squint; a common trait from his country unlike his hair color.

"What are you doing here, oh lovely Archaeologist? Found any ancient ruins or treasures?" Chenglei asked as he leans in his arm on his knee.


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Her petite frame jerked slightly as the penguin briskly sped by her, both of her arms uncrossing and raising into the air slightly in her alarm, her body's posture looking like she had been splashed by cold water though she was dry. She smiled slightly and watched him tunnel through the snow and to the dragon, which caused the smile to fade slowly. She was still on her guard about the whole thing but she had to assume he wouldn't hurt any of them as long as they didn't do anything harmful, and she was quite sure none of them planned on doing that unless they were in danger.

When he started to draw the dragon, her full lips curved once again, her index finger going to her cheek and rubbing it slightly. Without realizing it, she was thinking the same thing as Echo, that Aodh was kind of like Renee. She wondered what the Pendragon sister would think of him. She watched as he came back towards them and lowered her hands to where they were lightly clasped in front of her.

"I am Lydia Dubois," she nodded her head in greeting, her hair and neck were covered by a black scarf, in fact everything she had on was black except for the brown leather jerkin she wore over her coat which hung to her ankles and fell about her legs loosely, the only bit of color on her besides the armor she wore was the white in her black and white striped stockings, although technically white isn't exactly a color. She wasn't too keen on exposing her abilities just yet so she just left it at a name for now. She also wondered how secluded these lands really were because it didn't seem that there were may that knew who she and Echo were. Never look a gift horse in the mouth however, the change was nice.

She smiled as Chenglei greeted the archaeologist, eventually laughing and shaking her head. There he goes again.

Zer0 Zer0 Katsuya Katsuya Urazek Urazek
- Mammoth Hills -
" Wendigo Territory, Northern Lowland Tundra "

Levitas bent its head down curiously to peer at the archeologist penguin's drawings, and when the white dragon saw that it was he himself Aodh was sketching, he beamed then posed majestically.

James was still stunned about the sudden appearance of the dragon. "I'm not sure if it's real, but Johnny's asking around if wyverns have appeared in the area recently. He's never heard of a wendigo that could shape-shift before." his voice whispered secretly from the bee hidden in Lydia's hair. "I just told Kenren about it, he wants you to find out if the dragon came from the Storm Wall and if it knows anything about Valdanr, the dragon egg in Paroosia, and what Luthien said about the dragons leaving to heal Ygdrassil's root ten thousand years ago. "

Aodh would immediately notice that he's seen Echo and Lydia in the newspapers before. They defeated that deathknight that attacked the city of Holt about three weeks ago, and were companions of the Pendragon siblings. His source had also told him that they were part of the expedition going to the Storm Wall where the dragons had disappeared to ten thousand years ago. This was the penguin's chance to somehow be allowed to join them if he wished.

The hooded lady strode out of her home, spear in hand. She took out a purple vial from her pouch and showed it to Echo, Lydia, and Chenglei. "This is the cure, but the slaves must be set free first, then you may have it."

Katsuya Katsuya Roleplay Skittle Roleplay Skittle Urazek Urazek

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