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Fantasy Howl's Flying Castle (Finished! ---Whoo! (*^▽^)/)

-Master Warship, Training Grounds-
After some needed and well earned rest, Renee, James, and Lydia finished the drawing they would use to create the spell circle. It was the same routine as had been done with the spell circle when they had switched bodies and the paper they drew it on also had the measurements necessary for accurately creating a larger version of the small drawing. With Johnny's help they found the largest area they could in order to have the proper amount of space to work without smudging details and set to work.

The whole of the project was done in the afternoon, Lydia did some last minute checking to make sure all of the necessary runes were present and in the proper positions without any errors to how they were drawn before, with the help of some of the warship's servants, they would carry Seth and Serena's bodies down to the circle. Lydia carefully directed the people carrying their friends and family because she wanted to make sure they didn't scuff any part of the circle and even though they were all very careful, she still checked the markings one more time, unwilling to let anything go to chance and put their friends in danger.

Renee had the job of placing the souls where they were supposed to go, on diagonals from whichever body they belonged to before Johnny, James, Renee and Lydia took their places on the marks inside the outer ring. Their collective, focused will and manna saw the ring begin to glow, the light flowing rapidly through the circle and continuing its motion until the flowing manna began to focus in on the sections of the circle where the souls were placed. The light became blinding as it focused on the sectioned parts of the circle, moving from the sections where the souls were placed to their corresponding bodies. The spell was done when all the light collected around either Seth's or Serena's body before disappearing within them.

The soul vials were now empty. The casters stood around in anticipation, seeing Seth and Serena slowly and lethargically begin to move again, looking like they had slept much too long, tired and confused expressions on their faces.

That's two out of three of their friends back with them. Lydia had more hope than ever and hurriedly began working on the next spell circle which would transfer the cursed book's soul fragment into one of the now empty vials.

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-Who's the new guy?-

Renee smiled sweetly as she watched Serena and Seth eat a light meal that she made: baked chicken with mashed potatoes and broccoli and carrots. It would be bad if they ate only to throw up from their bodies still readjusting. Though she wished Serena would slow down a bit. Same with Seth...

After returning their souls back, Echo helped carry the two into separate beds so they can rest easy and readjust in their bodies again. When they woke up, the both of them wanted to eat and move around though Renee told them no or else, they'll be tied to their beds. Which they listened. So now they are eating with trays on their laps.

"I'll come back to collect the trays and then I'll bring something for you guy to be entertained until you can move your legs too." With that she left the room with a wide grin on her face as she hears Seth complaining about not moving.

Renee went in to the study room where she can find Lydia studying hard and was about to tell her about the pair until she heard a suave guy's voice behind her.

"Oh my~! What beautiful white hair you have. It's as pure white as untouched snow."

The Pendragon sister looked over her shoulder with her eyes wide to see a blond guy with the Oriental soldier's uniform on. His ash purple eyes glimmered as he leaned in Renee's personal space and gently picked up her hand like she was fragile and delicate.

"And your eyes. So bright and so warm like the sun that's setting. How beautiful to look in."

Renee felt a chill down her spine when he kissed her hand like she was a princess or something, her bottom eyelid twitched as she blushed red across her face. Who is this guy? While she struggled to say something back, the blonde soldier looked over to where Lydia is and hummed in appreciation, letting Renee's hand go to walk over to the witch.

"Hello sweet one. Your hair is as black as the ink in these vials, skin looks soft to touch, and your eyes are so green, they rival even the most precious of emeralds. How lucky I am to be in a room filled with beautiful women." The random guy picked up her hand too and just like Renee, he kissed it with a smile.

"Umm-!" Renee didn't know where to start as her brain is a bit fried from the compliments. Who is this guy?!

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-Master Warship, Atelier-
Lydia was hard at work yet again simplifying the transference spell though she was complicating it in a way by adding more wards. Her brow was furrowed in deep concentration as she worked the compass and used charcoal to etch out everything when Renee walked through the door. Her eyes were already peering past Renee as she entered, having seen the stranger following behind her. He was so awkwardly close, she wondered how the Pendragon sister didn't notice him.

She blinked her large eyes a few times, glancing from the handsome blonde man and back to Renee before shrugging slightly. She wasn't really sure how to react since it wasn't her own space being invaded and so just awkwardly mumbled something about what she was working on before her gaze returned to the paper in front of her.

She was still aware of his presence in the room as she went about writing her runes, though the fluffy feather of her quill slowly stopped and she looked up from her paper slightly, in much the same way a cat does when they sense something and don't want to look at it directly, once he approached her and she jumped slightly as he spoke, peering up at him over her little round glasses. She glanced to the bottles of ink as he mentioned them before her free hand lightly touched the back of her hand holding the quill as he mentioned her skin and at the mention of her eyes, that same hand shifted to her temple, her brow furrowing in confusion and she looked at Renee just before her hand was taken to which she jumped again and released a small squeak, her full lips remaining in a small 'O' shape like she were about to whistle.

"D-D-D..." she stammered, carefully withdrawing her hand from him as though she were afraid he would bite her. She then hurriedly looked to Renee questioningly before she looked back to the stranger and recoiled from him slightly in her chair just like a little mouse.

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The blonde man squinted his eyes a bit before dramatically standing up again, flipping his hair out of the way while laughing lightly. Renee raised an eyebrow as she could practically see glitter and red camellia fllowers surround the guy like it was an aura. What the-?

"Oh pardon me! Where are my manners?" Then he bowed with his arms on his sides in front of the two girls and stood up slowly with a hand on his chest. "My name is Chenglei Zhou, a soldier under Prince Kenren's protective wings." The blonde introduced himself, smiling in such a way that Renee couldn't help but think 'Princely' without being a prince...

but what sort of prince would come out of nowhere and kiss random girls' hands?

"Ahh~ How lady luck must be happy for me today. To be assigned and protect precious ladies as yourselves is such an honor. Thank you, Prince Kenren. Thank you so much for being understanding of my needs to see such lovely beings on this plane of the nine realms."

Renee's face got redder and redder the more he talked, not understanding how he could actually spew such weird phrases like that without feeling embarrassed. That's another thing: Ken-chan assigned him to be their guard? Is this the security that he was talking about? She wondered if he was just pulling her leg or something but she got the feeling that this guy is so out there that he might be the most sincerest guy ever. There must be more that's hidden in the shadows like the ninja shadow she saw behind Ken-chan.

"So, my young and beautiful gems of my life, what might your names be? I wish to hear your lovely voices as your red lips tell me your scared names."

What in the world?!!!

"I-...I-I'm Renee Pendragon...."She stuttered, walking over to Lydia to gently pull her away from the weirdo. What is Ken-chan thinking?

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-Master Warship, Atelier-
Lydia watched him cautiously, her normally snowy skin a deep crimson shade as she stared in a stupor, flinching slightly at his flamboyant gestures. Was he some sort of performer? She remembered Johnny coming to get James to shield him so he could go scare Echo, did he send this guy just to mess with them? Why?! She blinked a few times at him as he introduced himself, shakily setting her quill down on the table, she slowly began pushing her chair back from him slightly. She didn't want to be rude but this was just... uncomfortable.

Her mind couldn't process it right now, but it would have been hard for her to tell which was worse, this kind of discomfort or the kind of discomfort she felt every time she became an awkward third wheel. She was blinking at him steadily, not aware of Renee coming nearer her until she felt herself tugged from her chair. She stumbled slightly, her hand laying over Renee's wrist while her other hand curved under her arm, her eyes never leaving Chenglei, her gaze turning from surprise to doubt... she doubted that this was even real, she must be dreaming.

Her attention returned to Renee after she introduced herself and she squeaked softly, her gaze dropping, "Lydia Dubois..."

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Renee jumped a bit when Chenglei just fell on his knees, looking at them like they were the most greatest thing he has ever seen. His ash purple eyes glittered as the weird flower aura came back with a vengeance, smiling widely.

"Ahh~! What beautiful names for beautiful girls such as yourselves! Your display of subtle friendship. Yes, such splendor to witness. I'm so lucky! Prince Kenren, you are too wonderful to even your soldiers-"

"Um-!" Renee interrupted, not being able to handle his crazy and ongoing awe at them. "You said something about guarding us? Did Ken-chan send you?" She asked though showing a rare side. She got timid and wanted to run away from him, take Lydia with her too while she's at it.

"Why, yes. He did." The blonde confirmed, now his smile turned into a normal smile and Renee thought she could breathe, but his expression change again. Into one of such gratefulness that it made her uncomfortable again with how intense it was.

"Who knew that I would be so lucky to guard the saviors of Holt? Not only are you two beautiful and sweet and lovely, but strong as well. What a wonderful combination." Then he leaned back a bit, placing an arm over his head like a dramatic actor. What?!! Why does he look like he's about to swoon?!?!?

"I can't handle this! The both of you? Under my watch? Prince Kenren must wanted to make sure that you two precious doves stay safe from all evils."

Renee really wanted to run now and take Lydia with her.

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- Master Warship -
" Patient's Room "​

James and Johnny were in Seth and Serena's room. The eldest Pedragon was giving his brother a sponge bath and helping him get into some new clothes behind some curtains since Seth's body was still stiff, while Johnny was telling Serena all that happened since they passed out and enthusiastically told to her all about Oriental culture and the secret birthday party they were planning for Echo.

Ever since the deathknight battle, Johnny had become more open and friendly with the girls. ". . . and so, Renee is planning to bake Echo a seven-foot cake and I'm thinking of asking her and Lydia to come with me to ask the prince's performers if they could help me make a dress for her." he was saying cheerfully.

"My fingers feel like they've been petrified." said Seth's voice from behind the curtains.

"That's probably just early stages of rigor mortis." said James casually.

"What?" said Seth alarmed as his older brother laughed.

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Serena nodded, smiling widely at the idea of Renee baking a cake and wondered if she could help decorate. "That's a wonderful idea, Johnny! I wish I could play my violin to help with ...the music part." She said sadly, trying to move her fingers too then her frown changed into a bright smile when she heard James' joke.

"James, stop teasing your brother! He just got his soul back for-"

That's when she heard loud footsteps from down the hallway, like someone's bare feet rapidly hit the floor as she can hear Renee's voice...

"Nope! Nope! Nope! Nope!" There, at the doorway, was a very flustered Renee who's dragging a very awkward Lydia. Serena had to raise an eyebrow, a bit worried about the two because she never seen them this...red before...or Renee running away from something ever.

"Renee? Lydia? What's wrong?" Serena asked. Renee was about to open her mouth when suddenly another voice boomed in the hallway, sounding happy and...suave?

"Wait for me! I understand that perfect beings such as yourselves are sacred and should be hidden away, but there is no need to be afraid of me. I swear on everything that's beautiful and holy."

The Pendragon sister's eyes widened as her face turned more red. "Don't tell him that we are here! We were never here!" Then Renee took Lydia behind the large curtains and hid there, not willing to come out until the guy left.

Just in time for Chenglei to come in the room, not tired at all as his training helped with that. Then he froze...

Only to behold the beautiful scene he is witnessing!

The blonde once again spewed compliments.

"My! How lovely! Your hair is as golden as the yellow sun! and your smile is so warm I feel like in front of a fireplace! Look how beautiful your blue eyes are too! Like the summer sky! Oh yes! You are such perfect specimen as a goddess of the sun and moon!"

Serena now understood why Renee was behaving the way she was.

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-Being dragged?-
All Lydia could do was cling to Renee and stare at Chenglei, dumbfounded. She couldn't even process what was going on and despite what he was saying, she was still quite convinced that this was a trick by Johnny. When Renee jerked her out of the room and scurried off, she was still staring at Chenglei, her face red and her large green eyes slowly blinking. it would have seemed like she were a sleepy owl if the size of her eyes decreased any, which they did not.

In fact, as her granny boots clacked along the floor while she tried to keep up with Renee's crazy running, her eyes only grew larger and her face redder. He was chasing them?! As soon as they reached Seth and Serena's room, she loosened herself from Renee's grasp and scurried to hide behind Johnny but was quickly pulled behind the curtains by Renee.

Lydia covered her mouth. No, it wasn't horror, this whole ordeal was just becoming too ridiculous and now she was stifling the urge to laugh, tears starting to well up in her eyes as she held her breath.

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- James Pendragon -
" Master Warship "

James strode out of the curtains wondering who this loud guy was, before immediately shielding his eyes. The newcomer's flowery red camellia aura was glittering too bright.

"Er." said Johnny, flummoxed.

Seth whipped the curtains off, his head steaming, this guy's flirting with Serena! "Hey, you, this is a patient's room, you can't just waltz in here anytime you want and just touch Serena, she's still recovering!" he pointed an angry finger. "Serena, just say the word and I'll throw this pervert out!"

He attempted to get out of bed in his pajamas, but his legs were still stiff and instead stumbled on to the floor.

James laughed. "Seth, you prat, don't get out of bed yet." he said, picking up his brother. He stood tall before the dramatically poetic oriental. "So, did Kenren send you or do you actually fancy my sister?"

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Serena was too busy smiling though she did look more amused if anything. 'Pervert?' She thought questionably. 'He's more like...' The blonde pondered a bit, trying to find the right word.

Chenglei looked over to the men of the room and swooned again. "Oh?! The lovely woman who has the purest snow white hair is your sister? My-! Does the genes in your family run really well. You, sir, are lovely as well. Your aura give off a scholarly feel! Yes, yes! I can see it now: With glasses and the moonlight going through a window, you are sitting there with a book to read as a strand of hair fall gently to your beautifully sculpted face and a fireplace that highlights your wonderful cheek bones." That's when he got too close to James, cupping said high cheek bones as he gazed into his dark eyes. "You are blessed to have such wonderful genes! Truly a bright mind with a handsome body!"

The blond man then looked over to Seth, with a glean of appreciation in his purple eyes, almost like he couldn't hold back his excitement. "Young man, you should be more careful with your body! A body as developed as yours is probably epic to see: running through a wide open area, with the spirit of freedom as your guide to explore and jump from high places! Please have the mind to care more for your perfect body to be as free as a bird!"

He did not stop however as he turned to Johnny as well, letting go of James' face and walked over to the entertainer. "You! With your bright colors! How splendid to see the harmony of your clothes! Oh how jolly you are, I imagine! To cheer others just by walking around and smile at them-"

"For the love of-! Can you please stop talking and leave!?" Renee screamed as she practically ripped the curtain aside, her face is as bright red as a cherry. She couldn't take listening to him anymore. The blond blinked at her before smiling suavely but confidently. For once, looking normal.

"I cannot do that, my goddess of the storms. The esteem Prince Kenren ordered me to protect you, specifically. The other guards will be protecting your family and friends, hidden in the shadows." He bowed his head at her, showing that he really is a soldier.

Renee...regretted saying anything now...

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-Master Warship-
Lydia listened intently, trying not to laugh, her face still bright red and she sort of zoned out as Chenglei began describing James, her own mind visualizing what he was describing as she drew in a shuddering breath. She didn't know which was worse, how he had flattered the girls or the fact that he was now going after James. It probably wasn't physically possible for her face to grow any redder without her losing consciousness.

She snapped to as Seth became the next target and at this, she couldn't help but let out a guffaw. "Oh man Johnny is a total genius!" She wished she had thought of this as a prank for Seth. She nodded sagely, admiring the mind for pranks that Johnny had as Chenglei turned his attention on the entertainer, admiring Johnny's thinking ahead, draw suspicion away from himself by having himself become a target.

At this point Renee pulled the curtains back and Lydia stood beside her with both hands over her mouth, her eyes watering behind her spectacles and she was snorting softly with stifled laughter before she just couldn't do it anymore and doubled over, gasping as she giggled in high pitched little chirps, her hands moving from her mouth to her stomach, the tears loosening from her eyes.

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- James Pendragon -
" Master Warship "
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James impressive stature shrank as he recoiled farther from Chenglai and his poetic flattery, his hair standing up on end, before jolting when he cupped his cheeks. Bloody trolls his fists itched to sock him but before he could, the man flirted with Seth and Johnny!

What the ding dong?

When Chenglei was done, Seth was backed up against the bed post with his legs crossed and hands blocking his jewel protectively; Johnny actually found what he said a compliment and said, "Why, thank you! Your clothes are quite the ensemble as well, my good fellow."

"WHAT, YOU'RE OUR NEW BODYGUARD?!" said Seth after the Oriental soldier bowed.

"I'm taking this up with the prince." said James, marching towards the door. No way was he having a guy who might touch him or his sister while they slept. But as he turned the knob, he found himself face to face with Kenren Taisho himself.

"Ah, I see you've all met Chenglei!" said the prince, smiling at them all. "Good, good. He's one of my most trustworthy soldiers. You are all in good hands." he clapped James on the shoulder as he walked pass. "I hope you all find him agreeable?"

"Quite agreeable!" said Johnny. "Welcome to the group, Chenglei."

" . . . " Seth sat on Serena's bed directly blocking their new body guard's path towards her; James gave Johnny an are-you-kidding-me? look to which Johnny winked at him.

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"Why yes. Do not worry! I will protect you with my life, I swear it!" Chenglei said, placing a hand on his chest and bowed again. It seems that he is serious about that.

Renee gulped for those were very similar words that Ken-chan used to convince her of spilling her secret and asking for help. She could already feel the cold sweat coming along...

Why did she say anything again?

Then the prince came in, looking all happy and...yep, this guy really is their guard. Ken-chan isn't pulling her leg...bloody trolls...

"Oh! My lord, Prince Kenren. I didn't think you'd be here too." Chenglei exclaimed, looking really happy for some odd reason.

Serena then clapped her hands, her eyes shined a bit as she was thinking the whole time and didn't notice the prince. "Oh! Now I know how to describe you!"

Chenglei lost the normal soldier persona and glittery aura came back again. His princely smile is back on as he looked over at the blonde who's in bed. "Oh? What might the beautiful goddess such as yourself-"

"Obnoxious! " Serena smiled back, not realizing that she cracked his spirit. No seriously, Renee heard something crack from somewhere and looked over to where Chenglei...

And he was on his hands and knees on the floor, looking all defeated and white, the spotlight was on him-wait! Why does he have a spotlight?!

"Oh...you wound me, my sun angel. Truly. Your words are very sharp like a fine blade..."

"Hm? Did I say something wrong?" And there's the rare and quirky part about Serena: she doesn't mean to be offensive or mean, but she tends to be harsh at describing people. Hence why she prefers her violin to soften the blow and not say it.

Renee sighed tiredly as the blond continues to mop in the corner, his flowery aura turned that of mushrooms growing on his head and...the floor?!?

"Oh! Um...I'm sorry! I didn't think-" Serena, realizing her mistake, tries to make him feel better but she stuttered and didn't know what to do.

For the love of all that is holy-!

"...it's okay Serena. I'm sure what you meant to say was 'radiant'." Renee corrected her as though she's use to it by now with their silly conversations and grimaced. Oh look, regret. There's regret...

Serena nodded in agreement, looking worried now because the mushrooms were growing in numbers. "Yes! Thank you, Renee. I meant to say that...um...you are so obnoxious that it's radiant like the...um...sun?"

Then like a dramatic change of scenery, Chenglei stood up and with a random breeze with red petals, the blond turned around with his hair flowing a bit and smiled at the group. He daintly placed one hand on his chest and the other he offered as he smiled that princely smile again. "Oh? Is that what you mean, my lady of the sun? How very sweet of you to say~"

Yep, Renee regrets ever saying anything.

"...Hello Ken-chan..." She greeted the prince.

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-Master Warship-
Lydia was still laughing when Kenren Taisho showed up and she tried to regain her composure at the sight of the prince, her little giggles morphing into soft, amused gasps as she put her hand on Renee's arm to try and steady herself, her fingers slipping beneath the bodice of her black dress to draw out a black hankie with lacy trim and using it to carefully dab at the tears leaking from her eyes so as not to ruin the makeup that Saiko and the other maids had done for her once again.

Wait... the prince says that he's their new bodyguard....? Johnny couldn't have gotten him in on the joke.... Her face went blank. 'This wasn't a joke?!' her body locked up as she stood there in shock, her face reddening all over again as she realized that this guy was totally serious. She looked over to Serena as she spoke and then grimaced, her eyes moving back to Chenglei as there was the sound of the crack. Now she just felt bad... like really bad.

Lydia's hand on Renee tightened slightly and she looked at Chenglei with sympathy. Okay, so he was a little... boisterous and theatrical, but did she really need to call him obnoxious? She looked slightly taken aback as Renee... corrected Serena? She shook her head and looked back to Chenglei and started laughing again. She couldn't take much more of this. Her hand with the handkerchief was held to her mouth demurely as she again tried to stifle her laughter. She was beginning to look like a giggling fool.

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- James Pendragon -
" Red Dragon Bridge Courtyard "

Johnny was laughing. Chenglei was so hilarious, he could tell they were going to be fast friends quick.

There was the sound of a doorknob turning, and Johnny peered behind the prince to glimpse the edge of James' kamishimo disappearing round the door before it closed.


It was a cool afternoon. James strode out of the halls, down the leaf strewn stone steps and into one of the courtyards where cherry blossom trees in full bloom stood serenely on the banks of a man-made river that ran down the side of the war ship as a waterfall. There was a red arching wood bridge here flanked by mossy stone dragons, and there he strolled leisurely under the falling petals.

The sun cast cool shadows upon the peaceful waters where colorful coys darted among the lilies and reeds. Leaves rustled softly in the breeze and small exotic birds flitted through the canopies overhead, twittering and chirping as they chased each other round and round the high branches. James breathed a tranquil sigh, content with the peace and quiet.

It was nice to be away from all that noise. He had not slept yet and was looking to unwind after the spell casting. It was a good day for a swim. The ocean down below sparkled invitingly through the sea of clouds and at that moment James made up his mind to borrow a gryphon and fly down for a good time.

Warships were slow, that would give him a few hours to swim.

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Chenglei looked over to the door with just his eyes before paying attention to the laughing members of the group.

"I'm so honored that you welcome me in your group! Thank you so much! Let me re-introduce myself: My name is Chenglei Zhou, a soldier under Lord Kenren's wings. It's splendid to meet you all, the saviors of Holt. While I do understand that you can protect yourselves, there's nothing wrong with having a bit of back-up." That's when he smiled so brightly and princely that there's even more glitter that Serena and Seth might have left overs on their bodies somehow.

Renee heard the door open as well, not blaming James to have a moment for himself as she wants to run away as well but for a different reason: she can't handle Chenglei's compliments anymore. They are so sappy and cliche and just really embarrassing that it's really incredible that he's proud of saying any of it. It's really...It's making her so flustered that she didn't know if she should punch him or laugh in insanity.

Either way, not a good sign...

"...Um...Is there a reason that we owe such a visit, Ken-chan?" She asked as she walked a bit closer to the prince and paused hesitantly since Chenglei is next to him. Well at least Lydia's having fun...

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- Kenren Taisho -
" Master Warship, Seth & Serena's Room "

"I came to see for myself how Ms. Lock and Mr. Pendragon were doing," said Kenren to Renee, " and if Chenglei is getting along with you all."

The prince seemed to be satisfied seeing Johnny and Lydia laughing, and Serena and Seth seemingly in good health. "Have you told those who are coming with us to the Storm Wall about training with my elite?"

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-Master Warship-
James definitely had the right idea in leaving and Lydia's laughter died down some with his disappearance. She had already been laughing in insanity so she had Renee beat on that mark, but she began to calm somewhat and as Renee moved away from her, and towards the prince and Chenglei, she respectfully bowed her head and took her leave as well.

James leaving may have been an excuse to leave, but it was a good excuse and now relieved from all of the... well she didn't even know how to describe the feelings that were going through her during that whole awkward extravaganza, but feeling a bit calmer she found a moment to right herself, "honestly..." she shook her head, slipping her glasses from her face and folding them over to hang from the front of her top. This was the second time she had been so flustered she'd forgotten to remove them, before long she would need to replace them if things kept up like this. With her glasses out of the way, she used the handkerchief to more properly tend to her face.

She walked along some, now finally starting to feel the tension in her body relax before she decided to look for James. She had wondered where he had gone so abruptly, it wasn't as though there were really anyone he could complain to or ask for a reassignment of bodyguard since the prince was the one in command and since he hadn't slept, she doubted that he was going to go back to the atelier so she asked a few guards which direction they had seen him go and went in the direction they told her, eventually coming upon him standing on the bridge. She smiled slightly, just watching him tenderly for a moment without really realizing the expression on her face before she walked over to him, the breeze blowing the black silk of her dress about the black pants that covered her legs.

She didn't say anything, as she came up beside him, her hands still clutching the handkerchief as they moved to rest behind her back.

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"I see..." She muttered, smiling a bit as she looked over the mentioned pair.

Then Renee looked a bit ashamed and rubbed her left arm. "No, not yet. I haven't since I was making sure Seth and Serena are okay after getting their souls back in their bodies..." The white-haired Pendragon sighed heavily before standing up straight and walked out the door.

"I'll go look for my brother and Lydia and tell him now...Pardon me." With that, Renee left and Chenglei followed behind her, declaring that he's excited to train with the group members and Renee's bare feet smacked the floor loudly as she ran away once again.

Serena tilted her head, a bit confused. Who's going to the storm wall?! "Excuse me, your highness, What's this about going to the storm wall?" No one told her about that, not even Princess Mia. All she knew was that the Deathknights was chasing her and that they needed to go to Dalaran. "Why do we have a new guard? I thought the old ones were fine...unless there's a reason behind this change of action?" She questioned him, now a bit suspicious as to why...

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- James Pendragon -
" Red Dragon Bridge Courtyard "

At first James thought someone had come to ruin his peace, but when he saw that it was just Lydia, his shoulders slacked and he casually nodded at her in greeting before resuming his rest. Her quiet companionship was always welcome. Sometimes moments of peace and quiet felt better when shared with a tranquil friend who liked the same stillness.

"I'm flying down to the ocean to swim. Want to come?" he asked after a few minutes. Suddenly, his eyes widened, "Get down!" he hissed dropping on all fours. "It's my sister and that flowery guy!" he pointed, peering through the railings.

Renee and Chenglei were walking in the distance, heading their way. James could tell by his sister's expression that she was looking either for him, Lydia, or the both of them for something important and he didn't want to be part of it.

"I can't deal with them right now, I'm going to the ocean, you coming?" he asked Lydia urgently. James looked like he was going to leave right now.

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- Kenren Taisho -
" Master Warship, Seth & Serena's Room "

"Renee did not tell you?" said Kenren, surprised. "Then I cannot tell you either, Serena. Please do not misunderstand, " he added gently, "it is a very serious business and not something I wish to discuss with someone Renee wants to protect from harm."

Katsuya Katsuya
-Red Dragon Bridge Courtyard-
Lydia smiled warmly to James as he nodded to her, bowing her head slightly in return. She drew in a deep breath and it quivered as she released it. Her body was still calming down it would seem. Her green eyes shifted to him from the scenery as he spoke and her lips parted slightly as she prepared to respond, but she was interrupted by his exclamation and her eyes widened slightly as she too dropped down beside him, peeking through the railings in the direction that he pointed.

At this rate they were sure to be found out, hiding behind railings wasn't exactly the ideal spot for camouflage. She couldn't help but smile. They were hiding from an over exuberant soldier that was assigned to protect them. She shook her head so she wouldn't start laughing all over again. She had no idea why he gave her the giggles, but he did.

She looked to James, her brow furrowing slightly to his seriousness, but she just nodded in response to his question and waited for him to lead on before she would follow as quietly, closely, and carefully as she could so as not to alert Chenglei. She felt bad for trying to sneak away from Renee however, but didn't really know what she could do about it. They would have to plot later on ways to evade Chenglei when they wanted some quiet.

Zer0 Zer0 Katsuya Katsuya
Serena frowned, a bit peeved but understood. It must be dire if even the prince couldn't tell her...however...

"I see...then I will ask Renee later."

After a while, Renee came back with an oddly quiet Chenglei and stood by the door. She told Kenren that she couldn't find her brother or Lydia and will attend the training alone for today.

However Serena took a good look at the white-haired Pendragon and noticed on how close she is with Chenglei now distance-wise. She wasn't annoyed or flustered. She didn't even try to shake off his hand that he placed on her shoulder in comfort? Nor was she looking at anybody in the room, prefering to stare at the wall.

"When will training begin, Ken-chan?" Renee asked, seeming like she's looking at the prince, but is actually looking at the medical supplies behind him.

Something's up with Renee.

Zer0 Zer0 Roleplay Skittle Roleplay Skittle
- Kenren Taisho -
- Warship -

"It has already begun. From now on you and everyone who wish to come with us will sleep in the barracks with my elite, you will eat with them, attend classes, sweat, and bleed together. Master Sai will be your instructor until I arrive. In my absence you will answer to her and obey her every command. She will help me decide whether you will be coming with us or not." said Kenren. "Chenglei, let them carry all their things by themselves and show them the barracks and training grounds as soon as they are finished changing. They are no longer my guests, but my soldiers."

Seth and Johnny apparently knew about the Storm Wall mission as they did not look surprised, but this abrupt change from guest to soldiers gave them slightly troubled expressions. For one thing, they still needed to fix Seifer, Echo's birthday was coming up, and if they became Kenren's soldiers, won't that mean they are allying themselves with him when they still felt more loyalty to the princess?

Seth's thoughts were more on abhorring being under anyone's authority, but Johnny was concerned over the political implications of this move and how it will affect him, Echo and everyone. Did the princess even know?

Katsuya Katsuya

- James Pendragon -
" Shoflo Ocean "

Half an hour later, James was whooping as his gryphon bore him through the skies and down into the sparkling ocean, wind whipping his hair back. He was able to borrow some extra clothes, goggles, grab a book, and some snacks before he and Lydia left the warship.

It was now time for some fun!

"Manta Venire!" Callie flapped out of a puff of cloud and splashed into the waters near a coral reef. She swam around happily, joyful to be in a big body of water again instead of the cramped shallow rivers she had been used to for the past week. James summoned Sasha to let her stretch her wings, then after stripping down to his shorts, grinned at Lydia, then dove fifty feet down from his gryphon and splashed into the ocean.

Roleplay Skittle Roleplay Skittle
"Can Johnny help me with something first before he goes? If he is going to the barracks, I mean? It's really personal and I dearly need his help, Prince Kenren." Serena asked, blushing a bit as she squirmed her legs. Renee looked over at her, worried about her condition.

"Serena? Is anything hurting?"

"Renee, just go do what you need to do and he'll be right back. Promise!" Serena said, smiling as brightly as she could. "So Johnny, can you help me with this? It's really important to me..."

Johnny, as an entertainer, should know when someone is acting and Serena is acting right now, giving him and her a chance to talk with the princess about the sudden change. The prince doesn't know about her connection with the princess since she's just a violinist for the royal family, just another face in the crowd. There's no way he would think twice about her, even better if he told her nothing about the storm wall and thinking it's better that way.

Once they got out of the room with Serena limping a bit and out of earshot, the blonde would whisper, "Let's talk with you-know-who..." to Johnny as they made their way to the princess.

Zer0 Zer0 Roleplay Skittle Roleplay Skittle

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