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Fantasy Howl's Flying Castle (Finished! ---Whoo! (*^▽^)/)

-Lydia's Room-
"Of course there is! We have the book we got from the Wrath's tent and all of his notes to piece together," she mused on how it was funny how disorganized he was, she kept her notes better organized than him, each page marked with a letter for the category and if it was magic, the name of the type, and then a page number. She grinned, "I was actually just here getting a book when I was attacked."

She joked as she grasped the edges of her short skirt and held it out slightly. Lydia was an only child so it was nice having someone that she could rely on like a sister. Becoming as close as she had been getting to the girls was definitely one of the highlights of this adventure, and it was nice that those highlights were bright enough to outshine the bad experiences.

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Renee smiled widely and laughed a bit when she mentioned the so called 'attack' by the small asian lady. "Alright then! We'll come with you to help, right guys?" She told to the little vials in the basket before snorting in amusement. "Too bad Seifer. I don't care that you rather be in your room. You're in the basket. You're coming with, you bleeding troll." It seems that she's used to talking to inanimate objects that are alive.

The Pendragon sister picked up the basket by it's arching handle and walked over to Lydia to offer an arm, ready to go whenever she was. "Well? Grab the book before Saiko comes back to attack us again." She joked, her wings fluttering in her amusement.

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-Back to the Study-
At first Lydia wondered who Renee was talking to, then she remembered the basket with Seifer, Seth, and Serena's souls in it, she looked at the basket, her face showing that her mind was processing something before she smiled at Renee and laughed about her teasing Seifer. Even if he wasn't actually saying anything, it was funny and endearing in a way.

She collected her bag, stuffing the book she had come to get plus a few others, into the bag before she took Renee's arm, "alright, let's go!"

She'd shut the door behind them, the bag thrown over her shoulder before she'd lead the way back to the room Kenren had given she and James for studying in. She had kept the crystal that had come from Wrath as a means of experimentation before trying anything with Seifer but had placed it in an urn with the same sort of enchantments as were placed on Seifer's cell. She had faith that they could solve the problem and she was eager to get back to work, her mind coming up with new theories as she walked with Renee.

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- Master Warship -
" Banquet Hall, Few Hours Ago "

"Eat it." encouraged Johnny.

James frowned at the slice of chilled fruit speared in his fork. "It's pink on the outside, has black spots in the inside, and it's a cactus."

"Cactus fruit." corrected Johnny. "And those black spots are the seeds."

"This is the oddest fruit I've ever seen."

"Brilliant, yeah? And the cactus grows on trellises like vines."

James took a bite.

"How do you find the dragon fruit, gentlemen?" said Kenren Taisho, from the head of the banquet table. Princess Mia who sat at his right wearing an exquisite jūnihitoe, an elegant and complex twelve-layered kimono worn by the court ladies of the orients, glanced from her conversation with an officer of the fleet to see their reactions.

"Surprisingly okay." said James.

"This pink variety is spot on, your majesty." said Johnny, trying to pick up more with chopsticks, but couldn't quite get the hang of it.

"Please, call me Kenren, Johnny." said Kenren, genially. "And this is how you use chopsticks."


It was night time and celebrations over their victory in Holt was in full swing. Kenren's banquet hall was cramped with nobles, officers from the city, ladies, and men from the prince's military and court. The square tables were groaning under the weight of fresh sushi and colorful array of maki sliced and served on the spot by dual knife wielding chefs cutting behind freshly caught fish in the centers of the tables, including plates of tempura, takoyaki, and a lot of spicy vegetables.

Sake, tangy miso soup and spicy ramen noodles were served by pretty girls in flowery kimonos, and large hot pots bubbling with meat and vegetables boiled in front of the guests who took their fill.

The food of the Orientals was colorful, eye-catching, and its presentation seemed to be an art unto itself, which had delighted to Johnny to no end. Never had he seen so many colors in food before that wasn't candy, and the two ate hungrily.

James eyes especially lit up when he saw all the delicious sashimi, his favorite food, and shamelessly consumed a lot.

Earlier, the two summoners had gone directly to sleep after getting settled in the warship as they had not slept since last night, and woke up just hours ago famished for food. James had gotten directly down to work with the research on souls, while Johnny explored the ship and marveled at the architecture with Echo, Butters, Meatballs, and his frost golem whom he had named Sorbet, before the dinner celebration. Goodness knows he needed a break from all the war, and what better way to do it than have fun with Echo and at the same time casually ask her subtle questions that would allow him to know the kinds of presents she likes, for her birthday was still in his mind and he and the rest had just tonight and three days left to secretly prepare for it.

Princess Mia had hugged them all, crying and thanking them, happy that they were okay and devastated when she learned of what happened to Seth and Serena, but remained hopeful, especially when they found Seifer's body. She promised that once they got to Dalaran she will do all in her power to help them.

After dinner, where James and Johnny kept on getting congratulated and patted in the back as they left early, Johnny went to Renee and Echo, telling them that Kenren Taisho was going to send out winged messengers. They could send the letters they want to send to Mrs. Rathmore and their families, now that the skies from here to the Misty Mountains were safe.


- Master Warship -
" Atelier, Present Time"

Now it was seven thirty in the evening.

Johnny had gone out to learn more about the language and fascinating culture of the Orients ever since he saw the Kabuki play the prince's servants and entertainers had prepared for the guest that dinner time.

He visited the entertainers who were happy and amused to have an enthusiastic foreigner who wanted to learn and join their plays and kabuki dances. He shared with them his dream of having his own theatre where he could dazzle crowds with his summons one day, and were glad to teach him their language.

Johnny was planning to make a play of their adventures this week. His talents in magic were mostly in conjuration and transfiguration, so he couldn't help Lydia and James much in necromancy, except in the creation of spell circles, but that was still a long ways off. So he figured that he could do more by lightening up their spirits, secretly plan Echo's birthday, and prepare for their journey to the Storm Wall which was probably going to happen this month.

He was happy being busy, working on what he loved for those he loved, but first he had to learn how to speak Orient and how to use chopsticks.


James meanwhile was in the atelier where he and Lydia did their research. He was wearing a dark blue kamishimo, a kimono for court nobles, complete with a tantō, an ornate dagger that traditionally went with the outfit.

'Seth would have loved this.' he thought, glancing at his reflection in the mirror as he poured over books. Seth and Sen loved oriental culture. It was what got them into parkour in the first place because they wanted to be ninjas.

Seeing his body like that just blew away the whole anger James felt when he saw him and Serena hugging. Feeling jealous just seemed so petty at the face of almost losing his brother and not being able to tell him that he . . . well . . . you know . . . loved him even though he was annoying and drove him up the wall.

It made him realize how short life was, that you could snuff it any time and that the time you have here in Midgard was precious and shouldn't be wasted on petty things like grudges that you'll regret once that person is gone. Because when that person is gone, they can't hear you anymore.

With that he vowed to be more expressive of his affections to his siblings, and spend more time with family and friends than research. He didn't want to die without getting to know them, and his family had to know that he loved them even though it was embarrassing to say. And Seth can have Serena --- not that she was a property anyone could own --- but that James was just going to let it go and not get angry anymore.

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Earlier that night, Renee already handed in her letter to Mrs. Rathmore, telling her that she needed to come to Dalaran and that she would tell her more in the safety of the magical city. Yes, that included on telling her about Seifer's condition. There's no way knowing what's gonna happen now but the winged teen believes in her brother and friends. Echo wrote a letter as well to her aunt and father, telling them that she's alright and everything that's happened. It looked like she wrote a short book by the time she handed hers to the messenger.

Renee walked with Lydia to the atelier where James is, before blinking a bit at the awesome outfit he is wearing and smiled when they walked in. "Oh my goodness-! James, you look like a samurai! That's awesome."

Of course she knew what samurai were. How could she not when Sen and Seth wouldn't stop talking about being ninjas before this whole adventure. Maybe she should save a few outfits and weapons for the twins? They would like this very much...

"Anyways. James, look I brought some guests with me and Lydia. I hope you're okay with that." Renee showed him the makeshift nest in the basket that held the vials, smiling sweetly at them and looked up at her brother. "I'm also gonna help with the research. So what can I do, James?"

Her wings fluttered excitedly.

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During the party, Lydia hadn't been able to really speak as clearly about the battle with the Deathknight as others may have hoped. It was a difficult topic for her, though she supposed the dramatics of it were probably what the people found so enticing so she tried her best between shoveling in mouthfuls of food. She had a bad habit of skipping meals when she got really into her work and had a tendency to eat a lot when there were no other distractions, one might have wondered where her tiny body stored all of that food.

She found it difficult to write to her mother and so for the first time since the journey began, her letter was extremely short, all she said was, 'Dear Mother, I'm safe. I love you. Lydia," before sending out the message.

Lydia had been with James studying until she had gone to fetch the book she wanted, which had kept her absent for some time as she had been ambushed and then gotten lost in her own thoughts before speaking with Renee.

Upon returning to the atelier with her arm holding Renee's, she couldn't help but blush upon seeing James. Of course she had seen him in this outfit before she had left the room, having a similar flush cover her cheeks and not uttering a word as she shyly dove back into her studies to keep from being awkward. Seeing him again like this she couldn't help what her skin decided to do and she looked away demurely as though tilting her face away would somehow camouflage her red cheeks. She stayed like this as Renee spoke, her grip on the Pendragon sister's arm tightening slightly.

She would shortly clear her throat, slipping her bag from her shoulder, careful not to snag her own decorative sleeve before loosening herself from Renee and scurrying back over to where she had been working previously.

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- James Pendragon -
" Atelier, Master Warship "
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"Thanks, sis." smiled James. Then as an added thought, said slowly. "You and Lydia look . . .", he struggled to get the words out, " pretty."

Alright, he was able to give a compliment! He was on the way to becoming a better big brother. He looked over at the basket and said that he didn't mind their 'guests' and told Renee that she can help with lifting the curse of Wrath's book, Libris Mortem.

"I've identified the source of malice and it seems there's a piece of his soul attached to the book. As long as it's there we can't use it. So, I was thinking, what if we made an alteration to your body switching spell, Lydia, and use it to pull out the piece of Wrath's soul. We're also going to need a container for his soul and I don't know what we can use for that yet --- human corpses are viable containers, but I don't want to do that."

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Renee blinked in a bit of shock, her eyebrow raised high at the compliment her brother gave them. That...is rather new. Her brother never complimented any of the girls outfits before unless he was forced to and even then it would be awkward and out right rude when he does tell his real thoughts...so...even with his own sister, he's never complimented on her looks either unless it was strange and just points out her flaws or is just disapproving so to hear him compliment her without any of this is...

Her entire face turned pink as her cheeks and ears had a tinge of red. She smiled rather sweetly at her brother, appreciating the compliment. When she felt Lydia's arm loosening, Renee walked up to him and hugged him from the side, nuzzling his cheek with her warm one. "Aww~! James, thank you!" Her wings flapped excitedly, expressing how happy she is.

When he mentioned about the book's curse, Renee squinted her eyes at the evil looking book, unconsciously using her body as a shield for the souls in the little vials. "Okay...It might take me a while since I never tried this method of studying magic but alright." Letting go and sitting where the book is, placing the basket next to her, Renee stared at the book.

"Is there anything that you guys already found out or should I just poke it?" She asked rather not touching the thing. Renee is a herbalist! She doesn't know anything about how to decipher a spell or even break a curse based on the magic. She tests things by using her physical senses like touch or smell, not her magic. Merlin, she's still not as sensitive to magic as James is, which made her feel a bit stupid for not knowing how, even with all the spells she knows how to cast.

As she heard James' discovery, Renee tries to remember something and quietly asked. "Do you know if we can use an unbreakable glass? I remember Seth and Sen telling me about that item before...for their inventions."

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-Atelier, Master Warship-
James' compliment to herself and Renee only succeeded in making Lydia all the more flustered and she hurriedly pulled the books from her bag with no real intention other than to busy herself as she huffed softly.

Thankfully James shortly took that awkwardness away when he spoke of the task at hand. Lydia was slipping her spectacles on her face as she grimaced slightly when Renee sat at the Libris Mortem, not thinking it was a good idea for Renee to dive head first into that book and took a thick piece of velvet that lay under the book, folding it over the cover, "I think maybe just look over the notes? See if there is anything we missed?"

After making her suggetion, Lydia's mind worked quickly on James' words, "we can make the circle on a smaller scale for two parts and draw it so the transference only goes one way..." she listened to what Renee had to say about the unbreakable glass then gestured towards a shelf that had the warded urn with Wrath's core inside, "maybe, or we could transfer it back to his core?"

The urn was already prepared, they may have to bolster it to hold the whole piece, but that was under the impression that the core was the 'soul' James was talking about, "unless it's his actual soul and not just a sliver of the core?"

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- James Pendragon -
" Atelier, Master Warship "

"Okay, okay, don't get carried away." he said patting her sister's back stiffly, and leaning back a little from all the sappiness, but he gave Renee a tight extra one-armed hug nonetheless.

"No, that bouncing glass won't work, but Wrath's philospher's stone, and 'construct cores', like the deteriorated one that caused our souls to switch back in Farthing Plains will, and we have two right now." he pointed at a pair of pretty stones that seemed partly made of wood and engraved with runes being used as paper weight near a collection of bottled herbs. "I've been talking to Pond and she helped me make a spell that could, how shall I put it, allow me to catch a soul without a body and keep it inside me --- ah, and this is Pond. Ursa Choutte Venire."

A giant owl bear spirit loomed out of a large puff of cloud, her hulking back with its leafy cover and growing twigs touching the ceiling. She was so big she had to slouch and had seemed to have been in the middle of reading because in her feathered claws was a very old large tome with a peeling spine and faded title. She bent her masked head down at them all, where inside it seemed that she was hollow.

"Pond, this is my sister Renee and my friend, Lydia Dubois who loves books too. Renee, Lydia, this is Pond my new partner. Anyway, this spell, if it works can theoretically allow me to pull Seth, Serena, or Seifer from these bottles and then we can use the free bottle as a container for the soul." continued James.

Pond stared at Renee and Lydia for a moment, before silently raising a hand and then nodding her head in greeting.

When Lydia gave her suggestion, James nodded, "It's a sliver of his soul. I checked." he pointed at some fortune telling bones and the goblin shadowmancy book where a toilet paper marked a page about sensing spirits. "About transferring his soul into his red crystal, Lydia, how do we test it to see if it will work?"

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Renee stared at Pond, her wings fluttered a bit when the gentle owl bear greeted them. Interesting...The Pendragon sister stood from her spot with the basket in hand and sat next to Pond with a grin, feeling a lot better at her spot.

"Hello Pond! Would like to do some gardening with me when we go back home?" She didn't know why she's suggesting this idea but it seems like the giant would like that. It might have something to do with the fact that she has twigs and leaves sticking out of her body.

As she listened to James and Lydia's magic talk, Renee looked over the notes that Lydia passed her to, reading anything that might help out as a clue. Every few seconds, she would look at the vials in the basket before going back into the notes, reading and re-reading it in case she missed something.

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-Atelier, Master Warship-
Lydia shook her head slightly as James spoke of catching a soul and keeping it inside him. Was he insane? She didn't really understand the point of that either, but she was momentarily distracted by James' summoning of the creature he called 'Pond.' As the massive owl bear appeared and she took note of the book in her hand, she smiled slightly. She wondered what it was like to be called at a moment's notice onto another plan. She then wondered if they just heard the spell cast and came as they were summoned or if, since she was holding a book, they were simply yanked from their plain and onto the summoner's. Her hand cupped her chin as her index finger curved across her lower lip while she gazed thoughtfully at Pond for a moment before bowing her head respectfully, "greetings, Pond."

She thought about how the whole process was a bit round about, they needed the book to fix Seifer, but they needed the sliver of Wrath's soul out of the book in order to use it, which meant that they needed one of the vials that the souls were currently in removed so they could use it to hold Wrath's soul. Which means that they needed to put the souls somewhere else, which led to the spell circle, "well... we already know that souls can be switched through the circle we used to get back in our bodies," She had been watching Pond and smiled warmly to her before she turned her gaze back to James and held her chin in one hand as she spoke, "we can quarter the circle, write the spell so the points for the soul vials are the ones that transfer and put Seth and Serena in the corresponding sections and rework the rings to accept outside sources of manna flow so that we can cast since... well since Serena and Seth can't right now..."

She trailed off sadly as she looked towards the floor.

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Renee looked up from the notes and stared at Lydia with a sad frown before grinning. She stood up to poke Lydia's cheek to grab her attention. "They are fine and are probably bored in that vial. No moping and concentrate." She cheered, her wings fluttered a bit.

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- James Pendragon -
" Atelier, Master Warship "

"Alright, that's safer." said James who'd rather use a spell that's worked than a spell that hadn't been tested yet. "So, whose soul are we going to attempt to put back into its body, Seth's or Serena's?" he looked at Renee and Lydia for this.

At the side, Pond straightened up quickly as though she found the idea of gardening exciting and nodded her head vigorously at Renee before prodding James with a claw and then shrugging, a palm opened questioningly.

"Nothing, I just wanted to introduce you." said James.

The owl's big shoulders drooped and her head tilted in annoyance, and without another word disappeared in a puff of cloud. At that moment the door opened and in came Johnny and Butters in kabuki costumes and make up. "Good evening, Renee, Lydia." he grinned. "James, can you cast all your shielding spells on me and Butters?"


"I'm going to jump out and scare Echo with this or loom over her while she sleeps if she's sleeping right now, and she might punch me."

James cast all his protective spells on him.

"Thanks." with a cheerful wave he left the room while practicing some words in the Oriental language.

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Renee pondered a bit. "I...I think Serena would want us to try with hers first." She remembered all the times the blonde always made sure to care for her little brother and herself when they were out doing recon.

When Johnny came in and told James his plans, Renee could only shake her head in disbelief. Wow...he completely changed when it comes to surprising Echo.

"Hi Johnny....Bye Johnny..."

Meanwhile, Echo was in the training grounds, practicing with her hammer and kicks as she did flips and climbed on walls. There were broken punching bags on the floor besides the new one and broken practice dolls, wood scattered around. Right now, she's kicking hard, blocking and dodging the wooden poles that rotated around whenever she hits it, wincing whenever they hit her body.

"Ow-!" The fawn slammed that pole and blocks it from behind. She's trying to get faster with her reaction time and thought this would help.

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-Atelier, Master Warship-
Lydia flinched slightly as Renee poked her cheek, rubbing it a bit as a soft smile appeared on her lips. She nodded and tried to look less disheartened, her hands moving to clasp each other lightly behind her for a moment, though they moved back in front of her as she gestured with one hand palm up and slightly cupped, "couldn't we just transfer them both at the same time? It worked with the mass spell circle and this time we would have less switching to do and more manna to cast."

Lydia wasn't really considering the fact that Serena could technically be considered her rival. She didn't have the same mindset as Seth and wasn't into competition, especially when it meant hurting someone she cared about and she did consider Serena a friend.

She watched Pond question James and felt the creatures annoyance when James informed her that he had only summoned her for introductions, smiling slightly before her attention shifted to Johnny as he came in. She wasn't sure if she should be worried, amused, or just shocked as he announced his plans, so she just shook her head like Renee, but covered her mouth as she giggled.

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- James Pendragon -
" Atelier, Master Warship "

"You're the more knowledgeable one, if you say doing both at the same time is safe, then let's switch them both." agreed James, picking up his ink, quill, and a roll of parchment. "Where can I help you with the spell circle for the outside manna sources?"

With the three of them working on the spell together, it seemed that it would be finished tomorrow in the afternoon.

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- Johnny Caprice -
" Master Warship, Training Grounds "

"Baa?" bleated Butters, looking at the broken punching bags, broken training dolls, and broken wood apprehensively. They seemed like a warning.

"Yes, I'm sure it's a good idea." said Johnny, bracingly, and donned his kabuki mask that had the face of a fanged horned red demon. "Have faith in James' shielding charms, let's go."

Echo looked like a warrior princess among the debris. When Johnny sneaked closer, he noticed some nobles watching Echo with lewd expressions and then realized that what she was wearing was . . . like an armored swimsuit under a revealing robe that did not cover her at all!

What was the point of that robe? Who dressed her up and why did she agree? Thought Johnny, annoyed. Was it Kenren Taisho? Did he pick Echo's dress? Why that effeminate pretty boy with his dumb hair and long eye lashes. . . Did he not know that only Johnny was allowed to see her in a swimsuit?!

Johnny clicked his tongue, irritated, and decided to up his scare tactics and terrify all the nobles out of the training grounds until he found Echo more decent clothes. And so he summoned all his creatures, warned the uncertain guards what he was going to do, and at his signal, blew out most of the torches.

The air became icy cold . . . suddenly a red terror surrounded by a ring of flames leaped out of the shadows bellowing thunder at the nobles who's hairs stood on end and scattered, yelling terrified out of the training grounds.

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Echo heard guys screaming from somewhere, not realizing that it was the hiding nobles, then she saw the red masked figure pop out with fire and glared. She had enough with the fights! She wanted to relax by exercising and yet-!

The first thing she did was run up to him, jump, and did an axe kick on the shields, surprising her that this figure even had shields on him. Echo used the force on the shields to jump back with a flip and tried kicking with all her might on the shields again to break it.

"Go away!!!" With one last spin kick, Echo's hoof made contact.

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-Atelier, Master Warship-
Lydia's face once again grew red, her lips settling into a more demure smile as she glanced towards the floor, one arm behind her back shyly as the other cupped the side of her face, her voice barely more than a whisper as she spoke, "oh... I don't know..." James didn't know it because he seemed to only think that girls reacted to compliments about how they appeared to the eye, when he complimented Renee and herself on how they looked, he had seemed awkward about it, but his compliments of the mind were very free flowing and he was constantly sending them Lydia's way. Lydia couldn't help but feel flustered knowing that James appreciated her mind when other people around her growing up hadn't appreciated that part so much and only looked at the outside.

She snapped herself out of it shortly, there was work to be done! With a soft clearing of her throat, she moved back over to her journal, skimming through the papers until she found the diagram they had used for the body switching spell, "we need to make it smaller to start, take out all of the unnecessary sections as well. We don't want to be powering the full circle unnecessarily," She laid the sketch out on the table for them all to see and pointed at various areas that pertained to whatever she was talking about at the moment, "this circle will have to be moved outside of the main ring so there is only a four way fork in the center and we'll have to create at least two points of manna focus though I'd recommend four just to be sure and we'll put those outside of the ring that will barrier Serena, Seth, and their souls."

She very intently studied the spell circle, her mind working in such a way that it was removing pieces and moving them while inserting new pieces in other areas, transforming the way that the circle looked in only her mind as she relayed the changes to Renee and James.

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- Johnny Caprice -
" Master Warship, Training Grounds "

Johnny's will-o-wisps squeaked then disappeared, and Sorbet the frost golem, who was hiding behind Johnny in the darkness, backed away as Echo unleashed her fury.

"Echo, stop --- I can see under your swimsuit armor!" flustered the demon in a familiar voice, looking away and covering its eyes with its hands, before BAM the slowing shielding charm broke and Echo's kick collided with the deflection shield, except the force deflected Johnny instead and he flew into the air and ricocheted off the walls like a ping-pong ball, finally crashing into the stone statue of a lion dragon.

" . . . " Johnny wasn't hurt bad, but the blow shocked him and he just lay there, curled up, staring frozen at the ceiling, his mask off and hanging limply from his neck.

Okay, so that wasn't such a good idea after all. Mental note . . . probably not wear something that'll make Echo think he's an enemy next time. He groaned slightly as a little blood trickled down from his forehead and he was starting to feel the bruising on his arms and stomach.

Merlin's beard, how his girlfriend could kick . . .

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Echo froze when she heard Johnny's voice, her glare softened into that of wide-eyed horror as she looked around the room to see her boyfriend's summons in the room and then she quickly ran over to where Johnny crashed into the stone statue. The red head didn't waste anything time on checking Johnny's injuries, her ears wilted back.

"Oh Merlin-! Johnny?! Are you okay? No, wait, you're bleeding. You're not okay. You're not okay." She panicked and cupped his cheeks with her hands gently, her doe-like eyes stared into his as she bit her bottom lip.

"Johnny I'm so sorry. I didn't- I would never have-...I'm so sorry." Echo felt like trash for hurting him like this. She softly wiped the blood off his face with the sleeves she tied back, not caring if it dirtied the fine cloth. Her green eyes watered as she hiccuped quietly, pulling back his sleeves to see if he had any bruises or broken bones.

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- Johnny Caprice -
" Master Warship, Training Grounds "

Johnny was still frozen. He did not have any broken bones, just purpling bruises on the places Echo kicked and a big one where she landed her final blow.

A few minutes later he shook his head. "I-It's not . . . y-your fault, Echo . . . I just need a moment . . . for my girl phobia to die down." he said in a small voice, patting her hand gingerly. "I'm f-f-fine."

He let her take care of him, feeling embarrassed that his plan backfired, though he felt satisfied scaring those nobles out of the training grounds. "Echo, the only one who's allowed to see you in swimsuit armor is me." he said holding her shoulders, and looking up into her green eyes seriously.

"So could you not show other men your swimsuit armor? Do you wear swimsuit armor so that you will be noticed? Because I notice you, all the time. When I enter a room and I know you're there somewhere, your red head is the first thing I search for. And even when we're not together, and you're not looking as you talk with your friends, I still see you. Especially during sunrise and sunsets, because when the red sun hits your hair its edges glow orange like embers, and your green eyes capture the last rays of the sun like emeralds with an inner fire. It's when you're most beautiful, especially if you're smiling and happy --- swimsuit armor or not. So don't show other guys your body, it makes me want to punch them."

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- James Pendragon -
"Atelier, Master Warship "

That night, James sat in the corner of the atelier that he had turned into his cozy little reading nest, sketching out Lydia's spell circle while scribbling on a separate parchment if the arcane math, flow of manna, and the resulting timing of the magical catalyst that will cause the spell to manifest checked out the way they wanted it to go.

This was nice, having someone as intelligent and more speed up a work that would have taken him a longer time to finish alone. It made for very good progress and he glanced at the vials in the basket, patting them and whispering, "Soon, we'll get you three back to your bodies soon. Count on it."

At past midnight, James stretched and stood up asking Renee and Lydia if they wanted any drinks and snacks since he wanted to go to the kitchens himself to make coffee. He needed some air. Being cooped up in a room with a cursed book emanating malicious vibes for hours was giving him dark, heavy thoughts for some reason.

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Echo checked and sighed in relief when she didn't find any broken bones however she grimaced when she saw the bruises. She was thinking of getting some ice packs and some soup so she can take care him in his room when Johnny held her shoulders and told her that. Her cheeks turned redder and redder the more Johnny confessed about always looking at her and she wondered where he got the notion that she wanted attention...Swimsuit??

Then she looked down at the outfit she's wearing and her face changed into a darker shade of red.

"Wai-? J-Johnny, I didn't wear this by choice." Echo started, her ears folded back in embarrassment. "Saiko, the elderly lady who I think is the head servant or something like that, she suggested that I wear this after noticing that I couldn't move well with the loose clothes. I even asked her if I could wear shorts under and she passed me some, see?"

The fawn tugged the black latex-like shorts that's hidden underneath though Johnny could see that her fuzzy part of her legs ended high on her mid-thighs, showing a bit of her tan human skin. Her green orbs looked back up at him, almost timidly. "...but I can change into something else? I didn't realize anybody was here until you scared them off...I just wanted to blow off some steam by exercising." Then she grinned a bit.

"Thank you...for wanting to punch them in the face, love." Echo leaned in to kiss his cheek, giggling. "I didn't think you would be jealous though. I'm rather honored that you would protect me from other guys."


"Can I -Yawns- Can I have mint tea? With honey? And a peanut butter and jelly sandwich?" Renee muttered tiredly as she leaned her upper body on the table with notes scattered around her, her thin arms spread above them. She looked up at her brother with tired eyes, and offered a sleepy smile. "Thanks James...I'll continue on what I can do to make it easier for everyone..." And her head slammed against the table as she couldn't it up anymore, muttering about how she could try to balance it for them instead or maybe she could draw Pond on Seth's forehead. Either way, Renee just needed an energy boost so food would be good.

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-Atelier, Master Warship-
Lydia had sketched out what she had in mind from earlier and gave it to James to work through. With that part of their problems in good hands, she had begun sorting through what she could of Seifer's dilemma alongside Renee. On the section of floor in front of the sofa, she had spread out some of Wrath's notes, pages from her own journal, and a couple of books on philospher's stones and alchemy around her on the floor. Her hair had been taken down from the braided twists as she felt like the tautness was a strain on her brain so the black strands flowed in crimped waves down the sides of her face, her loose bangs framing her doll-like features.

Seifer's case was so much more difficult. He was alive, but he didn't have an actual heart and who knew what the ramifications of bringing him back would be without his natural heart. So outside of returning his soul back to him, Lydia was trying to determine if it would be possible to use alchemy to restore his heart from the stone and that also made her ponder what had happened to his actual heart. She was staring ahead of her thoughtfully, the feathers of her quill brushing lightly against her lips when James asked them if they wanted snacks.

Lydia stretched her arms above her head where she sat with her feet under her and glanced over at Renee laughing slightly, the sound almost like the titter of a little bird, as Renee seemed to just face plant from exhaustion before she set her quill down and checked the time, "I'll come with you, I need to stretch my legs."

She hadn't realized how long they'd been in here and for at least the past hour, she had been seated on the floor as she was so her legs felt a little cramped. She got up from the floor carefully, rubbing her knees and moving her legs in place for a moment to make sure she wouldn't fall when she started walking. Carefully stepping over the research she had spread out on the floor, she made her way over to James, but evidently her legs weren't entirely ready for her to be moving and as she neared James, her left leg started to feel all noodley and she lost her balance, her hands reaching out for the nearest thing to hold onto so she wouldn't crash to the floor and that just happened to be James.

Zer0 Zer0 Katsuya Katsuya
Renee looked up from the table to see what caused the noise when Lydia offered to go with her brother, only to see the pair in a very particular situation. Smiling widely, the Pendragon sister covered her mouth as she could feel her laughter coming out. Her wings fluttered in her amusement.

"Seth! Seifer! Shut up! N-now's not the ti-time to laugh." She scolded at the vials gently, trying to hold back her own laughter. "Are you two okay?" Renee asked, though you can hear her mirth. Then she stood up, taking the basket with her and walked out.

"I'll be back...gonna look for Ken-chan about something." With that, she left the two alone in their mess.

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