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Fantasy Howl's Flying Castle (Finished! ---Whoo! (*^▽^)/)

- Johnny Caprice -
" Master Warship, Training Grounds "

"Erm, y-you're welcome." said Johnny backing away a little from Echo. He went red, glancing away from her chest. She was so close and above him, that plus seeing high up her thigh was too much. Heat was creeping up his face.

"And ---" his voice was high pitched. He cleared his throat, making sure his voice was normal. "And, yes, please change into something else. Even me, I'm a guy too, Echo, you also need to be protected from me. Not that I think it's possible for me to actually do something to you, " he winced as he sat up properly and felt some of his bruises sting, "but, er . . . let me give you an example of the things that go through my mind."

He paused for a bit, covered her with his kabuki robe, then added, "This is a side of me I haven't showed you, frankly I am afraid of telling you about this, but I -I feel like you should know how what you wear and what you do when you're wearing alluring clothes like this affects me."

Johnny took a deep breath and told Echo things that should be censored. When he was done, he looked up at her nervously, hoping that she didn't find him scary now or disgusting.

Katsuya Katsuya

- James Pendragon -
" Master Warship, Atelier "

"Careful!" said James, catching Lydia. His back accidentally pushed a flask of some alchemical concoction off its stand, and in his haste to catch it, the table slid backwards from their combined weight and he fell with a grunt.


A drop of potion from the caught flask fell on James head. Suddenly grass and flowers sprung up in full bloom from his hair, and he gave Renee the steely eye when she giggled, though the crown of colorful foliage probably lessened his powers of intimidation.

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Renee giggled as she couldn't hold back her laughter from seeing her brother's hair covered in grass and flowers. Her chuckles could be heard through the hallway she's walking in and James probably could hear it. Not that she cares because it was way too funny.

With giggling dying out, the hallway became quiet with just her sock-covered feet lightly tapping on the floor. She had left her shoes in Lydia's room and she forgot to bring them with her. Renee wanted to thank the prince for being generous with his warship and bringing them to Dalaran.

She looked down at the basket, watching the leaves twirl around with their somewhat dim glow and smiled sweetly. "Don't worry. You'll be in your bodies soon enough." Renee told the souls in the vials, wanting to believe that they could hear her. The Pendragon continued to look for the prince and asked the workers who passed by where she could find him and they lead her to wherever he is.


Echo clutched tightly on Johnny's kabuki robe, her face turned redder as her eyes were wide as she gaped a bit. Wow...she never knew she affected him that much...Gulping, the fawn tried to say something, feeling flustered and said the first thing that popped in her head.

"I...I...You...we?...woah...and ...." Echo waved her hand, trying to cool down. How did it get hot? What in the world?! Realizing that Johnny might think she's disgusted or something worse, the fawn took a deep breathe and wrapped her head with the red cloth, hiding in Johnny's kabuki jacket. "I-Isee!Wellthen,Ineverknewyoufeltthatway!Um!Right!I-Imean-! -clears throat- Johnny!"

Her green eyes peeked out, showing mirth, embarrassment, and flattery...and maybe...a little bit of passion...

"It's okay...to have those thoughts...I mean...Isn't it normal for a someone to desire their partner...their lovers like that?" Then she muttered quietly, almost scared to even admit it. "I know I do...for you, I mean..."

Zer0 Zer0
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- Kenren Taisho -
" Master Warship, Shrine "

Kenren Taisho was at the shrine that stood at the bow of the great warship, lighting incense and praying to his ancestors. His katana was laid across his lap and around the area of the shrine stood four fully-armored oriental body guards.

When he was finished, he rose up, and greeted Renee pleasantly in his oriental accented common speech, "Good evening, Renee!" he said, spreading his arms in welcome. "What brings you here at so late an hour?"

Katsuya Katsuya

- Johnny Caprice -
" Master Warship, Training Grounds "

Johnny quickly clapped hands to his face after fire sparked in his eyes. He crossed his legs, curling up defensively, or was it in restraint? No way, no way was he going to be able to restrain himself for as long as four years.

He stood up abruptly. "I need to take a walk!" he announced, and briskly walked out of the training grounds, leaving his kabuki mask and robe behind.
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Renee waited for Kenren to finish his..prayer? She doesn't know much about the Oriental culture, but she does want to know more and it seems that it was the right move to not say anything. However, it shocked her that he knew she was behind him and waiting patiently.

Was that...a soldier thing or a prince thing, she wonders, to be able to sense a person like that.

With a wide grin, the winged Pendragon stepped closer to the prince and gave him a brief hug before letting go and stepping back. "I wanted to thank you. For letting my family and friends on your warship, Ken-chan."
Her grin grew warmer. "So thank you."


Echo watched Johnny leave as she popped her head out of the kabuki jacket. A small frown appeared on her face. Was it something she said? The fawn looked over at Butters and asked.

"Think he is going to be okay, Butters?" Echo kept the red robe over her shoulders as she stood up and walked over to the large ram, feeling comfortable with keeping him company.

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- Butters the Giant Ram -

Butters chewed on some grass meditatively for a moment, "Baa." he bleated a-matter-of-factly to Echo. "Baa, baa, baa. Baa, baa. baa, baa." then, realizing that she probably didn't understand what he was saying, he raised a giant hoof and drew a squiggly heart on the dirt, added a smiley face, then above it an explosion cloud.


The giant ram stayed with Echo and followed her everywhere until she wore new clothes, and head butted all the men who looked at her for too long.

- Kenren Taisho -
" Master Warship, Shrine "

The prince was momentarily surprised with this sudden show of affection, as though he wasn't used to it, but he smiled, patting Renee's head. "You are very welcome, my little girl. Would you like to walk around the ship with me? I would very much like to hear all about your adventures."

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Her wings fluttered happily when he patted her head, however her orange eyes squinted at the 'little' comment. Okay she's short but come on!

"Of course! I hope you don't mind about my friends and little brother coming with me though." She showed him the vials that had the souls inside, somehow trusting him to not grab them when she's being overprotective of them.

"Where should I start?...Oh! I know!" Renee told Kenren everything that's happened while traveling on foot, following him as they walked around. She told him about how they had to trick the people in a certain village to get a safe passage, how their souls switched bodies, how they had to fight an eel monster and how they got the scrying mirror.

"So when we reached to Holt, the siege was already happening and none of us were ready to fight since we thought we lost someone..." She then picked up Seifer's soul, smiling sweetly at it as she could remember all his silly antics. "But now with James and Lydia working on how to put their souls back, I believe we'll have our friend back."

Then she looked up at the tall prince, her smile softened a bit. "What about you, Ken-chan? How did your adventures go?"

Zer0 Zer0
-Atelier, Master Warship-
Lydia's delicate fingers curved into the fabric of James' clothing in her haste to keep from falling and her eyes squinted shut as she tried to right herself but realized that she wasn't going to be able to because the object she had grabbed was not as sturdy as she had hoped. She felt James try to catch her, hearing and feeling the table as it shifted beneath the weight and momentum of herself and James falling.

It was all over before she had realized what actually happened, the sound of Renee's laughter filling the room before she heard it passing and floating out the door and down the hall. That's when it occurred to her that she wasn't on the floor, she was on something much softer than the floor. She gasped and her eyes opened wide as she turned her face to look up, peering over her glasses at James in mild horror. Her entire face turned crimson and she began to struggle to get up, "oh -- oh no -- um!"

Her large green eyes darted here and there, shifting from his face to his head to everywhere else as she squeaked her alarm, "I'm -- Oh!"

Zer0 Zer0 Katsuya Katsuya
- James Pendragon -
" Master Warship, Atelier "

"It's okay, Lydia ", said James calmly. " I'm not . . . hurt." His voice faltered. Lydia had smooth collar bones up close, and the black hair curling around her neck trailing up in casual waves to frame her bespectacled doll-like face made her look . . . exquisite.

James blinked, looking away when he realized he had been gazing too long. He waited for Lydia to get up, his hands just curled away like a cat since he didn't think he should touch her, and forgot what he was doing and where he was going.

"Argh, I have plants growing out of my head." grumbled James, pulling grass and flowers out of his head as he got up. "Let's just go get the potions --- I mean, coffee, and come right back." he said distractedly, avoiding Lydia's eyes.

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-Atelier, Master Warship-
She nodded her head quickly, the waves of her raven hair bouncing about slightly as she did so, then she shook her head, then she awkwardly moved away from him, not sure where to put her hands because she didn't want to put her weight on him when she got up, "um... I... uh?"

The color of her face hadn't lessened any and she didn't notice his awkwardness as she drowned in her own, "J-J-J..." she stuttered before huffing as she scrambled to her knees. She also didn't notice his lack of eye contact as her own gaze avoided his and she laughed nervously as she looked towards the door, "um... yes! Coffee!"

She hurriedly rose to her feet, scurrying towards the door and stomping her foot a few times as it seemed it had fallen asleep which was why her leg had been noodly in the first place. Lydia was so embarrassed that she had forgotten to remove her glasses as she practically ran for the door. Stopping just outside the door and cupping her face with both hands, feeling the heat on her cheeks as she stood there smiling stupidly.

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- James Pendragon -
" Master Warship, Kitchens "

A chuckle escaped James lips. Why was she stomping her foot? It was like that time she randomly rolled around the grass. After a moment where he grabbed a bag and scissors, he followed her out the door.

The hallways of the warship found James pulling foliage out and stuffing them in the bag as the two made their way to the kitchens. Servants and guards stared as they walked pass, but he was glad that there was something to keep him busy, because he didn't know what to say to Lydia.

She was actually his type: intelligent, with delicate fingers, and nice clavicles. She was funny without even trying, like when she whacked that goblin, or those many times her green eyes grew so big she looked liked a very surprised owl, and she was comfortable with not talking too, he thought as he recalled those times they just read together in peaceful silence.

'Whoa, whoa, whoa, slow down heart, don't run away again.' he grimaced as they entered the banquet hall where most of the food from the party had been cleaned up and only the beer guzzlers and sociable sake drinkers were left still talking.

A servant saw them before they entered the kitchen and he approached them, bowing deeply. "Good evening, Lady Death Bane and Master Pendragon, how may I be of service?"

"Death Bane?" James gave Lydia an amused look, before turning to the servant who seemed to be unperturbed with the foliage growing on his head. "We'd like a mug of mint tea with honey, a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, a pound of sashimi, a pitcher of your strongest coffee and . . . " he looked at Lydia.

After the servant took note of their orders, he bade them to sit in the banquet hall while their food and drinks were being prepared.

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- Kenren Taisho -
" Master Warship, Hallways "

"My adventures?" repeated Kenren, looking tired for some reason as they strolled along the hallways. "My adventures have been, well, today was a good day. Seeing Holt burning, I thought we had come too late. I'm happy today was a good day."

He talked about the war which sounded dire, except that he always added something optimistic and triumphantly determined in the end. "You have quite a number of friends to watch over, Renee. My family and my friends are a tad bit bigger."

He looked out from the balcony at the fleet of air ships flying alongside them in loose battle formation, but his eyes seemed to look beyond them, at his people in the Orients.

"The princess said that you and your brother wish to come with me and my company into the Storm Wall. I will be leading the expedition to look for the Aged Author Sunny told you about. Are you still going to come if by some chance you haven't turned all your friends back to normal again?"

Katsuya Katsuya
Renee listened, the gears in her head moved as she observed and listened to the prince. Then she looked out the window as well to see the other ships beside the one they are on and then back at the prince. 'He really cares for his people, doesn't he?' she thought, smiling a bit. "We still have to protect and support them in anyway we can, don't you think? Our families and friends, I mean..."

Her wings perked up at the question, flapping a bit in her determination. "Yes." She has to. The aged author is the answer to defeating the dragon and while it hurts saying that, it's a choice she made. "I trust my brothers and my friends to be able to defend themselves. They're all strong and I believe in their abilities while I'm gone." Then she blinked in surprise.

"Wait...you know about Sunny and me?" The only people she told about Sunny outside her family is Echo and Lydia. She thought that Madam Suliman didn't tell anyone her name...unless it was necessary ??

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- Kenren Taisho -
" Master Warship, Balcony "

"Of course. " said Kenren, smiling at her surprise. "And how you faced the black dragon himself and lived to tell about it. Why did the manna tree choose you? Why did it give itself up to protect you? Have you met each other in another life, could you have possibly been a star before you were human?"

Johnny had ambled about this in his excitement to share the new things he's learned about the Orients: they believed in the idea of reincarnation, especially their monks who are vegetarians who do not harm any living creature, not even insects.

Katsuya Katsuya
That is a good question: Why did Sunny give himself up for her? Renee always pondered about that ever since reading that book Seth and Sen gave her. It didn't say anything about getting help from others and yet somehow the dragons left to the wall. It's such a huge puzzle to her and she still couldn't figure it out. She brought the basket up her chest, now carrying it in her arms and squeezing it lightly like a teddy bear.

"I...I have no idea why. Still trying to figure that out on my own and yet nothing tells me if the trees selected people before to stop the dragon- Wait! I really doubt that I was a star! No way! I'm just a stubborn regular girl who's listening to a...tree...Okay I'm a weird regular girl." Renee shrugged her shoulders nervously, not used to people actually comparing her to something as powerful as a star. Then she smiled a bit. "But if we have met somewhere before, then I love seeing him again even if I don't remember my past life."

Zer0 Zer0
-Master Warship, Kitchens-
As she heard James approaching from inside the atelier, Lydia hurriedly lowered her hands and tried not to look like a total weirdo smiling about what had just happened, 'honestly, Lydia! You are such a klutz!' she scolded herself internally, her brow furrowing slightly as she quickly lowered her hands in front of her where her fingers interlaced with her palms facing upwards like she was going to catch something and evidently that something was her gaze as she tilted her head downwards so her dark hair would hide her face from James as it still had some color and that seemed to just darken as James drew near.

She didn't know what to say to him either and would likely just end up stuttering as every time she turned her head slightly to allow her large green eyes to peer past her hair at him, she remembered falling on him all over again and was driven through a mixture of emotions that she didn't know how to deal with. She didn't even know what to call how she felt about the way he looked pulling the foliage out of his hair. She had taken note of how much like Howl he looked when they first met, but that was as far as that went in the beginning. It wasn't until he had taken to studying with her, that she had really noticed him since her mind had been more on her studies than on the people around her. The first time was when she had gone to tell him something interesting she had just read and to relay her thoughts on it, but when she looked up at him, he was reading so intently, she was just sort of awed by the calm but studious expression on his face as his eyes scanned the pages he was reading from behind his own glasses. Whenever he had something to share with her, she could feel her heart start to beat more rapidly as joy and nervousness came over her and it got to where she would anticipate, no, look forward to the next time he would have something to discuss with her. Even then she was content just sitting side by side with him doing something they both loved while sneaking glimpses of him without being too obvious about it.

She wasn't very mindful of the guards and servants that stared at them as they walked, her granny boots clacking along the floor as she stole glances at James from past her hair before looking away again and smiling gently to herself. Her spectacles were finally remembered and she slipped them from her face in mild embarrassment, 'really? You didn't even remember to take them off... what is wrong with you?' she sighed softly, disappointed in how she was acting, but didn't know what else she could do.

Her attention was drawn from her inner turmoil as they reached the kitchen and she smiled warmly to the servant that approached them, thankfully her color was starting to fade. She gave an awkward smirk to James as he questioned the title that the people of the Warship had given her, shrugging her bare shoulders slightly before carefully tucking her glasses into a loose fold of the sash around her waist. She listened as James placed his order, casually glancing at him for a moment before she smiled again to the servant and made her own request, "I would like coffee as well and a sandwich on toasted bread with brown mustard, fried ham and egg, lettuce, tomato, cucumber, and mayonnaise," Lydia's hands layered out the sections of the sandwich in the air as she named each ingredient. When she was done and the servant hurried off to fetch their order, Lydia drew in a deep breath, it was meant to be a sigh, but she held it awkwardly and tried to release it slowly so James wouldn't think she was a weirdo for sighing randomly, even though it wouldn't have been a random sigh to her.

She would then quietly follow James to the banquet hall and take a seat across from him. It would be weird sitting where they were actually looking at each other, but she thought it would be even weirder to sit next to him. She stifled a frustrated huff, her hands both moving to lightly fold over her mouth.

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- James Pendragon -
" Master Warship, Banquet Hall "

James kept patting his hair, feeling for any small flora he missed. The foliage on his crown was now reduced to small bits of grass, cut stems, and stray leaves and petals. With the scissors, he was cutting close to his scalp now and in his blindness he accidentally snipped some of his hair.

"Lydia, are there any roots still on my head?" he bowed.

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- Kenren Taisho -
" Master Warship, Balcony "

Kenren just watched Renee observantly from the corner of his eye, gauging the truthfulness of her answer. "Hopefully all our answers will be found on the other side. But first, we have the task of getting through the wall of storm alive."

He gazed at her now as though he was her commander. "Renee, you and all your friends who wish to come, they must begin training with me and my elite tomorrow. I understand that you have to save your friends, but the journey to the Storm Wall will come soon and we must be ready."

"You must learn the basics of soldiery, wilderness survival, tolerance of pain and hunger, and how to obey orders. Will you swear to follow my commands? Whether it is 'go alone', 'fight to the death', or 'leave us and run'? I understand that you do not know me, that you probably cannot trust someone you do not know. But I hereby swear to you, that if by my life or death I can end this war with the dragon, I will."

Katsuya Katsuya
-Master Warship, Banquet Hall-
The whole time James had been fussing over his hair, even when they were walking down the hall, it had occurred to Lydia to offer him her help. She had hesitated because she didn't trust herself, though it probably wasn't much better as James blindly tried to fix it himself. She was watching him with a concerned expression when he snipped his own hair, she gasped slightly and rose from her seat, reaching for the scissors, "stop! Stop! I can't watch you do this anymore," she laughed exasperatedly, the sound a soft gaspy squeak as she stepped behind him trying to calm her pounding heart so her hands would stop trembling, "instead of doing this haphazardly, you could have asked Renee for something to reverse the effects."

She giggled before drawing in a deep breath. She was beginning to relax a little. it was easier to look at James as a study buddy than anything more than that, and as she saw it, Serena liked him so she really needed to put a leash on any other feelings, which in a way made her expression sadden slightly before she pushed that aside so she could help her friend. That is what James is, her friend.

She carefully parted his hair and began snipping slowly so she didn't cut any more of his hair and pondered how someone who so carefully planned and made his decisions, why in the world he would decide to walk down the hall and pull greenery from his hair rather than sit down and tend it before leaving the room, or even just putting on a hat so he could hide it while he went about his business. She smiled warmly as she made delicate snips, her trembling hands now still and precise.

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'I prefer to have my answers now instead of later, but I guess later is better than never.' Renee thought smartly, not saying it out loud in case if it was offensive.

As she listened to Kenren who's looking at her as if she was his soldier, the winged Pendragon took her moment to look at the prince as if he was insane for saying anything about dying or swearing to her in the first place. To have that from a prince who is as decorated and as loved like Ken-chan, it's scary and yet...somehow it feels good that she's not the only one who's willing to go that far for others.

"It's like you said: I don't know you and I don't know if I should trust you." Renee stated, looking at him straight in his dark eyes with her bright ones, making it clear that she's honest. "But...I swear that I'll follow you as long as you keep your promise too, hopefully you'll be alive by the time the dragon is defeated." She grinned at him only to have her grin soften up a bit.

"...and about how we cross the Storm wall...Sunny told me a way..." She mumbled that last part, not willing to say it out loud as if she was afraid that someone might listen in.

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- James Pendragon -
" Master Warship, Banquet Hall "

" . . . Right." said James, now realizing how dim he had been. He kept very still as Lydia took out the rest of the foliage and did not speak for a while as he sat in thought. "Lydia, could you teach me how to braid hair? I want to be able to braid Renee's hair whenever she's sad."

At that moment Johnny appeared, looking bruised. "James, I've been searching all over for you --- hello again, Lydia. Anyway, I need your advice --- er, why do you have grass growing out of your head?"

"We slipped and I accidentally dropped a bit of potion on my head." said James nodding at Lydia.

"Alright." Johnny pulled up a chair and sat intently down next to him. "So, I told Echo that --- " he whispered something that made James laugh at him in disbelief.

"What did she say?"

"Something really good." smiled Johnny, embarrassed.

"Nice!" said James, enthusiastically clapping his best friend's back.

"Thanks. So I want to wait, but I'm going out of my mind. How did you control yourself with your girlfriends?"

" . . . You're asking me this right now?" said James slowly.

"Yeah, what's wrong?"

"Nothing." said James hastily.

Johnny glanced at Lydia, then at James, then seemed to ponder something. "You know, you're right, now is not the time to talk about this." he said in a sudden change of attitude. "Not in front of a girl. It's something we should just talk about by ourselves."

"Yeah." said James in clipped tones.

"Alright." Johnny stood up drumming his fingers awkwardly on the table. "Well, see you around, Lydia, James." and with that he mechanically walked out of the banquet hall.

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- Kenren Taisho-
" Master Warship, Some Room "

"Wait, let's not speak here." said Kenren holding up a hand. Taking Renee's elbow, he guided her out the balcony, and opened a door into a cramped space that seemed to be a broom closet.

"Alright, how do you get through the storm wall?" he said after closing the door, and conjuring a ball of small flames in his hand so that they'd have some light.

Katsuya Katsuya
Renee jumped a bit when he grabbed her elbow and guided her to a broom closet?! Why a broom closet?! Okay, she knows why, but still-! It's cramped and they are really close in space and holy Merlin, what will people say if they saw her together with him and out of this place!?

Her brother is going to kill her...or him...there's a chance that James might kill him too.

She looked up at him, trying to not blush as the lights hit his face and highlighting on his features. Jeez, he has long eyelashes...Not even with the ball of fire could she see what color eyes he has, it's that dark in depth...

"Um...Sunny told me that I need to listen to the two other manna trees; The one where the elves are and the one...over the wall..." Renee whispered quietly, her wings shuddered nervously. "They're supposed to help me get through it. I-I think I need to ask the one that's over in the elves' country." She admitted, her eyes wide as her brows furrowed and frowned sadly.

"I'm sorry for not telling anybody about it, but I was scared that someone might go after the manna tree before I could even start on this journey to Dalaran."

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- Kenren Taisho-
" Master Warship, Some Room "

Kenren's features became that of a man who had undergone a hard labor only to be told all he did had been for nothing. That little sentence just destroyed weeks of careful preparation and planning to go to the Storm wall.

He looked away glaring at a broom. "Listen to the manna tree in Ashenvale first, before going to the Storm Wall to look for the Aged Author, that's what Sunny said?" he clarified in a brisk patient voice. "Are you sure? And there is nothing else? No other secrets?"

Katsuya Katsuya
-Master Warship, Banquet Hall-
Lydia wouldn't have been able to believe that James had gotten just as flustered as her from their accident, she assumed he was just tired or just that hungry and the thought had slipped his mind to ask Renee when they had both come to the banquet hall. She hummed slightly as she got involved in what she was doing when James spoke to her again. She didn't exclaim about how sweet that would be of him to braid his sister's hair, her hands pausing a moment before she continued her work, the scissors being set down as she plucked the loose foliage from his hair, carefully combing through the strands.

The sweet smile on her face could be heard in her voice as she spoke, "of course... I think she'd really like that," Lydia wasn't a particularly girly-girl but she did have dolls growing up whose hair she would braid and she remembered how her mother used to braid her hair at night when she was younger so that it would be set in waves the next day, much like it was now. Of course her hair was all one length then and her mother would tie the front back in an overly gaudy pink bow that would sit towards the back of her head and keep the wavy strands of black out of her face as she went about her day.

She paused again as Johnny came in and asked about the vegetation on James' head, her lips pulled in and bitten in a combination of embarrassment and amusement and as James reminded her of the incident, she accidentally pulled his hair at the memory, "oops! Sorry James!" She squeaked, her snowy skin glowing pink. She slowed her hands so she would be careful not to pull his hair again as Johnny whispered. Well this wasn't weird at all.

She stood there awkwardly as she continued to gently pull the loose debris from his hair, carefully combing the strands out of the way until eventually there were only a few strands of greenery to snip away. She tried to ignore Johnny and James as the spoke. How did she always end up in a place to experience this weirdness? Now she wasn't embarrassed over the fall, she was embarrassed over the snippets of conversation she was hearing. She wasn't prepared for this at all and as Johnny asked about James' previous girlfriends, Lydia paused again, gently clearing her throat. Was she invisible or did Johnny just see her as a guy now? In a way that felt flattering that he was comfortable enough to talk about his guy issues with James while she was around, but at the same time it reminded her of how her mom was always nagging her to act more like a lady. James had already begun insinuating that Johnny was mad for asking in her presence which did make her feel a little better, a meek smile finding its place on her full lips.

She heaved a sigh of relief as Johnny decided against discussing his guy problems in front of her. Honestly? Can she have any more weird situations come up tonight? When she got back to her room she was going to grab her pillow and... well she didn't know if she was going to scream into it or laugh maniacally, "okay Johnny -- bye bye," she squeaked rapidly, but with Johnny gone, her tension eased somewhat and she felt comfortable enough to lift the scissors back off the table and snip the last little bits of grass from James' hair.

Now she was curious about James' old girlfriends. She hadn't have even thought about him dating and wondered about it especially since she knew Serena liked him. She wondered if he liked her too and why he hadn't done something about it if he did. She wondered what he liked in a girl, 'were they like Serena?' her brow furrowed slightly as she thought. After Seifer had pampered her and she began maintaining the work he had done, she wondered if that was the kind of thing that boys liked. She thought about how Echo acted and looked compared to Serena. It occurred to her then that all people don't like the same things about others much as they don't dislike the same things either. She laughed faintly at her naivete at having thought that everyone had to be one way in order for someone to like them and shook her head slightly, setting the scissors down on the table again and giving James' shoulders a casual pat, her mind unfocused enough that she didn't even really realize the gesture, "there, finished!"

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Renee took a moment to remember anything else that Sunny said and there was a thought that made her a bit queasy. Now that she thought about it, Sunny did warn her about...

"I-I don't know if I already told Madam Suliman or not, but I do remember that there's a darkness coming and I don't think it's just talking about the dragon either..." The Pendragon admitted quietly, her wings slowly limped from her guilt at keeping all this information to herself. She was scared of asking for help, but...maybe she should start now...

"Sunny also warned me, before he sacrificed himself, that the darkness might be after me now. I thought it wouldn't after leaving Paroosia with my life, but then the king's dinner ended in a disaster and that Deathknight, Wrath, he read my mind to find out about the boat to the Storm wall...including going to Dalaran...I even warned the princess about that after the tournament winner danced with me." She's trying to calm herself down as her anxiety spiked, now realizing her grave mistake.

'Think of James, Sen, and Seth being warm and working hard and have full tummies. Calm down...' Her breathing quivered however as she started to shiver, looking pale and started to cold sweat.

Zer0 Zer0
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- James Pendragon -
" Master Warship "

There it was again, Lydia laughing by herself. Funny, without even trying. It was like she was in her own world sometimes.

"Thanks." smiled James tilting his head back to look up at her. When the servant came saying that he will follow them up to their rooms with the food, he said that it wasn't needed and just carried up the things Lydia didn't eat or drink as they headed back. He asked her all the while if she liked to cook since she was very specific about the sandwich ingredients.

That night he continued working with her and Renee on their spell, sharing his pound of sashimi. During breaks he asked Lydia if she could teach him how to braid hair and asked her about the other things she liked to read.

James liked books on alchemical ingredients and tomes on historical arcane sites. He also had a fascination with the lost incantations for the summoning of celestials, such as the phoenix, and the genie.

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- Kenren Taisho -
" Master Warship "

"She didn't mention that." said Kenren. Could the princess have forgotten after all this time? "You were actually this important. This changes so many things . . . Thank you for telling me all of this, Renee, we will speak again another time. I will be raising the security level on you and your friends. You may go back now to your room. "

He opened the door for her. The way he spoke, Kenren was a man who's lot in life had always ever been to command and be obeyed.

The moment Renee left, he could be heard giving orders to have all his officers assembled immediately in the war room. There was a shadow that kept following him around, that was always hidden somewhere out of sight, but close by.

But it didn't feel malicious, rather it was like a dangerous watch dog guarding the prince, and Renee could catch a glimpse of it watching her leave before by some trick in the light it disappeared.

Katsuya Katsuya
-Master Warship, Atelier-
Lydia did retreat into her own thoughts. Likely because she hadn't had anyone to talk to about the things that interested her as she grew up so it was still a habit to converse with herself in her own mind and react to those same conversations out loud. Some might call that crazy and if Lydia knew that anyone else noticed the habit, she probably would have been pretty embarrassed.

The bemused smile that was resting on her face was still there when James tilted his head back and she glanced down to him not really thinking about it, her expression changing to one of mild surprise then embarrassment as she turned her gaze away bashfully, "you -- you're welcome!"

She sat across from him and ate half of the sandwich that was brought to her. She wasn't all that hungry after the feast earlier since she had been famished and the fact that eating was an excuse to keep from having to talk too much. She didn't want James to have to carry everything so while she left the coffee to him, she carried her own sandwich and offered to help carry anything else necessary. When he asked if she liked to cook, she looked at him slightly baffled before laughing a bit, partially from embarrassment and rubbing the back of her neck, fluffing her hair out a moment distractedly before informing him that she had no idea how to cook and that she'd like to learn but she was always so focused on magic that it was difficult. She pointed out the studying she had done for physical combat as a back up for when her magic failed and how it had been tediously boring for her but that in the end it had paid off on numerous occasions. She just ended by saying that the ingredients she chose just sounded good to her at the moment.

Working again relieved her of any embarrassment she had suffered previously as it allowed her to clear her thoughts of anything frivolous and just focus on the task at hand. After all of their calculations had been done she helped James with the final design. It was a two ring spell circle with four manna channeling circles precisely spaced between the inner and outer rings. The inner circle was quartered with the transference spell to be cast on a diagonal. The runes were placed to conduct the manna from the sections where the soul vials would be towards the sections where Seth and Serena would be. Even though the flow of the magic wouldn't create the nova effect that the previous spell had since the receivers of the spell were not also the casters, Lydia still thought it better to put in place the barrier runes just in case something went wrong so at least only Seth and Serena would be affected and not everyone. She suggested runes of blessing, protection, and manna flow to be placed around Seth and Serena's bodies would be so that they may more readily and safely accept their souls returning.

Lydia happily showed James how to braid, finding a few strips of cloth and tying them to the backing of a chair to stabilize them and make them easier to weave. She didn't know if this was supposed to be a surprise for Renee, but she wasn't about to ruin it if it was. She was used to sharing information with James, teaching him things he didn't know as well as learning things from him that she didn't know but something like this that was just so simple and innocent made her feel warm inside and she watched him with a smile on her face whenever he practiced the braiding after she had shown him how.

She somewhat hesitantly volunteered her own hair for him to practice on since actual hair would need to be managed differently than three strips of cloth and was grateful for the distraction when he asked her about what she liked to read, Lydia informed him that outside of books on evocation, abjuration, and enchantments she also liked books that documented magical artifacts, historical books on famous wizards, and like James, books on historical arcane sites. She also described her desire to learn more about transmutation, and shadowmancy.

Zer0 Zer0 Katsuya Katsuya
Renee snapped her head up at the prince, a look of disbelief appeared on her face. Princess Mia forgot? Did it slip her mind during their travels? Not that she blames her with all the events that happened to them while coming to Holt. "Um...Changes? What do yo-?" She couldn't finish her sentence as he opened the door to let her out. The conversation is done for tonight.

The Pendragon sister walked out of the broom closet, feeling a bit better but wary even when the prince told her about raising security around her and her family and friends. Again? The last time someone raised security around her and her family it was General Leo and that was before that dragon came down with it's shades in Paroosia. Renee groaned quietly as she could hear him giving orders and assemble at the war room while walking away from the closet hastily.

She had enough with royals and their weird ways of making everything vague around her. Seriously, what's with that? Madam Suliman did that when she asked about how to contact her again and now Kenren believes she's important than he thought? And what changes was he talking about?

Too many questions!!

As she peeked over her shoulder to see Kenren leaving, Renee blinked at the shadow that's nearby him and raised an eyebrow at the idea that popped in her head. A...ninja? Maybe?? If it is, then that's really cool. Next time they talk, she's not letting him command her again until she knows what he is talking about because she told him everything and she wanted to know what he was talking about.

The Pendragon teen walked back to where Lydia and James are, ready to study more on the spell she found to help make the process even smoother. Though the more she thought about the prince assigning guards, the more she realized that someone could be listening to everything she's saying so...she had to keep quiet and act as if she didn't know.

By the time she reached and entered the room, Renee's wings were starting to change. Feathers clumped together and stretched, making thin silvery strands that flowed down to her mid-back and over her shoulders in waves. Some of the ends curled a bit too as it was layered unevenly. She quietly sat down on the floor, placing the basket next to her and picked up the notes she was reading from the table. Time to study this spell...

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