How long? (TheRp)


Corey went the long way around the kids so that they wuldn't spot him. Hey was in the form of a small bird so even if they did saw him they wouldn't notice him. He flew on to the boat and went in to where the captin was sitting alone with a beer in his hand. This is going to be fun. He turned into his normal self and closed the door behind him. He came out he wipped the blood from around his mouth. When he came out he was in the new form of the Captin.
"I'm fine." Alaska breathed, seeing something like blood splatter on the captain's quarter's window.

"But he isn't" She mumbled before taking out her large switchblade and walking up to the starboard of the ship.
Dan slowly followed her eyes and looked at the blood on the the ship window "What the..." He followed her to make sure she would be ok"
"Any idea what's going on?" Alaska asked, using her hand to cover the sun glare.
Lily pushed herself out of Rikku arms. She forced herself to stand on her bad leg, even though it hur like hell. She walked up joining Alaska and Dan. She saw the blood on the window covered in blood. "Um... do you guys think... that it is that monster?" she asked them.
"Idk, when the boat get closer we can check it out"The boat had not finished being tied to the pier. Dan then seen a cloth start to wipe the blood off of the window

Coery wiped the blood of the window. He was full and happy. But he wasn't quiet happy in his new skin. The man was fat and a drunk. Though he wouldn't change anything so he wouldn't cause suspicion.
Dan stepped infront of Alaska. "wait dont go in there without me" Dan was starting to like her and didnt want her to get hurt.
Alaska took out her blade, flipping it open to her side.

"Ill be fine." she said, running off the edge of the deck and grabbing a hold of it, pulling herself up.
Dan followed what she did and he fell in the water he then got out of the water and did it again. this time he managed to get a hold of it and climbed up behind her.
Alaska kept her knife ready, rounding the corner and found herself string into the eyes of what looked like the captain.

"Allos sir, I apologize for the sudden boarding. We both just ad reason to suspect someone was.... hurt." She said, eyeing him up and down. Alaska didn't trust this man, nor did she trust his appearance.
"Yea everything is fine sorry sir, can you please bring the boat to the dock so our friends can board" He then grabbed Alaska lightly on the arm pulling her a few steps back to make sure she was to far back to stab the captain in the throat.
Alaska gently pulled her arm back from him, giving the captain a brief smile.

"We we're wondering if you had any medical supplies, or could give us a ride tot he main land so that we could get some?" She asked, hiding her blade in her back pocket.

Oh great it was those kids. "Yes I will board the boat right now and we have a first aid kit that your friends may use," he said. His voice was unfimilar to him, because it belonged to the voice of the man. He gave them a friendly smile and went to the wheel of the boat and sailed it to the pear.
Dan walked over to Lily grabbing her hand "come with me" he said in a soft voice Were gonna fix you up. He was happy he didnt have to tear his shirt the rest of the way off
"Okay," she said and followed him as he took her hand. She followed him.

"what happened to her," the captin asked surprised as they went on the boat. She stopped as she saw him. She didn't know why but she felt panic. Like this man was going to hurt her or something. Didn't the others felt this way about? Didn't they know this man think was bad? But how could she show them this? It was only a feeling... a very strong feeling.
Dan looked at Lily and seen the fear in her face. "dont worry about it" he said as he pulled the first aid kit out of his hand and brought her away from the captain. "Here its ok" he said as he pulled supplies from the box
Alaska knelt down infront of Lily's leg, disinfecting the wound first, then wrapping it up tight.

"I don't think you'll need stitches..." She said, standing up and brushing herself off.
"Well i geuss im just useless here" Dan got up and started to walk to the other side of the boat. he felt unneeded because it seemed he was never really helping the group as a whole or any one in the group individually.
Lily saw how Dan was acting and after Alaska finished with her leg she went over to him. "Dan are you okay?" she asked him.
"Im fine" he said as he looked at the ocean. he didn't want to talk to anyone he just wanted to get home and get back to his old life because none of the people here needed him for anything.
"Are you shure Dan?" she asked him. She still thought of Dan as a great friend.

"Oh I forgot to tell you thank you for helping me back there when I was hurt," she told him.
She stood there for a moment alone on the other side of the boat. She leaned against the railing until she was greeted by the captin. "Are you feeling better,"

"yyes," she forced out the words. "ummm... when are we going to sail and go home?" she asked him. He was just a normal person don't freak out....

"Not till tomorrow morning I am afraid," he told her.

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