How long? (TheRp)

Rikku turned around and sprinted as fast as his teacher taught him to, his wounded leg had no handicap on him, as he as well already zoomed past Dan and jumped into a tackle on the monster, pulling him off lily and into a roll until they collided into a tree

"Dan! get lily!"
Dan ran to Lily and scooped her up quickly. He ba= began to have an adrenaline rush and just ept running not knowing where he just went until he was out of Breath "are you okay Lily"
Whatever his teeth had injected into her was making her see horrifying things. She could fell it pumping through her blood. Her leg was bleeding like crazy and so was her neack. What ever he put into her with his teeth was making the world. She felt something scup her up and she looked up to see something dark and terrifying. She screamed. "Please! Please don't hurt me!" 
Corey got up and out of his grip. "Uuu more food," he snickered. And started to circle the boy. IF it was a fight he wanted a fight he would get.
Dan pinned Lily on the ground and started to put water on her wounds. He then ripped his shirt and wrapped her leg and nec "Its me Lily calm down you will be ok"
"Dan! Cover her eyes! he did something to her!"

Rikku was ontop of the monster and took out his blade and stabbed it right through the things chest

"You mother ****er think you can mess with us? I was bored of your game since the night at the house, now since I've seen three faces of you, I know what you can do, and theres no point capturing you in anything, you'll change into something that can get out of it, so I have to kill you here and now"

He spun the blade in its chest and dragged it down as he pulled it out and jumped off, waiting for it to move, he knew it couldnt be dead after such a thing, watching all around him once again
Dan heard Rikku and covered her eyes and he heard Rikku yelling as he stabbed the creature. "I hope he has this covered"

Lily was shaking in horror and in pain. She felt a hand go over her eyes. Her eyes were turning from the color of brown to purple. She could feel the blood drain from her body along with the color of her body.


Corey jumped. "You think a stupid knife will kill me. Oh it will take so much more," he laughed then kicked the blade out of the boys hand.
Rikku laughed

"Ah, if you were watching me, you'd have noticed i had a longer blade earlier..."

He pulled out his switchblade and extended it to the full length of a katana

"What you kicked out of my hand was the kitchen knife i carried along this whole time from your own damn house!"

He quickly swiped his sword, cutting through his chest an inch deep, and there was no way he'd ever get the sword out of his hands, Rikku was in his zone he loved so much, and ended in the stance of his perfection in his skill in blades and combat

"You may beat me in the way of endurance, but the blade is an extension of mine own soul, it shall guide you back down the road that you have traveled here that began straight from hell!"

(and if you were wondering, those 20k posts were all withing the fantasy world, Rikku was my main ninja in my RP group and master of swords, which works cause this is more of modern day fantasy now than slice of life xD )
(You can check his bio if you want to know how to kill him)

He spit out blood onto the floor and looked at him in a surprised and horrified way. He then began to laugh at the boy as he left marks on his chest . Though he would never admit this the boy had skill and he was sort of afraid for a moment. But their was a sertin way to kill his kind, and this boy didn't know it.

"I guess I will be back for lunch latter," he said and turned himself into a tiger then ran of disappearing into the night.
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(um, you needa edit lol, when i said swiped, that means a diagonal or horizontal cut, not a stab, it wouldnt stay in his chest)
(Ups I will change that, sorry) 
(K changed it) 
Lily shut her eyes tight even though Dan's hands were over her eyes. The pain was only getting worse by the minute. She bite down on her lip till she drew blood, so she wouldn't scream out in pain. She had felt so stupid, for falling into the trap. She should have listened to Rikku.
Rikku closed his blade down to its handle, and walked over lily and dan.

"lily, I don't know if you can hear me, but next time, when someone gives you facts...listen..."

He got down on one knee and began to make sure no blood was leaking out of any of the wounds that were covered.
"S-sorry," was all she was able to get out. She felt terrible she might she cost them there ride home. She stil had her eyes close.
Lily looked at Rikku with her once brown eyes, the were now a dark purple. She quickly looked down, because who she saw wasn't Rikku. Then she looked down at the floor but that wasn't a safe place to look either. SO she just closed her eyes.
Rikku started on the way towards the Pier, making sure Dan would still be following behind

"There should be a medical doctor on the ship, you'll be fine...and if that guy shows up again, i may have to set you down quickly, worst comes to worst, you get dropped a bit, so be prepared if I give you a heads up, because i need to be on alert"

He kept glancing around, making sure he wasn't being followed, he didn't feel he was, so it was safe for now.
Dan started to follow close behind "Hopefully the boat hasnt left yet" Dan looked around on high alert now ready for anything "Remember we cant cant trust any one on that boat."
"No, that doesn't matter, that thing ran off in the other direction, from here on out its straight up plains to the boat, not a tree in site, and i don't exactly see some leopard running towards it. As well as if my time corrections are right, we should have another 15 minutes, more than enough time, and even then, it comes and goes here quite often, we're not that far off the mainland."
"If you think about it he can problably transform into anything like a bird or something small like a bug" Dan grabbed Rikku pulling him around so they were face to face. "Listen, If that thing attacks us again Im going to need you because one of use has to fight him and one of us has to protect her" He said without even looking in Lily's way. 'So i dont care if we dont see him come on the boat just expect him to be there." Dan kept wallking
"You can't honestly think i'd let my guard down, i'm just saying don't go punching the captain 'cause he says hi"

He shrugged him off him and kept walking

(hey i need a nap, so i'll be back in an hour)
(Sorry i haven't been on i have been kind of been.... busy)


Corey went the other way. He didn't know what he was going to do. But he did know that he was not going to let those kids off of the island.


Lily still felt pain everywhere but kept quiet. At leat theyy were gong to get off of this island.
Alaska had gotten lost momentarily on the island, but had eventually gotten so freaked out she ran all the way to the beach, only a few yards from the others. When she had seen them, all she saw was Lily covered in blood, and that worried her more than anything.

Running up to Dan, Rikku, and Lily, she was about to scream, still entirely freak by the things that had been chasing her in the woods.

"Someone please explain what happened." She panted, leaning on her knees.
"Everythings ok" he said as he got closer to her "Some one attacked us, the thing that was in the house. Are you ok" He said as he went in for a hug.

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