How long? (TheRp)

"Uhm, survive I guess. Then become a tattoo artist."

Alaska played with the bark on the tree behind her, thinking of something to ask him.

"What are yours?
"Yeah, That is if you want to?" she told him. She wouldn't want things to change just because they were back in school.
"Um well when i get a higher degree in jujistu , right now im a 3rd degree black belt but when i get like 5th i will start my own dojo" Dan looks at Alaska playing with the bark on the tree and can tell she is uncomfortable " hey if you dont want to talk to me you dont have to you know" Dan looks down with a discouraging face.
"Huh? Im not uncomfortable or anything. I just fidgit alot when I'm thinking." She said, her face falling in embarrasment.

People almost always thought she was uncomfortable or awkward around anyone else, exactly why she didn't talk to many people.
"Oh im sorry" He smiled a bit to try and cheer her up " Its really boring around her we should do something"
"I don't think your an outcast, and I am not embaressed to seen with you." she told him. She really liked him and didn't care what he was.
"Thanks, i;m glad the person i started to like was you"

He gave her a nice smile and gently rubbed her arm, pulling her tight to him
"I'm glad to," she said with a smile as she pulled him closer to her. "Should we start to make our way to the pear now?" She asked him.

(Um... HaruAketchi (Played Solomon) has quit so....)

She takes his hand, and stood up. "Thank you," she said getting up with the help of his hand, and dusting herself off.


He sits back watching the kids as they start to get up and start to walk up again. He was far away from them as he watched them, but his keen sight helped him be able to see him from this distance. He was waiting for the perfect moment to catch them off guard. So he could do, what he did to the people in the house. He just..... wanted to have some with his food this time. Play around with them.... make their blood boil.
"Well then, lets get a move on"

He started his way back to the pier where the boat should be at any time, keeping his switchblade in his hand as usual incase whatever was following them really did keep watching them

He watched as they began to wonder of again. The slowly and quietly he began to move in the same direction just farther apart from them. He was out of sight and he was careful with each step to make sure not to make a niose. One of the males, that was walking with the girl next to him had a knife. He suspected something. Perfect, that human wouldn't be a challenge for him. 
( Kay... well I gtg for the night..)

As they were walking, He started to feel he was being watched, and he put back on his glasses and bottom bandanna

"I think something really is following us.."

He fiddled with his blade, and pulled back the handle, extending the blade.

"The reason i like this switchblade, well, one, i made it, two, fully extended..."

As he fully extended it, it was the size of a normal katana

"Fully extended, perfect have alot of time to think of things like these when you have no friends..."
Dan seen Lily and Riku walking and began to follow them they may be dating but Dan still felt he needed to protect her and Rikku wouldn't stand a chance with that thing in the house alone "Hey alaska ill see you at the Pier" he said as he walked towards lily and Rikku.
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Lily felt the same but there was no one in sight. She made sure to stay close to Rikku, and not wonder off and get lost. Then she herd Dan coming.
Dan seen Lily turn and look back at him but he didn't care so he continued to follow them. He stayed at full alert to back up Rikku at any time. He winked at Lily as she looked at him

She gave him a friendly smile as she turned back around again. Lily hoped they could still be friends since he was still a nice guy and he was nice to Lily.


Corey had a plan. His fingernails soon grew longer and sharper and he raised his hand up and slashed himself across his left eye. Blood started to gush out and his hand soon started to grow back to normal. He got up and stumbled recklessly through the island until he reached the kids. He fell to his knees and looked up to them with his bloody face. "Help me it got me. It g-got my friends to in the house... but I was able to get away, Please you got to help me," he begged to them. His eyes looked desperate and his body looked worn out. He looked like a normal teen that just got attacked by a monster, but he wasn't. He was just putting on a act. A very convincing one.
Dan seen the guy fall on his knees infront of Lily and Rikku. Dan stayed back not allowing the guy to see him, dan stayed on alert
"I was feeling watched the entire time, it could have been him, which if his story was true, then why didn't he talk to us sooner"

Rikku was totally on alert, ready for any surprise attack, his eyes stay focused on the kid, yet still glancing around.

"More or less, how did it even know we knew about the monster, and that it got to everyone else in the house!"

He fully looked straight on, he didn't believe him for a second
Dan looked as Rikku stared down the guy bleeding. Dan wondered why Lily hadnt tried to look at his wounds. "Whats going on with them" Dan Waited for one of them to help the bleeding guy.
"Did you not listen to my words?! We can't trust that thing for a second, this has been the thing watching us, I guarantee it, nobody could have survived whatever got to that house, as well as he shouldn't know we knew about the monster anyways! The only way that could have happened was if he watched us, but if he did so, he must not be in any danger, there's too many loopholes in its story!"

He was in his blade stance and was ready for anything, making sure to watch all around, below, and above him. Knowing what it was like in the house, he needed to be ready for a surprise.

"Well I think we should help him," she said going to her knees and looking at the wound. She pulled a pice of her jacket off and took the water that Dan had gotten for them. She put it on the pice of fabric. "This might hurt a little," she told the kid as she placed the wet fabric on his wound.


He acted to that it stingged when it touched his wound. "Thank you," He told her.
Dan slightly let his guard down. The kid could still not see him so he had nothing to worry about. He was of a distance that he could watch the others back.
"Lily, get away from him, his little story has way too many errors to be true!"

Rikku got ready to dash forward in case of anything going wrong, it's so obvious this isn't just a normal kid

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