How long? (TheRp)

"Yeah" Dan said as he started to drink out his bottle of water. He then tossed a bottle to Lily and one to Rikku setting the other to bottles aside for Alaska and Solomon.
"No problem" Dan decided to keep quiet from now on and find out what was going on between Lily and Rikku before he said anything.
Lily cought the bottle and took a sip of it. She could taste some of the beer that was left from the bottke but she didn't mind she still drank it.
Dan walks over to Lily and sits next to her real close like he usually does. he then feel the uncomfortable vibe with Rikku being on the other side of her and he waits for him to move.
ah, i can feel it already...

"Maybe we should go and leave a note telling them, they seem to be fast asleep, and we weren't attacked at any time, everything should be alright, especially if we draw a happy face on the letter"
Lily sits still as Dan sat next to her.

"Yeah great idea, oh and I have a sharpie we can use," she said jumping up from her spot.
Rikku stands up as well, looking for something she can write on, until he decides to rip off the hood of his hoodie around his leg, which was probably the only clean part of it, and handed it to her

"Best we got"

Afterwards he took off the hoodie off his leg anyways, he felt perfectly fine
Alaska stirred, feeling an insect crawling around inside her shirt.

"Jeeze, they can't keep their hands off me." She yawned, standing up and stripping her shirt off, shaking it out before she put it back on.

"Morning guys."
Rikku was stunned, shocked, paralyzed at such...boldness

"Well then...i guess solomons the last one asleep, and he cant find his way around if his life depended on it, so someone needs to carry him, and it wont be me"
"I guess, but would he really like it if we did that? more or less how deep of a sleep-"

He ended up staring at her lips again against his will...
"Yeah," she sighed and looking around. The wind soon started to pick and it became windy and cold. Lily's hair blew swiftly in the air.
"B-Beautiful...g-gah! i-i said that outloud!

Rikku got up hopped over the brush wall out of embarrassment, and sat behind a tree

"what is with me right now..."
Lily followed him over the wall then stood on the opposite side of the tree. "Rikku are you alright?" she asked him conserned.
"I don't know, this isnt a feeling i've ever felt before...ever, so im confused... but i can't help but keep staring at you and such..."
Lily came closer to him slowly. The wind still blowing around. "Such?...."

Wait did he actually like me? Was that what he was feeling?
"Well and such, by i mean, other than staring at you, like complimenting you like i did just a bit ago, and lingering on the thought of you kissing me and stuff...I think i like you"
Lily was surmised with what he just said. He actually liked her. "Well... I know I like you," she told him as she took a step closer to him.

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