How long? (TheRp)

"yeah...but thats why, he'd say something like 'my beautiful face! this costed me tons of money, now i have to spend more money on plastic surgery!' or something drastic like that"

He laughed a bit more, laying back down on the ground

"you know, you're a pretty cool girl"
"Thanks, i don't get that very often...or at all... more of that was my first compliment...ever..."

He had a smile on but it looked obvious how he was struggling to keep it, while laughing shamefully
"Well people are really missing out on a great guy. They just don't know a great guy when they see one," she told him, she could realize that he was struggaling to keep his smile.
"Thanks, it means alot"

He turns to look back up at the stars

"It's so peaceful, just talking like this under the stars..."
Lily was about to tell something to Rikku but though she better not. She just looked up the stars as well slightly.
"you know, why cant the whole world be like this, groups of people, all sleeping around in the forest together, having fun and stuff...i think itd be great, but thats just me being weird again"

He laughed and sighed

"when we get home, im gonna enjoy sleeping in my bed though"
"Yeah, it would be great," she said as she admired the stars around her.

"Rikku who do you live with? I mean they must be worried right?"
Rikku shakes his head

"I've lived alone since i was a child, I never knew who my parents were, and I was in an orphanage before i decided to run away, but thats what made me who i am, and I wouldn't change my past even if i could"

He smiles, remembering the good memories
"Oh.. Wow" was all she could say. She didn't say "oh I am sorry" like most would say because he seemed happy and okay.
"yup...Hey, what do you think of Dan, I mean, its obvious he makes attempts at you, was a bit curious how he's actually doing"
"Um... Well he is really sweet and nice... but I don't know I am not that good with the hole relationship thing. The last one I had... didn't end so well," she said looking at Dan as he was asleep. She still had scars from her last boy friend. And there was still rumors that were passing around the school...
"you can't let one person ruin something for you, thats for quitters. Many people stood in my way, tried to ruin things for me, blocked me from my goals, or atleast tried to...."

Rikku slowly got up and looked down to lily

"If you let a single person effect your life too much, they basically own you, but you have to own yourself, and realize that, hey, he tried to ruin your life, but you can't let that stand in your way, you have somewhere to go in life, somewhere to be, some place that will show up everyone and show them that you are youre own person and that you're not to be screwed with, because you'll show'em everything they're scared of!"

He turns to look up back at the stars

"You are you're own person and you dignify for yourself what you can and can't do, not others. One time may have ended up bad, but you're only a failure in something, somebody that can't grasp a concept, or get good at anything, if you decide you are, and you decide to stop... and you don't look like someone who wants to be a failure, so what the hell are you gonna do about that?"

He turns to her again, with a smile and a determined set of eyes, eyes like a protector, a face like a guide.
(Ugh! I don't know what to write.... Oh wait yes I do okay :) Wait I have a question does Rikku have anything covering his mouth?)
(Kay good :) )

Lily got up and stood up next to him. Before she realized what she was doing she pressed her lips against his in a kiss. She then pulled back and bit her lip waiting for his reaction.
"D-Dear kendo trainer, you said never to be beaten, but i have just been bested by a female in a surprise attack..."

He shook his head

"W-well i guess thats what you were gonna do about it"

He laughed as his face got a bit red
"n-no, its fine, its not like i didnt like it or anything, i was just...caught off gonna uh...sit down...before i fall down"

He slowly sat down his face just getting more red as time passes
Lily soon sat down next to him nervously. Did she really scare him that much. Now she kind of felt bad. She wasn't thinking she just did it, her heart took over, she should have asked him or something before.
" stole my first..."

He quickly laughs it off, back to his happy joking self, minus his face is still red and his laugh sounds a bit funny
"Wait it was... your first?" she asked him. On the outside she was calm but in the inside she was freaking out. OH look what I did? I should have asked him? Maybe he didn't even want me to kiss him? Maybe he doesn't even like me that way?

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