How long? (TheRp)

"Well i think it looks cool, plus it feels nice and tight and confined. Thats why my hoodies pretty tight as well, because it feels more as if nothings there, as in another layer of skin or something, more flexible...not that i mean i like feeling nude or anything!"

He quickly sat up, wondering if she took it that way

"*sigh* it is nice to let my hair breathe i guess..."

He took the top bandanna off to show his spiky brown hair

"haha...its fine solomon"

He have a smile

"Hey I mean, I'm not complaining, but you don't have to do that. It'll be rewarding enough to get out of here alive, ya know?" She said, leaning against the tree.

(I am off to cook dinner. I'll see you guys later~)
"as like a compensation of some sort." he then sat up from leaning up against the tree and faced them both. "think of it this way, ive thought about this for a while and, if anyone were to die here; im sure the first one would be me. so if i happen to live through this and have the chance to pay you, it would mean that one of you were the reason i survived. seeing as theres no way i could survive this thing alone. im so out of place here..." he said to himself. 'like a duck in the desert, just plain not right.' he thought to himself.
Dan got back with the water in empty bottles he found at the burnt down house just hearing the end of rikku's sentence, becoming very unhappy he barely contributed to the making of the whole <settlement>. "ok im back"
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"Oh hey, took a bit, but welcome back"

He gave him a smile, he really does that alot when people can actually see his face, or maybe because they cant see, but he smiles alot, only for him to bear the idea that hes happy

"we're basically all set thanks to you now"
"Hey Dan. Thanks dude" She said, continuing cutting up the fruit and using very large leaves from the top of the tree to set them on.

"Alright, I know everyone's going to be angry with me but we can't all sleep at once. And it would be best to keep the fire down really low if not killed totally so they can't track the smoke." She said, setting the food out for everyone as she began to skin the squirrel.
"Whatever that was in that house, which you weren't totally in there, we found you outside napping, but what was in there didn't use sight to track us, it followed us and whatever in that house at pitch black midnight without a single light on, whatever it was, it doesn't need sight, if it wants to find us it will, i dont know if its slow or if its watching us right now, but we need heat to survive, we need the fire as big as we can. Anyways, a fire thats been put out gives a distinct smell anyways, so it'd be bad either way, so I'd rather live and risk it than die from either hyperthermia or some monster"
"You've got a point. I only remember some of it, I was thrown out of the house pretty fast and knocked out on a rock or something. But you're still right, I'll stay up first shift. Trust me, if anything comes here you'll know. Either by my screams at ya'll to wake up, or either mine or it's blood splattering." She said, taking a bite of her food.
"I'll take all the shifts, I can't let myself sleep while im protected by a girl, my trainer taught me I always had to protect one as needed, but not too much like a child, but like how one should, and i wouldn't forgive myself if you were to do so"

He stood up eating an apple

"More or less, my switchblade's the size of a normal dagger, more commonly known, combat knife"
Alaska giggled lightly, holding hers up and flipping it open. Hers was approximately the same size as his, but it was definitely large enough to cut through the entire fruit in one swift movement.

"Trust me, you don't nee to be so humbled as to take all shifts and not be protected by a girl. I'll wake you if anything happens. You're injured and need rest."
Shakes his head

"This is a fleshwound, it stings, but by tomorrow it'll be nothing but sore, even now its started to get alot better, and this is what i was trained for, i need to put it to use somewhere, so let me"
"I'll make you a deal, we split it half and half." She said, reluctant to let him stay up all night.

"You're going to need energy tomorrow with the amount of work we're going to be doing."
"The only half and half i'd do is if we shared watching the camp the whole night through, if not, im staying up anyways, so its either get some sleep or don't"

He takes another bite of his apple, and puts his bandanna back on his head, covering most of his hair
"You're a difficult son of a *****." She said, smiling at the boy. The others had already fallen asleep, so she'd have to choose now.

"Promise you'll be okay?"
"Of course I will, i'd feel like an idiot otherwise, and i don't like that feeling, so i'll be fine" 
Rikku sits down again, eating one of the squirrels after roasting it over the fire he made in the center

"so you gonna go sleep right now?"
"If I fall asleep then I will. If not, you're in for a long night." She said laying down with her head across Lilys lap, being careful not to wake her.
Lily was already fast asleep with the others. The sound of the wind rushing through the trees soothed her enough for her to silently fall fast asleep.
Dan just having his eyes closed and not asleep he was eaves dropping on their conversation and stood up. "Alaska i think me and Rikku being the men here should watch out for us all, yes i know you are capable of protecting us but i think you should get some rest." He then walked over to Rikku and sat next to him.
"Being the men my ***. I could beat your scrawny self in a couple of second. Now shut your ****** mouth and sit down before you make me get up." She retorted, half tempted to throw the blade whims hilt she held so tightly in her hand straight into his chest.
Dan looked at alaska "I bet you could but im staying up no matter what you say" he smiled taking her threat very idle. he wasnt intimidated by her but he was sure she would throw a knife at him but he didnt care.

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