How long? (TheRp)

"Suit yourself and be tired tomorrow."She said, thinking about making her own bed up in a tree. She could easily do it, and she was half tempted. But with lack of a better word, she was too lazy anyways so she simply fell back asleep.
Lily soon awoke with all the talking going on she sat up rubbing her eyes and looked around. Her vision still hazy.
"Deciding whos gonna take watch, it was decided it was me but Dan's trying to be a hero here...seriously man, sleep, i got enough before you guys came, i slept right before you guys got here, i'll be fine, just sleep"
Dan looked at Rikku and gave him a reassuring nod and layed his head down "ok ill go to sleep..and Lily we were all just head to bed." he then got up and layed next to her and alaska. 
Dan started dose off laying next to Lily.."Good....Night"
"Night Dan... Night everyone," she said her eyes closing and she fell back to a deep sleep. It has been yet another long day and she was tired hopefully they would find a way off of this island soon.
"Alright...well, i guess just you and me alaska again"

He fiddles with his blade 
((i may or may not be able to post much later, may be asleep, dont do much without me please :x ))
(( Well as you can see nothing really happened so don't worry about it xD ))

Lily woke up unable to sleep she saw that Rikku was still up and looking at the stars. "They are really pretty huh? You can never see the stars like this at home since all the street and home lights are always on," she told him quietly only loud enough for him to hear.
"Yeah, its refreshing"

He sticks his hand up, almost to grab a handful of stars, but closes on nothing but air.

"But at the same time, it reminds me of the city anyways, so high in the sky, unable to see the top...and that makes me like the city a bit, because it may not be stars, but to me, it is, my own set of stars, ones for only us city kids, so im happy either way"
Lily silently walked over all the sleeping body's making sure not to step, or wake any of them up. Then she place herself next to Rikku. " You always do find the bright side of things do you," she told him with a smile.
Rikku only had this top bandanna on, so she could see the smile he had as well

"There's no reason not to, if you think on the bad side, only bad stuff will happen, and youll only look on that side of things, if you think good of things, you can have fun, and be much more calm when you need to. I don't feel this is a life or death situation, i really do feel this is something like camping. Sure, i can get serious sometimes, but if someone were to walk over and see us, would they think we're friends camping, or running for our lives, minus my leg being a bit of a, being the only people that have been nice to me, i don't want it to be filled with bad memories, but good ones"
Lily gave him a light smile. "Yeah your right," she told him. She hen looked back up at the stars. I like Rikku he was different then the most people that I meet. They usually only care about how much wait they loose or gained, or about their hair. And they always are looking at thing half empty... but him he was different. She hoped that even when they do get of the island the island they would still be friends.
"You know...after this, we should actually go camping, without being chased, or what we think we are, he may have left us alone once we ran...but getting back on topic, nice, care free, camping, dontcha'think?

He turned his head over to her
"Yeah, that sounds like fun. I would like that," She said looking over at him. Camping well that would be fun... we could roast marshmellows. Yummm.
Dan stood up not conscious of what he was doing..he was sleep walking. He walked ove Lily then tripped over Rikus legs.."Huh" He said right before going back asleep on top of Riku
"Huh' she said snapping out of her trans. "Oh um sorry..." she said wiping it away hopefully it was dark enough for him not to see her blush. Then out of nowhere Dan came crashing down "Oh are you okay?" she asked him.
Rikku sits up

"I wonder what i can do throughout the night when everyone's sleeping...sigh, if only i had a marker to draw on solomons face"

he looked back to the sleeping solomon
"I may or may not have a black sharpie in my pocket," she told him, she always carried a marker around in her pocket, it was one of the mini ones she took around incase she got board and wanted to draw herself a fake tattoo. "He would be so pissed off when he woke up," she sighed.

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