How long? (TheRp)

"yeah, didn't mind it at all, i mean, its natural for people to like it right? like i said, i kinda did since well it wasnt exactly bad confused...this rarely happens..."
"why are you apologising?"

He chuckled as he asked

"if it needs to be plain as day, I liked it, and that i think its totally fine, you wanted to do it, so don't apologize"
Dan opened his eyes as the rising sun started to pour on his face. He looked up and seen Lily and Rikku talking and didn't want to interrupt so he layed his head back down and closed his eyes not sleeping but not full conscious
"More and more of the stars are disappearing as the sky comes up..."

He sits back up, just noticing how close they were actually sitting and he turned his face away, red again

"So uh, where to now, there might be boat coming today"

he made a nervous, embarrassed, etc chuckle, which sounded extremely fake and voice crack-y
"Um maybe near the pear if the boat is coming," she said. Hopefully it was good weather so the boats would come beouse they would sail if their was a storm.
"Then it'd be a good idea to go as soon as the others wake up.."

He turned to face her, his face was red but he was atleast able to face her

*dan woke up*

"Oh uh, well ive been awake the whole time like mentioned, she was most of the time too" quite... more or less it was a bit...well...most exciting part of this whole trip out here

"eh, wouldn't say boring..."
"Morning," she said with a smile. He must have not seen, that was good because she didn't want to because him any pain.
"You were sleep walking and you tripped ontop of me, so i threw you off, dude you're a heavy sleeper"

(i like how you dont care xD but its dan that does)
(Dan will be jealous if he finds out..but that is his prob not mine lol) "Really sorry about that" He was used to hearing stories about him sleep walking.
(man, no connection between you and your character xD , im emotionally bonded with mine, its like one of my personas)

"It's fine its fine"

he hasnt pestered me for sitting close to her, thats new
Dan stood up and walked over to the chars where the fire once and put more brush on it and blew it till it ignited.
He looked over at lily and all he ended up doing was staring at her lips for a second, then forgetting what he was gonna say.

"ah, so i really have been bested..."

he said to himself, turning his view back infront of him
"Um we were just thinking that we should go to the pear and wait, the boats are suppose to come today," she told Dan. Then she tried not to blush as she cought Rikku staring at her lips.
"huh" Dan said hearing Rikku say he was bested...."what do you mean you were bested...did some one attack us last night" Dan looked at Rikus limbs "you dont look injured" 
Dan seen Lily blush and started to get suspicious of what was going on "Hmph"
Dan knew something was going on but didnt want to get in the middle of their *thing* they had going on he just wanted Lily to be happy

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