How long? (TheRp)

He drops the branches in the middle of where they were

"Ok, that's good for now on my part..."

He puts the fruits gently down, and sits himself down as well, looking at his leg
Dan walks all the way to the house that the burned down and found some empty alchohol bottles. he picks them up and makes his way back to the little stream. when he gets the he rinses out the bottles he fills all 5 of them up. and he starts walking back to the group
Rikku got back up again, and collected alot of dead brush and started piling it around nearby bushes, while cutting out the ones in the middle, starting to create a circle of a little campsite
"What would you like me to help with?" she asked Rikku. She didn't want to just be standing around doing nothing she wanted to help as well.
"Theres not much to do, the only thing that needs done is to basically create walls around us with this dead brush and some bushes i uprooted, so you can just sit there and be pretty"

He finishes part of his brush wall around them, only about half a circle though
Alaska gathered some flint, using a little piece of the dead bush that Rikku collected and started a fire by sparking onto the kindling, then setting in below the logs and creating a larger fire.

"Thanks man." She said, climbing up into the tree, first scouting for anyone near by. When the coast was clear, she threw down a bunch of fruits and even two squirrels that made the mistake of getting too close.
"Well then, gonna cook something up this should be...interesting, but its still meat i guess, thanks" 
He sets the rest of the food down, and sits down as well again

"At Least its still moderately bright out...hopefully whatever was...screwing with us...doesnt come out here too, eh?....*sigh*...atleast the sky is always beautiful, unlike the situations that can can happen under its beauty..."
Lily looked up at the beautiful sky. He was right it was nice. She liked how he some how made something good out of this. Lily looked up her eyes glued to the sky.
"We sat through the rain, and pain, but to see a beautiful cloudless sky like this, its perfect..."

He laid back, and stared up through the gaps in the trees to see the light shining through and the sky right above.

"*sigh* Ironically, this is probably the most exciting and fun things i've done, mostly because i'm usually alone, but i feel like im camping with friends...its pretty cool..."
Lily smiled. Well at least someone was having fun she thought to herself. "Why are you always alone?" she asked Rikku pulling her eyes away from the beautiful sky and looked at him.
"Well for one simply what I wear, im not exactly someone with 'likeable' fashion it seems, and most people just don't seem to like being around me, so i usually just sit alone during school, not bothering to remember a name, like dans and solomon, they seemed to know me..."
"Well I like hanging out with you, and trust me I will remember you always " she told him, and she means it. She really liked Rikku and thought he was a great person to be around.
"ooh...curses!!" solomon yelled as he stumbled back up the hill to the tree they were under. "h-heres the wood." he said trying to catch his breathe. he dropped three little sticks from his arms and collapsed to the ground, "i dont see how boy scouts do this..."
Rikku laughed a bit

"you really are such a pampered dude, i mean, look at the pile we got"

He points to a bunch of longs and branches

"And for christs sake man, im handicapped!"

He laughed some more
Well it was relaxing for a little while at least. She thought to herself and did a small laugh as Solomon came back.
"Yeah yeah solomon, just keep makin excuses"

He said in a light tone

He laid back down on the grass, looking up again, taking the time to take off his glasses again, and even pull down his bandanna

"oh man, been while since i've breathed fresh air normally"

he chuckled
Lily noticed Rikku deep blue eyes, they were beautiful. She wondered why he always covered them up. " Rikku you have really nice eyes you shouldn't always hide them away under your glasses.
"O-Oh thanks"

He laughed because he was caught off guard

"I like the glasses though, they look cool to me"

He gave off a smile, finally one could actually see for once
"Well I think you look better when your not all covered," she told him. Even though that he did look kind of cool in the glasses.
"well even now im still covered"

He laughs a bit and points to the bandanna on his head

"People always wonder why i wear two... mostly for cases like these and when i eat"
"Why are you always still covered?" she asked him. Was it only because he thinks he looked cool, or was there some other reason.
"ooh..oww...ouch." Solomon said each time he moved as he crouched to a sitting position against the fruit tree they were all around. "hey guys..." he said still panting from that little bit with the sticks. "if we all get off of this island alive. i promise you all are getting 5000 dollars, promise..." ((Solomon is the peak that one can reach of laziness. i wonder how he stays so slim? haha lol))

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