How long? (TheRp)

Dan walked infront of all of them taking the lead "follow me ill lead the way" he walked toward the steepest part of the island "it will take us a good 2 hours to get there so every get a partner to stick with incase we get seperated" He walked ahead not going to Lily's side like he wanted to and instead went ahead on his own.
"right..." Solomon said as he followed the others, keeping his head toward the ground. he felt slightly bad about what he had just said to Dan. he wished he would've kept quiet. he had enough enemies already.
"Well then lily, if we need partners, i entrust myself in you, mostly because only you know how to do anything medical"

he gives a pained chuckle
"Okay, sure thing," she said sweetly with a smile. She kept walking next to Rikku, kind of worried about Dan. He seemed to be acting different after what Solomon had said.
Dan walked further ahead of the group not wanting to hear Rikku and Lily flirt. He looked back at Alaska getting even more mad wanting to punch her in her face. "Rgh" he let out a quite growl of anger
Alaska kept herself off to the side and quiet, not trusting herself with anything else. She was happy to have Rikku and Lily with them. Even though she hadn't been really close with either of them, they seemed sensible enough.
(flirt?! man if you want flirting, i can give you a damn romance opponent, im going easy here and not doing so that much xD )

"Thanks, more or less the others seem to quick to jump on their feet and fight for me to be around them..."

He put black on his red glasses

"and you, alaska, I'm Rikku, sorry if we already met sometime before, im bad with people from school"
Solomon continued walking forward. being sure to keep his shoes clean, or at least relatively clean. as the trip grew longer he noticed alaska beginning pass in front of him. he caught up to her pace, waiting for rikku to finish his introduction before he began his own. "sorry about that scene earlier." he said with a fake smile. "we've all been shaken up a bit, everyone seems on edge." a couple seconds later he began again. "anyway im solomon," he extended his hand out to her and maintained his fake smile.
Dan stopped and turned to the group because he saw a swamp up ahead. "Guys i think we should stop here and find an alternate route there is a swamp up ahead." he looked at Rikku and Lily getting jealoous and just turned back around even though they werent doing anything.
Lily saw the look on Dan's face, he looked somewhat jealous. She wondered why, it's not like she was doing anything with Rikku.
Dan slowed his pace down just a little to eaves drop on Rikku and Lily. then he turned around and pointed at the swamp the were coming up on." see i told you there was a swamp now which way are we supposed to go?"
Lily thought about it they were there for a while but it's not like they were doing anything, but still.... Lily wondered why he brought this up all of the sudden. Then Lily looked, witch way? She had no idea.
Dan started to walk where Rikku gestured "good idea" He knew Rikku was smarter than him and he thought he should lead the group but he didnt want to look stupid.
Dan walked up to Rikku extending his hand getting ready to put him on his shoulder "come on we need to keep moving ill help you"
Dan now standing next to Lily he decides to talk to her "so are you ok" dan hears his stomach rumble.
Rikku laughs

"Looks like we're all hungry...anyone know a place on this island theres food? minus the natural fruits on trees that is"
Alaska giggled lightly, raising her head and looking up.

"Hm, maybe there's a McDonalds." She joked.
"I'm fine," she tells Dan. Then gave a light laugh at the comment that Alaska made. There was one place where their is lots of food. The house. They were going to have to go back sooner or later weren't they?

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