How long? (TheRp)

"ugh....w-what?!" Solomon exclaimed as he realized he was on Dan's shoulder. "Get...Get away." he then got off of his shoulder and jumped back a few feet. he wasnt really angry at dan. just embarassed that he had to be carried. "and whats that smell?" he then looked up at the house in front of them and it was burning with an intense heat. "hmph." A smile stretched across Solomons Face. "so you decided to burn it after all?" 
After a few more moments of smiling with no one responding to him, he approached the group. while walking closer he noticed that rikku's leg was bleeding. "w-what happened to you??" he then heard a noise from inside of the house and looked up to see what it was. "oooooh....G-God Damnit!!" a burning firgure yelled as it stumbled outside of the house, rolling and tripping down the stairs. ((seems like someone was still alive inside of the house. O.o )) "Oh hell no...i..i really am NOT up for this kind of thing." he then looked around the house for a moment. "Taxi!! Taxi....?" he then realized that the taxi he had told to wait outside had just up and left, or they werent at the same house, Solomon didnt know what to think. He then passed out once again, hitting the ground with a loud thud in front of everyone.
Dan looked down at Solomon and picked him back up. "we need to find a way off this island" he then looked towards the ocean.
On the out side Lily looked somewhat calm but in the inside she was freaking out. How we're they suppose to leave. The boat that was going to bring Lily home wasn't coming for 2 more days.
Lily walked next to him. There was no boat no cars. Lily searched her pocket for her phone but it seemed that it had disappeared. Even if she did find her phone there was no garented that it would work. Great this is just great. she thought to herself but didn't say a word. She then herd something moving in the bushes.
Dan stepped in front of Lily to protect her from whatever might be in the bushes. "Come on out" he then got in his jujitsu stance.
Lily waited in suspense to she what was in the bushes. As Dan told it to come out from the bushes it didn't move. For a long moment we just their watching the bush. Then it started to move again. Then out hopped a bunny. At that moment Lily wanted to strangle that bunny for it almost caused her a heart attack.

(Haha! Bunny's)
Dan jumped back when he seen the bunny, then he picked it up and extended it to Lily "Here take it...she might comfort you a bit" he said with a smile
"Thanks," she said and took the bunny. Up close it looked kind of cute, with it's big brown eyes and long soft ears. She didn't really want to kill it anymore.
Lily followed him and sat down next to him under the tree still holding the bunny in her arms. The bunny was now starting to fall to sleep in her arms.
"Yeah it is," she said. Then the rain started up again and so did the thunder. Only the thick green leaves were helping them not get wet.
Dan covered her ears as thunder boomed. "It will be ok" he took of his coat and put it over her "here you go"
Solomon's eyes opened just enough to see that he was under a tree "Where am I....Wheres my cab" then he dozed back off.
Alaska's eyes fluttered to life, rubbing her head she eventually managed to wake herself up. When she looked around, she was lying behind what looked like sand dune, but she could hear other voices.

"Uh... Hello?" She said, feeling as if she would pass back out again.
Lily stood up as she herd the familiar sounding voice. She wondered off and found Alaska. "Alaska?" she said, she wasn't great friends with her but she saw her around school. "Hi..." she said giving a soft smile she didn't know what to say.
Dan heard a female voice talk and he got up after Lily and followed her to the girl she called alaska "Hello...are you ok"
"Hey, Lily." She said, standing up.

"I'm fine, thanks. But uh, any idea what's happened?" Alaska asked, raising an eye brow and brushing herself off.
"I have no idea whats going on, there is some one dangerous on this island and that house that was on fire had dead bodies in" Dan stopped talking runnning out of breathe. and he then sat down witha worried look on his face.
"Have you been here all alone this hole time?" She asked Alaska. It must have been scary for her to be all alone.
"I guess. I must have passed out. No idea how I got from the dock to here though. Maybe someone moved me." She said, looking around. Wow, **** must have gone down... she thought.

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