How long? (TheRp)

Dan dropped to his knee and picked up Rikku and put him on his other shoulder. "Lily im sorry i dont have room for you up here" He wished he could drop one of them to pick up Lily but he knows he could carry all three of them but not without it being uncomfortable for her.
"Its not the right time ill tell you when we get through this ok?" He stared at her hoping she could see the emotion in his face.
"Okay " she said almost in a whisper she was scared out of her mind but didn't want to let it show. She just continued to walk maybe there was another door another way out.
(I dont control Dan once i made his character personality i do what i feel he would do lol..sorry haha) 
Dan started to follow her and he set Rikku down sensing that he was feeling a little better and could walk just fine. but he kept an eye on his surroundings just incase some one tried to take one of his friends "Lily stay close...If they were to take you...I just dont know.
Rikku quickly got out of dans grasp

"I'm not a baby..."

That quick surge of such a condescending action made Rikku angry, you could see his eyes glow with anger and flames behind his red glasses

"Also, stop treating lily like a damn princess like you can save the damn day, we're all in trouble here and im getting tired of it"

His voice got deeper and his tone is obviously mad
((lol its cool, i feel your rp has potential, so thats why i hopped on it, being my RP master self with like 20k posts under my belt =3= cocky muthafucka i am, not on this site obviously though))
"Okay..." She said and stayed closer to Dan. She saw how came talked to her and treated her. He was very sweet and if she wasn't so scared right now she would say something but she could barely talk she was to scared. They need to find a way out.
"well sense im the only one not scared ill take the lead" he waslked in front of Lily with Solomon snoring lightly on his shoulder. he was scared even though he tried to act tough in front Lily
"Only one not scared? oh im fine now, in fact im more angry than anything, and we're gonna get out of here."

Rikku walked to the same door that Dan was at, and a single powerful kick made a hole right through the dense metal door, but cutting his pants and leg to shreds, leaving a ton of blood everywhere, and as he pulled out his leg, he reached through and opened the door from the other side.

"lets get out of here..."
Lily had to wonder how he couldn't be scared. I mean it's okay if he was she understands if he is. She shure is scared she just wants to go home.
((nah nah its for way later, but id need to talk it out with shy here, unless youre fine with people doing quite large things))

EDIT:((wow that sounded REALLY dirty))
(( um.. wow that did sound dirty um... talk to me about it if you don't mind :) u can pm me or just tell me here either way if fine.))
Rikku grabs Dans arm as well as Lily's, and starts to pull them through the door he basically destroyed his left leg to open

"we're leaving... now..."
Dan looks down at Rikku's leg seeing the blood running down as he is being dragged along. "You think you have found a way out Rikku?"
"Well i sure as hell made a way out of the library, cut my leg to pieces doing so"

He starts taking them down the stairs

"I doubt the front door will be open for us to leave though"
Rikku leg was still bleeding and she would have said something to him about it but they aren't safe here so she would clean it up later for him.
Rikku let go of their hands at the front door

"im gonna try and ram it..."

Rikku charged at the door!...and fell...the door opened before he collided and his face hit the wooden porch outside...

"that f**king HURT"
Dan seen the door fly open and he hurried to pick Rikku up. He then grabbed Lily's hand and guided her out of the house when the door shut right after them "This is really getting crazy"
((dude, you got ninja'd)) (((aka i posted while you were typing and our posts contradict, but since i got it first youre obligated to change yours to match the past post, its good to know the term)))
Lily kept holding Dan hand. It made her feel more safe for some reason. "Rikku are you okay? I will help clean that up once we are somewhere safe or safer than this," she told him.
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