How long? (TheRp)

Dan was dozing off when he noticed the lights go off and he was fully awake now "what happened...?" Yawwwwwn....
Everything was pitch black and she couldn't see a thing. The weather outside was getting worse that was what probobly caused the power outage. "Rikku are you okay?" She asked him concerned.
Looking around frantically looking for Solomon becasue he must have dozed off "Solomon where are you"
Lily couldn't see a thing and it was starting to make her nervous. Where was Solomon? "The weather must have caused the power outage," she said astounding more calm then she was.
Dan was crawling on the floor looking for the others and he knocked over Lily's chair and fell on top of her " sorry" he said with a smile. he then pulled out his light and re-lit the fire place
"If you guys would pay attention to me, you'd know that somebody else was in here, and it aint neither of you guys, or solomon, he's dozed off the chair across the way"

Me slowly got up to be careful in the dimly lit room
"Someone else in the house," she said nervously. Who would come in the house? Lily was starting to get even more nervous again.
Rikku quickly glanced to the side

"g-guys...somethings not right..."

he got closer to the two of them, but turning his back to them

"i dont feel good about this...stay behind me"

He pulled out a long pocket knife
Dan got in his Jujistu stance and got ready for a fight "Rikku we need to protect Solomon and Lily, Be ready"
"Of course, but i don't exactly feel this is our normal intruder, i have a weird feeling in my gut...we need to keep as many lights on as we can"

He tried to pull out a cell, but notices its missing

"But no one else is on this island except for the other party a couple miles from here..." She said the color drained from her face as she looked at the wall. It read:

We want you. In big red painted letters.

"Okay wich one of you wrote that it isn't funny." She said terrified.
He started to feel like who ever the intruder was was smart and knew what they were doing. Something ran by and tripped him and he dropped his phone and the light went out. "Damn it, you guys ok" he got back in his fighting stance
"H-hey...i just realized..a-are you sure we even got the right party? you said your friend has multiple houses...because this isnt really much of a party...atleast we still have the firepl-"

The fireplace burnt out, as if put out with a liquid

"i'm scared to turn any light back on...we need to leave...before lightning strikes and we see whatever this thing is..."
Lily was really getting scared now... they were they only ones on the island. If there was someone out yo hurt them then they are on there own.
Dan picked up Solomon and ran towards the door pulling Lily by her hand behind him "Rikku its time to go" he turned the handle on the door and the door wouldnt open. He kicked it expecting it to fall down but it felt like it was made out of steel. "whats going on here"
"hold on, ima make a light, just a small we can see where exactly youre kicking.."

Rikku lights a match, and holds it up to see the scariest face you could ever imagine, one youd never forget, he was totally frozen with fear.
Lily let go of Den hand and tried to open the window, but it wouldn't budge. She then picked up something hard and heavy, and there it at the window it didn't break. 
Lily turned to look at Rikku and saw the face. All the color from her face drained and she wanted to scream but couldn't.
Dan pulled some bronze knucles out of his pockets and repeatedly punch the window. Then he stopped just to see a metal shutter covering where the window once was. "Lily......Never mind"
Rikku slowly pulled the match up to his mouth, and blew it out, he could feel the presence of that...thing, move away, but he fell down onto his ass, even with his glasses, you could see his fear

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