How long? (TheRp)

Rikku lays back down again, giving a smile, minus she can't even see it behind his mask.

"It'll be over sometime, hopefully by later tonight"
"Yeah I hope so," she said, still trying hard to ignore the thunder. She focused on the fire burning. The wormth felt so good on her skin.
"About...Damn time...!" solomon said from inside the cab as it pulled out in front of the house. "it makes no sense why you took so long anyway." he said in a condescending tone. "just um...wait over there." he said pointing to an area on the side of the house. "i should be out, maybe an hour, no two." he shoved his hand into his pocket and began walking up the stairs toward the front door. "some party...i think im the only one here." as he approached the door he knocked fairly hard, not expecting anyone to answer.
Dan's dad pulled up behind a yellow cab as it atarted to sprinkle outside. He then hopped out of the car "see'ya later dad" saying it with a smile. He ran to the porch of the house hearing the steps creek under his feet. "this house sure does look old" He then looked up seeing soloman. "I hope every one didnt go home"
What?!? She thought to herself. She then jumped up when she herd the door. "Oh people came," she said with a smile and ran down the stairs and opened the door. "Hey, come in," she said opening the door for them to come in. God I am the only girl in this house so far... hopefully a girl comes soon.
He looked up and seen the girl he has like for nearly a year now :H-hey Lily you look pretty today" he said shakily as he walked in the door. "So this party looks a little dead. hopefully i can turn it around" he said trying to change the subject of what he just said to Lily. "hello Rikku" he said not noticing him standing there"
Do I know him? He thought to himself, luckily with all of his stuff on his face they couldn't see the obvious emotion of confusion. And man, its so obvious he likes her with how he speaks...

"Hello to you too..."
"hello lily." Solomon said as he walked inside. he then looked down and saw a newspaper lying under his foot. "this place is a mess.." he said in a disgusted tone, kicking the paper from under him. "so.." he said looking up at lily. "are we the only ones here?" moments after he said that rikku came running down the stairs. "wassup peeps." he said. "hmph, rikku." Solomon wasnt very fond of rikku, considering that they were in two different social classes at the school they were all from.
"Thank you," she said smiling to Dan. He was always so sweet. "Um.. yeah so far were the only ones here," she told them, referring to the 4 of them, walking into the house.
Dan walked past every one and looked around the house, at least the parts he could see. "so what are we all doing standing around" He stares at Lily while she is not looking. "She just so beautiful......I bad" He took a step back feeling nervous because he didnt mean to say that out loud.
I swear these people have something out for me even though i don't even know them...maybe i should pay attention to people at school from now on...

"we should probably go back to the fireplace and put out the fire, just incase, unless we're going back up there...oh, and nice save bro..."
"it would do this house some good to be set ablaze." Solomon said following lily into the house. he then looked around observing the place a bit more. "do you live here, lily?"
"Um... no I don't live here, I 'm not even the one throwing this party Kate is she just hasn't shown up yet," she said heading back for the library to put out the fire. Kate was her more popular friend, she wondered where she was.
"sorry, i didnt know this was considered a house to you. looks more like an island shack to me. but i'll keep my thoughts to myself next time." he then turned his attention back to lily. "Kate living in a place like this? hmm, none of my business. any idea when she'll be here?"
Dan walked behind Lily up the stairs "this house is alot nicer on the insied then the out" Looking back at Rikku and Solomon "Are you guys coming or not?"
"Well she was just putting out the fire we made but sure i guess"

He followed them up the stairs.

"also, mr snob, letting you know, go ahead and keep on insulting the house, it makes everyone feel oooh so much better each time you look down upon this house since everything you get is bought for you"
"She doesn't live here, just another one of her houses, and no I don't know when she is coming back I treid to call her but my hone doesn't work here," she said and walked down the halls.

"And by the way I like this house," she said to Solomon, but just looked straight down the halls as she walked.
Dan continued to follow Lily "I like this house to, its old but very nice and it looks some what expensive". He looks at Lily "Do you have a boyfriend Lily?" he says awkwardly
Solomon crossed his arms and lifted his nose upward. "hmph!" he simply kept silent, not wanting to anger anyone else. he also followed closely behind lily and the others, not wanting to get lost in this old house.
Rikku chuckled a bit to himself, but not really enough for anyone to hear. well then, that was bold...why is lily the only one that doesn't hate me here anyways?!

Rikku's just thinks, puzzled, to himself
"Nope, no boyfriend," said opening the library doors once again stepping in the worm room. she hadn't had a boyfriend since the last month, and lets just say the boy wasn't nicest to Lily. After they broke up lots of rumors spread all around the school.

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