How long? (TheRp)

Dan sat down on the couch leaving little room next to him hoping lily would sit down by him "Any one want to sit next to me" saying that hoping Rikku or Solomon wouldnt sit there.
"oh," Solomon said as they entered into the library. "i also heard Jackie was supposed to be here. right?" he then walked over to the wall facing the fire place, sat down with his arms still crossed, extended his legs then also crossed them. keeping away from Dan, who was making it painfully clear that he wanted lily to sit next to him.
"Um... yeah thanks," she told him. Then sat down on the floor near the fire place. Sure lots of boys asked her out since she broke up with that other guy but... she was never willing to take the chance. "Um.. Yeah she's suppose to be here,"
Looking to his left seeing Lily sitting next then looking right seeing Rikku squeezed next to him. "Hmm" he wanted to move next to Solomon but didnt because he knew he might not get another chance next to Lily
"hmm. thats good i suppose." a faint smile made its way across his face as he looked down in deep thought. thought about Jackie. the only girl he ever wanted that he couldnt just buy. money bought most things, but unfortunately for solomon, Jacqueline was not one of them.
"also lily, thunder calmed down as well, which is pretty cool, minus the rain getting harder...and"

He pokes Dan

"whats your name again?"
"my names Dan" he said with his voice deepened trying to sound intimidating. I wonder what i did to him to make him want to sit next to me.
"I'm Solomon." he said trying to butt into their conversation. he hated being ignored, which is why he used his money to buy freinds.
"well then, nice for atleast my meeting of you, dan, you seem to already know my name since i dont know anyone here really except lily, and thats cause we were here first"

He completely ignored solomon for being so snobby
Everyone already knew Lily's name somehow, well I guess it was because she was friends with one of the most popular girls in school, she didn't know. "Well it is nice to meet all of you," she said to all of them.
Wait a minute this is the first time me and Lily really officially met Dan thought. but doesnt she recognize me we had every class together "Yea....Nice to meet you to" He said with a dissapointed face.
he shot a sharp glare toward rikku. "you know what...." he began to conjure up an insult for a moment, but he then stopped mid sentence. letting out a long sigh. "im sorry about earlier, i was just angry about how my father was using the limo today. so i had to ride in that disgusting cab..." he then stood up and approached rikku. "will this fix everything?" he said tossing rikku two 100$ bills. "i can give more if you want." he then pulled out his wallet and began counting off money.
he put his hand on dans shoulder

"i cant imagine your pain..."

*soloman speaks*

"uh sorry, i cant be bought"

he doesnt even bother touching the bills
"i see." Solomon said angrily shoving his wallet back into his pocket. he then walked across the room and sat down facing the fire-place.
Dan looks at Rikku "You must be very observant" how could have he possibly known what i was dissapointed about, all i said was yea nice to meet you...I wont be able to get used to this guy. Dan then picked up the remaining bills,walked over to solomon and set them in solomon's lap..."Here you go".
Observant? im wondering how im the only one that noticed, he basically tried asking her out and she doesnt even remember him...sigh, people these days...

"It's starting to seem like its just us, although, it is quite calm just sitting around by a fireplace"
He walks up to the window "i only need one breath of air" He opens it and water sprays in and he quickly closes it.
He only opened the window for a second but he was still really wet. "Here come with me, we can go get you a towel," she said getting up her eyes pulling away from the fire.
He takes of his jacket and his shirt flexing his six pack following her to get the towel "thanks"

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