How long? (TheRp)

Rain started up again and soon lily was socking wet. "Come on we better get somewhere dry," she said as she started to walk back to the tree at least it would be a little better.
Lily was soaking wet from the rain and freezing. She was shivering and was cold. All she wanted was to go home and go to bed.
Lily usually would say something about him putting his arms around her, but he let her. He felt so warm and she was so cold and tiered. She then rested her head on his shoulder and started to drift of into sleep.
Alaska sat by the two, the cold not even afflicting her anymore. She took off her sweatshirt and used it to cover the two before laying down and falling asleep herself.
(Hey um... is it okay if I time skip till morning, if not then I will edit my post.)

Lily slowly opened her eyes. It took her a moment for her eyes to adjust and for her to remember where she was. She was hopping that it was all a bad dream... but no use it was all very real. They were still here.
Rikku was alerady awake, and was tending to his leg, he had taken off his hoodie and had wrapped it around his bloodied wound, and it sent a deep red tint throughout the whole jacket. As he pulled it tighter he cringed painfully
"Rikku, do you need any help?" she asked him sliding out of Dan's arm and going near Rikku. She made sure to do this quietly making sure not to wake anyone up.

He pulled it a bit tighter and tied it around his leg, and layed back, took off his glasses, and put his hands over his eyes in pain
Dan felt Lily leave his grasp and openned his eyes slowly.."Morning every one. I had a pretty good sleep how about you guys..and that over there" He gestures toward Alaska "thats alaska we found her in the sand last night"
Solomon also slowly woke, noticing that he was against a tree next to dan. "did i, did i sleep...OUTSIDE????" he stood to his feet and began pacing back and forth. " no no no no no no no, this just wont do. i need a shower and a new pair of clothes immediately." he said to himself trying to clear his mind.
Lily took out a small thermos that she had been holding in her hoodie jacket and poored some of the water on Rikku leg to clean it off then she re-wrapped his wound with his hoodie again and did it tight but made shure to o it carefully so it wouldn't hurt that bad. She had a lot of practice at this stuff. "Now it shouldn't get infected," she told him.

his leg was still hurting a bit but it was better than when it he did himself. He fixed the collar on his white t-shirt he wore underneath, and put his glasses on the collar of it, keeping his deep blue eyes revealed, which isnt really normal. He begun to stand up

"We need to get out of here already, atleast its damn day time now and we can see, but there was something in that house that i want to be as far from as possible"
Dan looked over at Solomon "Hey you should get used to sleeping outside until we get some where better to sleep" "I swear youre just a little girl" He said it under his breath so Solomon could barely hear it.
"What was that?" solomon looked toward dan, knowing he had said something under his breathe. solomon bit his tounge, knowing that there was a number of things he could say to dan.
Dan walked up to Solomon and got in his face "You heard me...all you do is rant like a little Girl!!. How about you grow a pair and stop acting like a little baby"
"guys, we need, to go, NOW"

he limps to them and pushes them apart

"Now is not a time for a petty fight after what the hell we saw in there!"
"Guys, Don't fight we have to work together if we want to get out of here. SO why don't you guys get over it," she told them . We aren't going to get anywhere if they are always fighting.
Alaska woke up from the rustling, practically jumping Dan and pinning up against the tree with a crazed look in her eye.

"Shut. Up." She said, a hand covering his mouth.

"If you put us in any more danger, I swear you'll be more afraid of me than those things from last night."
"hahaha" solomon began laughing. "you wanna fight me huh? that seems like the only thing your good at. the only reason lily actually noticed you is because you basically threw yourself at her." He then took a step closer to dan, they could feel each other breathing now. "but i swear.." he began to scratch the back of his head. "lay a finger on me and my father will sue your family for everything they own." he then began in a whispered tone so only Dan could hear. "even little lily over there wont talk to you any more, got that big guy?" he then gave dan two light slaps on the cheek and walked away, responding to what Rikku and lily said. "we wont fight, i promise." he began smiling.
Dan then lightly pushed alaska off of him not wanting to hurt her. He smiled at the thought of beating Solomon to a pulp. He wasnt at all worried about Alaska besides the fact she might cut his troat. he gave a little chuckle at the thought of it. He then looked at Solomon and said "Well see about that..Lets go then guys"
Alaska glared at the both of them, half tempted to end it for them now.

"We need to head to high ground. We're vulnerable down here." She said, putting her hair up.

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