How long? (TheRp)

((if youre ruffling Rikku's hair, you cant, check the signup of him and see why xD )) 

Now he limps painfully and sullenly
(My plans have been fooled again!!cx)

"I can climb up and get us enough fruit for a feast if you want. Maybe widdle a couple stick and see if I can't catch anything" she said, flipping out her switchblade. She refused to go anywhere without it, since it did usually save her life in some situations.
"hmph." Solomon took his hand back from alaska and shoved it into his pocket. he continued walking, deep in his thoughts. 'so this is what happens when i go to parties...and my father says i should get out more.' he then began laughing to himself. in the middle of his laughter he heard Dan say something. "oh, yeah....right." he looked toward dan smiling, not really hearing what he had said.
Rikku flips out his long switchblade, which could be seen as a dagger if he didnt show him flipping it out

"I've been trained in most blades, so anything with that is fine...and yes, that means i cook great as well...if you can get a good set of things, and i fire, i can cook us up something"
"My martial arts skills wont help us any now so ill just keep watch for enemy..I think we should set up here the sun is starting to set" Dan sets his coat down and he stands next to Lily looking out in the distance for intruders.
((the genres we've went through-slightly romance, humor, horror, sorta humor (was funny to me), and now survival xD ))

"I guess we should set up camp here, theres quite a bit of trees around, if we can get some brush and dead grass and stuff we should be able to pile it up and make some walls, and carve off some wood for a fire..."
"Ok well Solomon you can go get wood and some brush for us to burn Alaska and Rikku you guys can go ahead and deal with the cooking and food retrieving and me and Lily can keep watch" Dan feels happy being the leader or atleast he thinks hes the leader and he continues to keep watch.
"Well its still bright out, even with the sun setting, and we have trees and fruit right next to us, we wont really be going anywhere minus going to a river or something to get water, but even then we passed one not that long ago"

He never pays attention to surroundings does he?
"Rikku's right. But Dan, you really should know what you're saying before you say it." She said, taking off her loose cover shirt so that it didn't get caught in any of the branches.
"Also means you can go get some water and meet us back here. Tomorrow we can travel against stream, that will lead us to the highest elevation, idjit."
"With my leg? No, i'd collapse before that'd happen, im just gonna cut down some branches that i can reach for some wood too, maybe get some low hanging fruits, i have to be near lily since she's the only one here that knows any sort of medical attention, sorry to burst your bubble like that"
"He's right," she agreed with Rikku. She needed to stay with him just incase he needs more help.

(Okay now I need to go,)
"Ok i geuss ill get it then...when some one comes to kill you dont expect me to come to the rescue." Dan starts to walk back to the small body of water they just walked past.
Dan turns back around " when they come at you, how will you be able to fight then when you can barely move..Hmph" he continues on his way to the water.
"Blades don't need movement, you need stance. patience, and composure, which i can do fine"

He yells a bit so he can hear because of distance

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