How long? (TheRp)

Dan ran up to Rikku coming into the view of all three of them. "Rikku calm down cant you see he hurt, just back off" He gave a reassuring smile to Lily and looked at the kid. "You got a name?"
"You guys can't be serious?! It's soo obvious he's lying!...Well you know what...fine.. you guys won't listen to me, but I warned you...I'm going ahead"

He turned around and kept walking, still on alert for anything
Dan walked in front of Rikku "Do you really want to leave your girl friend with me alone" He said in a low joking voice.
"I don't exactly know about you, but I personally don't want to die, if others do, I don't feel the need to stop them, it's their choice to steer into danger..."

he pushed him out of the way and kept walking

"Do what you want..."

He said depressed. He knew he'd get told off about it, but he's so used to being alone he almost couldn't care, it'd be just like before, solitude, isolation, just like normal. With all of this, he still loved his life and he didn't want to lose it now, especially after everything they've gone through. He was starting to think it was a mistake to grow such friendly ties with people that help obvious dangers and tricks, but he wouldn't be fooled, no, he's smarter then that...
Dan walked up to Lily. "So hows it been" he said with a smile. He planned on flirting with her just to mess with Rikku.
Rikku didn't plan on stopping, he knew if he let up for a single second he could be good as dead, so he kept his blade in hand and kept watch of all around him, so he wouldn't be surprised by anything, especially what happened on this island, he looked all around him constantly.

"Atleast it's not even noon yet, still alot of time to get to the pier..."
(Sorry went to the pool)


She looked back worried as Rikku left. It kind of bothered Lily that Rikku just left and said he really didn't care what happened. Well I guessed the surved her right for not agreeing with him... but still. She tried to ignore and focused on the boys wound. "Um other than being stuck on the island? Just fine," she told him cleaning the boys wound.


"Um.. My name is Corey," he said in a wobbily tone. "You know... I was following you. It's just that... I didn't know if I could trust you guys. I didn't know if there was more of those monsters or something out there. When I saw you guys at the house that's when I started to follow you guys," he admitted.
"Well thanks for letting us know that now" Dan got in Corey's face "Don't tell me we are taking a chance by letting you tag along." He then grabbed his shirt by the collar waiting for a response
Lily watched as Corey shook with fear. "I-I am so sorry. Please just let me come you cant just leave me here, please. I have no one else," the boy cried. He looked as if he was close to tears.
Dan quickly let him go not expecting him to be so scared : OK you can just follow us" Dan turned and hugged Lily "so are we still friends?

"Thank you so much," he told them. Perfect.


Lily gave him a friendly hug back. "Of corse we are still friends Dan. Why would you think we weren't?" She asked him surprised that he asked that.
Dan looked at her with a weird face "You know with you and Rikku dating now it makes things awkward..How did you guys start dating in the first place."
Lily pulled away from him. "I um.... He It's complicated," she said looking down scratching her head. It wasn't really complicated she just really didn't want to explain it. "Shall we make our way to the pear now?" she asked changing the subject.
"Oh i get it..he just better than me huh. He looks better than me he can protect you better than me. Hes smarter than me. Its just that hes better than me" Dan backs away from her then walks forward bumping into her shoulder and leaving her alone with the new guy.
"Dan, it's not like that," her voice cracking. Great now he is mad. And Rikku is all pissed off... Why do I manage to screw everything up? She just focused on the guys wound as Dan left her alone with him. She was almost done.
Dan stopped before getting out of her view and started to walk back towards her. He thought he wouldnt leave her side just like Rikku did. "So how about we talk about this shall we"
She was quiet for a moment as she stopped the bleeding in the guys wound then tour another piece of her jacket off. "What do you want to know?" she asked him her voice shaky. She knew how this was going to end, and not good, she had a feeling that Dan wasn't going to stand for them to just be friends.
"I think you know what i want to know....What did I do wrong...why him and not me. He looks down feeling embarrassed saying this in front of the new guy.
"Dan you are really sweet. We started to talk and I just got to know Rikku and I ended up really liking him. I just was able to get to know him more," she told him. She barely knew anything about Dan other than he was a fighter and that he liked her and those weren't things he even told her they were just things she picked up. She never really got to even talk to Dan really. She wrapped the piece of cloth around the bleeding eye. "There that is all I can do for now. That should keep the bleeding down. She stood up and faced Dan.

"Thank you," the boy said.
Rikku had the pier in sight, and let out a sigh of relief as he saw a boat with people getting on and off

"Thank god, its making its rounds..."

But even when seeing this, he didn't lower down his guard, he just wanted to leave the godforsaken island already and get back home, and even back to normal school
Dan now even more angry at Lily he started walk towards the Pier with a discouraged face. "Ill see you guys around" Dan walked further away from them towards where the pier is.

As soon as both the boys were gone he had the girl all to himself. His mouth was watering. "I have been waiting all day for this," he said with a grin. Still sitting down.

"What?" She asked confused. She couldn't even react till his gaw grew and his teeth sharpened and He sank into her Leg and she let out a high pitched scream. She tried to move but he pulled her down seenking further in her skin till he hit a bone.
She was now on the floor now the pain on her leg was almost unbearable. He soon moved on top of her and sunk his teeth into her neack and ingected something into her. She started to see things and the world began to spin as she screamed on the top of her lungs.
Dan heard a scream and he was almost certain it was Lily his athletic abilities were now coming into play. He started to run at full speed back to Lily and could see Corey with his teeth sunken in Her neck

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