How long? (TheRp)

Alaska stood by silently, watching the captain. Liy faltered slightly in her words, and Alaska could see she wasn't the only one who doubted this man's story.

"So how was the storm for you all out on the water?" She asked. Maybe Lily would feel more comfortable away from him.
Lily gave Alaska a slight smile, I guess she could tell Lily wasn't so comfortable talking to the captin.

"It was ruff at first but once the storm died down it became more calm," he told them.
"I would imagine so. So you were out on the water? You must have guts, you and your crew alike."

Alaska smiled at him, leaning against the wooden side.

"Yeah I guess you can say that," he said and returned a smile back. "Well is there somewhere you guys can stay till we sail tomorrow morning? Like maybe the people that live in that house will let you stay for the night," he said pointing at the house where they first started off in. "I would let you guys stay here at the boat but there is only enough room for me and my crew," he told them acting sorry.
Alaska stepped off the wall, putting her hands in her back pockets.

"Yeah, we'll be fine. We're just going to head back to shore." She said, whipping out her blade from her back pocket, flipping it opening, pinning the 'captain' to the wall and shoving it in his neck in a swift motion.

"No captain would risk his boat in a storm like that. Every boat not docked would have sunken. Red sky at night, sailor's delight. Red sky in morning, sailor's warning. You wouldn't have even left the pier." She said, glaring her teeth at the man, twisting her knife slowly then pulling it out, severing his jugular and wind pipe.
"Well were different type of boat, sweet pee, And I reken you treat me fairly, because I am the captin of this ship and can leave your guys sorry a** behind," he said using the tip of his finger to move the knife away and he got out of her grip and begin to walk back to his office.
Alaska looked over to Dan and Lily, shaking her head.

"We need to leave. Now. Even if it means swim. He isn't the captain. Lily, you were right. Dan, can you please help Lily off the ship." She said sternly, turning her backs to them and watching the deck for anyone.
Dan got up and helped Lily to her feet starting to follow alaska "Later captain" he said in a sarcastic voice
Alaska hopped off the boat, holding it steady for Dan and lily.

"We're getting off. Just not on a boat in the middle of a lake with him." She said. flipping her blade in her fingers.
Dan helped Lily down "If you think he is that thing that was in the house i think we should kill it now" He said as he stared in Alaska's eyes waiting for her answer.
"I don't have a doubt that he is. But right now would put him in the upper hand. He would know we have suspicions." She said, looking down and wiping the trickles of blood from her blade.
"Thank you," she told Dan as he help her down. She didn't think it would be good to kill him now in front of other people. She didn't think they would understand.
Maybe it wouldn't be such a good idea now. but maybe when he was off gaurd "Ok I have some ideas but we need to get away from this dock for now.
"Gotcha." Alaska walked over to lily, wrapping her arm around her side and Lily's around her shoulder.

"Where to, Dan? And where's Rikku?" She asked, looking around.
Alaska seemed like a sweet girl and she would love to be friends with her. Maybe they would up being close friends even after this. "Ummm you guys do know I can walk... Right?" she said giggling. She didn't know why she was giggling she just was.
Dan walked next to them both "Ok then lets get walking he said" He started to walk towards they house they had the party in. "well now that he is on that boat it should be safe in this house.
"Are you sure it doesn't hurt too bad? That gash looked pretty rough" She asked, still holding her arm.
"I am sure I am fine," she told her with a smile. Alaska was very nice and Lily would really like to be friends with her.
Dan looked at Alaska trying to see through her words to see if she like Lily or was just being genuine.
"Okay." Alaska stepped back, taking her blade out again to make sure she still had it. For all she knew it was what's going to keep them alive in the future, so h*ll if it was going to leave her hands.
"You mean the house that we were just in w-when that thing came?" she asked him. I guess she knew that they would have to go back in sooner or later.
"Yep" he said as if he didnt care to listen to what she was saying and he kept walking taking a quick glance at Alaska

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