How long? (TheRp)

(SorryD: I've been at a freinds and could only reply to the rp's she had bookmarked.)

Alaska pushed past Dan, making her way to the pier. She could see the fires from not to far away, and knew it was either Rikku or the captain. Once she got closer, she found him standing with an escape boat.

"You're one lucky son of a b*itch." She laughed, putting her own blade away.
(It's okay :) )

Lily was relived that they agreed to go with her. She followed close behind them. Then her eyes found the burning boat. Oh no I hoe everyone is okay.... there were people in that boat.
Alaska saw the disdain in Lily's eyes, and pulled her into a hug to keep her eyes from the boat.

"Don't worry about that right now. Okay?" She said, helping her into the boat. She looked back at Dan, hoping for him to follow so they wouldn't have to leave him behind.
Dan followed slowly behind making his way to the boat. He hopped in "So where we headin" He said with a smile.
"We're headed F**king home, mate"

He started the motor on the boat, which sent it flying off the dock and into the water

"Perfect, now lets all get the hell out of here!"

He put more gas on the motor and it started to quickly bounce upon the waves, the island getting smaller and smaller.

"Hey, if you see any birds that are out of formation, or arent acting much like birds, use the flare guns provided under the benches and fire at it, its all we got but I really don't want that thing messing with us on the water, minus I doubt he'd try and do so, and once we get back to the mainland, it's over for him, he can't track us with all the people, and I've never seen him, or atleast his normal human form, at our school. Judging that he lives here, the city is our safe haven, and even if he does track us, there's the police and national guard, which will blow him to pieces no matter what form that bast**d takes"
"Holy h*ll yes." Alaska looked up with her eyes closed, taking in the smell of the water. Oh god it felt amazing to be off that island.

"We f*ucking made it." She said, smiling at the others.
Rikku still kept his blade at hand, as he watched around and above him. He knew for a fact nothing was fast enough to catch up under water, so he was relieved with that.

"Yeah...we did...hey, lily, im sorry if i hurt your feelings at any time by the way"
"It's fine," she said looking out to the water. Just as the boat keeps going and the Rikku keeps talking the engine soon stops and the boat just starts to go with the waves. They were closer to the island then they were to the mainland. They wouldn't make it and there wasn't any paddles to move the boat with. Just to make things worse a storm was starting to pick up.
(sorry, but i think the protags need some luck for once lol)

Rikku noticed the engine and kicked it, starting up again

"I think its running low on gas"

He checked in the emergency crate to find a full tank

"This'll be fine to get us back home by a longshot, we're almost have way there"

They were at the point they could see both the island and the mainland
"I knew this would happen" He turned back towards the island as he heard some thunder roar above his head. "Well i geuss we beter start swimming back" He looked at them waiting for them to make a decision.
(KK :) )

Finally they were going to make it home. "We are actually going to make it home," she said happily. 
(wait what? Did the engine stop or not?)
(Maybe there could be like a sequel, when the monsters start showing up in town?)
(( im done with the monster #_# hated that thing, how about a peaceful spin off since we ARE in the slice of life thread...))
((ugh but ive had waaaay more than my share of monsters and fantasy stuff, i dont think i can even handle much more, thats mainly why i post mostly on slice of life))
((No I am not going to the monster, ) 
Lily was so happy to finally get of that stupid island.

(You know we can always get them trapped on another island. They think it was the mainland but it was acctuly another island and they were going the wrong way the hole time, There doesn't have to be the monster.)
((KK why don't we do that. that way the story last longer and we don't have to add the monster)) 
The boat soon landed on the land and Lily carefully got out. There was something strange there was no people in sight but she saw houses. So that meant people right? "Hello? Hello is anyone there?" she looked around and only herd the sound of the wind.

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