How long? (TheRp)

Alaska looked at him, then kept her head down as they walked.

"He'll stay by the boat if he knows what the guys doing. So we should be safe enough."
Dan didnt say anything he just walked up to the door and it looked fix but it was unlocked. He oppened it slowly and walked in. "Well not to be weird or anything but i thin we should sleep in the same room so we are all together incase something happens." He walked into the first bedroom he seen and flipped on the light. There were to beds "Well i dont think one of you would be comfortable with me sleeping in the same bed as you so ill sleep on the floor" He oppened the closet and grabbed a blanket and pillow.
"It's fine. I sleep with you if Lily doesn't want to." She said, leaning against the door, still flipping her blade in her fingers.
Dan thought to him self...He was in a room alone with two girls and he had a choice to sleep in a bed with either one, He smiled to him self. "I guess ill sleep with you Alaska, im pretty sure Rikku wouldn't appreciate me sleeping in the same bed with his first girlfriend." He knew sleeping with Alaska most likely nothing would happen, and if he did try something she would probably stab him or something but there was the off chance he was hoping that something would happen. He put the blanket and pillow back in the closet and sat on the bed closest to the door. "Ill sleep on the far side closest to the door so if some one comes in ill take the first blow." He got under the blanket looking at alaska waiting for her to lay down.
((oommmggg it didnt alert me of messagees!!!))

Rikku ran through the house

"I was just told some teens were coming in here, im sorry i was late but, WHY THE F**K ARE WE BACK HERE?! ITS WHERE THAT MONSTER LIVES. We're leaving, now"

Rikku grabbed lily and dans arms and dragged them out, leaving alaska to walk herself out, she seemed like she was able. He dragged them out to the porch

"If you people want to stay in that damn place still, then go ahead and DIE. because if you people are so idiotic to do that, then i don't give a sh*t about you people, you know what happened last time!"
Dan pushed Rikku off of him going back in the house to get Alaska. Now dan was really pissed Rikku doesnt know what he just messed up. He was furious and yelling "I dont know what the hell you think you are doing that thing is on that boat not here this is the safest place we can be now shut up and go to sleep!" he yelled as he walked back in their room.

he took a second to calm down

"That thing, will follow us here as well, it wont stay on the boat, it will FOLLOW US, we're better off swimming back to the mainland than sleeping in it's own damn home! if you really want to die then go ahead! I wont tell your damn family that you loved them or some s**t because if you throw away your life right now by staying here, you obviously don't care about your life or what they've done for you"

He let go of lily as well, so she can make her own decision, and he started to walk away
Won't that thing just follow us wherever we go? She thought to herself and followed Rikku. She went with Rikku because of what happened the last time she didn't listened to him. Plus he would be all alone if she didn't go with him and Dan had Alaska. And she knew that Dan didn't really want her there anymore so she would just go with Rikku.
Rikku was relieved Lily didn't stay at the house, he felt she was sane enough to know that and he was right, so he slowed down for her until she had caught up.

"I say we go back to the ship, jack an emergency boat, and go back to the mainland ourselves, it's not even that far out either, four or fives miles, shouldn't take us that long with a motor, and if that thing damaged it, at least im good with repairing things, and he can't steal the whole boat, so we're good to go."
Lily stopped silently as she looked at him. But... but what about the others w couldn't just leave them here that thing would eat them. She usually wouldn't say anything but she wasn't about to leave those people that she considered friends alone on this island with that thing still. "what about Dan and Alaska? That thing will kill them," she told him.
"I don't know about Dan, but I believe Alaska'd make the right choice, or she could at least defend herself, as I was saying though, Dan, his head is so thick a hammer and nail won't shove common sense into that guys mind, it's mean to say, but coming this far and learning about us all, i'm surprised he's made it this far, if it wasn't for his 'built' body, he would have probably died long ago, and the way he's going, and trying to lead us, he's going to end that way anyhow, and maybe bring us along down with him..."
Lily was starting to get pissed off and it took a lot to piss her off. Talking like that about someone she considered a friend. "You know what, this was a bad idea I should have just stayed with them. Because you know what? They are my friends and I am not about to let them die out here. So go on the boat by yourself," she said turning around and walking back to the house.
"Just convince them to save their lives and come as well, it's not like i want them to die, I don't, but at the same time, why should I die for their stupidity..."

He just kept walking, almost to the pier by now
"Whatever," she said and walked all the way back to the house and went inside. "Guys can you please get your a$$'s to the pear, we have a way off of this island," she told them. She wasn't in the best off moods right now.

Meanwhile Corey or A.K.A the Captin had a just light a match and just light the old wooden boat on fire with the hole crew still asleep inside. His skin soon began to shed as he turned back into a small little bird and flew out of the burning boat, leaving the pile of skin the he shed to burn along with the boat, He watched burn from above just before he flew away.
Rikku watched from the pier and laughed at his attempts to destroy the way off the island, but he really did forget the fact that escape boats aren't made of wood for safety reasons incase of water leaks, but instead a light metal, so when the boat burned the escape boats were only but hot as they dropped down from the boat, one right onto the pier

"Hey, B*tch, i'm going home, whether you like it or not"

He took out and extended his blade, ready to guard against an attack from any side, above, and below, as he stepped inside the boat so he couldn't touch it, minus other boats floated to shore and got stuck on a log or something
Dan looked at Lily. "Im not going anywhere until tommorow morning, I dont care what Rikku says we need to rest before we leave and that thing out there will try and keep us from leaving anyways" he said as he sat down on the bed.
I have a feeling in my gut dan's being an idiot right about now, getting everyone ready to be killed...

Rikku mentally face palmed, and he didn't even know what he said, but he could feel the stupidness all the way from down to the pier
She just stud up for them and didn't leave without them and this might be there only chance to leave and now they didn't want to come. "I know Dan that you don't really like me right now. But You have to realize that this might be our only chance to get off this island" she told him." Please before he leaves without us." she said furious.
How long should I give them before I just bail and send for help...

He kept watch on the boat still, watching the sun as it's halfway to the horizon

They need to get
Dan got up slowly "ok ok" He had just missed his chance and it was all Rikku's fault he decided he would get back at him and do something with his girlfriend. He smiled to himself as he walked out of the house waiting for alasa and Lily now. (Ok we need to wait for alaska to post maybe some one should message her or something)
(Hey I will message her to reply :) And I like the Drama. I like when Drama happens in the RP it makes things all the more interesting *Mischievous smile*)

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