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Fandom Housetrapped (A Homestuck AU)

budgieboo said:
Well, now that THAT all happened...
Amethyst held the heart in her hands. It wasn't a real heart, of course, it was a hollow plastic in a shape of a typical heart-shape, but it had the same exact size of a heart.

BM: y-your instructions?

BM: erh... well, the dollsprite helped me with most of it...

BM: but, alright, i will!

Amy held it out with an outstretched hand, pushing away some of her bangs with another hand. She took a deeper gaze at the heart, tilting it within the sharp light. It was of a light violet color, with blue and red undertones underneath, little bits of colorful lighting appearing as she tilted it, as if it were some holographic art piece.

BM: s-soon... soon...

She glanced at the timer, and back at the heart. Unfortunately, there wouldn't be much time to just stand there and stare at this object. She still had other, far more interesting things to deal with. With a defeated sigh, she held two hands on each of the side, and snapped the fragile object in half.

CB: Woah.

CB: Now I know why Jack flipped out. What's the name of your land?
The light from outside the windows suddenly lit up, and everything turned white. The ground shook, leading her to drop down, not even having been able to drop the pieces, which dissipated. She slowly got up, however, rubbing her slightly sore head, her eyes somehow gazing towards the outside. Amy wasn't on Earth, anymore. How odd! Oh, if only Dollsprite were right next to her! How desperately she wanted her hand to be held!

Might as well tell Janet the news, then?

BM: t-trees?

BM: trees and teapots?

BM: i-is this supposed to happen? i-i guess so but...

BM: s-sorry i'm just a little disorientated...
budgieboo said:
The light from outside the windows suddenly lit up, and everything turned white. The ground shook, leading her to drop down, not even having been able to drop the pieces, which dissipated. She slowly got up, however, rubbing her slightly sore head, her eyes somehow gazing towards the outside. Amy wasn't on Earth, anymore. How odd! Oh, if only Dollsprite were right next to her! How desperately she wanted her hand to be held!
Might as well tell Janet the news, then?

BM: t-trees?

BM: trees and teapots?

BM: i-is this supposed to happen? i-i guess so but...

BM: s-sorry i'm just a little disorientated...
CB: Yup! You should get Dan to do all of this too.

CB: I don't know if Dan can even properly relay the information to Jack, but I gave him the info anyways. Good job on getting to your land! Sprites are the best.

Janet then decided to converse with her sprite.

SPADESPRITE: What do you want now?

CB: I was just wondering if you had any more spritely advice for me.

SPADESPRITE: Will you stop calling me a sprite? I'm not a goddamn fairy.

CB: Fine, but do you?

SPADESPRITE: It'll do you good to actually go EXPLORE instead of nagging me all the time.

CB: Ok, I will.

Janet heeded her sprite's advice, and found...a barren wasteland. The entire place was devoid of any life except for some common reed frogs, a whole lot of dying roses, and...

Are those...?

Oh god no.

comfortedBeasthood [CB] opened memo board "Sbrubian Frontier"

CB: Guys.

CB: I know why Spadespri...Spades told me to tell Jack not to prototype the disc.

CB: Apparently, somehow, the enemies of the game inherit the qualities of whatever you prototype.

CB: Jack, you're stuck with Jackimps...ha.

CB: That's a funny thought.

CB: Amy, you have Dollimps.

CB: And Dan, you prototyped Monk, right? You have freaky spider Monkimps

CB: And now I have stabby, angry, Slickimps.

CB: Here is a picture.
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Jack sighed, following Jane's instructions and punching a blank card with a random code.

Magnadeus said:
CB: Guys.
CB: I know why Spadespri...Spades told me to tell Jack not to prototype the disc.

CB: Apparently, somehow, the enemies of the game inherit the qualities of whatever you prototype.

CB: Jack, you're stuck with Jackimps...ha.

CB: That's a funny thought.

CB: Amy, you have Dollimps.

CB: And Dan, you prototyped Monk, right? You have freaky spider Monkimps

CB: And now I have stabby, angry, Slickimps.

CB: Here is a picture.
Jack frowns. Seriously, Jackimps? That just sounded stupid, but also comical in a way. He couldn't wait to actually figure out what they looked like, but at the moment he was stuck trying to figure out how goggles were meant to help him enter his world or whatever.

DR: Yo, CB, what the fuck am I supposed to do with these?

DR: I followed your instructions, but all I got was a pair of goggles, similar to the ones I use while snowboarding!

DR: Seriously, what the hell do I do here???

DR: Also...if the enemies inherit the qualities of whatever we prototype...

DR: Shouldn't we be prototyping random shit that would make them, weaker?

DR: Or, would that make things too boring?
JackOfHearts said:
Jack sighed, following Jane's instructions and punching a blank card with a random code.
Jack frowns. Seriously, Jackimps? That just sounded stupid, but also comical in a way. He couldn't wait to actually figure out what they looked like, but at the moment he was stuck trying to figure out how goggles were meant to help him enter his world or whatever.

DR: Yo, CB, what the fuck am I supposed to do with these?

DR: I followed your instructions, but all I got was a pair of goggles, similar to the ones I use while snowboarding!

DR: Seriously, what the hell do I do here???

DR: Also...if the enemies inherit the qualities of whatever we prototype...

DR: Shouldn't we be prototyping random shit that would make them, weaker?

DR: Or, would that make things too boring?
CB: Well, from what I know, the imps only take in your first prototyping.

CB: So feel free to shove your disc in there, Jack.

CB: And to answer your question, as far as I know, you just have to break them.

CB: That's how Amy and I got to our lands.
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Magnadeus said:
CB: Well, from what I know, the imps only take in your first prototyping.
CB: So feel free to shove your disc in there, Jack.

CB: And to answer your s far as I know, you just have to break them.

CB: That's how Amy and I got to our lands.
Jack sighs. Well, at least this meant he could still have a sprite with super badass powers!

DR: Thanks for the info.

DR: I'll probably prototype Jacksprite again later.

DR: He's...err...still pissed off at me.

Jack dropped the goggles and stomped on them, breaking them, entering The Land of Clockwork and Ice.

DR: It's so fucking cold here!

DR: Granted, it's cold where I live normally, but jeez!

DR: Also...this place is creepy as fuck. :\

DR: Lots of ice, and lots of...Clockwork?

:/ :\ :/ :\
Amy picked up a long piece of chain just lying on her floor, wrapping a large part of it around her arm but leaving most of it lying on the ground. She cautiously looked out from the window. She gasped daintily when she saw them.

BM: d-dollimps? you mean, the enemies that we're going to be killing would be dolls?

BM: dolls in shape of sunny?

BM: yikes!

BM: i-i don't know if i could handle that!
(OOC: so I can write this better, what kind of animal or amalgamation was Rencoon-dad? @TerminallyTired )

Illana tried to poke it with her cursor, but it seemed to be on the wrong layer. Or something. The cursor wouldn't touch it.

GG: how well co\_/ld yo\_/ \_/nderstand him... before?

Rencoonsprite: Grr... ar, ar... kknnnnsssslll...?
Janet decided to check up on her inventory. She couldn't captchalogue anything else, as all of her cards were currently in use. She had:

a crowbar

a Dylan LePetit Protector Ring

a Midnight Crew poster

a portable synthesizer

a laptop

a different Midnight Crew poster


a lighter


another Midnight Crew poster

Hmm. A simple enough inventory. Janet wondered if the card punching system in the designix would do anything for a card that contained an item. Janet punched her casual ensemble, as this was the least important item she had.

Wait, hold on.

Janet had an idea. She punched one of her three Midnight Crew posters, the
Snowman one. She could hear Spades growling.

Then, she inserted both of the cards into the lathe. Up came the option of && and ||. Janet was understandably confused, and turned to her sprite.

SPADESPRITE: || retains the functionality of one item but the form of the other, && retains both functionalities.



CB: I was right! Punching two cards creates a combined item!

SPADESPRITE: Why would you even have an idea like that?

Ignoring her sprite's confusion, she quickly pressed ||. What even is the functionality of a poster anyways? Taking the carved dowel to the alchemiter, she waited, and...


It was Snowman's trench..coat...suit...thing. She looked like a stone cold motherfucker, pardon the language, and she knew it.

CB: Everybody, I have some news.

CB: Apparently, by carving two cards at once instead of one, you can make a combination of items.

CB: I know this because of the badass gear I am currently in.

CB: Seriously. Try it out. I am about to go on an alchemy binge.
Magnadeus said:
Janet decided to check up on her inventory. She couldn't captchalogue anything else, as all of her cards were currently in use. She had:

a crowbar

a Dylan LePetit Protector Ring

a Midnight Crew poster

a portable synthesizer

a laptop

a different Midnight Crew poster


a lighter


another Midnight Crew poster

Hmm. A simple enough inventory. Janet wondered if the card punching system in the designix would do anything for a card that contained an item. Janet punched her casual ensemble, as this was the least important item she had.

Wait, hold on.

Janet had an idea. She punched one of her three Midnight Crew posters, the
Snowman one. She could hear Spades growling.

Then, she inserted both of the cards into the lathe. Up came the option of && and ||. Janet was understandably confused, and turned to her sprite.

SPADESPRITE: || retains the functionality of one item but the form of the other, && retains both functionalities.



CB: I was right! Punching two cards creates a combined item!

SPADESPRITE: Why would you even have an idea like that?

Ignoring her sprite's confusion, she quickly pressed ||. What even is the functionality of a poster anyways? Taking the carved dowel to the alchemiter, she waited, and...


It was Snowman's trench..coat...suit...thing. She looked like a stone cold motherfucker, pardon the language, and she knew it.

CB: Everybody, I have some news.

CB: Apparently, by carving two cards at once instead of one, you can make a combination of items.

CB: I know this because of the badass gear I am currently in.

CB: Seriously. Try it out. I am about to go on an alchemy binge.
@JackOfHearts @budgieboo @billthesomething
CB: Everybody, I have some news.

CB: Apparently, by carving two cards at once instead of one, you can make a combination of items.

CB: I know this because of the badass gear I am currently in.

CB: Seriously. Try it out. I am about to go on an alchemy binge.

Dan had just entered his medium [The Land Of Voices And Cans] when he got the message about alchemy fusion "Fucking A, Hey Monkcam why didn't you tell me about this feature" Dan before his entrance into the had prototyped Monk with one of his aunt's cameras. the spider sprite now sported a much more humanoid form that featured Monk's now looked like they belonged onto a camera and he had flashbulb in the middle of his chest. Monkcam shrugged "I Know How You Dislike Spoilers" Monk didn't actually now that alchemiter was capable of such thing, but Monkcam wasn't going to admit that especially to Dan. Dan just smiled and hugged his sprite "Ah Thanks spriterbro" he released his grip on Monk then grinned "NOW LET'S MIX SOME SHIT"


-Dead Dan's inventory screen


[A hatchet] [Astronaut Helmet] [Extra Sunglasses] [Twenty sided dice] [Dan's Computer] [LG Phone] [Alienware Headset] [Frozen Mammoth specimen] (His auntie insisted that he carried this, it was the reason why she even gave him her wallet) [The Autographed Cane Of The Juggalo] [insane clown posse CD] [broken Hitler Statue] [The Gonzoman's Bucket-hat] [Trumpet] [Orange Flavored Faygo] [Emergency Induction Port]


John looked through his inventory and thought about what he should mix

[The Autographed Cane Of The Juggalo]+[A hatchet]= The Homeboy Hatchetcane. Dan was bit disappointed at this mix as it looked exactly like his old cane however as he studied it he noticed a button on it, Dan pressed and his Cane split apart and transforming the bottom in to a hatchet "It's nice i guess?" Dan said unsure of himself "Daniel If You Don't Like It Then Just Mix It With Something Else" Monkcam spoke up "You right Monkcam"

[The Homeboy Hatchetcane]+[Frozen Mammoth specimen]+[Twenty sided dice]= The Ice Age Dungeon Slayer. This was more like it, The cane's appearance had changed drastically, It's handle was now made from the tusk of the mammoth and it's body was covered in the mammoth's fur (Though Dan still could see where Violent J and Shaggy 2 Dope had carved there initials into it) and just like The Homeboy Hatchetcane there was button on it and just like before the bottom popped straight off and turned into Hatchet with a Blue blade that gave of a visible aura of frost, Dan looked at the handel and noticed it now sported a trigger. Pulled the trigger *Puuf* and now Dan's home sported hole shaped like a twenty sided dice as well as an Imp frozen in ice. Dan Capthuloged The Imp


JTM: Bro? and ?i?ter the bea?t?i? is telling the truth
IC:(.x.): well shed mostly communicate with me by just grunting when she was hungry shed only actually talk to me when she was pissed

Rencoonsprite: *Floating around*

IC:(.x.): Anyways, whats next?
Illana wished she could shrug through the screen. She wished the game had come with an instruction manual...

GG: idk

GG: maybe i'll go pester zinnia again

GG: wait

GG: shit is that a timer? ;o

She poked at it with her cursor, but it wouldn't go away. Rencoonsprite floated over to the giant sewing machine and started barking and making some odd gestures. Was she supposed to do something here?
GG: look \_/p? ;o

GG: it's there

GG: am i s\_/pposed to do something with this sewing machine or some shit

GG: f\_/ck

GG: zinnia

glitterGastropod started trolling tinkeringAnalyst.

GG: zinnia help there's a timer in kinsie's game and idk what i'm doing

Magnadeus said:
Janet decided to check up on her inventory. She couldn't captchalogue anything else, as all of her cards were currently in use. She had:

a crowbar

a Dylan LePetit Protector Ring

a Midnight Crew poster

a portable synthesizer

a laptop

a different Midnight Crew poster


a lighter


another Midnight Crew poster

Hmm. A simple enough inventory. Janet wondered if the card punching system in the designix would do anything for a card that contained an item. Janet punched her casual ensemble, as this was the least important item she had.

Wait, hold on.

Janet had an idea. She punched one of her three Midnight Crew posters, the
Snowman one. She could hear Spades growling.

Then, she inserted both of the cards into the lathe. Up came the option of && and ||. Janet was understandably confused, and turned to her sprite.

SPADESPRITE: || retains the functionality of one item but the form of the other, && retains both functionalities.



CB: I was right! Punching two cards creates a combined item!

SPADESPRITE: Why would you even have an idea like that?

Ignoring her sprite's confusion, she quickly pressed ||. What even is the functionality of a poster anyways? Taking the carved dowel to the alchemiter, she waited, and...


It was Snowman's trench..coat...suit...thing. She looked like a stone cold motherfucker, pardon the language, and she knew it.

CB: Everybody, I have some news.

CB: Apparently, by carving two cards at once instead of one, you can make a combination of items.

CB: I know this because of the badass gear I am currently in.

CB: Seriously. Try it out. I am about to go on an alchemy binge.
Jack smiled. Combining two things together? Sounded like it could make some AWESOME combos! First though, he ejected the server copy disk from his laptop, tracking down Jacksprite and prototyping him with it before running off to go alchemize a bunch of random things. After his alchemization spree he'd made some really cool stuff, such as a GoggleTop, which was a computer inside of his goggles, a knifearang, and an iceboard, which was literally just a snowboard made specifically for ice. He started throwing the knifearang around randomly for no reason, which was a very stupid and hazardous idea. But hey, who cares about safety when you have a knifearang!!!!
IC:(.x.): Oh jesus, is a timer bad¿

Kinsol went up to the totem pole thing and looked around for a button, or anything to work
(OOC: are you referring to the cruxtruder? Not sure how to play this without knowing.)

RENCOONSPRITE: Ar, ar, artifact.
((The cruxtruder is the cernal sprite thing that gives the totem in which the totem lathe is the thing that will carve the totem that'll make your game item, or thats what i understand so he's standing near the totem lathe)

Kinsols face looked puzzled

IC:(.x.): Artifact¿

Rencoonsprite: *floats to cruxtruder*

He follows looking to see a green crystal like cylinder on the floor

IC:(.x.): I found something!
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GG: i see it too

GG: b\_/t what the f\_/ck is it

GG: oh i know

GG: put it in the sewing machine

GG: it looks like it fits
Kinsol then proceeded to put it in as soon as he stepped back the totem began to twirl carving

IC:(.x.): It did something! How much is on the timer¿
IC:(.x.): I heard trollian has some special features maybe mess around with those, maybe it'll do something to help you get in contact with her

Kinsol picked up the carved totem unsure of what to think walking over to the alchemiser

"Maybee" he said to himself
GG: i'll leave yo\_/ to that

GG: meanwhile i think i can have at least a little f\_/n witho\_/t her

She carefully transplanted her wand from her fetch modus to her hand, and used the butt end of the rod to pry the lid off of her... large tube thing. Out came an olive-colored artifact, as well as that same sparkly thing she'd seen Kinsol toss his lusus into.
IC:(.x.): Okay good luck

InconsistantConductor Has Ceased trolling glitterGastropod

Kinsol put the cylinder in a capture log card and continued to attempt to figure out what to do with the totem

Renconsprite: *floats over the the alchemiser giving a small bark*

Kinsol walked over to the alechmiser pointing to the small slot area that looked like the totem would fit "You mean this" his sprite gave a small bark and he put it in waiting a few seconds before a green telescope appeared on the alchemiser "?" he though to himself

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