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Fandom Housetrapped (A Homestuck AU)

Kinsol picked up the card turning it over examining it giving a very confused look on his face

IC:(.x.): Jegus, a few minuets in and I'm already confused.
GG: i don't get it either

GG: maybe try...

GG: this? ;o

She deployed the Cruxtruder.

(OOC: If I'm understanding this correctly, the cruxtruder extrudes cruxite which is placed in the totem lathe to create the entry item, and the kernelsprite is created in the process. Meanwhile, the alchemiter uses cards from the punch designix to create items. Other than that, I'm as confused about this as Kinsol is.)
(Yeah, I think the cruxtruder was for the cernalsprite limiting my time MSPAwiki would be the best source to trying to understand it all, it can still be confusing even with context)

IC:(.x.): I guess I need to open it, seeming that it has what looked like a lid

He began to climb on top of the thing trying not to slip and fall, unlike a few incidents.

IC:(.x.):Do you think hitting it with a weapon would work?
GG: i'm looking at my screen rn

GG: are you intending to climb on top of it and then p\_/ll the lid off?

GG: a weapon would probably be more efficient

GG: and result in less falling
Kinsol blushed up a bit

IC:(.x.): That was only 6 times for your information,besides even if tugging would working, i dont think id be able too

He pulled out his strife card taking out a long sword little spikes all across it, he then began to try to shift it under the crack and pull it almost like a crowbar
GG: maybe i co\_/ld n\_/dge it a little with my c\_/rsor?

She bumped the cruxtruder with her cursor. It shook slightly. No go.
IC:(.x.):Pretty sure they want me to open it

Kinsol tucked the sword in and climbed to the official top

IC:(.x.):Probably going to break my neck, and I'm hesitating to do this but I'm going to see if jumping on my sword will make enough force to open the thing wish me luck and whatever those movies say

He took a deep breath failing a few attempts to jump out of fear
Finally taking a deep breath he jumped onto the sword the top flying open and an unprotoyped cernal sprite floating out, as well as Kinsol landing on the edge of his recuprecoon(Bed :P )

IC:(.x.): That went better then expected...

(.x.): What even is this thing?
Illana had to squint at the screen to figure out what he meant, and then look away quickly from the flashing lights. She watched the floaty thing follow him around.

GG: idk why

GG: b\_/t

GG: i get the sense that something goes in there ^^;

GG: jeg\_/s that was a risq\_/e combo of text and emoticons
Kinsol chuckled a bit before answering

IC:(.x.): Ill go through some of my stuff, maybe I have something to put in there...

He continued to rush around his hive looking for some random dead thing a friend may have given him
After an about ten minute long complete flip out session by Jacksprite, Jack finally managed to calm him down. He captchalogued the cruxite dowel.

dimensionalREJECT [DR] began pestering comfortedBeasthood [CB]

DR: Yo, Janet, what the hell am I supposed to do with this...blue thingy??ygniht eulb...siht htiw od ot desoppus I ma lleh eht tahw ,tenaJ ,oY

DR: ://:

JackOfHearts said:
After an about ten minute long complete flip out session by Jacksprite, Jack finally managed to calm him down. He captchalogued the cruxite dowel.
dimensionalREJECT [DR] began pestering comfortedBeasthood [CB]

DR: Yo, Janet, what the hell am I supposed to do with this...blue thingy??ygniht eulb...siht htiw od ot desoppus I ma lleh eht tahw ,tenaJ ,oY

DR: ://:

(it's actually orange for him)

CB: Shouldn't your sprite tell you this? Ah, whatever. Spadesprite is everyone's guide now.

CB: Punch any random card using the designix. Then, put the dowel and the card in the lathe. Then, put the carved dowel in the Alchemiter. It'll make...something. Follow your instincts from there.

(sorry for this black text)
Magnadeus said:
(it's actually orange for him)
CB: Shouldn't your sprite tell you this? Ah, whatever. Spadesprite is everyone's guide now.

CB: Punch any random card using the designix. Then, put the dowel and the card in the lathe. Then, put the carved dowel in the Alchemiter. It'll make...something. Follow your instincts from there.

(sorry for this black text)
Jack sighs. Well, at least it sounded pretty simple.

DR: Yeah, well, my sprite's a bit freaked out right now. He's also really mad at me for some stupid reason :/ Meh..heM /: nosaer diputs emos rof em ta dam yllaer osla s'eH .won thgir tuo dekaerf tib a s'etirps ym ,llew ,haeY

DR: So, thanks for the instructions..snoitcurtsni eht rof sknaht ,oS
JackOfHearts said:
Jack sighs. Well, at least it sounded pretty simple.
DR: Yeah, well, my sprite's a bit freaked out right now. He's also really mad at me for some stupid reason :/ Meh..heM /: nosaer diputs emos rof em ta dam yllaer osla s'eH .won thgir tuo dekaerf tib a s'etirps ym ,llew ,haeY

DR: So, thanks for the instructions..snoitcurtsni eht rof sknaht ,oS
CB: You're welcome.

Janet then decided to check on Amy, being her server player.

CB: I see you've followed my instructions. I think you have to...like...break the heart?

Kinsol continued running around before hearing a loud screech downstairs followed by some shaking, he stopped "Oh gog" he thought "my lusus is downstairs!" He rushed down stairs to see the damage, his lusus had been ran over by the large stone he had planned to sculpt. It had seemed that the hooked and string holding it in place were destroyed.

IC:(.x.):Oh gog can you see me!?
Kinsol shook his head, before turning around to see the sprite floating behind him typing back

IC:(.x.): Do you at least think you can get this boulder off with your mouse?

(.x.): I didn't think that the thing would come off, it was probably because of that stupid stunt I pulled u-u
Illana steeled herself from the sense of morbidity she was getting. It was important to respect Kinsol's wishes right now. Cringing, she clicked on the boulder and dragged it off of Kinsol's lusus's body.
Kinsol turned away for a second before picking up his lusu's body

IC:(.x.): Do you think maybe I could...

(.x.): Im not sure if it would be disrespectful or not

(.x.): Might as well give it a shot

He then turned to the floating cereal sprite hesitant to put it in at first before throwing it in not wanting to watch he turned his head till the flashing lights died down
There was his lusus, staring back at him, through a sheen of holographic green.

(I'm under the impression that you're playing/controlling your lususprite. Is that correct?)
(Yeah :P )

Kinsol stared back at his now floating green ghost lusus

IC:(.x.): I did not expect that to work

Rencoonsprite:*Growls and small barks*

IC:(.x.): Still can't understand it though
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Dan nodded and placed the cruxite dowel into his wallet. he noticed something on the bottom of Cruxtruder "Hey Monk whats that?" he said pointing towards the timer on the bottom that currently read 05:55:04 "That Would Be Time For The Meteorite That Will Crash Here In Five Hours" "Oh that all" Dan walked towards the door when it clicked "Should i tell the others?" Monk shook his head "There Sprites Will Have Likely Informed Them Of Their Possible Demise, And I Do Believe That Miss Amethyst Will Have Learned Of Said Fact Through This Conversation As She Is You're Server Player" Dan nodded it made sense to him. He walked downstairs and into the Backyard where the alchmiter had been dropped. He turned to ask Monk but his spriterbro seemed to have gone off somewhere while he wasn't looking

TheJuggaMancer [TJM] began pestering ComfortedBeasthood [CB]

JTM: So what is the alchmiter supposed to do Beastsis?

JTM: I would have asked Monksprite but he seems to have disappeared on me
CB: Place the carved (it's carved, right?) cruxite dowel on the alchemiter. It' ll make some...thing. Break it to get to your land.
Magnadeus said:
CB: You're welcome.

Janet then decided to check on Amy, being her server player.

CB: I see you've followed my instructions. I think you have to...like...break the heart?

Well, now that THAT all happened...

Amethyst held the heart in her hands. It wasn't a real heart, of course, it was a hollow plastic in a shape of a typical heart-shape, but it had the same exact size of a heart.

BM: y-your instructions?

BM: erh... well, the dollsprite helped me with most of it...

BM: but, alright, i will!

Amy held it out with an outstretched hand, pushing away some of her bangs with another hand. She took a deeper gaze at the heart, tilting it within the sharp light. It was of a light violet color, with blue and red undertones underneath, little bits of colorful lighting appearing as she tilted it, as if it were some holographic art piece.

BM: s-soon... soon...

She glanced at the timer, and back at the heart. Unfortunately, there wouldn't be much time to just stand there and stare at this object. She still had other, far more interesting things to deal with. With a defeated sigh, she held two hands on each of the side, and snapped the fragile object in half.

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