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Fandom Housetrapped (A Homestuck AU)

billthesomething said:
CB: Everybody, I have some news.
CB: Apparently, by carving two cards at once instead of one, you can make a combination of items.

CB: I know this because of the badass gear I am currently in.

CB: Seriously. Try it out. I am about to go on an alchemy binge.

Dan had just entered his medium [The Land Of Voices And Cans] when he got the message about alchemy fusion "Fucking A, Hey Monkcam why didn't you tell me about this feature" Dan before his entrance into the had prototyped Monk with one of his aunt's cameras. the spider sprite now sported a much more humanoid form that featured Monk's now looked like they belonged onto a camera and he had flashbulb in the middle of his chest. Monkcam shrugged "I Know How You Dislike Spoilers" Monk didn't actually now that alchemiter was capable of such thing, but Monkcam wasn't going to admit that especially to Dan. Dan just smiled and hugged his sprite "Ah Thanks spriterbro" he released his grip on Monk then grinned "NOW LET'S MIX SOME SHIT"


-Dead Dan's inventory screen


[A hatchet] [Astronaut Helmet] [Extra Sunglasses] [Twenty sided dice] [Dan's Computer] [LG Phone] [Alienware Headset] [Frozen Mammoth specimen] (His auntie insisted that he carried this, it was the reason why she even gave him her wallet) [The Autographed Cane Of The Juggalo] [insane clown posse CD] [broken Hitler Statue] [The Gonzoman's Bucket-hat] [Trumpet] [Orange Flavored Faygo] [Emergency Induction Port]


John looked through his inventory and thought about what he should mix

[The Autographed Cane Of The Juggalo]+[A hatchet]= The Homeboy Hatchetcane. Dan was bit disappointed at this mix as it looked exactly like his old cane however as he studied it he noticed a button on it, Dan pressed and his Cane split apart and transforming the bottom in to a hatchet "It's nice i guess?" Dan said unsure of himself "Daniel If You Don't Like It Then Just Mix It With Something Else" Monkcam spoke up "You right Monkcam"

[The Homeboy Hatchetcane]+[Frozen Mammoth specimen]+[Twenty sided dice]= The Ice Age Dungeon Slayer. This was more like it, The cane's appearance had changed drastically, It's handle was now made from the tusk of the mammoth and it's body was covered in the mammoth's fur (Though Dan still could see where Violent J and Shaggy 2 Dope had carved there initials into it) and just like The Homeboy Hatchetcane there was button on it and just like before the bottom popped straight off and turned into Hatchet with a Blue blade that gave of a visible aura of frost, Dan looked at the handel and noticed it now sported a trigger. Pulled the trigger *Puuf* and now Dan's home sported hole shaped like a twenty sided dice as well as an Imp frozen in ice. Dan Capthuloged The Imp


JTM: Bro? and ?i?ter the bea?t?i? is telling the truth
CB: Yup. So what did you make?

CB: I got Snow...
Snowman's trench coat suit.

CB: And I'm about to make some more stuff.

CB: After kicking some imp butt.

After harvesting some grist, she checked her inventory again. She had grabbed her cousin's laser things to alchemize with. It's not like he would miss it, he had tons of them. She now had:

Trench coat suit

Midnight Crew poster

Drawing Dead poster





Dylan LePetit Protector ring


10 watt laser pointer

She decided to alchemize as follows:

Lighter + Crowbar

Ring + Laser

Laptop + Headphones

Drawing Dead poster + Synthesizer

Okay. Mixing the crowbar and the lighter made the Flamepryer. A multi use crowbar. This seemed like it could be a great weapon, but she didn't have a crowbarkind strife specibus. She did, however, have a shovelkind specibus...

After quickly captchaloguing her shovel, she made the Flamepryer Spade.

The ring/laser combo made the Hexaring, at a hefty grist cost. Kind of a weird name, but WOW if this thing wasn't amazing. It was basically just her good ol' ring pistol, except now it shot pure 10 watt laser. But wait. These batteries wouldn't last forever.


She grabbed three of her cousin's solar power generators and alchemized one of them. Out came the Solar Powered Hexaring. Yeah, she was still gonna call it the Hexaring.

Another one was put into the laptop/headphones. This made the Solar Powered TechPhones. A computer that projected from her wireless headphones.

Finally, the Solar Powered Drawing Dead synthesizer was now a synthesizer that could take the shape of any of the four instruments on the poster, but with the same sounds. Plus, no need to bother with reeds or old bows. Nice.
Kephos was relaxed. Like really, really relaxed. It was one of those days where her lusus let her nap on him, which was great.

But she woke up to the sound of some errant beeping coming from her Scouter-comp. She opened her eyes and grinned wide, scanning through the logs with as much haste as she could. She giggled as she jumped up to her feet, and held her shovel in both hands as she walked outside to her garden.

Once outside, she started plowing the earth while she chuckled at the most recent messages.

She reached over and tapped her wrist mounted computer a few times, giggling as she prepared to meme

ludicrousDryad started trolling gastricGastropod

LD: ayyyyy lmao, gg GG! ~✿

LD: this game is some good
shit huh? mhm real good shit good ✔✔✔shit if i do say so myself! ~✿

LD: ay bby, when do i start? if you know what I'm saying ~✿

At this point, Kephos was on the ground, crying from laughter.

*Screaming* "MONK HELP IT WON'T QUIET DOWN!" the screaming had become so unbearable that even the imps were doing everything in their power to assist Dan in shutting up the can "Try Captureloging It Daniel" Despite his calm behavior, Monk was slowly becoming very livid at that can. Dan following Monk's instruction Captureloged the howling can *Quiet* everyone let out a sigh of relieve. Then Dan and Monk went back to fighting the imps.

"Who would think that something so delicious looking could be so annoying" Dan said while collecting grist and how the can had tricked Dan by looking like a can of grape flavored Pepsi
"It Looks Like This World Will Be Full Of Tricks That Lack Mirth, Young Daniel" Dan grunted in agreement "Now let's get back to mixing shit"


[The Ice Age Dungeon Slayer] [Astronaut Helmet] [Howling Can] (Dan could still hear it screaming but it sounded like it was really far away) [Frozen Imp] [insane clown posse CD] [broken Hitler Statue] [The Gonzoman's Bucket-hat] [Trumpet] [Orange Flavored Faygo] [Emergency Induction Port] [Dan's Computer] [LG Phone] [Alienware Headset] [Extra Sunglasses]


[LG Phone]+[Alienware Headset]=
Alienware Phone were the LG Logo would usually be had been replaced with the Alienware logo and the headset and phone to seemed to have become a single entity. Dan opened up the pesterchum app on the phone part and a notification popped up *Do you wish to use the speech to text setting*

[Yes] [No] Dan pressed yes and spoke into the mic on his headset

TJM: ju?t checking ?omething out

TJM: holy ?hit it work?

TJM: cool it even doe? my typequirk

[Dan's Computer]+[Astronaut Helmet]+[Emergency Induction Port]= Deep Space Astroputer. "You never can have enough computers" Dan Felt like a space marine wearing it "DIE XENO SCUM! pew pew" Dan held his cane in both hands pretending it was a laser rifle "Daniel" Monkcam chuckled lightly at his owner's antics, he didn't understand why his mistress was worried about Daniel being changed for worse. he was doing just fine. Dan might be simplistic and even naive at moments. But Monkcam knew his owner would be able to handle anything. Dan looked at Monk and scratched the back of his head in embarrassment "Sorry i couldn't resist" Monk chuckled as he shook his head "I Know" Dan capturelogged the Astroputer and put on The Alienware Phone's headset and began pestering BorderlineModel

TJM: Um you didn't ?ee that

TJM: did ya

TJM: ?leppy?i? it? fine if ya did but would you be ?o kind not to tell the other?
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Meanwhile Janet was having a problem with her sprite.

CB: Guys, Spades really want to get a second prototyping.

CB: But I have no idea what to use.

-in the upper regions of the house-

SPADESPRITE: Now what is this.

Spades had found Janet's room, and he was looking at all of the Midnight Crew posters she had. Damn, there were a lot of these. He was looking at them all until he found another
Snowman poster. Grah! He couldn't stand the sight of her, even if she was in a different universe now. He threw his fist against the poster in a fit of bad judgement.

And Janet could hear a loud scream of frustration upstairs.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/snowspades.png.34be78316cc6838fe5eb5e6e2c230649.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="110831" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/snowspades.png.34be78316cc6838fe5eb5e6e2c230649.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • snowspades.png
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Magnadeus said:
Meanwhile Janet was having a problem with her sprite.
CB: Guys, Spades really want to get a second prototyping.

CB: But I have no idea what to use.

-in the upper regions of the house-

SPADESPRITE: Now what is this?

Spades had found Janet's room, and he was looking at all of the Midnight Crew posters she had. Damn, there were a lot of these. He was looking at them all until he found another
Snowman poster. Grah! He couldn't stand the sight of her, even if she was in a different universe now. He threw his fist against the poster in a fit of bad judgement.

And Janet could hear a loud scream of frustration upstairs.View attachment 247172
Janet ran upstairs to see what the commotion was about, and promptly found out. This brought up mixed emotions. Mostly pity, but there was definitely amusement.



CB: *ahem* Uh..nothing. But seriously, how did this happen?

(SNOW)SPADES: This idiot punched a poster of me, and now I'm stuck with him.

SNOW(SPADES): Shut the hell up, Snowman!

(SNOW)SPADES: Hey, how about a thank you? I fixed that horrible eye wound of yours.

SNOW(SPADES): You gave me the damn scar in the first place!

Janet decided to leave the two alone. It was getting kind of heated, although Janet would have loved to see their kismesissitude take place. Although there was no Doc Scratch to keep them safe. Hmmm. Everytime she tried to explain the wonders of the quadrants she had learned from the show/books/game/whatever, they would log off and ignore her. If only they would listen. Hey, maybe she could convince Amy to prototype her doll with Scratch! That might keep her sprite from exploding.

CB: Amy! Could you prototype your doll with this picture?

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c853465ac_DocScratch.png.5b350b1928a15d911502ced331cedc51.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="110838" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c853465ac_DocScratch.png.5b350b1928a15d911502ced331cedc51.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

CB: It'll keep my sprite from exploding, plus your sprite will become all around smarter and more powerful.

CB: Thanks!




  • Doc Scratch.png
    Doc Scratch.png
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Now that that was hopefully out of the way, she decided to tell Jack about something that the sprite mumbled while arguing with him/herself.

comfortedBeasthood [CB] began pestering dimensionalReject [DR] @JackOfHearts

CB: Hey Jack?

CB: I was wondering about this game, and like...if it had a purpose beyond entertainment?

CB: It's put us in real danger, and I think that there's

CB: For one thing, my sprite was mumbling something about a new universe. Something about our session having a glitch, and not needing a space player.

CB: Something about our echeladders being broken, and ascending at will once our quests were done.

CB: Something about breeding frogs, and creating the universe.

CB: I don't know why I'm being confidential about this.

CB: I guess, I tru-


Janet sighed. She was extremely tired from slaughtering imps and all this thinking. She decided to take a rest.

-on Derse-

"Huh? I just went to..." It took Janet a second to fully absorb her surrounding.

"Where...am I?"
Magnadeus said:
Now that that was hopefully out of the way, she decided to tell Jack about something that the sprite mumbled while arguing with him/herself.
comfortedBeasthood [CB] began pestering dimensionalReject [DR] @JackOfHearts

CB: Hey Jack?

CB: I was wondering about this game, and like...if it had a purpose beyond entertainment?

CB: It's put us in real danger, and I think that there's

CB: For one thing, my sprite was mumbling something about a new universe. Something about our session having a glitch, and not needing a space player.

CB: Something about our echeladders being broken, and ascending at will once our quests were done.

CB: Something about breeding frogs, and creating the universe.

CB: I don't know why I'm being confidential about this.

CB: I guess, I tru-


Janet sighed. She was extremely tired from slaughtering imps and all this thinking. She decided to take a rest.

-on Derse-

"Huh? I just went to..." It took Janet a second to fully absorb her surrounding.

"Where...am I?"
Jack frowns. Frogs? New universes? Sounded complicated. Maybe it just had something to do with the game's plot? Hell if he knew. One thing that interested him was the mention of a glitch and the broken echeladders. Sounded like something that could be exploited for personal gain! He doubted it had put them in any REAL danger though, seriously, it was just a game.
"Where...am I?" Dan looked over to the other tower having heard Janet awaken. he flew over to her tower and sat on her window sill "You're on Derse Beastsis. I have been able to access this place for long time beastsis" Dan grinned "it's were i got you're chumhandle, you had written it all over you're walls" @Magnadeus
billthesomething said:
"Where...am I?" Dan looked over to the other tower having heard Janet awaken. he flew over to her tower and sat on her window sill "You're on Derse Beastsis. I have been able to access this place for long time beastsis" Dan grinned "it's were i got you're chumhandle, you had written it all over you're walls" @Magnadeus
Janet looked up at him, only adding to the confusion.


Seeing his grin made it much more obvious.

"Ok, I have a lot of questions. First off, what are you-"

She looked down.

"...what are we wearing? Why am I here? Why is my chumhandle everywhere? Why am I not asleep?"
(Sorry for not having been posting lately)

Amy glanced at her phone, and her eyes raised. Combining two objects together? That sounded like possibilities, to her. She glanced over at her objects with quick thought. She could make some really interesting things from that!

Collection Modus

Dolls [x24]

Chains [x3]

Blankets [x4]

Miscellaneous [x11]

It works by this : Amy needs to be able to put in one of something in the category before it would open for her to grab any amount she wishes from that category. Thankfully, with the amount of objects lying around, it isn't quite difficult to grab things.

Magnadeus said:
CB: Amy! Could you prototype your doll with this picture?

CB: It'll keep my sprite from exploding, plus your sprite will become all around smarter and more powerful.

CB: Thanks!

Amy raised her eyebrows, looking at the picture on her screen. It did look somewhat familiar but.

BM: uh...

BM: are you assuming that dollsprite isn't powerful enough?

BM: b-because she's pretty damn perfect...

But, Amy wasn't the type to really argue. Confrontation is scary.

BM: but alright, yeah i could? if it means that your sprite would... not explode?

BM: just need to find a printer somewhere...
Magnadeus said:
Janet looked up at him, only adding to the confusion.

Seeing his grin made it much more obvious.

"Ok, I have a lot of questions. First off, what are you-"

She looked down.

"...what are we wearing? Why am I here? Why is my chumhandle everywhere? Why am I not asleep?"
Dan held his hands up signaling Janet to calm down "To answer you're last and first question. You are asleep and this" Dan gestured to himself and Janet "is you're dream self, you are a sleep but not too. confusing i know, Auntie had to explain it to me several times. that's why i have my makeup on despite not wearing it while i was awake. And to why you're chumhandle is everywhere." Dan held his hand up and shrugged "Fuck if i know, you all have something written on their walls, Even the Xenos have something written on their walls"
billthesomething said:
Dan held his hands up signaling Janet to calm down "To answer you're last and first question. You are asleep and this" Dan gestured to himself and Janet "is you're dream self, you are a sleep but not too. confusing i know, Auntie had to explain it to me several times. that's why i have my makeup on despite not wearing it while i was awake. And to why you're chumhandle is everywhere." Dan held his hand up and shrugged "Fuck if i know, you all have something written on their walls, Even the Xenos have something written on their walls"
"The...Xenos? Eh, whatever. So, what you're saying is when I go to sleep, my conciousness, memories, and thoughts are transmitted to a clone of myself on a different planet? That sounds...pretty cool, actually." Janet didn't wait a second to hear his response. "Well obviously, the first thing to do is explore!"
Jack frowns, pulling the knifearang out of his shoulder. He really should've been paying more attention so that didn't happen. It hadn't dug in very far, but the wound STILL hurt like hell. And now he had blood all over his jacket. Well, at least he had a closet full of the same jackets! His taste in winter fashion was impeccable! He noticed Jacksprite looking out the window, seeming a bit solemn, and snuck by him, heading into his closet and changing into a fresh jacket.
Janet woke up on LOPAR, but something was...weird. She had this weird halved vision, like wearing 3D glasses. She could see Derse if she concentrated, but it was the same with LOPAR. She decided to first notify her friends.

comfortedBeasthood[CB] opened memo board "Sbrubian Frontier"

CB: Guys, I have something weird to tell you.

Janet found herself mumbling words on Derse that she was saying on LOPAR.

CB: Apparently, we all have clones on a different planet.

CB: We transmit our consciousness and memories to them when we sleep.

CB: I don't know if I'm the last one to know this, but I know that what's happening with me isn't normal.

CB: As Dan is telling me, this is definitely weird.

CB: I am awake on both worlds.

CB: Is this normal for anyone? I'm still pretty disoriented.
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Magnadeus said:
Janet woke up on LOPAR, but something was...weird. She had this weird halved vision, like wearing 3D glasses. She could see Derse if she concentrated, but it was the same with LOPAR. She decided to first notify her friends.
comfortedBeasthood[CB] opened memo board "Sbrubian Frontier"

CB: Guys, I have something weird to tell you.

Janet found herself mumbling words on Derse that she was saying on LOPAR.

CB: Apparently, we all have clones on a different planet.

CB: We transmit our consciousness and memories to them when we sleep.

CB: I don't know if I'm the last one to know this, but I know that what's happening with me isn't normal.

CB: As Dan is telling me, this is definitely weird.

CB: I am awake on both worlds.

CB: Is this normal for anyone? I'm still pretty disoriented.
Janet tried to go to sleep on Derse and stay awake on LOPAR, with much difficulty. It was hard to operate two bodies at the same time, but eventually her Derse self drifted off.

CB: Jack? How are things on your end?

CB: Figure out your quest yet?

CB: I think I know what mine is.

CB: I'm returning life to this wasteland.

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Magnadeus said:
Janet tried to go to sleep on Derse and stay awake on LOPAR, with much difficulty. It was hard to operate two bodies at the same time, but eventually her Derse self drifted off.

CB: Jack? How are things on your end?

CB: Figure out your quest yet?

CB: I think I know what mine is.

CB: I'm returning life to this wasteland.

Jack frowns. Quest? He had no clue. He guessed it had something to do with the clockwork, or possibly the ice? No, definitely the clockwork. The clockwork was frozen in place everywhere, so that seemed like the obvious answer.

DR: Things are great on my end!

DR: Killed a few imps, ended up getting my own knifearang stuck in my shoulder for a few minutes...

DR: Anyway, I MAY know what my quest is.

DR: There's all this...frozen clockwork everywhere.

DR: I think I have to get it started again.

DR: No idea how to do that, but at least I have an idea of what to do.
JackOfHearts said:
Jack frowns. Quest? He had no clue. He guessed it had something to do with the clockwork, or possibly the ice? No, definitely the clockwork. The clockwork was frozen in place everywhere, so that seemed like the obvious answer.
DR: Things are great on my end!

DR: Killed a few imps, ended up getting my own knifearang stuck in my shoulder for a few minutes...

DR: Anyway, I MAY know what my quest is.

DR: There's all this...frozen clockwork everywhere.

DR: I think I have to get it started again.

DR: No idea how to do that, but at least I have an idea of what to do.
CB: Awesome. Except for the knifearang thing, that sounds pretty awful.

CB: There are puzzles scattered all over here, and the land is separated into squares.

CB: I think I have an idea of what to do.

Janet picked up a puzzle. It was a slider puzzle, pretty simple. She slid the blocks around, and...woah. She felt a wealth of water rushing underneath her.


Aha! The roses were dying, the frogs were rare... all because there was no water! But there were a lot of puzzles. Janet clenched her fist. It didn't matter if it was going to take her until she died, she wasn't going to let these animals die like this.

Janet heard a sudden gasp.

"The witch!" Janet turned around. Was that frog talking about her?

"Hey!" Janet remarked back at the frog.

"You...you're the witch of the heart!" Janet couldn't make head or tails of what this frog was saying. The witch of the heart? Is that what she was going to be known as? "The one to solve the legendary mystery!"

"I take it that it's another puzzle?

"It's certainly puzzling! I'll take you there."

Janet walked with the frog. It was a long walk. Along the way, she saw acres and acres of dying and dead roses.

"Say, why do I have to solve this gigantic puzzle anyways?

"It's quicker than all the other puzzles!"


When they finally got there, Janet was staring at a gigantic...wall.

CB: I hate my quest.
Magnadeus said:
CB: Awesome. Except for the knifearang thing, that sounds pretty awful.
CB: There are puzzles scattered all over here, and the land is separated into squares.

CB: I think I have an idea of what to do.

Janet picked up a puzzle. It was a slider puzzle, pretty simple. She slid the blocks around, and...woah. She felt a wealth of water rushing underneath her.


Aha! The roses were dying, the frogs were rare... all because there was no water! But there were a lot of puzzles. Janet clenched her fist. It didn't matter if it was going to take her until she died, she wasn't going to let these animals die like this.

Janet heard a sudden gasp.

"The witch!" Janet turned around. Was that frog talking about her?

"Hey!" Janet remarked back at the frog.

"You...you're the witch of the heart!" Janet couldn't make head or tails of what this frog was saying. The witch of the heart? Is that what she was going to be known as? "The one to solve the legendary mystery!"

"I take it that it's another puzzle?

"It's certainly puzzling! I'll take you there."

Janet walked with the frog. It was a long walk. Along the way, she saw acres and acres of dying and dead roses.

"Say, why do I have to solve this gigantic puzzle anyways?

"It's quicker than all the other puzzles!"


When they finally got there, Janet was staring at a gigantic...wall.

CB: I hate my quest.
Jack frowns, quickly turning around. There was nothing behind him, again.

DR: You think YOUR quest is bad?!

DR: How in the fuck am I supposed to melt ice all over a WHOLE FUCKING WORLD?!

DR: Seriously, my quest sounds more bullshit than what yours is.

DR: Also, I wanted to mention something odd that's been happening lately.

DR: I keep seeing something red out of my peripheral vision.

DR: Whatever it is, it's there one minute, but gone the next.

DR: It's kinda creepy.

DR: >.>

DR: <.<

DR: I think I'm being watched.
BM: a quest? what's this about quests...?

BM: hm...

Well, around a place of trees and clearly empty tea-cups...

Amy was quite busy finding a way to print off that picture Janet gave her. While she did have a printer just lying around, she was quite low on ink, and therefor, the picture didn't came out that well. Amy picked up the pencil on her floor, and started scribbling roughly on the bits that appeared incomplete to her, digging the led into the paper. Hopefully this works! She stood up, looking for her half-sprite.

Amy: Dollsprite? Dollsprite? Where are you?!

Amy sighed. It appeared she went to do something else, for now.
JackOfHearts said:
Jack frowns, quickly turning around. There was nothing behind him, again.
DR: You think YOUR quest is bad?!

DR: How in the fuck am I supposed to melt ice all over a WHOLE FUCKING WORLD?!

DR: Seriously, my quest sounds more bullshit than what yours is.

DR: Also, I wanted to mention something odd that's been happening lately.

DR: I keep seeing something red out of my peripheral vision.

DR: Whatever it is, it's there one minute, but gone the next.

DR: It's kinda creepy.

DR: >.>

DR: <.<

DR: I think I'm being watched.
CB: Well I had an extremely tedious "solve every puzzle ever" quest too, but I found a master solution, and I'm sure you'll find one too.

CB: Although mine is A FUCKING WALL.


Janet stared at the wall. She wondered why she just flipped out at Jack. She was normally a calm kind of person. Whatever, it didn't matter.

-on Derse-

"Jack, put on the headwear."

"I am not putting on the damn tiara!

"Jack Noir, this is insubordination and I-"

"Dammit, I have had ENOUGH!"


Jack smirked.

"Off with your head, as they say." Jack bent over, inspecting the queen's arm. "And I think I'll take that, thank you very much."
Magnadeus said:
CB: Well I had an extremely tedious "solve every puzzle ever" quest too, but I found a master solution, and I'm sure you'll find one too.
CB: Although mine is A FUCKING WALL.


Janet stared at the wall. She wondered why she just flipped out at Jack. She was normally a calm kind of person. Whatever, it didn't matter.

-on Derse-

"Jack, put on the headwear."

"I am not putting on the damn tiara!

"Jack Noir, this is insubordination and I-"

"Dammit, I have had ENOUGH!"


Jack smirked.

"Off with your head, as they say." Jack bent over, inspecting the queen's arm. "And I think I'll take that, thank you very much."
Magnadeus said:
CB: Well I had an extremely tedious "solve every puzzle ever" quest too, but I found a master solution, and I'm sure you'll find one too.
CB: Although mine is A FUCKING WALL.


Janet stared at the wall. She wondered why she just flipped out at Jack. She was normally a calm kind of person. Whatever, it didn't matter.

-on Derse-

"Jack, put on the headwear."

"I am not putting on the damn tiara!

"Jack Noir, this is insubordination and I-"

"Dammit, I have had ENOUGH!"


Jack smirked.

"Off with your head, as they say." Jack bent over, inspecting the queen's arm. "And I think I'll take that, thank you very much."
Jack rolls his eyes, a bit annoyed that Janet thought SHE had the short end of the stick quest wise.

DR: When you find a wall, it usually means you did something wrong, or missed a piece of the puzzle.

DR: If you can't solve the puzzle, then you fucked up big fucking time.

DR: So either figure it out, break through the goddamn wall, or climb the fuck over it!

Jack felt a knifearang dig into his back. Wait...he was still holding his knifearang!!! What the hell?! Where'd this one come from.

JACK: Oww oww oww oww owww owww owww owwww FUCKING OWWWWWWW

Jacksprite headed over, staring at Jack.

JACKSPRITE: Shit, you alright dude?


JACKSPRITE: Calm the fuck down dude. It's not like you're going to die.

Jacksprite then proceeded to calmly float away.



Jack was hit on the back of the head with a snowboard, falling unconscious. A mysterious figure cloaked in red with a gear symbol on his cloak was standing behind him.

???: You're needed elsewhere. Sorry about the knifearang, it was the only way to make this work. I've done enough time loops to figure that out.

The figure cloaked in red disappeared, and Jack found himself on Prospit.

JACK: ...Where the fuck am I?
JackOfHearts said:
Jack rolls his eyes, a bit annoyed that Janet thought SHE had the short end of the stick quest wise.
DR: When you find a wall, it usually means you did something wrong, or missed a piece of the puzzle.

DR: If you can't solve the puzzle, then you fucked up big fucking time.

DR: So either figure it out, break through the goddamn wall, or climb the fuck over it!

Jack felt a knifearang dig into his back. Wait...he was still holding his knifearang!!! What the hell?! Where'd this one come from.

JACK: Oww oww oww oww owww owww owww owwww FUCKING OWWWWWWW

Jacksprite headed over, staring at Jack.

JACKSPRITE: Shit, you alright dude?


JACKSPRITE: Calm the fuck down dude. It's not like you're going to die.

Jacksprite then proceeded to calmly float away.



Jack was hit on the back of the head with a snowboard, falling unconscious. A mysterious figure cloaked in red with a gear symbol on his cloak was standing behind him.

???: You're needed elsewhere. Sorry about the knifearang, it was the only way to make this work. I've done enough time loops to figure that out.

The figure cloaked in red disappeared, and Jack found himself on Prospit.

JACK: ...Where the fuck am I?
CB: Uh...ok then. Sorry for flipping the fuck out. I get how you're agitated.

CB: Your quest is probably harder than mine.

Janet understood that Jack's quest was definitely harder than hers, but it was frustrating. Jack told her to either break it or climb it, which she definitely couldn't, or figure it out. She had a wall to solve. A wall. There was nothing logical, nothing she could mentally process. A fucking wall isn't a puzzle! She couldn't sit down and think about this. A large slab of cold, hard concrete was supposed to be her ticket to victory? What kind of cruel being would force actual living beings to die for amusement? This wasn't a game, not anymore. These frogs were real, and they were dying, all because of this goddamn wall. There was nothing! No quest, no puzzle, no solution, nothing! Nothing but despair. Despair and doom and death. These frogs had to live in constant pain, constant suffering! Janet wished that she could feel their pain! She wished that she could understand their torment! She couldn't bear seeing all of this loss, this decay. All she could do was sit against the wall and...cry.

Janet just sat there, sobbing her eyes out. This wasn't going to help, but nothing was. This was her best effort. To empathize with them, to feel the same anger and hatred and sadness and hopelessness and...



Magnadeus said:
CB: Uh...ok then. Sorry for flipping the fuck out. I get how you're agitated.
CB: Your quest is probably harder than mine.

Janet understood that Jack's quest was definitely harder than hers, but it was frustrating. Jack told her to either break it or climb it, which she definitely couldn't, or figure it out. She had a wall to solve. A wall. There was nothing logical, nothing she could mentally process. A fucking wall isn't a puzzle! She couldn't sit down and think about this. A large slab of cold, hard concrete was supposed to be her ticket to victory? What kind of cruel being would force actual living beings to die for amusement? This wasn't a game, not anymore. These frogs were real, and they were dying, all because of this goddamn wall. There was nothing! No quest, no puzzle, no solution, nothing! Nothing but despair. Despair and doom and death. These frogs had to live in constant pain, constant suffering! Janet wished that she could feel their pain! She wished that she could understand their torment! She couldn't bear seeing all of this loss, this decay. All she could do was sit against the wall and...cry.

Janet just sat there, sobbing her eyes out. This wasn't going to help, but nothing was. This was her best effort. To empathize with them, to feel the same anger and hatred and sadness and hopelessness and...



Jack obviously couldn't answer, he was unconscious. Although, if ANYONE bothered to actually check up on him she'd notice that IT KINDA LOOKED LIKE HE WAS DEAD. You know, with the knifearang sticking out of his back, him lying on the floor, and him not moving or speaking at all. But, luckily he wasn't dead, just on Prospit, flying around randomly like an idiot.

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Amy: dollsprite...? are you still here? ugh... where are you...?

She sighed, and looked out through the window. Jeez, nobody was there when she needed them, for once! Chances are, either the dollsprite would be putting and trying on dresses... Well, it time to check her room!

AMY: h-hey! w-where were you?

Dollsprite: Here, what did you think?

AMY: u-um, do you know where else i could go...?

AMY: w-wait! i-i have a picture f-for you to prototype

AMY: because... u... uh...

Before she could say another word to her, Amy lost her nerves and went straight outside her room, and then straight outside in general. Oh dear, even Sunny's gaze intimidating! She couldn't decide if she loved her too much or was afraid of her wrath!

It was kind of silly to be like this but... Well... She'll work on it some other time.


Well, it seemed she now has two choices. Either explore her new surroundings for once, or take a nap. Clearly, while one of these was the obvious decision, she felt like she could at least do some things right now. Yes, let's look for adventure!

She stepped outside, tightening her grip on her fluerchain (a combination between a plastic daisy and a chain, complete with leaves), and looked around. The whole sight was lush and large, scattered with trees that had fall leaves falling off, and empty giant teacups all around, some with cracks, others without, but most with some nice decoration within the outside of the lip. Of course, she could see some monsters, enemies at the distance, but she'll... She'll ignore them for now! There was a clear path she could see, that she had to follow, and wait... Are those... Are those rose-colored birds?

N-nice? God, she was so confused... So lost... She swore she could just feel her heart keep sinking under. But, this could be a lead? She walked over towards them, quietly, with the chain still somewhat dragging behind within the floor. Jeez, she didn't felt like she had a strong direction, but she had to stay positive! She could! Probably! H-hey!

"You're the maid of life, right?"

"h-huh? um..."
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