House Of Freaks

She looked up, squinted for a moment, scanning her expression. "Uh, hi. I'm here because the government- Err, I mean I'm here because I guess I'm supposed to be here..." 'Nice start, hotshot.' She thought, looking back up and smiling a little.
"Thanks... A lot" Wisdom smiled at him a bit. Maybe this was actually a guy she could trust, just maybe...

(Super sorry that this was SO SHORT!!! Yeah I was half asleep. But yeah. I apologize. Bye.............................................................)
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Dawn thank Max for the help and heard another new person talk. She whimpered very quietly, she didn't really trust anyone here and all she knew about mostly everyone was their name. She sighed and ducked her head down a little bit, continuing with the cooking.

"So what brought you here... I mean I know that Lily invited you in and everything...just where were you before here?" she asked. she wasn't all that good with talking or trying to make friends with people. But she figured that she should get to know this girl.


"Umm are you looking for a place to stay?" she asked. She said something about the government?
"Yeah, basically. Can I come in?" Taryn was off to a good start. But the part when she has to tell someone her name won't be fun.
"Um, I was actually just living on the streets scavenging what I could to survive. I just woke up and hadn't had something to eat or drink in about a week so I was looking for something, anything really, when I stumbled into this area." She trailed off thoughtfully and flipped the burger she was cooking.

"Oh... Well I guess it's a good thing you stumbled into the area," she said. "Do you wanna drink," she asked her.


"Oh.. Okay just come in and pick a room ," she told her then opened the door inviting her in. "If you need any help or anything just feel free to ask," she told her. "We are having a pool party soon too, to try to get to know everyone."
Dawn nodded her head as she scooped up her now finished burger and put it on the plate along with the others. "Sure." She plopped a few more raw patties on the grill and continued to hum lightly to herself.
Max looked through the refrigerator and pulled out the lemonade then poured Dawn and herself a cup with ice and put in a bendy straw.
Dawn smiled when Max came back and took her drink from her. "Thanks." She took a sip and sighed, enjoying the taste, before placing it down and flipping a few more patties.
"Thank you for cooking," she thanked her and took a sip of her lemonade. "So you are mixed with wolf?" she asked her. She just guessed wolf because that was what her sister was mixed with.
"Mhm. They gave m-" She paused as her eyes widened slightly, not wanting to bring up her past she quickly corrected herself. "I somehow got some extra wolf DNA, well more DNA than I was supposed to, inside of me and got more wolf enhancements and traits because of it."
Taryn walked in. "Thanks..." She looked down a hall, with several doors and walked toward it. The way over, she thought of the Pool Party thing. "I guess I might go..." She answered to the girl, and picked out a random room. "Looks decent.." She smiled a bit, and unpacked. "I even brought a bathing suit, eh?" She looked at it. The top was checkered with red and black, as the bottoms were just red. She continued to unpack and pulled out a notebook, beginning to think of theories of what night happen here.

"Yeah Lily has wolf DNA in her. I have bird... Falkon if you want a exact type of bird," she said sipping her drink, hopping that she didn't afeanded the girl or make her uncomfortable by asking her the question.


"Okay," she said and gave a little smile to the girl as she disappeared into a room. Then she went outside to join her sister.
"It's nice to actually be able to show part of what I am around here." She smiled slightly before continuing, "And I bet being a falcon is pretty cool, well the wings part at the least, being able to fly seems nice." Dawn as always wondered what it would be like to fly, she has always loved heights and flying would be a nice way to think about things.
Taryn decided to go in the backyard, and did so."Hi people I don't know..!" She smiled, looking around.
"Yeah flying is nice but I don't do it often," she said. She wished she did it more but she barely showed her wings. She didn't know how people would react. Even here.
Alaska stepped inside, but kind of awkwardly looked around as if she was confused as what to do. She didn't know if she was welcome or not, but knew the other girl would be. As she looked around, she was kind of awestruck by everything.
Dawn looked at her for a second, knowing how she felt. Dawn always felt out of place or felt like people were looking at her differently, even here, especially with her ears now hanging out. "You know that you could just go somewhere where no one is and fly, it would help you think things out and it's part of what you are so your going to have to live with them and use them every now an then." She sighed softly when she finished talking and continued to cook, thinking about random things in her past.

"Maybe you can come with me some time," she said with an actual friendly tone. She was able to carry a person and fly at the same time. She use to do the with Lily.


"Hi," she said happily to the new comers. She wondered where all these people were coming from. Though she was happy to know there were more people like them out there.
Dawn smiled and laughed slightly. "I would love to do that. I'd be a great experience." She finished all of the patties and put them on the plate that is filled with many other patties. "All done." She sang out softly.
"Well now we are all set now all we need is people," she said. The aroma of the patties made her mouth water...
"Err... Didn't catch your name....." She murmured, sort of scared to see if she had to tell her name.
"Mhm." Dawn put her long hair up into a ponytail, the only thing she could do to help with the heat. She grabbed a table and set everything on it along with a few drinks and cups.

"My name is Lily," she said turning back to the new girl that she just invited in. "What's yours?" she asked her curious.


"Aren't you hot," She asked Dawn. She was wearing a lot of clothing and it was boiling hot out. She just had to be hot, and it could be dangerous for her to be wearing all that. Though she shouldn't judge she was wearing her leather jacket.

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