House Of Freaks

"Oh ok cool.Are you going to stay?It would be a bummer if you didn't"he said as he frowned at her.He took hsi gaze off of her eyes and on her ears."Woah those are awesome ears.Can i touch them?"he said smiling and bouncing up and down in excitement.
Dawn laughed as she flicked one of her ears. "I'll stay if it is alright with the others and sure you can touch them." She removed the hood fully and sighed at the relief from it.
Mike touched them and smiled"They are so soft.My ears and weird hehe that's why i hide them in my hair"he said as he moved his ears up out of his hair and showed her.
Dawn looked at her ears and smiled. "They aren't weird, just unique bunny ears. She softly pokes one and laughs. "I like them."

"Yay you are going to stay!" she said happily and let her ear fuzzy ears show. She was so happy to meet someone like her. "She can stay right Max," she asked. Max was the one that bought the house. She could be a little hard on people though sometimes.


"Yeah of coarse," she said with a small smile. She was like them and she guessed it would be fine.

(Sorry I know it sucks)
Dawn smiled at the two girls. "Thanks. It's gonna be nice to be in a house after such a long time." she mumbles softly as she looked back outside.
"Haha aww thank you.I love your ears to."he said as he smiled at her and hopped up to get another carrot.He bit into it and hopped back over to where he was and sat back down this time turning on the TV and seeing what was on.

Max started to clean up the kitchen scrubbing the dishes and putting them into the dish washer.


"Come on I will show you my room then we can pick your room," she said excitingly and pulled Dawn up the stairs. She was so happy to have another girl like her.
Dawn smiles at him before looking down at her clothes. "Can someone show me where the shower is? I haven't been clean in a while... oh and does anyone have like a long sleeve shirt and some jeans I could borrow, if it's okay with you." She adds the last part as an afterthought, noting wanting to sound rude or stuck up. 
She follows Lily to a random empty room, hopping that she has some clothes she could borrow to wear after her shower.
"Oh the shower is in the bathroom go straight and it's the room on the left. Oh and come with me I think I have something that will fit you," she said and ran to her room to look through her closet.
Dawn walked after Lily slowly and looked at her room. "Nice room." She says as she waits patiently for Lily to finish searching.
Sen felt another yawn push threw her throat springing from her lips, once her mouth was closed Sen rubbed her jaw, all these yawns were doing a number on her jaw and throat, her feet kept pushing along the road one brown boot after the other, a gentle crunch was heard as a foot fell ahead of another. How did I end up alone again? Why does it keep happening? It seems every single occurrence ends in the same fashion just a bit different each time, am I just cursed? Well cursed even more. Sighing instead of yawning was better. Sen lifted her head to look ahead, where ever she was it sure was quiet....a little to quiet what if she just kept wondering? Did not find a town or a city? Just kept wondering? That would be awful! Her boots would get warn out soon and than she would have to walk in her socks, and it would feel weird very weird her socked feet walking along the ground! Would it help if she took off her socks? Would the ground be to hot? To cold? Would things stick in her feet? Oh, and on top of that, she would probably run out of water, that too of course. The little canteen swished and swashed its reminder on how little water there was left.

Sen licked her slips swallowing spit, it helped tricked her mind sometimes. With another soft sigh she shielded her eyes from the sun looking onward with still violet eyes squinted a little, no nothing yet, dropping her hand and head down she kept going one foot after the other she had to keep that up, walking, if she stopped now she might just faint and who would help her? There were no people! And people could not be all that kind, well they could be if you knew how to do things they wanted, but anyways who was she to go on about kind people? After a while of more walking Sen lifted to water to her parched lips taking a small swig, she whooshed the water about in her mouth making it last as long as possible before she swallowed.

Shielding her eyes again she saw a house coming into the distance, the possibility excited for a moment, quickening her pace only for it to slow a moment later. What if that is just a thingy that looks like it is there but is really just my mind playing tricks....hmmm I will just walk normally and if I can walk through it , its fake. Content with this idea the navy blue haired girl made her way to the side of the house. Standing still her body started to trimmer right off with its tales of exhaustion, she even swayed a bit before pushing her feet apart putting pressure on them in a attempt to steady herself. With a confused look she bit the inside of her cheek before taking few steps forward, pretty sure this house was fake Sen called to it in her airy tone, "Get out of the way, I have to keep walking or I am going to pass out, so go, go away!" She crossed her wrist and flung out her hands repeating this motion, "Go away, blab, bluh ning be gone!" She chanted.
Lily looked through her close and found a black long sleave shirt. "Is this okay?" she asked. It looked like it would fit her.
Dawn nodded her head with a smile. "Yeah. That's perfectly fine." She takes the shirt and goes into the shower, washing away all of the filth and grim that was on her which was quite a lot.

Max heard a voice and followed it to follow the voice to a girl. "What are you doing?" asked the girl chanting.


"Kay good," she said than after she jumped onto her bed and turned on the music, as Dawn went to take a shower.
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Ellie threw on her beanie, being sure to cover the tips of her ears. She finished packing up her suitcase, and threw it on to the basket on the back of her bike. Greeting her by the door was a pair of wedded sirens.

"Thank you very much for keeping me. I'll be sure to inform my father." She said, her accent thick.

"It's no problem at all dear! Are you sure you have everything? We can drive you." They said, almost in unison. These two had been paired for more than a couple centuries, so they no doubt had each other memorized.

"I'll be fine, thank you though."

"It's a shame that McCollen boy couldn't go. I hope he realizes who he's lost."

"Oh, It's no trouble. He seemed too strung up anyways." She chuckled, kicking up her kick stand and using a foot to steady her. Soon after their goodbyes were exchanged, Ellie took off down the street, hopefully looking for a place that didn't owe her clan their lives. All she wanted was to branch out by herself for once. Surely she could find someone.
Lily turned down her music and ran down stairs and sat down next to Mike who was watching tv. "Hi," she said happily. She was board.
Sen's voilet eyes almost buldged at the voice, staring at one spot at the house she had not seen the guy speaking to her, letting out a gasp, Sen trippped back, stumbling in an unsteady way for a few minutes, "It talked." She whisphered in a breath. The house had talked! Was she that crazy? Or...did it actually talk? Dumfoundedly she gawked at the wood before hands gripped at her upper arms rubbing up and down them not sure if you were real soo..." Sen lost the rest of her sentence. Just looked at the ground than back at the side of the house.
(FYI max is a girl)

"Um yeah I talked," she said to the girl. She was a little confused. What was up with this girl?
"Guys!We should have a pool party.I mean its so hot outside and and like yeah we should have one.Come on it'll be fun and like we can all swim and who doesn't know how we can teach each other and bound together.We can learn to like get to know each other"he said happily as he hoped up to the people that were still in the kitchen and said it loud enough so others that were upstairs could hear it as well.
"Oh I love the idea that is a great idea!" She said excitingly. Then ran over to Max. "Don't you think that's a fun idea Max," she said looking up at her while tugging her arm. "Yeah sounds fun," she said and gave her a smile. Lily knew she couldn't hide her tell in her bathing suit... oh well.
Ellie had been following behind a girl for sometime, not sure if she should ask for help. When she seemed to be... Uh.... Caressing the house Ellie decided it was best to go ask the others she was talking to.

Riding her bike up, she made sure that her ears were hidden. "Uh, hello? Are you alright?" She asked the girl, honestly worried about her mental health.
Dawn got out of the shower and dried off, accidentally looking in the mirror with a silent whimper. She stared at her reflection for a few more seconds before putting on the clothes, ignoring the mirror completely. She walked back out of the bathroom and went into the room she assumed was hers.
Wisdom (Is not living in the house yet) - Wisdom blinked open he eyes as the sunlight poured upon her face. She sat up and rubbed her eyes until she cold see clearly. She stretched against the side of the building she had slept on, cracking her back. Wisdom sighed. "Another day, another adventure..." She whispered, trying to keep herself hopeful, but it was just too hard.

Wisdom slowly walked the streets of the town, her white air blowing slightly in the wind. A few passerby's shot her glances. "I will never be accepted here..." She mumbled to herself as she kept on down the streets, thinking of what to do with her life. 'Should I just... Run away?' She thought 'I'm too old for the foster homes now... Maybe I can, hop on a train, like in the movies... No, that never works..' She sighed, giving up on her idea. "Loner life for me..." She said quietly, continuing her long, thoughtful walk through town.

Jimmy (Is not living in the house yet) - Jimmy left the coffee house with his last paycheck in hand. He reviewed what had just happened in his mind, over and over. He had just been fired from his job. His first and only job. He sighed. It really didn't phase him. Not much did anymore. Wait. Oh yeah. Nothing ever phased him. Sometimes, he wished he actually had a life. He wished he could feel. Good things, bad things, painful things, pleasure. But no, that wouldn't happen. He walked down the sidewalk, stuffing the money in his pocket. Sometimes, he just wanted to feel... Alive.

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