House Of Freaks

CJ looked at her with a strait face and bluntly said "No, sorry no food for you..." then smiled at her and put his arm over her shoulders. The pheromones he was releasing right now kinda smelled like lavender and he was quite close to her at the moment. "Yeah come on in Ill get you something to eat right away." he started guiding her inside "So whats your name?"
"Um well I was thinking of grilling burgers," she said then noticed the girl sitting on the counter that she said her name was spencer. "Hi I am Max," she told her.
Wisdom didn't know what had her more taken back, his comment, or him putting his arm around her. She wiggled a it at first, but then put off the struggle, something she would not have usually done. She looked at him for a second, and then quickly shot her glace back down to the floor. Her heart was beating was, and she tried to keep her breathing under control. "Uhm... Thanks.." She murmured. "And.. Wisdom.. Wisdom's my name." She said softly as she was led into the kitchen by this strange man.

Jimmy looked at her. "I'm uhm. Jimmy." He said flatly. "But, I have to say. No one here looks like a "Freak" He glanced around the corner, seeing a few normal-looking people in the halls. "I mean, I know there is something wrong with me, it's just. hard to explain." He said, a bit flustered.
Dawn smiled and nodded her head slightly. "Burgers sound great." She walked into the kitchen and grabbed a few plates along with meat and a few other essential items before going back to Max. "Have a good grill?"
Spencer nodded and tilted her head in confusion. "Were not 100% freaks. Were only a little, we got human in us too." She noticed he hasn't seen everything yet. "You want a tour around the house?"
He looked down at her sweetly and gave her a kind warm smile. When they finally made it into the kitchen he turned around and looked into her eyes. "So what would you like to eat I can make you just about anything." He waited for her reply as he leaned against an island in the middle of the kitchen. " And you dont have to be shy around me." He shined her a gorgeous smile.
Wisdom blushed a bit. "Sorry, I... I'm always shy..." She said, still looking at the ground. She lifted her face toward him. "And, anything. I'll be on may way soon, no need to worry." She sighed. She knew she was not wanted here. The boy was simply being nice as to cover up the fact that he was mocking her in his head. She looked around. There were many people here. 'Must be a home of some sort, or a club or. I don't know..' She thought to herself, just wanting to get out of the whole situation.

Jimmy looked at Spencer. "Only... part human?" He said, looking into her eyes. "Like. Uhm... Mutation? Not to be mean, just. Just asking." He sighed a bit. "But never-mind that. I don't know about a tour. I was just... Curious about the house. I may not be staying long." He said. He didn't want to come off rude, but, socializing was never his thing. And without feelings, life was a lot harder.
"Oh alright. Well you're welcome to stay." Spencer said. She played with her hair and looked at him with her big blue eyes. "I'm part Vampire, by the way. I'm not a mean one though, so don't worry." She added the last part quickly.
He smiled at her and cocked his head to the side "Okay Ill make you my favorite." He walked over to the stove and turned on the heat placing a pan just over top the burner. He walked to the freezer grabbing a smoked pork chop out and laying it on the pan. He spun her a salad and got her a glass of lemonade and placed it in front of her on the table. "Okay you may begin eating." He said with a smile as he walked to the cabinets "Are you sure you wanna leave so soon we are actually having a pool be great if you came." He came back to her with the cooked pork chop and some carrots on a plate setting it on the table in front of her as well. Then brought some various chopped up fruits in a bowl. He smiled at her "You have really pretty eyes by the way."
Dawn shrugged her shoulders and started cooking some hamburgers for the pool party later. She placed a plate to put the finished hamburgers on down next to the grill and began to absentmindedly hum a random song to herself.
Wisdom looked wide-eyed at the food. It was the most she'd had in... Since... She shook the thought out of her mind. "Wow... Thank you.." She said, taking a small bite. "It's amazing!" She sad, getting a little to excited. She looked up at the boy. "Uhm well. I'll just be a bother, and besides. I don't have a bathing suit.." She said, eating hungrily, and sort of warming up to the thought of staying. Not for him, not for the people, but for the food and the shelter. She ignored his other comment, unsure of what to think of it.

Jimmy looked at her for a second, and smiled. he was so... confident. "Well. I guess I can look around..." He said. "And me.... Well. This will sound weird. I kind of think of myself as.. A zombie you could say..." He took a deep breath. "I have almost no emotion, and am tolerant to most pain. And... My only functioning organ is my.. brain. No eating or drinking..." He sighed. "Sorry for my ranting.." Jimmy mumbled, thinking about what he had just admitted.
Spencer smiled and hopped off the counter. "No problem. Let's go!" She showed him around the house, showing him almost every room. When they got to her room, she ran and hopped onto the bed. "This is my room, in a little bit it will be awesome, but I just got here recently." Spencer said to Jimmy.
He rolled his eyes at her "Well if those are your only two excuses I don't care." He smiled at her with that gorgeous smile again and started pumping up the pheromones. " I can promise you wont bother any one and Ill buy you a swim suit...Im not taking no as an option so you might as well come." He sat down across from her. "Besides youll probably even meet a nice guy." He smiled at her.
Wisdom smiled at him, just a little. "I guess I can stay... but.... Don't waste your money on me. Please." She said, finishing her food. "And meeting a guy?" She laughed a bit. "Yeah right..." She said, with a suddenly unhappy tone. "But uhm.. Anyways.. Is this like a, shelter or a like, club or something?" She asked.

Jimmy smiled. She didn't seem to run away. She stayed. 'This is new..' He thought to himself. He followed the cheery girl to her room. "Cool." He said, blankly. "Like.. A dorm.." Jimmy said, examining the room. "Are al the spaces like this? Al the rooms?" He asked, thinking. Maybe he should stay.
"I wouldn't be wasting money on you id be spending money on you there's a definite difference." He had a slight grin on his face looking right into her eyes. "Are you saying you don't think you could catch the eyes of any guys there in fact Ill make a gamble with you. If you don't get any guys hitting on you by the end of the day Ill give you $100 but if you do..." He thought for a minute and smiled at her "a date." He stuck his hand out for a shake "Yes this would be all of what you said in a way."
Wisdom shyly smiled at the floor, and then returned her gaze to him, "I don't want your money, and no bets." She said with a slight smirk on her face, drawing her hand back to her side. "I know I can't catch anyone's eye,and even if I did. I don't trust people. I don't trust you but, you know what, I will make an effort too." She said, not breaking eye contact once until she was finished speaking. That was the most she had ever spoken in... A while... She sighed. " So about that bathing suit?" She said smiling.

Jimmy took a few steps into the room. "Yeah.. Really nice.." He said, looking out the window. "Do you uhm. Do you know where I could get a room. I kind of need a place to stay anyways.." He said.
"We can go find one! I think there might be an empty one next to here." Spencer said jumping up and taking his hand and bringing him to the empty room. "Yup, this ones empty. You can use this one or another one of your choice." She said with a smile.
He smiled widely at her "Now thats what im talking about! Speak your mind sister." He was still smiling at her "And I wouldnt down yourself so hard because im pretty sure you've already caught the eye of at least one lets go get you that swim suit." He reached out his hand to help her up. He shut off his pheromones before going into public because he knew it was to powerful for normal people. He walked to the closest place that carried swim suits with her and waited for her to choose one.
((Sorry I fell down the stairs... *sigh* clumsy me.... sorry my reply is late))

Max helped finis up the burgers for the pool party. She wasn't planning on getting in, because of her wings, but later she would get changed.
(Last post of the night :'( I may not post much tomorrow because I will be at a friends house, but I will try :D )

Wisdom's blue eyes lit up as she entered the shop. She hadn't ben in a shop in... Ages. She hadn't seen new clothes in ages. She looked at CJ once more before dancing into the aisles, looking for the perfect bathing suit.

Finally, she found one that she thought suited her.

It was deep blue, almost matching the darkest part of her eye."Hope it isn't too expensive... " She mumbled, handing him he bikini.

Jimmy looked at her. "So that's it? I just... Pick a room? He said, examining the dorm. "And, not to be rude. I.I would love to be your 'neighbor' but, I kind of like room with a view you know?" He smiled at Spencer. "But you can visit me any time!" He said.
Taryn walked out from the cab as it drove off. She looked up at the large house, and walked to the front porch. This time she was going to try not and spill it too much, as she put her fist to the door and knocked on it five times. "Relax... Relax... Just another home for the government feels that I should stay at." Taryn thought about what if the person who opened the door dropped their jaws and became excited that Taryn Kreida is here. She hoped not, and she only plans to try and keep it a secret.Meanwhile, she waited for someone to open it.
He smiled at her after she had finally picked out a suit that she had liked. He took it from her hand and walked up to the cashier after he rung him up he gave him a twenty dollar bill and got two dollars and a penny in change back. He smiled and handed it to her "Don't worry about the money."
Lily ran down the stairs as she herd someone at the door. She opened it and smiled. "Hi," she said with her usual friendly smile. Wow so many new people today.

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