House Of Freaks


"Really that would be great, I halve always wanted to get a tattoo," she said excitingly. "I am getting hot to I am going in the pool," she said taking of her bathing suit cover and revealing her teal colored bathing suit.
Taryn quickly set the small device down slowly, hoping that no one would notice, and she headed toward the pool. She gazed at the water for like thirty second thinking about that attack, and then stepped in. This was going well for Taryn so far. When the rest of the people get here, she might be recognized.
Dawn watched everyone get into the pool and smiled slightly. She finished her food and put her plate up, getting some more tea while she was at it and going back over to her chair in the shade, wishing it was just a few degrees cooler.

Lily tell wagged back and forth as she jumped into the pool and landed in the cold water. Her hair was long enough to cover the scares on her back. 

"your not going to get in?" she asked Dawn.
Q walked back to the house with Wisdom and showed her a place where she could change. He told her that he was going to go change as well and went back to his room. He came back as quickly as possible so she wouldnt be standing there by her self awkwardly. He had on a pair of black Hawaiian print swim trunks with a black tank top on as well.
Ellie nodded in agreement, taking off her tank top she dove into the deepest end, unable to help herself from laughing when she resurfaced.

"It's so warm here! We'd never have this weather in Dublin unless it was in a building."
"No. Not now maybe later," she said. If she got into the pool she would have to show her wings, and she was nervouse about what people would think. 

"Wow it must have been cool to live in Dublin," she told Ellie as she resurfaced.
Dawn looked at Max for a second longer before sighing inaudibly and turning back over to look at the forest, her tail now showing and slightly swinging lazily.
Taryn didn't feel right with all those Symbols on her back. No one can even guess of what it said. Besides, it was a code. Just a code. She shifted her eyes to the table, seeing that her device was still untouched but people were around the table. Taryn tried to stay calm about it. The weird thing is, she doesn't even know what it does!
Lily's eyes caught sight of the signs on Taryn back. She had no idea what they meant. "Hey Taryn what does your tattoos mean?" she asked then she noticed that must have sounded nosey.

((Sorry I am going to have to leave soon going to the pool,))
"Not much different from here." She said, treading the water steadily.

"It's just a lot more busy I guess. I've lived alot of places though. Since last year I've been traveling around." Ellie continued. She had lived in some nice places, but none as... Calm as this. Everyone ruses to accommodate her or constantly asked about the clan or something. It was amazing to be able to be with others who seemed about her age.

"Uhh... Those aren't really tattoos... It just looks like it." She went back to the answering part of her response. "It's basically a code. A code to help people know who I am... Especially to the people up there..." Her finger pointed up, as a gesture to the ginormous ship the size of Earth that is currently in hiding over Earth using a camouflage. "Err... I suppose it's been discovered already... Because really, it's been on the news.... Alot..." Taryn was spilling out too much info. Too late now, people might guess who she is. And what.
((I AM BACK!!!! :) ))

"Oh..." was she talking about aliens or something. It was fun for her to learn about all these new people. She saw Max just sitting there on the lawn chair and wanted her to come and mingle. She quickly got out of the pool and before Max could react, Lily pulled her up and then pushed her into the pool.
Dawn saw Lily get up, grab Max, and push her in the pool before she even said a word. She chuckled slightly and saw how many people were here. She used to think that she was the only one to be like she was, to be different, but she is happy that she wasn't.

"Come on in," Lily told Dawn who was sitting on a lawn chair and was not in the pool.


Max soon came up and cought a big gulp of air not expecting that. She pulled off her socking wet sun dress exposing her red bikini and large brown wings.
"Nice, Lily." She chuckled, and looked back at the device on the table, and turned back to the people. "Soo.... What do you guys wanna talk about? Guess people's powers using one word?" she paused. "Okay, I think Lily is a telepath.... Dawn is a terapod... Max is a dragon... And Sen is a psychopath." She smiled in an odd way, knowing that those weren't even close to their real abilities.
Ellie giggled, thinking back on what she could do herself. She didn't have much of any powers other than knowing a lot of things she probably shouldn't, talking to animals, and she could use a lot of weapons pretty well. Anything was something anyone could do if they really put their mind to it, like learning different languages. Though her eyes were another story. Through her green eye, she could see the energies of everything alive and flowing, but through her grey eye it was like anything that had... passed on was there. So mixed to the two, all energy flows were shown. But it wasn't like that always, so lately she's been practicing on "tuning out" the sight.
Dawn turned her attention to Lily, shaking her head. "I'm good. I'm not one to show a lot of skin." She said kind of awkwardly before looking over at Max and seeing her wings that were actually pretty amazing and extremely pretty. "And I like you wings."
Sen slipped over and grabbed a hamburger, trailing after the others sticking close to Ellie and Dawn, and the wolf girl known as Lily. She sat her feet in the water listening to the conversation, when she was finished she laid back and smiled softly giggling at the comments and banter, she looked at everyone around her and soaked in some sun.
Alaska smiled, leaning back and floating on her back.

"So,I'm guessing everyone here isn't human?" She asked, smiling with her eyes shut and playing with one of the piercings on her ear.
Sen found herself nodding without thinking before stiffening slightly, here comes the question, what was she? Humans never asked this question, they just found her odd, called her "old fashion." Sen squeezed her eyes shut for a moment, demons were not seen as desirable creatures and the way her father acted, killing others to gain territory, power, she could see why. She slowly open her eyes again gazing into the sun as if pleading with it to burn her up, maybe this was not a safe place after all, what if they knew her father? Or just hated demons? Even halfings?
Ellie couldn't help but notice Sen's tougher reaction.

"Don't worry, I'm sure everyone's thought the same thing. You've done nothing to hurt us, so we'll do the same." She said, standing back up in the water and placing an hand on her shoulder reassuringly. Ellie was sure that Sen couldn't be anything that would make her hate the girl, let alone want her hurt.
Mike cannon balled into the pool and giggled as he wiped the water from his face."w-wow i-its fr-freezing"he said as he hoped out of the pool and sat on the side.He noticed that his ears where out but he didn't care they always did when he hit water.

"Thanks," Max said to Dawn feeling a little better about showing her wings. She floted around in the water, it was nice and cool and felt great on her skin.


"You can just go in with your close on," she said wanting Dawn to have fun she is too. She got back into the water it was nice and cool.

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