House Of Freaks

CJ smiles when Wisdom walks outside and walks toward her. "You look great come on." He grabbed a hold of her hand and led her to the area where he was sitting. He smiled at her that gorgeous smile and took of his shirt. "So glad you came out I was getting nervous that you ditched me." he laughed and smiled again. "Now you wanna go in the pool?"
Wisdom smiled with relief as she saw CJ. "I was getting nervous that you ditched me!" She said with a half smile. She looked around and saw all the people. Wisdom wrapped her arms around her stomach. She didn't like showing skin. "Uhm..." She said quietly. "Honestly, I haven't been in the water in... Forever.. and I'm a bit nervous around all these people.." She said. Then Wisdom thought about it. She actual didn't think she had ever been swimming.... Well, since the 'Experiment'.
Sen looked over at Ellie surprised she even noticed her reaction in the first place, she bit her lip sightly giving a small smile she sat up curling her arms around her knees, eyes resting on them, "I know, thanks." She did not know what else to say, did not want to get into any details, it was not herself she was worried about hurting her or anyone more like her demon father.
(Sorry I was walking my dogs)

"Yeah it's pretty cool," she told Sven as he walked up to her with a smile on his face. More people arrived to the party.
Sven looked at her and asked "Would you mind if I took this spot?" he signaled to the area right beside her and smiled brightly.
Taryn didn't like the fact that she heard something fall off the tabled. she whipped her head to look a the table, to find that her device has fallen, and it began to glow off with green energy. She quickly jumped out grabbing it, and did nothing. "Wow. Fantastic."
CJ smiled at her "Dont worry Id never do that to you." He winked at her and whistled "And personally I can look hot girl." he grinned. "Dont worry about the other people Im sure none of them mind except maybe some girl that are jealous but the guys wont care at all." He smiled and offered his hand "Come on Ill jump in with you and if you dont feel safe Ill help you right out."

A green glowing divice caught Lily's eye. "wow what's that?" She asked Taryn. Seeing the object she got suspicious.
He smiled and sat down beside her and looked over at her "Those are really pretty wings." he reached out to try and touch them just like some little kid. He was smiling and wide eyed at the sight of them.
Mike swam around and watched the others."Hmm...doesn't seem like much of a party.It seems like hour to me"he said as he looked at everyone."Come on everyone where's the fun?"he said pouting as his ear dropped down a bit.
"Well..." Wisdom said, looking out toward the pool. "I... I guess I can try.." She sad, trying not to blush, but she could tell that she was bright red. She examined CJ quickly, but then returned her gaze to the pool. He wasn't so bad himself. Wisdom saw all the other people, noticing things she hadn't seen before. Strange things, like wings and things. "Wait... Wings?" She said out loud to herself. She quickly snapped her head back, looking at her bottom, realizing her tiny bear "Tail" was poking out...

"Um.. thanks," she said then she saw that he was trying to touch them, surprisingly she didn't pull them in like she usually would if someone tried to touch them.


Lily heard the complaint and thought that maybe music would lighten the mood so she turned some on.
Taryn turned around quickly. "Oh this? PFFF... It's nothing. Why would you think it's so interesting it's just a glowing.... Rock...." She put it behind her back.
Sven smiled when he touched them "...their so soft." He laughed and looked at her eyes "Did you not want to go into the pool or were you already in?" He looked at her like a little confused puppy with a almost permanent grin on his face.

"Sure it is," she said not buying her excuse one bit. She could tell she was nervous. She wondered what it was.


"I was in the earlier. Have you been in yet?" She asked him. Maybe she would get in later.
CJ looked at her with a face of concern when he saw her face get red "Hey are you feeling alright you look like your kinda getting over heated?" he asked knowing that she was blushing. He smiled at her and grabbed her hand running toward the pool not even noticing the tail.
She smiled a bit, and then it started to disappear. "Okay, I don't even know what the hell this thing does..... But Chasik just gave it too me." She murmured. And she was going to far again. "Why... WHHY?" She muttered.
Sven looked at her still smiling but looked down "No,swimming is hard..." he said kind of embarrassed to admit it. He looked up at her still smiling "It takes a long time for me to dry out anyways."
Before she knew it, Wisdom was being taken into the pool by CJ. They made it to the edge of the pool and Wisdom stopped, letting go of his hand just before they hit the water. She looked at it nervously, and then turned her head to look at everyone else. 'Have some fun. This could be the start of a new life...' Part of Wisdom told her. Put then, another part said 'Don't do it. Everyone is watching. They will see what a failure you are, and mock you until you are forced to leave!!!' Wisdom heard both sides, but only listened to one. Within moments, she was jumping into the cool water of the pool. 'First step...' She thought to herself as her body collided with the water.
Ellie smiled, and ducked under the water when Wisdom jumped in, once she resurfaced, she couldn't help but smile.

"Woo!" She yelled, diving under and swimming down to the deep end and popping her head up after about 2-3 minutes.

"You don't know what it does?" she asked. Why was she carrying it around if she didn't even know what it was.


"Yeah I am not the biggest fan of the water," she admitted. "Are you liking it here so far?" she asked wondering if she needed to do anything to make sure he was more comfortable here.
"No..." Taryn felt bad. Maybe it was just a communicator? She didn't know, but all she knew is that she needs to hang on to it.
CJ jumped in with her and poped out of the water laughing and smiling at her "See wasnt that fun?" He continued laughing and swimming around the pool. Then swam underneath the water and swam under her picking her up on top of his shoulders above the water. "Will you stay?" he asked kind of suddenly.

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