House Of Freaks

Elli raised an eye brow, her eyes glancing to the armor behind Lily.

"It sounded like you guys were fighting up here or someth- Cynanian armor!?" She was cut off by the excited gasp from her mouth, and a concerned frown replaced by a grin. Her father's armory carried a very beaten and worn down piece in the museum. Elves were very well known for their collection of the worlds(and other world's) artifacts in an attempt to understand them and gain knowledge. No one knew where it had come from, but the inscription was famous around her caveling village and was memorized in the story teller's minds.

"Actual real new armor.... the last piece was... maybe hundred of thousands of years old." She said absentmindedly, looking back to Lily.
Sven stood up and waited for her to stand up with him. He grew a giant pair of butterfly wings grow on his back and floated in the air just above the ground and he smiled at her.
"Wow.... You know who the Cynanians are?" She asked her, and looked at the piece. "It's mine... And I'M GOING TO TRY IT ON!" Taryn finally felt great about herself, and looked at the two. "Guys, please don't freak...." She turned to Alaska. "You might recognize me." Taryn smiled a bit, and she morped into Cyber once more, her head rising into a taller organism. "UUGH! It feels good to be back!" Taryn huffed, and picked up the armor piece, and flopping it onto her chest along with the other pieces.

Max stood up next to him and she flapped out her big brown wings. She admired his wings for a moment... they were beautiful. She then jumped into the air and flapped her wings her feet no longer touching the floor.
"Well then where should we go?" he asked her slowly flying around her smiling at her. He was excited to go somewhere. He flapped his wings and it it looked as if glitter fell off them.
Ellie jumped up and down, clapping her hands giddily.

"Many a tale about your people are passed on along with the elders. The last visit was over 7000 years ago, so only one living Elvish McDunlace is left from the event, he is one of the oldest." She chattered, moving abit closer and inspecting the plates.

"That is all we know. We have decoded a single inscription of a piece of armor much like yours. It is much older than this on by thousands of years. That, and the tales passed on. Even those are losing hope. Oh my, I can't believe this."

Ellie seemed to be entranced by the new finding, and studied the symbols running along the chest plate.
"You know they're here... Still... Right? The Xenonians have almost gotten ahold of The Vetnus. We're trying as hard as possible to defend it. Looks like Earth had visitors a looong time ago...." Taryn thought. "But wait... The Cynanians haven't been here since two years ago... That means you're looking at the wrong civilization.... Xenonians have charted this planet looong before we got here. Dang..." Taryn had a look of concern on her face. "There has also been recent attacks of Xenonian readings. What are they planning?" She thought more, and looked down to Ellie. "I'm glad you've given me a hint..." She smiled.
"It has to be Cynanian. The armor look almost exactly like this, except much more scratched up, some metal sticking out of it, and the glowing has died long ago. Here, I'll show you." She muttered, running to the edge of the stairs and grabbing a notebook, and running back in. Ellie opened it up to a stale yellow page and held it to her. On it, there was a drawing of the exact same armor as she had described it, as well with the inscriptions written on it transcribed to the paper.
"Errr..... That's weird." Taryn said, looking at the drawing. Taryn morpged back into her human form, as the pieces fell off onto the floor. "I feel like training again someday."

"Anywhere I really don't care," she said. It just felt so good to fly again. She hadn't done it in what felt like ages. She loved the way it felt. "You have really nice wings," she told him.
"I could be of service. Maybe not to existences you would need, but I was trained by my own father up until the time I was born to when I left the clan." She said, stuffing the small pocket journal into her back pocket. Her white hair had dried pretty quickly, so Ellie put it up, leaving only her bright red bangs out.
Sven looked at her with a wide grin on his face "Thanks but I think they are to fragile." He said and grabbed a hold of her hand and flying off into the sky.
She held his hand as she flew in the sky with him. "You know I never caught your name," she told him as they flew. It felt so good. It gave her a rush that nothing else did. 
Max kept on flying not really knowing where they were going, not really caring all she cared about was flying and it was nice to be flying with someone for a change.
Sven looked over at Max as they soared though the air and released her hand flipping then coming back up with a wide smile on his face. "My name...its Sven."
A young red head girl stands out side of this big house, she looks at the words scribbled on a ripped piece of paper.. "Well this is it.." She slowly walks up to the down, a bookbag on her back and suitcase in the other hand she cautiously knocks on the door.
Scarlet smiles a little.. "Hi.. Is this the house... for special people?" She asks trying not to offend her.
She nervously walked in and stands in the middle of the room not sure what to do next. "I'm.. I'm Scarlet."
"I'm Lily, Its nice to meet you," she said happily and lead the girl to a room. "You can choose a empty room, mine is right there," she said pointing at her own room.
She nod a little and walked around looking in to the various rooms.. "How about this one?" she asked pointing to a small one at the end of the hall way.

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